Using aMember API in Wordpress

Discussion in 'Integration' started by bennyuk1, Dec 4, 2017.

  1. bennyuk1

    bennyuk1 aMember Pro Customer

    Jan 12, 2012
    What is the best way to access the amember API from within a wordpress site.

    I wish to be able to have a wordpress page that can allow amember users to be looked up and products applied to members (without logging onto amember)

    I can use JSON to read results from amember API (using JSON plugin in wordpress), but would like to know best way add products to users, from wordpress generated page.

    Many thanks
  2. bennyuk1

    bennyuk1 aMember Pro Customer

    Jan 12, 2012
    How about creating a button that has the values to be used for the API call saved in a php function in functions.php (wordpress)?

  3. bennyuk1

    bennyuk1 aMember Pro Customer

    Jan 12, 2012
    OK, so I created a button that call a PHP file, via an ajax call. That all seemed to work fine.

    However I'd to to add some pre checks to the page, eg checking if a user (not the current user), specified by username, has access to a certain product.

    Are there any shortcodes I can add to a wordpress page to check if a specified user has a product? I repeat, NOT the current logged in user, but a user specified by username.

    Thanks in adv
  4. bennyuk1

    bennyuk1 aMember Pro Customer

    Jan 12, 2012
    Are there any shortcodes I can add to a wordpress page to check if a specified user has a product? I repeat, NOT the current logged in user, but a user specified by username.

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