I tried to post this to the bt.amember.com site but unable to login there with my username and password. Anyway, i enabled the helpdesk and when i log into frontend as a testuser i have create i am getting this error here: Code: Script Error ERROR [4096] Object of class Am_Block could not be converted to string in line 3 of file member-main-tickets.phtml I am using version 4.1.4
Also, when i rebuild htpasswd db i get this message in backend: Code: Rebuilding Htpasswd Db... An internal error happened in the script, please contact webmaster for details
Same problem. I uploaded the files and logged into admin just fine.. Upgraded database then tried to login in as a user.. and got the same error as graphixx did. Taking a look at the logs here is what I found. Upgrading from 4.1.3 to 4.1.4
By simply creating a file called "member-main-tickets.phtml" and placing it into "/application/newsletter/views/blocks/" the error will go away (may not be the fix, but the system will work again.).