Looking for a recommendation for online course

Discussion in '3rd Party Service Providers' started by jackgordon, Aug 16, 2013.

  1. jackgordon

    jackgordon aMember Pro Customer

    Mar 23, 2009
    I currently have a course that uses amember 3 and moodle 1.8. It is a fairly standard install, but does have a few minor tweaks plus I have a certificate plugin for Moodle.

    I am interested now in adding new courses, plus a "recertification" option for the initial course (basically retaking the test and adding a year to the certificate)

    However, I am hesitant to do any of this in the dated installations. I would like to upgrade to amember 4. Beyond that, I am interested in opinions on the newest version of moodle, vs. efront, vs. any other viable options.

    Whichever option I go with, I am going to need some help to set it up and transfer the existing course to the new platfrom. So that is a consideration as well.

    Anyone have suggestions? I am open to just about any good ideas.

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