Bundling Products

Discussion in 'Free Talk for Website Owners and Webmasters' started by attentionsoft, Aug 6, 2022.

  1. attentionsoft

    attentionsoft New Member

    Jun 3, 2016
    This is very weird that a script as mature as Amember doesn't have a simple method to bundle products together and sold together. I just purchased the Bundle plugin but it's not really what I was looking for.

    Is there any way to, for example, add product A + product b = X bundle for a price. This would seem to be easy in most systems but in Amember it's almost impossible unless I'm missing something.

    It would be great if there was a plugin or the ability to add product A, and product B to equal Package 1.

    I hope this makes sense? If anyone has a good work-around please let me know because this is pretty simple in most other carts.
  2. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    Acutally, most easier way is to create a new product named "Bundle" that will give access to "Product A" and "Product B" files/pages/content.

    aMember is integrating with many payment systems, and although there are easy cases like Stripe, there are many paysystems
    that require settings on product level to work correctly. Specially for recurring billing.

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