Hi, I've searched the forum and documentation thoroughly, but I can't find anywhere instructions on how to customize my login page. I've found instructions on the signup page customization (http://www.amember.com/docs/Custom_Signup_Forms), but not the login page. To me, customizing the login page is absolutely essential. Does anyone know how this is done? Thanks. Maria
Simply design your own form, use the same input field variables and post form to aMember. PHP: <form action="/membership/login" method="post" name="login">/* form content */</form>
Hi thehpmc, This seems to be what I'd like/need to do. Could you please provide more specific details, such as: 1. where do you save the form php file? 2. how to tell amember to use your customized form and not the default one? 3. what are the input field variables? 4. how does one configue a <form> so that it adheres to the amember conventions and use of variables, etc? (I assume it has to be php script, not HTML, right... something like this example?