Having a big problem here with an converted database after following directions: 1) Redirection doesn't work at all after login. A user registers and then they try to login but get redirected to the home page no matter what setting I choose in Setup Configuration / Login Page / Redirect After Login settings. 2) Users who try to just login who have accounts get the following error: An Error has occured The database has encountered a problem, please try again later.
Problem solved bug not yet fixed. Amember is choking on my wp database because it only reads half the information it expects. One find day I deleted the first blog and replaced it with #2. The users table, however, stays in wp_table but the first blog of stuff is in wp_1 (or wp_2_ whatever you have) so it chokes. As a result of choking, redirection fails after login and the database error occurs that shuts down the entire script for the most part. Disabling the Wordpress connection and now it works fine - but not wordpress integration for the moment.
OK this is the problem. amember looks for the install in a single blog which shows the table prefix in the wp-config.php. In a multisite install like mine, the wp_options table can be anywhere, e.g. wp_4_options as well. However amember is still looking for it in wp_options, which is where it is defined in the config.php. I'm not sure if this is a function of multisite at work.
Problem solved. As I said elsewhere, this is the result of upgrading wordpress 2.x MU sites to wordpress 3.0 multisite. A very detailed fix needed to be made to WP to "correct" it so that it functions properly. Now it does, too long to describe here but I'm describing what to look at if you're seeing this error.
Nope - redirection does NOT work after logging in. It does work ONLY after the creation of a new account. Also notice that there is a bug (I think) in the control panel where it says that redirect will occur after login at: login/login/