eFront eLearning (LMS) integration plugin

Discussion in 'Integration' started by skippybosco, Sep 29, 2008.

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  1. skippybosco

    skippybosco CGI-Central Partner Staff Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    @tentra: assuming you are running eFront 3.6+, it is no longer needed.
  2. skippybosco

    skippybosco CGI-Central Partner Staff Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    The 2.0 version of the eFront plugin has been added to the first post in this thread.
  3. seriksen

    seriksen New Member

    Oct 6, 2010
    Ongoing enrollment question


    I'm deciding on the delivery mechanism for an online course I am creating, and found this thread very interesting.

    I have a couple of questions about the capabilities of this solution before finally deciding and buying the aMember script and installing eFront, would you be able to help? I haven't been able to find this information by reading the FAQ or Wiki at eFront.

    My model is a fairly standard one: Free subscription for a limited "preview" course. Monthly paid membership for a 6 month period delivering 26 lessons (i.e. weekly). I will have Silver, Gold, Platinum levels (i.e. different courses in eFront, I presume) with access to different content and files.

    1) Can this solution drip feed the content on a daily/weekly/monthly basis, with content scheduled from the moment they sign up? I see from the Wiki that I can schedule content for specific dates, but that's not of interest as this is an ongoing enrollment process.

    2) If the member cancel their subscription half way through I would like them to be able to access all lessons so far (after all, they've paid for them), but prevent new lessons becoming available. Is this possible?

    3) As a bonus... I noticed 'Projects' in eFront which seems to be perfect for getting feedback and provide guidance, as I intend to take 2-3 of the lessons and give the student a task to complete. Again, can this be done on a drip-feed basis? I noticed for instance that projects have a deadline and it would be very useful to be able to set the deadline to 6 months from signup for instance.

    Thanks for any feedback!
  4. skippybosco

    skippybosco CGI-Central Partner Staff Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    :) Your "fairly standard" model is not so standard it turns out :)

    1. Drip functionality is on the roadmap for the next major version of my eFront integration plugin, but is not in the current version. Expect to see this in 60-90 days (~rough estimate).

    Keep in mind it would most likely drip out either a direct lesson or a direct course, there is not currently a standard way in eFront to limit access to a lesson assigned to a course outside the standard course schedule and rules functionality. That being said, I'll keep your requirements in mind and see what kind of tricks I can pull off :)

    2) Since drip functionality is not present, the current model either optionally unsubscribes the user from the course/lesson (losing all progress history) or removes access to just the expired course / lesson. I'll keep your requirement in mind when I implement drip functionality.

    3) This sounds like it may require changes to eFront core. This is probably out of scope of this integration plugin, but you can suggest in the eFront Forum or eFront User Voice
  5. seriksen

    seriksen New Member

    Oct 6, 2010
    Thanks for the feedback (and my apologies for my late reply). I will keep my eyes out for your next version of the plugin.

    This is in fact a very standard model - at least in the Internet Marketing world. There are a number of websites who operate on this basis and today using Joomla, or Wordpress with Digital Access Pass, or Wordpress with Wishlist Member, or other solutions such as www.membergate.com (although they are missing some of the functionality).

    There are quite a number of people looking for decent solutions that are easy to use, and with the Internet being what it is, I believe having drip-feed for delivering online courses would be very relevant for many, including companies. For instance, companies could run online safety courses for new staff members on a rolling basis, distance learning companies who do correspondence courses have people starting afresh on a continuous basis, etc.

    I will join the forum at eFront and maybe have a discussion with the developers there as well.

  6. skippybosco

    skippybosco CGI-Central Partner Staff Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    @seriksen: Thanks for the reply. I'll dig around and see if I can find a creative way to drip lessons that belong to a course..

    Can you provide any workflow scenarios as far as how you might have your environment set up? (ie. a product assigned to a course that you drip lessons within the course? -or- drip stand alone lessons? -or- drip course at a time?
  7. lchenot

    lchenot New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
    Hello everyone,

    Thanks for a great plugin Skippybosco !

    I just installed it, but I get something strange when creating products :

    *eFront Groups is empty (no choice)
    * eFront Subscriptions is empty (no choice)
    * Additional subscriptions shows my course, but none of the lessons

    Is this normal ? Any idea on what I should do to correct this ?

    Thanks a lot !
  8. lchenot

    lchenot New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
    I just solved it : a mistake in the plugin username.

    Very very cool plugin. eFront + aMember, the best of both worlds :)
  9. lchenot

    lchenot New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
    efront vs aMember customer records

    Hello Skippy,

    It seems the aMember plugin does not integrate the payment data into the customer efront account. So he would see 0 when he actually paid for the course.

    Is this normal ?:confused:

    How would it work when someone who is already a member wants to purchase an additional course ? Should they do it through their eFront Home (will it propagate back to aMember ?), or through their aMember home (then should you disable the purchasing of the course through eFront to avoid a mess in customer records) ?

    Thanks for your kind advice. :)
  10. skippybosco

    skippybosco CGI-Central Partner Staff Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    @lchenot: If you are using aMember for your commerce you should disable the Payments feature in eFront:

    Logged on as admin -> system settings -> customization tab -> check payments to disable.

    Existing members should add the new course through aMember.

    You can disable the viewing of the catalog in eFront at:

    Logged on as admin -> system settings -> appearance -> set Show lesson/courses catalog to no.

    You can then use announcements, blocks and general content within eFront to market and direct users to aMember to pay.
  11. alliancedui

    alliancedui New Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    Needing to test functionality of aMember & eFront

    I have read through the threads and see that others have brought up a concern between eFront and aMember trial version.

    Has there been any update to this issue?

    Is there a particular reason for aMember failing to work with some plugins?

    Thank you,
    Christoph Micklon
    +1 (775) 636.7564
  12. skippybosco

    skippybosco CGI-Central Partner Staff Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    @webdezn: The issue with trial is not unique to the eFront plugin, no 3rd party plugins work with the aMember trial, only pro.

    The reason is that the protection used in the trial version of aMember only allows the plugins that ship with the trial to work with it (ie. those developed by aMember).

    I've asked before to have the eFront plugin included with the trial, but will follow up again today as I'm getting quite a few emails on this.
  13. skippybosco

    skippybosco CGI-Central Partner Staff Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    Note: The aMember eFront integration plugin has been updated to 2.1 (see first thread)

    This release requires that you be running eFront 3.6.7 or greater as it makes use of the API version 2. (api2.php). I've also corrected some minor bugs and improved the error handling a bit for some edge cases.
  14. epop

    epop New Member

    Dec 16, 2010
    problem: I have set up the amember pro efront plugin as instructed, and now when I try to log into efront using my admin username and password I am unable to log in and keep getting the following message in efront when I attempt to log in:

    "You have been logged out due to a long period of inactivity"

    I am trying to log into efront with the same admin account that I am using for the efront plugin. Is this not allowed?

    Also, I do no have choices for any of the categories under the "Additional Options" section of the amember manage products page.

    What could be causing both of these problems?
  15. epop

    epop New Member

    Dec 16, 2010
    Problem solved

    Your efront plugin documentation has the following url listed for the Full path to the eFront API2:


    This needs to be corrected to:


    I'm still not sure what's causing the efront login problem, but I suspect that it is due to the admin login being used by amember and myself at the same time.
  16. epop

    epop New Member

    Dec 16, 2010
    eFront Plugin Issue

    I have followed all of the instructions in the efront plugin documentation, and it appears that I have installed efront, amember pro, and the plugin successfully. Unfortunately, I cannot access the efront lesson that I created when I log into amember with the account I created. I want the student to go directly into the efront lesson dashboard immediately after they log in through amember. Instead, when I log in I go to the amember membership page, where I see the lesson link. When I click on the link, I go to the error 404 page of my wordpress website.

    I have entered - http://www.myiprep.com/efront/www/content/lessons/ - as the product url in amember. Is this correct, and if so, how will amember differentiate between lessons when I create more than one lesson in this folder? Does the efront plugin act to protect the lesson or do I need to configure the other plugins available in amember, such as PHP include? Basically, I am at a loss as to how to set up efront with amember in order to protect the lessons created and provide each student direct access to the lesson the student purchases.

    Any help on this will be much appreciated.
  17. skippybosco

    skippybosco CGI-Central Partner Staff Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    While I have worked offline with epop to resolve the issues he mentioned, I wanted to follow up here in case anyone ran into similar issues.

    1) I have updated the documentation to reflect the correct path to the api2 (ie. http://mydomain.com/efront/www/api2.php instead of http://mydomain.com/efront/wwwapi2.php)

    2) The inactivity timeout is a new feature of eFront which can be set (logged on as admin) at system settings. The default is set to 5 minutes.. I would set it to something much higher like 720)

    3) Product URL should be set to http://mydomain.com/efront . eFront will auto direct the student to the correct place based on the lessons/courses they are subscribed to.

    4) Note with this particular installation, the login page had been modified to post to the member.php page, this should post to the login.php page if you want login to autodirect to the defined product URL.
  18. deafdavid

    deafdavid Member

    Aug 28, 2006
    Skippybosco, Would you close this postings -- it got 117 threads -- and start a new one with all update informationm other recommendations on solutions outside eFront, and important notes. And if possible, move this postings (and open new one) in 3rd Party Forum?
  19. skippybosco

    skippybosco CGI-Central Partner Staff Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    @deafdavid: Thanks for the note, any particular reason you want this closed? I personally find it useful to have a centralized thread of back history of a given plugin when troubleshooting/researching. It is much more efficient than having to search and review numerous threads which may or may not be tagged/keyword identified correctly.

    That being said, by your request if I recall correctly, I had closed this thread previously and opened a new one. I found, however, that it resulted in numerous private emails as many found this thread when searching and did not read the post directing them to the new thread. As a result I ended up reopening it to prevent the private emails.

    Sorry for any confusion, are you suggesting that I not maintain a thread in the aMember forums for an aMember plugin for eFront?
  20. deafdavid

    deafdavid Member

    Aug 28, 2006
    I was unaware you had this problems in the past.

    I was being concerned that the thread was being long and you have 6 pages -- It will take time for users to read each page for a solution. However, I believe some of the older posts may have been resolved via your upgraded versions; they may not be active on-going issue with eFront Plugin (or troubleshooting). I believe you have done lot of upgraded since the first post, I think it's appropriate to create a new thread with latest version including features and any other note or information we need to know (e.g. change in php).

    No no no...I think I wasn't clear myself and I apologized. I think this efront discussions should be moved to "3rd Party Service Provider" -- because you're selling or giving away plug in for eFront.

    Skippy, I want to thank you for asking me for clarification. Right now, I'm not sure if you should close the thread because of your past experience. I trust you know what may be best and what's right thing to do.
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