A-Theme the First Premium Theme for A-member

Discussion in '3rd Party Addons' started by responsivelab, Jan 29, 2018.

  1. responsivelab

    responsivelab aMember Pro Customer

    Jan 5, 2014

    HOLD YOUR BREATH! A-Theme is here!
    The World's 1st Premium Theme for aMember!

    From the "out of control" mind of one of Italy's most influential
    Marketing-Oriented Web Designer, aMember users experience is totally NEW.

    It's time to wave goodbye to the default graphic theme
    and bring "a touch of Chanel" to your aMember with professional Design

    Turbo-charge your conversions with new and customized order pages
    that you can create yourself – no need to become a programmer!

    the World 1st Premium Theme for aMember PRO!


    An authentic Revolution for your aMember!
    Sleek, impressive graphics worthy of your online business will transform the user experience,
    giving you a professional look that will DRASTICALLY improve how your existing and future customers see you!

    A NEW and revolutionary way to create your order pages! You'll have 6 (that's right, SIX) clickable areas around the form to upload custom content such as testimonials, guarantees and lists of the benefits of your product – whatever you want.
    Improve your conversion rate without needing to be a programmer!

    Give the old, ugly, anti-marketing login page a kick in the pants!

    Turn your login page into a PROFESSIONAL GATEWAY that creates a great impression with customers while being simple to use and easy on the eye.

    After all, marketing is a battle of perceptions, isn't it?

    A control panel so simple
    I'm afraid it might offend you!

    Everything you need to make your theme functional and align it with your business.
    • Upload your logo
    • Customize the colors
    • Customize the favicon
    • Customize the header
    • Display the logos of accepted payment methods
    • Upload CSS code to customize whatever you want
    • Upload JavaScript code to add features
    • Customize the footer content in 3 separate columns

    Really Responsive
    Integrated with the world's most responsive CSS framework, A-Theme delivers high performance and a truly fantastic responsive experience.

    With A-Theme, the menu is also accessible from mobiles

    the World 1st Premium Theme for aMember PRO!

    (in italian language for now):

    Overview of A-theme:

    how to install A-theme for Amember:

    how to load image of products:

  2. jmartin55

    jmartin55 aMember Pro Customer

    Feb 12, 2013
    This looks amazing but your website gives all kinds of errors during the order process. How can we order your product?

    And are there other themes like this available on more reliable websites?
  3. responsivelab

    responsivelab aMember Pro Customer

    Jan 5, 2014
    Well Done!
    Now is purchasable again!

    problem with my server is resolved!
    jmartin55 likes this.
  4. jimbo2779

    jimbo2779 aMember Pro Customer

    Oct 28, 2014
    Hey man I'm loving the theme but I did notice when I activated it that nobody could login as the recapctha wasn't showing. I have disabled recapctha for now so people can login but I do get far more bruteforce attack reports so I would much rather get recapctha back up and running.

    Is there anything that you can suggest or maybe update the theme so the recapctha plugin will work.

    Appreciate it mate.
    responsivelab likes this.
  5. responsivelab

    responsivelab aMember Pro Customer

    Jan 5, 2014
    Hi Jimbo2779

    i appreciate your suggestion.
    can you tell exatly what captha you are using?
    In this way i can test e build ad update for all users!

    Thankyou so much
  6. jimbo2779

    jimbo2779 aMember Pro Customer

    Oct 28, 2014
    Yes mate it is recapctha (mentioned 3 times in my first post). The recapctha plugin that comes with amember.

  7. jimbo2779

    jimbo2779 aMember Pro Customer

    Oct 28, 2014
    Hi Andrea (sorry if this is not your name, I am going by your domain name),

    I was just wondering how you were getting on with this?

    I look forward to an update that can fix this.

    I was also wondering if you had any plans to release any further themes for aMember, it looks like you have the market to yourself and you did a great job on aTheme.

  8. responsivelab

    responsivelab aMember Pro Customer

    Jan 5, 2014

    A-Theme is always in updating! :p

    Last version has been released a month ago!
    caesar likes this.
  9. adambahr83

    adambahr83 aMember Pro Customer

    Mar 9, 2017
    Andrea, please address my problem finally or refund my money.

    Bit ridiculous that this is pinned at the top here for promotion but I have not had a working product from you since the start. We know what the issue is, but you don't fix it and then each time you do follow up, you act like you have no clue on it and ask for FTP access to my site. You do not need FTP access to my business to fix an issue with how you issued the license.

    Please get this resolved this week, I am tired of this nonsense. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and deleted my post on this before when you contacted me to actually resolve the problem, only to have it stop working again. I finally reached out to you on Facebook Messenger and I was able to figure out with you that the problem is you do not have the permissions set properly for me to add what you need to fix it, which is the ability to just buy the updates (which why do I need to pay for updates now when it has never worked from the start for more than a few weeks at a time). But regardless, I will buy the updates just to get a working functional product that I paid for already!!!

    You acknowledge the issue is that I must go to https://andrealeti.it/login/signup/athemeupdates to get the updates, but it only offers that to purchase if you are not logged in. You agreed that was the problem and then just quit replying. Then I open another ticket, and you reply asking for my FTP...again. The same song and dance, every time. I have been fair, I have been patient. But I have exhausted all of those options. I mean ffs, I literally sent you my replies and Italian and English at times to help you and you still don't reply.

    Last time, FIX THIS. I am tired of this nonsense and excuses. Either fix it, or give me my money back.
  10. adambahr83

    adambahr83 aMember Pro Customer

    Mar 9, 2017
    Everything has been handled finally. As I said before, the theme is good. His product speaks for itself and very high quality. We've had issues with this since day 1 that originated with the theme being purchased on the demo account and we could have fixed it then by just making a new one. We got the license finally sorted and his update form has been fixed. I even purchased updates for it to show my support for the actual product.

    The only issue I have had is with communication on issues that others shouldn't run into.
  11. jimbo2779

    jimbo2779 aMember Pro Customer

    Oct 28, 2014
    That's great and all but did it fix the recapctha issue? Recaptcha is by far the most often used captcha in the world.

    I tried to be polite in requesting such a basic thing get fixed but with your theme the recapctha just doesn't show on forms which means it cannot be solved resulting in no logins.

    Rather than give a vague mention of updates could you say if my particular issue has been fixed or not?
  12. halmaclean

    halmaclean aMember Pro Customer

    Aug 30, 2013
    I too had problems with Andrea's customer care and after-sales support. The product could not be deployed without some CSS issues being resolved - the Cart function was all to the left, error strings were showing on the page and the layout of the category drop down was incorrect. Simple enough to fix, but despite repeated attempts to engage, he just would not, and claimed NO-ONE has ever had a problem before.

    Well, to be fair, it *is* a good-looking plugin, but to make such a claim when I can clearly see from here there are numerous other people who have had problems, is a bit of a joke.

    After 2 months of being unable to use the product I paid for, and his claim that it was an error caused by my own header image (which is not true - I reverted to the default image supplied by the theme and it still showed the errors), of providing him ample access to the system as an admin, and wanting really to try to help improve the product, I finally had enough of his procrastination and asked for a refund.

    Oh the fuss!! Apparently, it was not his policy to issue refunds for this kind of issue.

    However, he *did* issue a refund when I quoted the rights I have under EU law. But he gave the refund only because he felt sorry for me, not because '...of your ridiculous rights'. Talk about sour grapes!

    I truly hope he fixes this and addresses his behaviours to others, because it *is* potentially a very good product with a lot of promise - but it needs to work out of the box, immediately.

    You may ask why I did not just fix it... well, to do so would in fact invalidate my rights under EU law - the responsibility is on Andrea to fix the problem, not the buyer. If the buyer does 'tinker' with the code then they immediately lose their rights to any action from the seller, including fixes or refunds. This is a fundamental component of the law, and Andrea seems to think my rights are ridiculous.

    It's a shame - otherwise good product spoiled by a poor customer experience. I hope all the other people who have purchased it do not suffer the same or similar fate - looking forward to hearing good reviews and reports here!

    Attached Files:

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