The ability to modify the date for member products was added to the latest update. If a person buys two subscriptions you can now edit one for a future date. However when I change the date for that product I get the following error. DateTime::__construct() [datetime.--construct]: Failed to parse time string (Mon Feb 02 2015 00:00:00 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)) at position 41 (n): Double timezone specification If you change the end date first , then the start date it will give the error, but modify the dates. If you change the start date first it will not save. It also does not set the product to future, even if the start date is in the future. It remains an active product. I have added this to the bug tracker and was wondering if anyone knows of a quick fix. I have several member subscriptions to edit.
I'd like to bump this thread - I'm getting the same error but in my case, it won't modify the dates. They revert to the original date. Screenshot of the error is attached. In this case, it's one customer with one product with one invoice and one payment but I was trying to extend the access to a future date (like June 2017). -Scott