Hello. Just a couple of simple questions. I notice in my setup/configuration/plugins, I have helpdesk, cart and newsletter in the drop down of enable modules but they are not listed as enabled. (The only module I have enabled at the moment is directory. Does this mean that helpdesk, cart and newsletter is installed but is just waiting to be enabled? If I enable it, is it likely to break anything or are there any potential issues I should be aware of? Thanks
Yes, you just need to enable these modules to have these features. There is not any issue. Feel free to enable it and use. Best Regards.
Thanks, Fantastic works great. Love the helpdesk. If I could make one suggestion, it would be good if I could create my own priorities and call types that are only seen on the admin site. Still its a really cool feature of the software.
Fell free to submit your feature request to our bug tracker http://bt.amember.com/ You can use same login/password as for your account on amember.com Best Regards.