Hi, I saw some things on the Changelog about Subusers plugin, and another about Invite. I upgraded from 4.1.15 to latest 4.2.6 via the upgrade pack, but do not see anything in plugins menu or elsewhere. Are these things still beta, do I need full package for plugins folder, or still in development ? Thanks, really looking forward to those 2 options/features!
Im not seeing either in the full file list. Looks like it wasnt included. Suggest you contact tech support to see if you can get a beta copy. David
Not sure about invite plugin, it is not ready yet. Subusers plugin can be ordered from member area http://www.amember.com/amember/member
i am interesting in knowing more about the invite plugin. is it going to be free or paid if paid how much more info about this ?
It is paid plugin. Price of this plugin is 30$ This plugin add additional link on customer dashboard – Invite a Friend. User can use this link to send email invite to his friend. aMember create special coupon code for him. Coupon code will be included to email. You can alter email template for Invite Email Message in plugin configuration. You need to add Coupon brick to signup form and make it required. You may want to alter labels for this brick to Invite Code aMember Cp -> Configuration -> Forms Editor -> (edit) In case you use affiliate module then in plugin configuration you can enable option to generate affiliate coupon instead of ordinary one. In admin interface in user profile you can find new tab – Invited Users with list of invites done by this customer. aMember CP -> Users -> Browse Users -> (edit) -> Invited Users This tab will appear in user profile only in case of he already sent at least one invite email. You can limit access to this feature by active user products aMember CP -> Configuration -> Setup/Configuration -> Invite
@mattmason this module handle another use case - something like closed community, where new member can join only with invite from existing members. In case you want to use it as affiliate module (grant access to product if user invite someone) then it is possible as well but require some customization. Please contact us in helpdesk if you need this feature. https://www.amember.com/support Best Regards.