[Help!][Paid] Need some amember site tweaks and GDPR config

Discussion in '3rd Party Service Providers' started by dvegames, May 27, 2018.

  1. dvegames

    dvegames New Member

    May 27, 2018
    I have an existing amember pro site at https://www.dvegames.com/ and I need a few tweaks and config updates. I've paid a developer in the past, but he disappeared on me, so I'm a little out of luck.

    Here's roughly what I need support with:
    • I have an existing Coinbase integration. I need it updated and I want to add a couple new product types using coinbase for annual subscriptions. I also want to make the coinbase option more visible
    • The merchant logos - Visa, MC, etc. - do not show on the payment page, I need them to be added
    • There is an aMember GDPR update. I need someone to implement all the updates and make it doesn't break anything on my site.
    Anyone out there who can help? Please contact me.
  2. relapse

    relapse aMember Pro Customer

    Jun 15, 2010
    PM'd you.

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