aMember Pro 6.3.8 released

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by caesar, Sep 22, 2021.

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  1. caesar

    caesar aMember Pro Developer Staff Member

    Oct 16, 2009
    The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.3.8. This release contains fixes and improvements.
    6.3.8 2021-09-22 13:43:39 +0400
        Sendgrid3 - updated to do not use legacy API
        Mollie - fixed to respect amount for partial refund notification
        bugfix - NOTICE: Undefined property: TaskTable::$di in line 67 of file /library/Am/Model/Task.php
        bugfix - Exception Error:Call to a member function hasService() on null at line 119 in file library/Am/View.php, aff/aff?c=****
        improve compatibility with php8
            feat(schedule email): ability to send test email
            feat(schedule email): ability to preview email
            feat(credits): display history in reverse chronological order
            Telegram - better log API calls
    Your suggestion for future version is welcome! You can submit feature request here:
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