I've installed the version 4 beta with the current version of WordPress. My apologies if this is a basic question, however, I could not find this documented. The question is, how do I protect member only pages within Wordpress? It appears I have the integration piece setup since a manually added member to Ameber is appearing as a user within WordPress. And, the redirect after a successful Amember login is going to the correct page e.g. www.domain.com/member. However, if I simply go this page as a non-member, I can view the page contents page without any prompt to login. Appears I'm missing something fundamental. Any suggestions?
Towards the bottom of the page you should see the aMember Protection Settings block as shown below. Check the box and it opens up to the settings page. Check this box first Then configure the settings
Interestingly, I do not have those settings on that page. I must be missing either an integration configuration with WordPress or the Wordpress Integration Settings within Amember? Thanks, Chris
From the Setup/Configuration : : Wordpress page: Wordpress plugin readme 1. Specify full path to folder where you have wordpress plugin installed. (You can use "browse" to select it) 2. Check database settings and click "Continue..." button 3. Check all configuration settings, set Default level and Default user level if necessary. Click "Save" button. Do not change any settings if you are not sure. 4. Go to aMember CP -> Products -> Protect Content -> Integrations and setup protection. Optionally you can install aMember plugin into wordpress in order to protect content in wordpress itself: 1. Upload plugin files from /amember/application/default/plugins/protect/wordpress/upload_to_wordpress folder into your /wordpress folder (keep folders structure) 2. Enable amember4 plugin from your Wordpress Admin -> Plugins 3. In Wordpress Admin -> aMember -> Settings select folder where you have aMember installed.
When you activate the WordPress plugin within aMember, this allows aMember to create WP users and you can also contol the WP user role based on a sumscription. To protect a page/post/category in WordPress you have to upload the aMember Wordpress plugin into WordPress and activate it. Find the following folder and place it in your WordPress plugin folder. application>default>plugins>protect>wordpress>upload_to_wordpress>wp-content>plugins>amember4
Thanks Grant. The issue was the fact that the Amember plugin was not uploaded to the Wordpress plugins folder. Thanks again for your assistance.
Do you need a plugin to create user 'roles'? Or does it just work with the standard WP user roles? Can a user have several roles, depending on their subscriptions?
There is no need to create any user roles unless you want a user to have a set of capabilitires that does not match the five standard WP roles. You set the default user role to assign a user on the WordPress configuration page, as shown below. Can a user have several roles, depending on their subscriptions? Yes. This could be used to control access with certain WordPress plugins that work with roles. For example, the forum plugin Simpleress can control forum rights based on the WP user role. To do this you have to set up a role rule. Go to: Products Product Content Integration (1) Choose WordPress at Plugin dropdown menu (2) Pick WordPress User Group (3) Assign this rule to a subscription product (4)
Thank you. I was really asking because I xenForo forum and want to creates user groups which, I presume, would be based on user roles. No great panic though.
User groups in xenForo are not going to have anything to do with WP user groups. There are a few forums that can do that (Simple Press is one) but they are forums written as a WP plugin. Maybe this would be possible with the aMember xenForo plugin.... I know some of aMember's other forum plugins supported assigning a user to a group in the forum based on a subscription.
It's possible with aMember v4's Xenforo plugin. There are a problem however - altough Xenforo itself supports assigning multiple groups to customer, the plugin supports assigning one group to user only. It will choose a group with higher id from all groups available to customer.
I don't think so. Why would you try to have 2 membership products running on the same WP installation? You should decide which product gives you the most of what you want and go with it.
aMember Pro v4 is well-integrated with Wordpress. There is a also a plugin that works from WP side, so you have all protection functions within your WP admin panel. So if you get aMember Pro v4 + WP configured, you do not need any other software.
Thanks, Alex. I haven't integrated WP yet. I'm using WL Member, but need to get everything organized first before disabling that and then turning on Amember.
I agree - and wishlist is out - i have figured out most of my issues but now i can't find a programmer for v4 for integrating my plugins etc... do you know anyone or can you help?