Hey guys, I am looking for 2 specific templates that I would like to customize. The first is the template for the popup/modal login that users see when they try to checkout when their email is already in the system . Currently the one on our site is showing up with no content in it. Screenshot - http://cl.ly/2X3f2H1V3Q0T The second is the template that sits behind the authorize net popup during the checkout process. It is showing the members area but I need to find the specific file so I can apply my custom layout_member.phtml file to the template. Screenshot - http://cl.ly/1G432R0A280k Any help is greatly appreciated,
Hello, Login template is amember/application/default/views/_login.phtml I believe you have some conflict between your custom theme and new version of aMember. I suggest you to contact us in heldpesk we will help you top resolve it. In case of authorize.net plugin uses layout.phtml directly to show this page. You can change it in plugin file amember/application/cc/plugins/authorize-cim.php PHP: $this->_response->setBody($this->view->render('layout.phtml')); Best Regards.