User Search for Lots of Products

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by maximize, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. maximize

    maximize Member

    Mar 5, 2007
    The advanced user search drives me a little crazy.

    I have a lot of products - 457 to date. Couple of issues right off the bat:

    1) Doesn't seem to be any reason to how they are shown in the dropdown - by ID number in Numerical Order would be great.

    2) The product box shows groups of 5 but the scroll bar jumps by 8 units. So if I'm looking at products:


    and hit the scroll bar, it jumps to:


    But it skipped 36, 37 and 38

    That's a problem if I'm trying to create a saved search for a group of products because. For example, if I wanted 33, 37 and 41 in a group, I can't do it because if I Control Click to select them, I can't scroll to pick up the product missed by the scroll.

    This is maddening.

    The power of the advanced search is to send targeted email to people who have signed up for products, but don't have another product.

    And the only way to get all of those in an email is to create a saved search. Back to zero since I can't do that... Really is maddening...

    Can you fix this.
  2. maximize

    maximize Member

    Mar 5, 2007
    and one other thing, it would be REALLY great if you could select product categories as criteria in advanced search instead of just products. So, if they have any product in category A, display users...
  3. rikbidar

    rikbidar aMember Pro Customer

    Oct 3, 2012
    I agree. It seems like there is no method to the sorting applied either on the front (customer facing) side or in the back end. It makes it hard not only for customers to find what they've purchased (if they have a lot) but it also means that it takes forever to do something simple, like create a form with multiple products on it.

    Is there a way to apply some kind of consistent sort order to EVERY dropdown and list? That would make all the components easier to handle, I think.
    daddyjoe likes this.
  4. mjingold

    mjingold New Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    Yes, I agree! The way it jumps past a whole bunch of products the way it does! And the fact that the box itself is too small so you can't see a product that has a long name on it without scrolling sideways, and then all the way back to see products with shorter names - it's really frustrating!

    And it would also be nice to be able to run a report that shows the commissions of affiliates by their name, and how much they've made in commissions on a given day. So when we're running an affiliate contest, we can run a report and see which affiliates made how much on a certain day, or week, or weekend if we're running a weekend contest. Right now, we have to go into each individual affiliates account to find their totals, and it's really time consuming - so it would be great to have this reporting feature :)
    daddyjoe likes this.
  5. daddyjoe

    daddyjoe New Member

    Mar 23, 2011
    Agreed. We waste a lot of my time searching and then RE-searching for products in those dropdown boxes. In fact just today I was grumbling about it, "I don't know why they can't sort these fields either numerically or alphabetically!" We have nearly 100 products in one of our installs and it's more than an inconvenience - it's costing us time (when we deal with it) and money (when our team has to).

    Thanks in advance.
  6. regina64smola

    regina64smola New Member

    Aug 30, 2013
    Yes, I agree as well. This is very frustrating and time consuming. Please aMember we need a solution for sorting products and other lists/dropdowns.
  7. aseba

    aseba New Member

    Jun 9, 2010
    Sorting products is a big issue in version 4...I'd like to see something better. I appreciate the previous alphabetized order.

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