Video: Using the aMember 4.x Donation Plugin for Variable Pricing

Discussion in '3rd Party Service Providers' started by davidm1, Oct 28, 2013.

  1. davidm1

    davidm1 aMember User & Partner

    May 16, 2006

    This video shows you how use the paid plugin ‘Donation’ for aMember 4.x. This plugin will allow members to decide on what price they want to pay for a content item, or give variable donations.

    Watch the full video at Membership Academy (premium membership required)

  2. josollazzo

    josollazzo New Member

    May 2, 2013
    Hi David ... sorry my bad English, I use google translate.
    This is my situation:
    I use aMember and I bought plugin Donation
    This working properly but I have not reached my goal: I need to do to enter users not only the price (donation) but also fill in a text field where the user will insert a item number what I said before to him. This is important, because if the same customer makes several payments, I need to know which number corresponds to each payment. ... Paypal directly has this function inserted in his buttons by variables.
    I wish this function, in this plugin; namely, can insert one or two text fields for my users insert item number.
    The plugin "Donation" what I purchased allows me to make the user enter the price but not other information ...
    Please, I need this functionality, because my customers enter the price in Paypal (that I said they), but I also need to know them to fit the code number to which the payment relates, otherwise for me everything else is useless and unmanageable.
    (N.B. For any order I will say to my clients the item number and the price of the product for insert in payment)

    Please, can you integrate this situation?
    making 1 or 2 text fields that travel through PayPal. ..... or .... another idea ... or that from my platform amember sends for me an email to tell me that the customer who paid xxx did for the article number yyyy ???
    Thanks a lot. Giuseppe

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