SimIn :: Simple Invoicing

Discussion in '3rd Party Addons' started by jenolan, May 27, 2016.

  1. jenolan

    jenolan aMember Coder

    Nov 3, 2006
    Do you need to issue non-product related invoices for things like custom work, consulting & etc? Find the hoops necessary to do one inside aMember tedious or do you issue one outside of aMember which means that you do not have it recorded for future reference against the user inside aMember?

    SimIn is for you ;) and only US$24.95 per site buy link (click here)

    To add a once off invoice all you need to do is go the the user display in the control panel and click 'Add Simple Invoice' you will then be shown a really easy form and shazzam you have an invoice, you can do all the normal things, including sending the email request. Best of all the invoice is now included in the standard views.


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