Currently, when a member logs in, the "Main Page" has the categories: - Active Subscriptions - Active Resources - Unsubscribe from All email - Useful Links ....I would like to remove the "Active Subscriptions" area from this "Main Page". I do not want members to see which products they are subscribed to and expiry dates, etc. How do I customize this page to remove the "Active Subscriptions" section?
Create theme for your site. Copy /amember/application/default/views/blocks/member-main-subscriptions.phtml to your theme folder: /amember/application/default/themes/YOURTHEMENAME/blocks/member-main-subscriptions.phtml Then remove everything from /amember/application/default/themes/YOURTHEMENAME/blocks/member-main-subscriptions.phtml Or modify it as you want.
This worked perfectly. I had a theme already, but just wasn't sure which file had the code I needed to remove! blocks/member-main-subscriptions.phtml was it! Thanks!
Thanks for this! I just did the same thing... Since this thread is about customizing the dashboard, I have a quick question: How can we add links to the 'useful links' section? Anyone know how to do this? Specifically, I want to add a link to the Helpdesk. Thanks.
I did this - very helpful, thank you... But the "Active Subscriptions" header is still visible? Can I remove this?
@fran_whitaker Please have a look:'s_area