Hi everyone! Alex is currently developing the WorldPay payment plugin, and I have seen that quite a few people will require this. Currently WorldPay have not supplied Alex with a test account to test this plugin. He asked for mine but I can not get authorisation from my management at this moment to provide him with this. Is there anyone who would be able to provide Alex with a test account to speed things along? It would be a huge help to me and anyone else requiring this plugin! Thanks! Dan
Dan, you are real quick Yes, it is not a problem to port Worldpay plugin, the problem is to ensure it actually works and works reliable. We had a lot of problems with WP plugin when it was developed in v3, and I'd not like to repeat this with new version. If someone could provide his account for testing, or request a test account from WorldPay, it would be nice. May be they will respond to a client enquiry, because I get nothing but silence from them.
Alex. Just on way out when I spotted this thread. Will email you over weekend to see what you are needing as I have a worldPay account and that includes a test enviroment to it. I might need to contact WorldPay to see if we can operate the test enviroment on our development domain whilst the main site continues to operate with the live section ok. If I can will provide as much help as you need. Can you confirm your email alex cgi-central com please.