Hi Guys I am having a problem. First i'll explain what i have installed on my amember as in plugins and then i will go ahead and explain my problem. So i have the vbulletin plugin and have it up and working fine. I have 2 groups 1 that is a freeloader account for members who havent bought a premium subscription and then also a seconds group called elite for people who have purchased a subscription if a customer signs up and chooses the free option they automatically go into the group called freeloader, if a customer signs up and pays they go into the group called premium/elite thats the usergroup names on my vbulletin site and ive set amember up correctly to when someone pays or uses the free option on amember they go into the right group http://prntscr.com/7odrrx Now my problem is this: A Few Months Ago (may 2015) i had way to many people on my site and purchasing at one time so i removed/deleted all the options (products from the products list) since then i have redone the products list but worded it differently. Now the problem im having is since then alot of my customers' subscriptions are showing as "Future" and still have elite access to my site even though there Elite/Premium subscription has ended so it hasn't switched them back over to a Free Member. I was wondering if there is a way i can do this in bulk as i have thousands of members that this has happened to and i am losing money fast as they are using there account which hasn't switched them back over to freeloader/free member and they still have elite access on my site. Is there anything i can do?? So for example here ya go This customer here: http://prntscr.com/7odqmr (I've blanked out the customers personal details in red for there protection) paid for a 1 day subscription on May 3rd. On may 2nd i had to remove all the products which i did, now as you can see in the screenshot above and also here: http://prntscr.com/7odq93 it shows the customer paid now as they only paid for 1 day there elite/premium should of expired on may 4th and there accounts should of returned to a free account/freeloader instead of premium but it hasn't and they still have elite access and as you can see from the first screenshot it's showing the status as future. Maybe there is a way i can search all members that have the status as future but when i try to search for that it doesn't give me the option as you can see here: http://prntscr.com/7odne8 Really hope you can help guys and hope i've explained it properly lol.
In order to fix this you should set default group in your amember CP -> Setup-> vBulletin to "freeloader" then rebuild databases: aMember CP -> Rebuild DB -> Rebuild Core DB and then Rebuild vBulletin DB. aMember will fix groups for all users.