How do I cancel a recurring Payment in Amember.

Discussion in 'Payments processing' started by tradersnetworkclub, Dec 8, 2021.

  1. tradersnetworkclub

    tradersnetworkclub New Member

    Oct 12, 2021
    I have an update product that is setup that when a client upgrades it then should cancel the old subscription and start the new subscription. but this is not happening. The Access is removed but the recurring payment is still charging the client and I can not cancel it from an admin side. Can I as admin stop the recurring payment??? In the invoice section if does show "Stop Recurring" but when I try it said I can't.
  2. caesar

    caesar aMember Pro Developer Staff Member

    Oct 16, 2009

    It means this payment system does not support cancellation via API. You need to cancel this subscription in your merchant account in payment system.
    In such cases (in upgrade) aMember send email notification to admin with instruction to cancel subscription manually.

    In case of payment system has API to cancel subscription then aMember just do it automatically.

    Best Regards.

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