aMember PRO Change Log

  • Stripe fixed - do not check rate limit for webhooks

  • feat(stripe): cancel subscription on Early Fraud Warning

  • feat(admin-ui): add upgrade to/from information to quick invoice card

  • feat(admin-ui): display "Upgraded To"/"Upgraded From" information within invoice in admin interface

  • We recently received several reports of incidents where stolen credit card information is being "tested" using the aMember Payment API. This has been observed with our Authorize.Net integration, but it can also occur with other payment plugins. More details

  • Implemented rate limit for Credit Card Plugins

  • Bug fixed - wrong refund amount calculation for upgrades in some cases

  • fix(pending-notification): correctly handle due date

  • fix(theme-black): correct styles for single column dashboard

  • feat(simple-template): add sha256 modifier

  • Fixed %manual_rebill_link%

  • Charts dates fixed

  • Manual rebill failure bug fixed - thanks to R. Woodgate

  • fix(ui): respect billing plan sort order

  • feat(api): Added new hook INVOICE_AFTER_RESTART

  • Fixed bug: Unable to submit form in Safari in some situations.

  • fix(aff): commission condition "invoice started" for first payment fixed

  • fix(aff): generate payout report only for enabled payout methods

  • google-analytics plugin: Added UserID tracking support for GA4

  • Drupal Plugin: Adapted to work with Drupal8

  • feat(paypro): PayPro Global - Ability to change next rebill date for recurring subscription

  • feat(paysys): New Payment System: Hoodpay (

  • fix(stripe): handle refund event on latest version of Stripe API

  • fix(stripe): refunds for chargers with ID start from py_

  • Stripe: Display payment instructions in case of bank transfer

  • Epoch: Avoid duplicate payments registered by aMember in some situations

  • New Payment Plugin: Sela personal credit

  • networkmerchants-hosted - bug fixed

  • Stripe plugin: Try to rebill Sepa recurring payments converted from stripe additional sources plugin

  • Fixed bug: Free trials were not handled properly by Securepay plugin

  • Network Merchants Hosted plugin fixed

  • Stripe prefill user email and address in Payment Element to allow Link payment method

  • Fixed CkEditor (admin-side HTML editor) problems caused by changes on ckeditor public CDN website

  • Stripe plugin modified to create Customer records in Stripe for non-recurring charges too (previously records were created for recurring invoices only)

  • Removed CDN link previously pointed to

  • fix(stripe): properly initiate element in case of free trial or card update action

  • fix(cc): clarify meaning of reattempt on failure option, any options which is more than billing cycle is ignored

  • Stripe Plugin: Do not store customer/payment info for not recurring payments

  • Stripe readme updated with correct permissions

  • set tags['id'] for cacheFunction call

  • Stripe: bugfix: duplicate payments were added in some situations

  • Stripe: important configuration notification

  • feat(paysys): New Payment System: JAD (

  • feat(paysys): New Payment System: Kuickpay Checkout (

  • fix(WordPress): correctly restore state after wp includes if network enabled

  • feat(forms-editor): ability to put javascript code to HEAD tag (option of Javascript brick)

  • ckeditor - include via webpack instead of cdn

  • feat(admin-ui): ability to search payments/invoices/refunds by user country

  • feat(form): ability to set default state for address brick

  • feat(admin-ui): ability to search payments/invoices/refunds by billing plan

  • feat(admin-ui): add ability to search invoice/payment/refund by invoice_id (ie. by index) - very handy on huge databases

  • fix(security): eliminate XSS on invalid license error page

  • Fixed bug: Rare Invoice download issues in Safari on some servers

  • Gohighlevel newsletter plugin added

  • feat(aff): Mass actions to approve/deny affiliate applications

  • fix(translation): eliminate warning (Array to string conversion) in translation form creation in PHP 8.2+

  • feat(helpdesk): ability to past image to message from clipboard

  • feat(helpdesk): api: helpdeskGetReplyForm/helpdeskReply events

  • feat(helpdesk): api: new ticket - add {before|after}Insert grid callbacks

  • feat(aff): add "in current year" period to Sales Amount, Sales Count, Sales Item Count commission rules

  • feat(api): new event Am_Event::CAN_UPGRADE - allow to hide some upgrade options based on any conditions

  • AM_ALL_PAYSYS_RECURRING - config constant, allow to use not recurring payment systems for recurring products - handle only first payment

  • fix(2fa-totp): replace (it does not work) with js generated QR code

  • feat(credits): Credits Balance Advanced User Filter

  • GoogleAnalytics - GA4 added

  • feat(storage): MojoCloud Object Storage

  • Linkedin - fixed

  • feat(paysys): New Payment System: Cryptomus (

  • feat(paysys): New Payment System: Afterpay (

  • feat(paysys): New Payment System: Allopass (Card) (

  • feat(worldpay): md5 signature support

  • Dropp payment plugins added

  • Revolut payment plugins added

  • Netvalve payment plugin added

  • SquareUp - fixed deprecated API endpoint

  • Fixed bug: Unable to start SquareCheckout payment

  • fix(mycryptocheckout): replace (it does not work) with js generated QR code

  • feat(paysys): afterpay - ability to convert product currency to paysys currency

  • NetbillingForm - recurring added

  • Stripe plugin. Use payment element instead of card element in order to support all enabled payment methods

  • fix(regression): wp - remove reset.css if use wp theme option enabled

  • feat(webhooks): Add Comment to Webhook (for admin reference), Ability to send email notification to admin about permanently failed webhooks

  • Apple-SignIn fixed

  • fix(helpdesk): markdown - preserve leading spaces for code blocks

  • fix(regression): revert cdn for ckeditor to previous one to load full package

  • feat(security): does not allow to use current password on password change

  • feat(admin-ui): invoice preview on add invoice screen

  • fix(report): Year Shift in case of Leap Year (special case)

  • feat(admin-ui): exclude disabled admins from lists in helpdesk

  • feat(ux): add invoice in admin interface - does not allow to add several instance of same product with different billing plans (it is not supported and lead to error)

  • fix(clear-old-debug): clear action did not clear anything

  • fix(grid): js for live actions is not initialized in case of multiple grids setup during single request eg.: preDispatch and upgradesAction

  • Manual rebill bug "ArgumentCountError:4 arguments are required, 2 given" fixed

  • feat(report): Number of Payments by Billing Plan

  • feat(newsletter): ability to use more than one newsletter brick on same form

  • fix(mail-jet): workaround for names with comma, mailjet incorrectly split email address (do not take into account quotes and consider such address as two separated by comma)

  • fix(invoice): correct paysys_id for invoice if it is different from payment paysys_id when first payment added manually from admin interface

  • feat(rest-api): add _sort parameter

  • feat(ux): ability to copy code block to clipboard

  • feat(helpdesk): allow to use markdown code blocks in replies

  • feat(user-ui): Add search to Active Subscription Widget if it has more than 5 entries

  • fix(admin-ui): do not close opened invoice when click on invoice link from access record

  • feat(aff): new report - Affiliate Commissions By Product, display this report on affiliate statistics page

  • fix(aff): display commission and clicks on different graph since its have different units

  • feat(vat): vatid online validation for GB

  • feat(newsletter): New Newsletter Plugin: Emaildelivery (

  • fix(report): User Distribution by Custom Field by Date: field can have name same as reserved words in SQL eg.: where

  • feat(upgrade): new option to apply upgrade only to active recurring subscriptions

  • fix(admin-ui): correct order of resources in group action Change Order

  • fix(performance): avoid full table scan on ticket view

  • feat(theme): replace twitter icon with X for social link block

  • fix(content-category): correct sort order for menu items

  • feat(layout): am-logged-in/am-logged-out helper classes for body in standard layout

  • fix(helpdesk): select correct menu item in admin interface for displaysnippets action

  • feat(admin-ui): mass action to force user to password change

  • feat(admin-ui): separate product id and title in access table (in user profile) in order to allow sort table by these fields independently

  • feat(performance): add preconnect for (if necessary) to improve font load speed

  • fix(helpdesk): do not discard reply content when switch from reply to comment

  • fix(upgrade): does not allow to upgrade expired products

  • feat(admin-ui): Ability to export grids to PDF

  • fix(mailwizz): compatability with php8

  • feat(recurring-management): allow to configure ability to cancel recurring subscription on per product basis

  • feat(product-upgrade): Ability to sort Upgrade Paths in admin interface

  • feat(menu): supports for alerts within menu items on user side

  • findByData fixed - use blob as well

  • fix(facebook): compatibility with other plugins that uses blocks

  • feat(aff): extract 'Custom Redirect' section to separate block

  • fix(resume-subscription): set due dat to today for resume invoice, disallow to cheat first period calculation (user can get additional free access if pay invoice later) with delayed payment

  • fix(import): allow any type of line end (Unix, MS-Dos or Macintosh) for CSV file

  • fix(admin-ui): after adding/removing access, the User Access block gets vanished

  • feat(api): new event Am_Event::INVOICE_AFTER_FAILED

  • feat(report): Payments by Customer City

  • OTO - "skip if exists" fixed

  • feat(subusers): ability to add user groups to subuser form

  • feat(directory): directoryResizeImage view helper

  • feat(drupal): compatibility with version 7.98+

  • fix(drupal8): set multiple groups properly

  • fix(block-pending-invoice): compatibility with other plugins that uses blocks

  • feat(upsell): ability to copy upsell in admin interface

  • fix(cancel-on-upgrade): properly handle case when access added with future start date or user already had access to same product already

  • fix(schedule-emails): correctly handle newsletter subscription condition

  • fix(twitch): compatibility with other plugins that uses blocks

  • fix(apple-signin): compatibility with other plugins that uses blocks

  • fix(paypal-identity): compatibility with other plugins that uses blocks

  • fix(yahoo-signin): compatibility with other plugins that uses blocks

  • fix(linkedin): compatibility with other plugins that uses blocks

  • fix(google-signin): compatibility with other plugins that uses blocks

  • feat(schedule-emails): ability to send email to all users regardless active products

  • Google sign in - get first/last name

  • fix(apple-iap): remove cancel link from user/admin interface. It is not possible to cancel subscription from aMember side

  • feat(brick-upgrade): ability to either pre-select first option or not (pre-selected by default)

  • feat(paysys): New Payment System: CoinPayments (

  • Epoch - bugfixed

  • fix(fastspring-contextual): country can be null but can not be empty string

  • fix(auto-login-placeholder): compatability with other autologin placeholders (explicit placeholder has priority over implicit)

  • feat(buymeacoffee): validate webhook signature

  • fix(warrior-plus): properly handle subscr_failed cases

  • feat(paysys): New Payment System: Explodely (

  • Stripe - refunds fixed

  • CC brick for Braintree plugin

  • Samcart payment plugin added

  • Nowpayments payment plugin added

  • Phonepe payment plugin added

  • Dpopay payment plugin added

  • feat(paypro): partial refunds from admin interface

  • feat(paypro): ability to cancel subscription and refund payments from aMember admin interface

  • fix(beanstream): recurring payments

  • Sagepay/Elavon URL's updated

  • feat(mail-template): %product_title_html% placeholder

  • feat(cart): mass action - set product picture

  • fix(grid): do not make field live-editable if action is not applicable to record

  • feat(recurring-management): allow to configure ability to resume cancelled recurring subscription on per product basis

  • feat(admin-ui): ability to sort table with access records on user Invoice/Access page

  • feat(admin-widget): Sales Statistic: ability to display number of active (not pending) registrations

  • feat(brick-coupon): ability to set default coupon only within configured date range

  • feat(admin-widget): Last Paid Users List

  • feat(admin-widget): Sales Statistic: ability to display number of paid registrations

  • feat(product-upgrade): ability to disable/enable upgrade paths

  • fix(vat): handle soap error from VAT ID validation server

  • optimized access_cache rebuild, works 2 times faster

  • User mass delete - do not break process if some user could not be deleted due to having active recurring subscriptions

  • Fixed duplicate file names for "Download Invoices (.pdf)"

  • Fixed bug: Upgrade prorated amount was not properly calculated in some situations.

  • feat(aff): filter for keywords statistics on affiliate side

  • feat(wp): compatibility with kadence theme

  • feat(admin-ui): ability to export Full Name of user in single column

  • feat(aff): top affiliate widget - option to use commission for all tiers to rank affiliates

  • feat(admin-ui): ability to export second_total/second_tax for invoices

  • fix(manual-rebill): execute onRebillSuccess for manual rebill

  • fix(admin-ui): sort by user column in Detailed Rebill Report window

  • Request method added to access logs

  • feat(aff): new commission rule condition - Invoice Started

  • Allow to translate Comment and Terms for Upgrade paths

  • feat(aff-leads): add Total Spend as available column

  • fix(product-chain): cancel all user invoices regardless of products

  • feat(scheduleemails): ability to sort grid by email schedule

  • Paddle: Added option to lock account on chargeback, Fix bug in refund handling Thanks to R Woodgate

  • Epoch - log request to

  • feat(paysys): New Payment System: Paynet (

  • feat(paysys): New Payment System: PayCEC (

  • feat(theme): add Oxanium font

  • fix(otp): resolve conflict between OTP and Redirect After Login = referer


  • Fixed admin dashboard widget warnings

  • feat(am-lite): display recaptcha on login form if enabled

  • fix(aff): avoid 403 error on marketing material downloads. Dot in path can be blocked on some hosting.

  • fix(admin-form): scroll page to first error (it is important in case of long forms)

  • fix(admin-user-form): not possible to uncheck approved checkbox

  • fix(query): correctly invalidate foundRows

  • Bug fixed - rebill_date could be set to past date due to past errors

  • Invalidate session if email is changed

  • fix(otp): otp did not work on login screen if useSavedPass option disabled

  • feat(import): ability to import mobile area code and number

  • feat(admin-ui): mass action to assign/remove multiple content categories at once

  • feat(admin-ui): mass action to assign/remove multiple product categories at once

  • feat(admin-ui): mass action to assign/remove multiple user groups at once

  • fix(report): compatability with sql_require_primary_key mysql option

  • feat(single-login-session): ability to disable sls protection for user with active subscription to specific product

  • feat(bricks-editor): ability to quick search option in conditional display configuration

  • fix(signup): endless redirect if signup form has not products and 'Redirect After Login' set to 'Page Where Log In Link was Clicked'

  • feat(aff): separate admin permission for approve new affiliates

  • fix(php82): can not start session on php8.2 because of deprecated notices in save handler class on gc (when amember db is used as session save handler)

  • fix(wp): verify session token before use cookie for authentication

  • ConversionTrack - call "Tracking Code" for each page

  • feat(invite): invite accepted notification to user and admin, invite tolerance period

  • Oauth - admin permissions fixed

  • VBulletin - version 5.7 added

  • feat(subusers): ability to import cell phone

  • ProductChain - cancelOnSignup option added

  • OTO - %user.***% placeholders added

  • fix(paypal-express): send PROFILESTARTDATE in correct timezone

  • feat(paysys): New Payment System: xMoney (

  • Network Merchant 3DS support

  • Moneris Checkout plugin

  • Stripe - refunds fixed

  • fix(paypal-express): eliminate redirect to thanks page in case of ajax request (compatibility with oto)

  • BuyMeACoffee payment plugin added

  • Paypal-Checkout - recurring added

  • LinkQU payment plugin added

  • Fixed Bug: Payment token is empty error on rebills (introduced in 6.3.18)

  • Fixed Bug: rebill date was not calculated properly for upgrades done with mode Next Cycle

  • Bug fixed - resend payment receipt

  • fix(ui): correctly display preview value for file with multiple attribute

  • fix(php82): can not start session on php8.2 because of deprecated notices in save handler class (when amember db is used as session save handler)

  • fix(mail): gmail smtp-relay require domain name as name for SMTP session

  • feat(i18n): Norwegian locale formatter (billing terms)

  • feat(newsletter): Mailerlite New API

  • feat(api): add event AUTH_ADMIN_GET_PERMISSIONS

  • feat(api): PRODUCT_AFTER_INSERT event

  • fix(tax): correctly handle shipping with tax included

  • Bugfix - use primary key for temporary table(fix for hosting where sql_require_primary_key is set)

  • feat(webhook): event to give ability to attach additional data to payload from plugins

  • feat(security): invalidate existing reset password links on user|admin login

  • feat(subusers): ability for reseller to manage mobile number for subusers

  • feat(subusers): Ability to use parent account as recipient for email messages triggered by child account

  • fix(aff-leads): disable presets for export on frontend

  • fix(aff-coupon): optimize configuration form (case of huge number of coupon batches)

  • Epoch: always return 200 response to datalink

  • Epoch: Fix false positive incorrect IP address errors

  • Stripe: Fixed to work with latest India regulations

  • Amazon Pay: Disable submit button to avoid duplicate payments

  • feat(shurjo-pay): webhook support

  • feat(paysys): New Payment System: JAD (

  • feat(clickfunnels): ability to bind multiple clickfunnels products to single aMember product

  • GoCardlesspro - invoice log added

  • fix(signup-form): user groups brick within fieldset

  • fix(wp): destroy sessions on logout

  • fix(two-factor-authy): invalidate trusted devices on password change

  • fix(tax): calculate tax inclusive correctly for upgrade items in case of multiple ->calculate call

  • feat(admin-ui): ability to search payments/refunds/invoices by affiliate username

  • feat(theme): add Urbanist font

  • feat(report): Payments by signup form breakdown

  • feat(reward-points): ability to see points history in admin interface

  • feat(personal-folder): rebuild feature (ability to create personal folders for existing users)

  • feat(sales-popup): hint to show human-readable value for period option in config

  • Seamless-chex rebilling fixed.

  • Paypal-checkout - webhook validation added

  • Stripe - 'Support RBI e-mandates' option added to support recurring payments in India

  • fix(oto): incorrect parent invoice data on receipt page

  • Mobile brick - default country

  • Bug fixed: check OTP authentication status for the forms from enabled modules only

  • Bug fixed: wrong card could be updated if use more then one cc payment plugin

  • Cart - fixed admin menu permission

  • Stripe - API 2022-11-15 version fix

  • Improve compatability with php 8.2

  • Wordpress Tutor LMS integration

  • ScheduleEmails - catch mail sending error + optimized query to get templates

  • StripeGooglePaye - amount fixed

  • feat(coupon): ability to specify exclude products (do not apply discount)

  • feat(buy-now): ability to choose qty for billing plan with variable quantity

  • Stripe: bug fixed

  • Stripe Checkout Session fixed.

  • FileUploads - fixed count of files

  • Does not show link to disabled signup/profile forms in menu

  • Backslashes redirect fixed

  • Banxa payment plugin added

  • Netbilling - Site Tag option added

  • PHP 8.1 fix

  • payment plugin added

  • GocardlessPro - bug fixed

  • Added ability to edit/export mobile phone by admins.

  • New Plugin: TwoFactor Authentication via email one time passwords.

  • feat(form-brick): option Required for User groups brick

  • Restore previous Phone brick. Add new Mobile field to use it with SMS notifications. Change SMS transport and OTP adapters to work with mobile instead of phone.

  • feat(squre-up): update plugin to use Web Payments SDK (SqPaymentForm library is deprecated)

  • feat(ab-signup): admin permission to manage campaigns

  • fix(i18n): fix translation of labels for page-break

  • Stripe: manual rebill amount fixed

  • Better compatability with php8.1

  • Cron logs - date filter added

  • Fixed bug: Discord button was added to login form even if disabled in config

  • Fastspring-Contextual - double refunds fixed

  • New Feature: One Time Password Authentication

  • fix(form): id attribute can not contain spaces

  • fix(form-validate): javascript validation for multiselect and magicselect elements

  • feat(cart): live checkbox "is new" to product grid

  • feat(product-manage): mass action Amend Product Requirements

  • fix(invoice-calc): need to eliminate any missed indexes in array, otherwise we get not expected result after array_splice

  • feat(file-upload): new mass actions - Delete and Download

  • fix(custom-field-select): properly handle default value

  • fix(cart): destroy form session container after registration

  • feat(adv-search): new conditions: HaveActiveRecurringInvoice and NotHaveActiveRecurringInvoice

  • Monolog library updated to v2

  • Fixed Newsletters brick option "Default unchecked"

  • feat(cancel-feedback): disable right click on cancel link (prevent ability to cancel without feedback)

  • feat(i18n): terms text - ability to use different format based on period unit {d|m|y}

  • Bug fixed - checkVatService has started to require content-type

  • feat(payment-grid): ability to filter all recurring payments (including the original payment)

  • Jquery Lightbox fixed bug for output more then 1 blocks at the same page

  • Slovenian locale fixed

  • fix(refund-grid): include refunds for subsequent payment to search result (by product) only if product is recurring

  • fix(payment-grid): include subsequent payment to search result (by product) only if product is recurring

  • Translation fixed for cart basket total

  • Translation fixed for cart header

  • fix(cart): terms must be string, object cause error on invoice save

  • feat(cart): add total to basket

  • Filter non-digits for Venmo payout report

  • fix(video): embed code in AMD environment

  • feat(aff-bonus-link): add description for link

  • "Unknown invoice [%s] or invoice is already processed" show to user instead of "internal error"

  • Restore-recurring fixed - redirect to cancel page if something was wrong

  • feat(one-per-line): allow to sort existing items

  • fix(cart): not possible to add to cart product with single multi-select option where user did not select anything

  • fix(video): poster in case of file from disk is used

  • feat(paymentwall): New Pingback IP subnet support

  • Kuickpay payment plugin

  • Paypal - PDT redirect for free trials fixed, generic thanks page will be used

  • Fixed Bug: Stripe Additional Source Sepa Debit require address info in some situations

  • CoinbaseCommerce re-worked to use Charge API(better redirect to thanks page)

  • feat(mycryptocheckout): ability to sort wallets

  • CheckoutCom API 3 payment plugin added

  • FastspringContextual - handling of "subscription.deactivated" event added

  • Braintree - hosted mode bug fixed

  • New Payment Plugin: Integrity Merchant Solutions

  • Redsys - added Ds_Merchant_Titular(customer's name) parameter

  • CryptoCom payment plugin added

  • Windcave payment plugin added

  • feat(mycryptocheckout): monero_private_view_key

  • PaypalCheckout payment plugin added

  • PayPro - cancellation IPN handling added

  • feat(paysys): New Payment System: Uddokta Pay (

  • fastspring-contextual: ability to use multiple plugins/accounts in same installation

  • Fixed bug: ccBill plugin: Datalink didn't work right in some situations if more than one sub-accounts were used

  • Activecampaign-full - catch API error

  • Mailpoet - bug fixed

  • Mautic - changeEmail added

  • Xeroapi - use unique "InvoiceNumber" for each payment

  • SelfService: Ability to send credits between accounts

  • InfusionSoft - bug fixed, allow to get more than 1000 tags

  • Discord - ability to hide login button + Italian button translation

  • OAuth2 API: Ability to get Invoice upgrades and create upgraded invoice

  • Facebook - check email for ban

  • Xenforo - PHP8 fix

  • Hubspot Plugin was updated to work with Private Apps

  • EmailUsers - fixed to send test email by username OR email address

  • Cancel link added to credit card payment form

  • Add items list view to cart

  • Shopping Cart: Ability to skip periods for product terms when product is being displayed in the cart. Useful for physical products

  • Ability to translate product option title/description

  • Shopping Cart: Ability to mark products as new in cart

  • New Storage Plugin: Contabo

  • Fixed bug: Some JS Dialogs didn't work in aMember CP when opened second time

  • Upgraded jquery UI to 1.13.1

  • feat(admin-ui): add Last Signin (Date/Time) column to user grid

  • PHP 8.1 deprecated warnings fixed

  • feat(report): Amount of Rebills by time period

  • feat(report): Number of Rebills by time period

  • LiveDate grid action

  • add eTLD

  • Fixed Bug: CheckoutCom rebills failure in some situations

  • Fixed Bug: Duplicate transactions in some situations when user Square UP payment plugin.

  • ccBill plugin: Attempt to charge previous user (if enabled), if charge fails redirect user to ccBill.

  • ccBill plugin: Cancel discounts support implemented.

  • ccBill Plugin: Added an ability to extend subscription through Change Rebill Date functionality

  • feat(aweber): simplify tag management (allow to create tags from amember), bypass aweber api limits

  • feat(newsletter): New Newsletter Plugin: Moosend (

  • Newsletter Module: List Unsubscribe notification for user

  • Unsubscribe notification to user

  • Discord plugin: Login with discord functionality

  • Cancel Feedback: Ability for admin to specify cancellation reason

  • feat(subusers): respect username constraints for subusers

  • Widget Plugin: Ability to specify more than one target for widget

  • pdf-stamping - "transparency" setting added

  • Notification plugin: ability to translate notifications

  • New Oauth API controller: ability to get/update token

  • fix(wp): break config data on initial setup

  • fix(send-grid-v3): properly set reply_to address

  • feat(signup-form): ability to use condition display for phone field

  • InfusionSoft - php 8.1 fix

  • Wordpress - Learndash integration fixed

  • guzzlehttp/psr7 updated to non-vulnerable version 1.8.5

  • FastspringContextual - support of "subscription.uncanceled" added

  • Fixed bug: Redsys CreditCard: Error in re-billing when reference transactions are being used.

  • Stripe Apple Pay - recurring amount fixed

  • Sendlane - "no lists" fixed

  • aweber: bypass 120/minute limit when user has many lists

  • feat(avatar): Allowed MIME types for avatar

  • Change required PHP version to 7.4

  • feat(admin): ability to clear all cache data from admin interface

  • feat(admin-ui): refunds user grid column

  • feat(bruteforce-protector): add ability to include login type (ADMIN or USER) to admin email notification

  • feat(payment-email): ability to send email only for first or only for subsequent payments in recurring subscription

  • feat(newsletter): New Newsletter Plugin: Sendinblue (

  • feat(rest-api): user-notes endpoint

  • feat(theme): ability to sort social item links

  • fix(email): internal php mail (php8) - incorrect new line to separate headers leads to incorrect format of mail

  • fix(newsletter): route to ajax controller

  • fix(report): Average Lifetime Value: it always used now for end date for cohort

  • Improve compatibility with php8

  • MailQueue - updated to send emails by 5mins cron

  • feat(cloudpayments): handle recurring plan with lifetime second period

  • feat(paysys): New Payment System: Luxon Pay (

  • feat(paysys): New Payment System: Webpays (

  • ShurjoPay: rewrite plugin to use new API

  • CCBill - updated to handle datalink and cancel for subaccounts from product settings

  • feat(fastspring-contextual): handle cancel webhook

  • fix(aweber): retrieve all lists (pagination)

  • Aweber plugin: do not require for client to create developer account

  • fix(sendfox): retrieve all lists (pagination)

  • Self-Service: admin permission fixed

  • SunSub updated to work with latest

  • Baremetrics integration

  • feat(invite): ability to set limit of invites per user per month

  • Default Product Plugin: Fixed bug duplicate signup emails in some situation

  • feat(brick-upgrade): ability to set upgrades to show within brick configuration

  • ThanksPage plugin - payment placeholder added

  • Access By Publish date - folders support added

  • Access By Publish date - exact period added

  • fix(notification): respect option dont_close (show notification) even if user previously dismiss notification (when option was dont_close disabled)

  • Improve compatibility with php8

  • Set session name explicitly in order to Am_Lite can work in any environment (eg.: 3rd party script uses different session name)

  • Ability to translate unsubscribe text/html added

  • Enable CRAM MD5 authentication method for SMTP. (the only method allowed by Kirim email service)

  • feat(ui): ability to choose Week Starts On for calendar UI element

  • feat(admin-ui): Debug Log - segregate info messages to separate section

  • feat(admin-ui): Ability to filter admin log by admin

  • feat(pdf-invoice): Ability to configure size of logo

  • feat(storage): New Storage Plugin: StackPath (

  • feat(helpdesk): use ticket subject for page title

  • feat(pcloud): Add Europe Data Center Support

  • feat(cart): support for image/webp for product picture

  • feat(reports): Active Users by Product Categories

  • feat(auth): option to Allow Not Approved Users to Login

  • fix(vat): need to pass item when recalculate tax for subsequent payments (different items can have different rate)

  • fix(ui): do not display cancel link in Active Subscriptions widget for not recurring items in recurring invoice

  • fix(wp): properly get siteurl when multisite enabled

  • Rest API: key IP check changed to "starts with" check instead of equal. Allow to specify values like: 127.0.

  • REST API: Ability to query for saved forms

  • Bug fixed - import of encrypted passwords

  • Bug fixed - onSubscriptionChanged was not called for setGroups from Hidden User Group Brick, so integrations did not work right

  • Locked Group fixed for integration plugins

  • Fixed: The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET MAX_JOIN_SIZE=#

  • Credit Card Rebills - filter fixed

  • Aweber Plugin: Tags support added

  • Aweber plugin updated to work with Oauth 2.0

  • GetResponse bug fixed - API v3 has no response body for 202 status

  • CenPos payment plugin added

  • JazzCash payment plugin added

  • Myghpay payment plugin added

  • feat(paysys): New Payment System: Sisow (

  • Netbilling: allow use previous order# for rebilling existing customers

  • Stripe - show/hide card field if new/existing card is selected

  • Self-Service - admin permissions fixed

  • feat(self-service): User Mass Actions - Self Service Credit/Debit

  • Access By Publish Date - links added

  • LifetimeBp fixed do not throw error for manual access records

  • SubscriptionLimit plugin fixed to respect CreditCard signup form bricks

  • feat(serials): serial batches introduced

  • feat(sales-popup): ability to choose sort order for notifications (Random|Chronological|Reverse Chronological)

  • feat(softsale): abiliaty to manage postion of License menu item in user menu

  • feat(subusers): ability to include parent_id to user export

  • feat(cookie-notice): ability to choose text color in plugin configuration

  • Discord - groups integration fixed

  • Catch all exceptions and errors in cron

  • Show cron tasks execution in seconds. Correctly show if task wasn't finished.

  • Credit Card Rebills - pagination fixed

  • feat(bundle-discount): separate admin permission to manage discount rules

  • feat(signup-form): conditional display by coupon code

  • fix(upgrade-path): handle case with different currency for FROM and TO billing plans

  • fix(mass-subscribe): does not allow double click in chrome (avoid multiple form submit)

  • feat(admin-saved-form): mass actions - Delete/Disable/Enable

  • fix(admin-payments): filter by user name - 'name_f' in where clause is ambiguous

  • fix(field-date): ability to clear date

  • exclude helpdesk autocomplete from access log

  • fix(aff): lead is not recorded

  • feat(custom-field): ability to restrict mime types for upload fields

  • feat(form): add input type=number element

  • fix(admin-aff-payout): sql error on page with payout details in admin interface in case of AM_HUGE_DB (Duplicate column name)

  • Admin cron logs - filter added

  • bugfix - absorb tax, better way to calculate to avoid rounding issue

  • fix(invoice cancel): handle case of delete product in cancel invoice notification

  • fix(user-consent): sql error on tab with user consent in admin interface in case of AM_HUGE_DB (Duplicate column name)

  • fix(template): VIEW_BODY_APPEND event remove one symbol from original content

  • fix(subusers): exclude subusers from clear pending users query

  • Name brick fixed - two rows + reverse order

  • Cloudpayments payment plugin added

  • Stripe: swap option disable_paymethod_select -> enable_paymethod_select

  • GotoWebinar plugin: suppress errors on member's pages. Cache frequently info

  • Facebook Conversions - event_id added

  • Chartmogul plugin added

  • fix(directory): access check for menu item

  • Sendgrid3 - updated to do not use legacy API

  • Mollie - fixed to respect amount for partial refund notification

  • bugfix - NOTICE: Undefined property: TaskTable::$di in line 67 of file /library/Am/Model/Task.php

  • bugfix - Exception Error:Call to a member function hasService() on null at line 119 in file library/Am/View.php, aff/aff?c=****

  • improve compatibility with php8

  • feat(schedule email): ability to send test email

  • feat(schedule email): ability to preview email

  • feat(credits): display history in reverse chronological order

  • Telegram - better log API calls

  • Admin Vat Report - paysys if filter fixed

  • Shopping Cart: external domains fixed

  • AdvancedSearch - searchable list

  • feat(simple-template): strip_tags modifier

  • feat(email-template): ability to use %expires% placeholder in cancel email notification

  • feat(admin-ui): filter on not-confirmed users list

  • feat(pdf-receipt): multi-page receipt (useful for order with many items)

  • feat(advanced-search): checkbox has any value selected

  • feat(product-upgarde): new product upgrade type - Next Cycle

  • feat(wp): compatibility with theme mission-news

  • feat(custom-fields): ability to add SQL fields with size 16, 32, 64 - important if you have many tiny additional fields (DB row size limit is just 8126)

  • feat(admin): quick filter for buy now buttons in admin interface

  • feat(admin): record password set date/time for admin

  • feat(api): ability to use X-API-Key header to authorize request

  • feat(forms-editor): Coupon brick - option to hide field by default, user need to click link to see it

  • fix(new-rewrite): escape space in folder path

  • fix(adv-search): NOT IN operator, take into account NULL values

  • fix(signup form): always inject logged in user record as datasource, it is required to populate readonly fields

  • fix(manual-rebill): grace period fixed

  • fix(avatar): mkdir return false if directory already exists therefore exception is threw

  • fix(digital-ocean-spaces): fix code of Singapore region

  • fix(email-template): display tax rate with decimals in %invoice_text% placeholder

  • feat(aff): Paxum payout method

  • feat(aff): UPI (Unified Payments Interface) payout method

  • feat(aff): add paysys column to grid with commissions in admin interface

  • Am_Tasks one-time run scheduler implemented

  • new event: VIEW_BODY_APPEND - append addReturn() content before </body>, called once

  • Fixed bugs: Am_Lite didn't properly work if session name is not default in php config.

  • feat(mautic): ability to pass user custom fields

  • GetResponse Plugin: Added API v3 support

  • Eu Vat Id added to customize/export of Users grid

  • Added Manual Rebill payment plugin type. Before rebill date user will receive message with payment link and will be able to complete subscription payment manually. Currently btcpay and coinbase-commerce are supported.

  • Fixed bug: EU vat was calculated wrong if invoice had quantity

  • In grids load total and paginator in separate ajax requests to speed up overall loading

  • fix(acellemail): update api calls

  • bug fixed - no need to expire lifetime products after second payment

  • bug fixed - do not send product welcome emails if user is unsubscribed

  • bug fixed - report Conversion rate by payment system breakdown used to use wrong end date

  • New Payment system plugin: InovioPay

  • New Payment plugin: SeamlessChex

  • feat(paysys): New Payment System: ShurjoPay (

  • feat(paysys): New Payment System: SManager (

  • feat(paysys): New Payment System: Remitano (

  • feat(paysys): New Payment System: MyCryptoCheckout (

  • ThriveCart - recurring notification fixed

  • Epoch - whitelist

  • Stripe - update credit card fixed

  • Stripe plugin: Allow for customer to select existing payment method in stripe (so limit number of payment methods created)

  • Stripe/Payflow Fixed "update cc info" link, added phone to Payflow card form

  • Payumoney: Fixed bug: payment was not activated

  • Fixed Bug: Vendo plugin treat refund IPN as payments

  • Konnektive - allow comma separated product #'s

  • New Plugin Facebook Conversions. Add Facebook pixel to aMember pages, use Conversion API to send purchase event.

  • Payment-link - ability to use flat amount + product

  • feat(notification): ability to have different notifications for different zones

  • feat(auto-login-placeholder): REST API to create autologin link

  • Apple-signin - updated to do not use file_get_contents

  • feat(signup-form-evergreen): ability to reset first view for form

  • feat(product-feedback): intro text on capture feedback form

  • feat(invite): ability to set daily invite limit per user

  • cancel-on-upgrade: set zero invoice->data->UPGRADE_INVOICE_ID to correctly count it in reports

  • cancel-feedback: added admin permissions

  • fix(rebill): Rebills were processed with errors in some situations

  • fix(backup): Do not save email with backup to log to avoid recursion

  • feat(product-management): mass action Set Product Requirements

  • feat(simple-tpl): allow symbol '/' in literals, useful for urls to escape %'/amember/signup/'|urlencode%

  • Attach address and tax rate to payment/refund. Display correct rate/pdf invoice in situations when user changed address info

  • Rest Api - fixed post,put requests for classes based on Am_Record

  • Backup Cron - ignore abort and extend memory limit

  • fix(form-editor): multiple HTML bricks in sidebar position

  • fix(brick-conditional): avoid trigger change event - it lead to bug when state field do not populated (change triggered before CountryState initialized)

  • fix(option-editor): sort rows, ability to edit empty text label

  • fix(url): incorrect translation relative url to absolute

  • fix(form): fault tolerance in case of remove attempt of not existing element

  • feat(aff): new commission rule condition - Number of Payment in Invoice

  • feat(cart): show product if it is member of at least one category with revealed code

  • feat(cart): show products in category requested by code even if product is member of another category with code

  • fix(cart): delay _setBasketItems until i18n loaded

  • fix(cart): endless redirect if logged in user open signup/cart directly

  • fix(cart): do not allow to put invoice-summary and donation bricks to form in admin UI. These bricks has not effect in case of shopping cart

  • fix(cart): ability to use files from Disk as product image

  • Mailer Lite: Flexible Actions support

  • feat(paysys): New Payment System: Cryptonator (

  • feat(ccavenue): compatibility with latest PHP: mcrypt -> openssl

  • Sberbank - recurring fixed

  • ClickFunnels - cancel event handling added

  • Vendo - payment plugin added

  • Paddle plugin update

  • apple-signin plugin added

  • feat(login-monitor): allow to send email only for users with specific product

  • feat(shipping-flat): free shipping threshold

  • feat(gift-card): ability to add gift card from admin interface

  • fix(sales-notification): delay initialization until document is fully loaded (get rid of jquery race condition)

  • fix(donation): visualization error, numbers likes 3.4000000000000017

  • Infusion-soft - allow to send plain text pass for registration email

  • feat(self-service): show thank you page after user get product

  • feat(self-service): Option to Notify Admin when User Get Product

  • feat(self-service): pagination for products page

  • feat(admin-ui): Addons: Hint to check Addons Directory if Nothing found in My Plugins section

  • feat(report): Payments by payment system breakdown: ability to run report for selected payment systems

  • feat(admin-ui): Mass Action to assign template (Pages/Videos)

  • feat(buynow-button): improve UX: allow to put coupon code on signup form to avoid unnecessary second step

  • feat(admin-ui): add column with number of active users to grid with archived products

  • feat(aff): New payout Method: Coin Payments

  • feat(wp): compatibility with supermarket theme

  • feat(theme): ability to add Login/Logout link

  • fix(ui): password indicator - proper width when used custom font (font loaded later and change width of input element)

  • fix(admin-ui): Mass action change order for email templates (special case)

  • fix(newsletter): add free subscription (if configured) if user signup from other than signup form source (eg.: social signup, added from admin interface etc.)

  • fix(i18n): translations for product categories in shopping cart

  • fix(form): removeElementByName need to check form deeply

  • fix(report): compatibility with PHP 8 (float + string trigger Fatal Error)

  • ConvertKit tags support

  • Facebook - ability to add few products after login

  • Am_Protect_Databased - fixed supergroups if user email address is changed

  • jQuery click event fixed for mobile devices

  • Razorpay - recurring added

  • Clickfunnels - free trial fixed

  • Networkmerchants-hosted - refunds added

  • Netbilling - allow to charge using reference(for imported transactions)

  • Stripe - fixed bug - The provided PaymentMethod was previously used with a PaymentIntent without Customer attachment, shared with a connected account without Customer attachment, or was detached from a Customer

  • fix(paypal-plus): handle shipping fee

  • fix(flexpay): saleID is same for all upcoming transactions but we need unique value

  • fix(paysys): Cardinity, incorrect amount format if amount more than 1K (number_format use thousands separator)

  • feat(paysys): New Payment System: LexPay (

  • feat(paysys): New Payment System: Copecart (

  • Epoch - ETS parameter bug fixed

  • Woocommerce payment plugin added

  • feat(aff-lead): new option Show Products - allow to display only defined subscriptions

  • fix(aff-lead): search by Active Subscriptions field

  • feat(discord): Advanced User Search Condition: Discord Login

  • feat(upsell): option to keep qty from conditional product

  • MaxMind Plugin updated to work with latest API

  • feat(pdf-invoice): ability to alter total records from plugins

  • feat(report): New Report - Invoices By Signup Form

  • fix(report): performance issue 'Payments by New vs Existing members' on huge DB

  • fix(custom-field): options array for select element can have nested elements (optgroup)

  • fix(upload): javascript validation for upload element

  • feat(custom-field): ability to use custom upload prefix for upload field

  • feat(discord): super_groups

  • fix(newsletter): activate lists after plugin enable of previously disabled plugin

  • Amend Content Protection - extended to allow to set up start/expire day, payment N, etc.

  • ctype extension is required

  • fix(aff): respect user language preference for approve_denied email notification

  • feat(resource-category): optimize performance on huge database

  • Fastspring-contextual - bug fixed - use unique accounts.lookup.custom

  • Bluesnap - updated for new API

  • Braintree - allow to disable 3DS (for old accounts)

  • Stripe Echeck - Plaid support added

  • Discord - show "Link account" only if user has access to integrated products

  • Sales-popup: add crossorigin = "anonymous"

  • feat(moodle): ability to sync avatar

  • fix(php8): violation of LSP cause Fatal Error

  • fix link to Plugins page in Quick Start

  • Improved privacy when including third-party libraries from CDN

  • fix(admin-ui): init Advanced Search if grid was loaded by ajax request

  • fix(user-export): export of user radio data fields

  • Protect Content - E-Mails - ability to see full subject in grid

  • Fixed bug with Activecampaign plugins: Plugins moved users to wrong lists in some situations

  • Greenmoney payment plugin added

  • Improve compatibility with PHP8

  • Fixed bug with single product (hidden) on signup form

  • fix(i18n): ability to translate 'select state'

  • feat(coincorner): refund

  • Paypal: pro_hosted txn_type added

  • fix(mautic): incorrect reference to debug method

  • fix(rest-api): product-product-category

  • compatibility with PHP8

  • upgrade jQuery version to 3.5.1

  • feat(email-template): strtolower/strtoupper modifiers

  • feat(coupon): trim whitespaces from submitted coupon code

  • Ability to make user groups read-only on profile form

  • Moodle plugin: change optional groups behavior. Plugin will remove group only if it is configured at aMember CP -> Protect Content -> Integrations

  • New Payment System: OviPay (

  • New Plugin: Stripe Sofort payment method using latest PaymentIntents API

  • Giropay via stripe payment plugin using payment intents API.

  • feat(aff): new commission rule condition - First Time Affiliate Sale

  • feat(theme): add behance as available social media link for footer

  • feat(coupon): make error on zero discount optional, there is several use cases when such behaviour is not desired

  • feat(html-editor): button to easy embed youtube video

  • feat(aff): separate intro text, general link and banners blocks, ability to manage it independently

  • feat(pdf-invoice): option to add product description to PDF invoice

  • feat(sendy): ability to pass additional fields to sendy

  • feat(getdrip): ability to pass user custom fields

  • feat(helpdesk): set explicit order for admin menu items - ability to put custom items between

  • Wasabi storage plugin

  • Exclude not recurring items from payment receipt in email for subsequent payments

  • fix(admin-ui): email users preview in case of plain-text

  • fix(admin-ui): bug in case of too long product name

  • fix(i18n): ability to translate options for select elements

  • fix(upgrade): process partial refund in case of downsell

  • fix(theme): respect chosen Identity Type (login|email|full name) in login/logout offer block on signup form

  • fix(mail_cancel): put to email template first *recurring* product from invoice

  • fix(user-menu): ability to use some menu items in context without logged in user eg.: add items to header menu of theme

  • fix(selectel): fix violation for LSP

  • fix(email): do not send email without recipients

  • mailchimp: do not raise error on empty response returned by DELETE api

  • Apache 2.4 fix

  • Fixed bug: Authentication errors were not displayed on admin login page.

  • events ADMIN_ADD_INVOICE_FORM/ADMIN_ADD_INVOICE_INVOICE: ability to extend features of form from plugins

  • Do not store paysystem transaction exceptions in Error log. They are stored in invoice log already

  • Newsletter - standardize debug mode

  • New Payment System - CoinCorner (

  • Stripe additional sources - Sofort fixed to use asynchronous charge confirmation

  • Payflow - iframe fixed

  • Fixed Bug: CoinBaseCommerce incorrect rebill amount in some situations

  • toyyib-pay: pass billDescription as required

  • Stripe Apple pay: use new payment_intents api to process payments.

  • Fixed bug: Cardinity payment plugin: wrong amount was passed for recurring payments.

  • fix(plugnplay): add customer IP to API request

  • fix(stripe): correct language codes for l10n

  • yandex payment url updated

  • thrive-cart refund amount added

  • fastspring-contextual - supported currencies added

  • Implements #2053: Sales Popup: Ability for site visitors to close the popup notification for the CURRENT website visit

  • Notification Plugin: ability to setup notification with countdown

  • feat(personal-content): Mass User Action Upload Personal File

  • Cs-cart integration plugin added

  • ORIBI tracking plugin added

  • Improved session compatibility between aMember and Wordpress

  • Implements #2100: Newsletter brick - Hide List if User is already subscribed

  • Implements #2101: Admin Dashboard Sales Statistic Widget: rebills next month

  • Mailchimp: do not throw exception on empty response

  • fastspring-contextual: allow to pay for invoice within due_date

  • PDF: exclude not recurring items from receipt for second and subsequent payment

  • Sales Popup: Brick for Profile form to disable this popup for particular user

  • schedule-emails: ability to copy emails

  • Bug Fixed: Product brick within fieldset on multi-page form

  • Bug Fixed: Ability to assign user/affiliate to coupon if user has numeric username

  • Bug Fixed: Popup form close icon

  • Ability to copy autoresponder emails added

  • Fieldset brick: ability to set CSS class, unique ID for name fields

  • Admin UX: Forms Editor - make available bricks block sticky - quite useful in case of form with many fields

  • Implements #2104: Add ability to set name (admin reference) to form bricks

  • Bug Fixed: Unable to configure Moodle Plugin if MySQL uses non-default port

  • Eliminate unnecessary depth limit from menu

  • Shopping Cart: ability to use radio buttons for payment system

  • Several possible XSS issues fixed

  • Bug Fixed: too big value of 'group_concat_max_len' pointed to empty results

  • Directory: fix markdown for sortable headers

  • Bug Fixed: directory - not possible to user groups and subscription columns together

  • Optimise admin coupons page: use ajax request to get details of coupon usage

  • Helpdesk: enable valuesToForm/valuesFromForm events for ticket form

  • REST API: user-groups endpoint

  • Bug Fixed: order of 'Resource Categories Menu' in case of there is only one item

  • User Consent: Ability to make it optional

  • UX: even/odd records in table with access in admin interface

  • Address Brick: Add settings Read-only

  • New interval for reports last 12 months

  • Product Conversion Report: Add revenue to report data

  • User Search Criteria: Share Same Signup IP with other users

  • User Search Criteria: Last Signin match signup date

  • Fix UI for 'Last Signin' search criteria

  • Hide links to edit rebill date and cancel recurring if admin has not permission to do it

  • Refresh auth session on profile update (important in case of change username/email and integration plugin)

  • Bug Fixed: execute Am_Event::AUTH_AFTER_LOGIN in case of 2fa

  • Ability to clear Invoice Log manually/automatically

  • Regenerate session id after login (prevent session fixation)

  • Bug Fixed: frontend - initialize datepicker for elements loaded by ajax requests

  • New payout day option added "Last day of the month"

  • Bug Fixed: Aff Stats page with Compare against other periods

  • Add search for banners in aff UI

  • Webmoney fixed

  • Stripe plugin: Send customer name to stripe

  • Payeezy-js2 payment plugin added

  • Curopayments payment plugin added

  • Stripe Echeck payment plugin added

  • UsaEpay: PCI DSS SAQ-A compatible solution

  • Discord plugin: Ability to remove link with Discord

  • Autocoupons: Ability to set period of validity for generated coupons

  • Aff Bonus Link: ability to bind single link to multiple products

  • Avatar: fix orientation of image based on exif if possible

  • Discord: trigger user update event of link/unlink account

  • Fixed bug: Stripe plugin: No such customer error when more then one Stripe plugin enabled.

  • conversion-track: base64_encode content on config form before submit it to server (help to bypass security filters on server)

  • Bug Fixed: Filter at Protect Content -> All (Union query require special attention on filter apply)

  • 2FA: brute force protection

  • Solid Color Theme: Ability to customize Footer

  • Solid Color Theme/Black Theme: Ability to add links to social media accounts from theme configuration page

  • Advanced Search: Language - add known options

  • Shopping Cart: Empty cart in case of invoice was completed by IPN

  • Expire Emails: ability to send email to users with cancelled recurring invoice

  • Fixed bug: Unable to download EU Vat Report

  • Fixed bug: RazorPay plugin, already captured payments were not properly activated

  • New User Search Condition: Has User Notes

  • New Payment System: eeeCurrency (

  • Credits Plugin: Ability to do affiliate payout to internal credits

  • Bug Fixed: helpdesk admin ui change owner/set watchers etc.

  • Idevaffiliate: submit currency

  • New Payment plugin: WeChatPay

  • 'hide' src url for video/audio in html source code

  • Bug Fixed: invoice summary on second page of multi-page signup forms

  • samesite cookie fixed for aws hosting

  • Bug Fixed: "mime type mismatch" console error for aff click js

  • Fixed bug: JS error on subuser pages

  • Discord plugin: Ability to add user to discord server and assign role depends on purchased subscriptions

  • PayButton: case when button configured to use any payment system but only single one is suited to current invoice

  • Bug Fixed: paysystem-toggle (ie.: Credit Card Input Element) in case of single payment system on form

  • Stripe-apple-pay, Stripe-google-pay - fixed to use token from new stripe plugin

  • xeroapi - ability to resubmit old payments + code cleanup

  • PayMaya Checkout payment plugin

  • Personal Content: Mass Action to User Grid - remove file

  • Divi theme title fixed

  • mailchimp - debug option added

  • Header Menu: narrow screen state

  • Fixed bug: Incorrect amount was billed by Authorize.Net plugin in case of manual rebill in some situations.

  • self-service - deduct confirmation option added

  • Bug Fixed: Helpdesk Javascript on Frontend

  • Personal-Content: ability to set sort order for files on user side

  • jquery.form (ajaxSubmit) can be used on frontend

  • Separate payout methods 'Paypal' and 'PayPal or Venmo'

  • Improve commission rules (aff_sales_count|aff_items_count|aff_sales_amount) - add periods (current month|all time)

  • New Payout Method: Cash App

  • Restored safe jQuery load option - improved compatibility

  • Added "Hide" option for Countries

  • Allow reuse stored credit card if supported by plugin (now stripe only, enable via PHP config)

  • New Newsletter Plugin: Acelle Mail (

  • Ability to sort Users grid by full name

  • New Newsletter Plugin: Send Fox (

  • New Payment Plugin: Remita

  • Authorize.Net CIM - recurringBilling parameter fixed

  • mutasibank payment plugin added

  • Bug Fixed in country/select

  • Added User Grid Mass Action: Add A Note

  • Amazon SES: Added US East(Ohaio) region

  • Bug Fixed: Content Category Menu has unnecessary additional level

  • Cookie Notice: Ability to choose postion (top|bottom)

  • Fixed Bug: Square-Up plugin, incorrect header for API requests were sent.

  • JV: admin permission to manage settings

  • Notice in admin interface if user is permanently locked

  • Self-Service: confirmation window before add product

  • Implemented AWS Signature v4 support for Amazon SES Email sending method

  • Login Sharing Protection: New setting Use first4 blocks to determine different IPv6.

  • Not Confirmed Users: add action Export

  • User Menu: ability to add target attribute for custom links

  • Advanced Search Condition: User Consent

  • Fixed user menu for mobile devices in horizontal view

  • Do not try to re-send failed email from queue if it was added more then two weeks ago.

  • Fixed bug: incompatibility with 5.6


  • SignupCheckboxGroup: reset current value before set new one

  • Bug Fixed: product default value for product brick inside fieldset

  • Display item qty (if more than 1) in admin lists (payments/refunds/invoices)

  • Bug Fixed: edit of prices for product options

  • Bug Fixed: admin HTML template (caused silly errors if user have any refunds)

  • Bug Fixed: use unique name for session container in multi-page forms (to avoid mix of data from different signup pages)

  • Add fetch polyfill for iphone/ipad/ipod devices

  • Bug Fixed: tax for shipping

  • EU VAT ID Brick: add conditional display

  • Bug Fixed: email user - persist email text on filter state change (saved search)

  • Moodle - email preferences

  • Webhook module: add delay for failed requests reprocessing, add limitation for number of failures

  • Soft Sale module: visually distinguish disabled license schemas in admin interface

  • Yahoo Sign In: OpenID2 -> OpenID Connect

  • Autocoupon: ability to bind generated coupon to user account

Oauth Server
  • Implemented ability to create manual access tokens for clients who can use client_credentials grant(skip authentication process)

  • Authorization code grant, store user consent status and do not ask user to provide an access again

  • Ability to set expiration to forever within Access Permission

  • Activecampaign: add/remove tag on used coupon

  • Mailchimp add an ability to associate tags to products.

  • Klavio: sync first/last name and phone

Affiliate Module
  • Add support of Venmo payout.

  • Correctly distribute paid amount between items (take into account tax and shipping)

  • Aff Stat Transaction Download: include Payout Date to file

  • Ability to enable CORS header for specific domains

  • Send zero autoresponders when access is being added

  • New Payment Plugin: Paytm (

  • Sberbank - handle ipn's

  • New Payment Plugin: Dilapay (

  • New Payment Plugin: PayMaya

  • Nmi plugin: pass currency information

  • Passion hosted payment plugin

  • Stripe ipn - find invoice by receipt_id

  • SagepayForm: replace mcrypt with openssl

  • New Plugin: Payment Gateway. Ability top use aMember as a payment gateway to process payments from other scripts.

  • Razorpay - USD added

  • SECURITY Bugfix release - an XSS vulnerability fixed

  • That is a medium level vulnerability, it does not directly allow to access your admin area or

  • users list, however, it is anyway dangerous and we advise to upgrade IMMEDIATELY.

  • Improved compatibility with IE11

  • Affiliate: improve process of affiliate approve/deny by admin

  • Donation Plugin: split Server (to Group) and Client (to Element) validation. Server (to Element) errors is not rendered within group element

  • Upsell plugin: Add report that displays accept/reject rate

  • Ability to export currency from payment/refund/invoice lists in admin interface

  • Newsletters: ability to delete lists for standard plugin

  • Notification Plugin: handle access based on number of payments, add column with targets to grid

  • Bug Fixed: one-per-line element did not work

  • Bug Fixed: styled file upload element in case of it has positioned ancestor

  • Digital Ocean Spaces storage plugin

  • I18n for reCaptcha on login/sendpass forms

  • Bug Fixed: Product Options in case of single product with radio input (ie.: type=hidden)

  • Bug Fixed: recaptcha on login/sendpass forms in popup

  • Bug Fixed: Bricks Editor did not initialized when saved form copied

  • Bug Fixed: Same form can have multiple address sections

  • Bug Fixed: Unable to complete stripe payment in IE11 (added fetch polyfill for IE11 and less)

  • Bug Fixed: Bricks Editor did not initialized when saved form copied

  • Ability to filter commissions by used Coupon

  • Exclude sales-notification from access log

  • Display notice about pending request to change email on profile form. Do not log incorrect/expired confirmation error to error log

  • User Friendly Error Messages for expired reset password link

  • New Widget Positions: Shopping Cart All Pages (Top) and Shopping Cart All Pages (Bottom)

  • Facebook SDK updated to latest version

  • Placeholder for additional fields

  • Cancel recurring after chargeback

  • PHP < 7.3 samesite cookie added

  • change required PHP version to 7.2

  • Webhooks: send data parameters where applicable.

  • layout no title (useful at aMember Cp -> Protect Content -> Pages)


  • Fixed: Authorize.NET CIM Hosted version didn't work

  • Ccbill - fixed initialPeriod for lifetime products

  • New Payment Plugin: Perfect Money

  • USA Payments plugin

  • Digistore24 payment plugin added

  • Added ability to complete manual rebills for CoinbaseCommerce plugin

  • Flowplayer video player has been replaced with Plyr (HTML5 based, no Flash)

  • JavaScript: fixed compatibility with MS Edge browser for user-side pages

  • Black Theme added

  • Kayako-remote integration plugin added

  • Sberbank payment plugin added

  • Fastspring Contextual: fixed bug quantity for products in autocreated invoices was incorrect.

  • XeroApi re-worked for new API

  • cancel-feedback plugin fixed to work correctly with new js

  • Bug Fixed: parent for root categories

  • Additional Stripe Soruces - prevent double charges by page refresh

  • New Amazon SES regions added

  • Cancellations(without upgrade) added to sales widget

  • Bug Fixed: deafult date for datepicker

  • Start Date Calculation can be set to "Next Day"

  • Bug Fixed: Cart state update: Js code expect Array here

  • Assign Paysystem to product: case of multiple paysystems within product on signup form

  • Bug Fixed: Js initialization for bricks within fieldset

  • Bug fixed - "Change rebill date" Datepicker use YYYY-mm-dd format

  • Add missing reset.css and site-dist.css files to release

  • Use unique ID for agreements elements HTML code

  • Oauth: trigger event ValidateSavedForm for register

  • Translation files updated

  • Added "woff2" into root .htaccess file (not updated on upgrade)

  • Add back views/public/.htaccess into build (missing in 6.2.0)

  • Donation plugin fixed

  • Do not show "payment already processed" errors and do not log such errors. Redirect user to member's page instead.

  • REST API: Fixed bug registration emails wasn't sent when user was created through API

  • GocardlessPRO: updated supported currencies list

  • Newsletter: do not touch titles for existing lists on sync - admin can customize it

  • Log "export" action to admin log

  • Fix menu style with DIVI theme

  • Reworked internal JavaScript libraries for frontend and backend pages - works much faster now

  • aMember documentation reworked, context help for plugins added

  • Disallow opening aMember pages in iframe on 3rd party domains to avoid clickjacking attacks

  • Improved Reset Admin Password Flow

  • Product Options: Ability to add Description for product options

  • Upgrades - do not get invoices with expired access

  • Fixed bug: Incorrect upgrade link behaviour in Active subscriptions widget. Wrong invoice was chosen to upgrade.

  • Solid Color Theme: Header Menu

  • Oauth2 Module: enable PKCE support.

  • Ability to Configure deep menu levels

  • Am_Lite::getQty() method added

  • Added touch event support for jquery ui

  • "copy-to-clipboard" option for general affiliate link

  • Payment plugins: hide extra settings by default.

  • IS EMPTY condition for multi_select/multi_upload fields

  • Fixed bug: InfusionSoft plugin unable to update username/password.

  • pdo_options can be set within config.php file

  • Bug Fixed: default coupon for coupon brick within fieldset

  • Brick Conditional Display: Ability to choose 'Any Match'|'All Match'

  • jQuery library updated for video JS code

  • bug fixed - recognize audio/mp3 as audio

  • Ability to calculate and add Tier commissions when admin add manual commission to affiliate.

  • Options Editor: ability to sort options

  • Options Editor: Ability to Export Options

  • Bug fixed - user lookup did not work right at EmailUsers section

  • Ability to use custom page for Access Forbidden

  • Affiliate: show statistics for recent periods first

  • maximize above ui-front when ckeditor used in dialogue

  • Bug Fixed: Softsale - respect option hide_expired_licenses

  • Coupon with absolute discount: fix discount distribution between items (round error)

  • Email confirmation template - use more variables

  • admin-setup speed improvement - lazy init plugin setup forms

  • Grids: avoid useless text like 'showing records 1-1 from 1'

  • output masked IP address in admin UI for better privacy

  • Added Ability to resend payment receipt email

  • Show total coupon revenue on Coupon usage screen

  • Mass Action: Amend Access Permission

  • Advanced Search: NOT IN condition

  • Add Emoji Panel to response dialog

  • bold and italic format to helpdesk messages

  • Add snippets to menu

  • Add Categories for reply snippets

  • Mass Ticket Reply action

  • Show in grid if some admin already working on ticket

  • Ability to manage sort order of reply snippets

  • Elavon payment plugin

  • SmartDebit: ref/publicId

  • SmartDebit: process Successful Collection Report

  • SmartDebit: ability to configure sandbox account

  • SmartDebit: lead time for rebills

  • Paypal: proper url to cancel subscription

  • Robokassa: recurring payment plugin added

  • PayPal Express: add product name of billing profile description

  • Konnektive payment plugin added

  • Stripe sources problem "Invalid statement descriptor. Cannot contain the characters /, (, ), {, or }" fixed

  • PhpBB: compatibility with 3.3

  • Zenddesk: Added tags support

  • Xeroapi: amounts fixed

  • Magoware: update password fixed

  • Invision4: sso fixed

  • Cerb9 integration plugin

  • New Plugin: Integration with GoToWebinar

  • SMF: ssi fixed

  • Activecampaign: do not empty first and last name (skip these fields if we have not value)

  • Mailchimp plugin: Added ability to set Mailchimp Merge fields from aMember's profile information

  • MailChimp Plugin: Added merge tags support

  • Donation plugin: emotional layout with minimum!=0 and allow to skip donation

  • Credits: Low Level User Notification

  • schedule-access more gentle way to handle wrong configuration

  • Improved admin password restore - (1) will not show if admin is exists and e-mail match (2) added time limits per-admin and per-requests from IP

  • Validate coupon code on batch creation to avoid SQL error with duplicate value

  • Am_Lite::getUserGroups - return array of user group ids for currently logged in user

  • Helpdesk: separate option to allow/disallow users to close tickets

  • Split "Setup -> E-Mail" to 2 pages "E-Mail" and "E-Mail Templates"

  • Bug Fixed: maximum length of column name in mysql is 64, we should restrict field name length accordingly

  • Form Blocks: Conditional Display based on Product

  • Form Bricks: conditional display depending on selected payment system

  • Bug Fixed: handle hide if logged in for fieldset

  • Ability to hide Coupon field for logged in user

  • Invoice Summary: ability to put multiple instances of block to same form (useful in case of multi-page form)

  • Mark commissions that did not pass threshold date (Delay Payout) within admin interface

  • Restore generate password link for add new user form

  • Bug Fixed: sort of directories

  • User Search Condition: Duplicate Value In Field

  • Aff - do not call js for banners page(prevent overloading)

  • Ability to change Due Date for invoice from admin interface

  • Bug Fixed: products from hidden category can be shown in case of another category filter applied in where part

  • Bug Fixed: case of empty hidden categories in cookies (shopping cart)

  • Implements #2064: Dedicated Permission for Access Agreement Documents

  • Ability to export labels for select additional fields

  • Shopping Cart: ability to apply coupon on checkout page

  • Bug Fixed: session data can contain emoji too, in turn it broke ability to unserialize data

  • Fixed bug: Removed magic_quotes_* functions calls. That functionality was removed from php 5.4.0

  • Ability to search user by id in quick lookup in admin interface

  • Ja translation for billing terms

  • Improve performance of coupons page (admin interface) in case of huge nnumber of coupon codes

  • Bug fixed: Unable to change basked when it was saved already. (for example if user try to checkout and then click back);

  • Bug Fixed: multiple instance of flowplayer on same page

  • Fastspring Contextual plugin: Auto create support added

  • Stripe plugin: Implemented Stripe Checkout mode. User will be redirected to stripe in order to specify info

  • CcBill - consider parameter name "subscriptionId" as well

  • Intuit Merchant Plugin: Update Cart expiration date if card was already stored in vault.

  • Stripe Additional Sources SEPA Debit ability to register chargebacks

  • CcBill plugin: Auto create support for FlexPay forms

  • Fixed bug: Stripe SEPA Additional source plugin: disable duplicate form submit

  • Fixed StripeGoogle pay plugin.

  • payeezy-js bug fixed: check output of json_encode(34.95 * 100);

  • Netdebits source validation fixed

  • Fixed bug: Stripe Additional Sources Sepa Debit use existing customer record in stripe and do not create new one.

  • Braintree - rebills fixed

  • Moodle: use manual auth type (there is not difference with email but email can be disabled and therefore user will not be able to login)

  • Moodle: sync is_locked and suspended fields

  • Moodle: fix custom user field synchronization

  • Fixed bug: Invision4 plugin. Do not remove all user's sessions on logout

  • Ontraport Integration

  • Avatar: set owner to avatar image if uploaded from admin interface

  • Google Authenticator: use TOTP auth type

  • Serials: New Serial to User Email

  • Schedule-Access Plugin: ability to add access records based on number of payments

  • Cookie Notice: ability to choose background color for notice within plugin configuration

  • Gift Voucher: handle refunds

  • Gift Voucher: add email validation

  • Product Feedback: email to admin when new feedback added

  • Subusers: allow to set address fields

  • Add third level to User Menu for Content Categories

  • Make setup menu adaptive

  • Bug Fixed: Interval for This Year and Last Year was incorrect (number of days in month caculated based on current month)

  • Video: Disable context menu for video tag

  • Video: Closed Caption (VTT) support, used in case of HTML5

  • New event: Am_Event::SETUP_UPDATED

  • Improve language select element on front end

  • Add moment.js to admin

  • Am_Lite: do not touch timezone


  • Field Conditional Logic based on Country

  • New Search Condition: Have Number of Active Subscriptions to Product(s)

  • SimpleTemplate: nl2br modifier (useful to include text content to html email eg.: ticket message)

  • Upgrade Path Type - Free Trial: unused number of days from previous subscription will be applied as trial period to new one

  • WP: fix parse config

  • load jquery library from

  • Content Mass Actions: Show/Hide on Dashboard

  • Fixed bug: Shopping cart generate an error when pending invoice was deleted outside of cart

  • Affiliate keywords report fixed

  • Add REGEXP operator to Advanced Search conditions

  • Do not try to re-send failed email from queue if it was added more then two weeks ago

  • Implements #2055 - Show rebills for remaining days of the month

  • respect fields sort order on new ticket form

  • add markdown help

  • Bug Fixed: Heldpesk Mass Close Action

  • Amazon Pay: Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) Upgrade

  • Amazon Pay: Widget wasn't properly displayed

  • Payeezy JS: Fixed bug - avoid duplicate receipts from Payeezy

  • Epoch: IP's fixed

  • Epoch: fix auto create feature

  • Epoch: Handle Initial Paid Trial Order Transaction

  • Avangate: ipn fixed

  • ToyyibPay: ability to choose payment chanel within plugin configuration

  • Thrive-cart: fixed free trials

  • Apple iap plugin: Ability to handle situations when user change subscription preference

  • Fixed bug: WePay OnSite unable to initialize payment

  • Fixed bug: Braintree plugin CC info update link didn't work in some situations

  • Stripe: 118n for Card Element

  • New Payment Plugin: Paytm (

  • Stripe: ability to puit CreditCard brick to fieldset

  • Moodle Plugin: Added ability to link Moodle custom fields to aMember custom fields

  • oto - bug with deleted invoice fixed

  • New Storage Plugin: Blackblaze (

  • Cookie Notice: allows you to inform visitors that your site uses cookies and to comply with the EU cookie law GDPR regulations

  • Email Domain Discount: allow to set up some discount for users with emails from specific domain

  • New plugin: Holded - integration with Holded CRM invoicing system

  • Computed User Fields: allow to add additional user fields that automatically get value based on any other user fields

  • Sendy Newsletter Plugin: Add API key support

  • User Field Validation Regex - add new validation type to additional user fields - Regex

  • Fixed bug: Conversion track plugin. Tracking code wasn't included on all amember pages

  • Correct way to calculate vat when shipping enabled.

  • move "User Groups" from admin menu to Browse Users grid action (like it is done for Product Categories)

  • disable user-group tree (will still be enabled if customer is already using it)

  • Grid::addFieldBefore - ability to add new field from plugin to any position

  • usage of am-combobox within brick configuration

  • Send email from queue even if queue is disabled

  • Memcached backend support

  • Ability to manage saved search (rename/delete/reorder)


  • Hide Appearance Menu item if current theme has not configuration

  • Fixed bug: Invoice summary brick didn't calculate valid tax when inserted not to first page of signup form

  • Search Condition: Purchased product with option

  • Solid Color Theme: ability to choose dashboard layout {Two Columns|Single Column}

  • User Consent form brick: fault tolerant behaviour

  • Fixed bug: curl didn't work right when request body was set through callback on some server configurations.

  • Fixed bug: Error in upgrade when user try to upgrade aMember before login into account.

  • Products - set default billing-plan using sort_order

  • Unique ID for product forms

  • Change CSRF strategy

  • Shopping Cart: ability to specify 3rd party domains where add to carts buttons can be used

  • WP: append only set-cookie fields - other replace


  • Helpdesk: live search fixed for slow connections

  • AB Signup: Ability to test not default forms and several forms with different slug simulteniusly

  • Infusion-soft: fixed getting of custom fields

  • Invision 4 Plugin: avoid duplicate record SQL errors on login

  • Schedule Email: bug fixed with attachments

  • Donation Plugin: calculate full terms for invoice summary

  • Avatar: ability to make avatar required

  • Shipping Flat: calculate shipping price for recurring products

  • Force I Agree Plugin: Added ability to make agreement document required if user is active, or user is affiliate, or user is subuser, or depends on active products.

  • Invision4 plugin: set login cookie for subdomians too in order to allow single login if invision is installed on subdomain.

  • Ability for user to submit his sponsor manually on signup form

  • Fixed bug: Affiliates were wrongly assigned in some rare situations when Last Click Wins or Hybrid model were enabled

  • BlueSnap: BuyNow Hosted Payment Page implemented

  • Stripe: Handle situations when Webhook is being sent before response to actual API requests

  • Stripe: Added Early Fraud Warning support. Plugin now can refund payment on EWF notification

  • Reduce Stripe API errors

  • Intuit-merchant payment plugin added

  • CheckoutCom: Implemented refunds support for payments created through v3 API.

  • Firstdata: get name from CC

New Plugins
  • Signup Form Default For Recurring: add new default type for signup forms

  • Signup Form Evergreen: expire signup form after XX hours after first form access

  • Billing Plan Minimum Quantity: you can set the minimum quantity customers need to purchase but they can still choose how many of the product they want

  • Product Feedback Plugin

  • aMember Branding Removal

  • XtremCodes Integration

  • Workaround for curl/openssl library bug that affects PayPal IPN validation and other API requests on some hosts

  • Improved credit card forms behaviour

  • Stripe plugin: customer should be created first, that allow for stripe to send payment receipt emails

  • Fixed Bug: Payment express plugin didn't redirect user to payment page in some situations

  • Compatibility with php 5.6

  • UI bug fixed with add payment form in admin interface: Set Javascriptbuilder::submitHandler only for order forms

  • Fixed bug: False positive warnings about not-found plugins in Addons directory.

  • Fixed bug: Stripe free trial subscriptions didn't work in some situations.

  • Fixed bug: Stripe Additional source for sepa debit didn't handle free trial payments properly.

  • Backward compatibility: Render email from outdated body and headers fields - kept to display old records from queue

  • Add transaction related exceptions as warnings. They are not critical

  • New Storage Plugin: pCloud

  • New event Am_Event::COUPON_IS_APPLICABLE

  • PHP 7.2 compatibility - removed mcrypt from Am_Crypt, now allows to upgrade from old versions of aMember on PHP 7.2

  • Added ability to create plugin duplicates from addons interface

  • Implemented ability to process manual rebill for failed subscriptions. manual rebill links will be available in Payment History (if aMember was unable to rebill invoice automatically) also link will be sent in rebill_failed notification.

  • Log Login As User action to admin log

  • Ability to import User Group (CSV)

  • Bug Fixed: Softsales - case of multiple licenses purchase with single transaction and option renew enabled

  • Invalidate user auth session in case of is_lock field changed

  • Mail Log: ability to download attachments from mail log

  • BuyNow links fixed - allows to disable option "Auto sign in after sign up"

  • Exclude lists of disabled newsletter plugins from tab 'All' within Protect Content

  • Member Directory: ability to allow to download directory in PDF (useful to print it)

  • Directory: fix sort order for resources

  • Bug Fixed: Directory sort -> reset filter

  • Added ability to hide Payment System from aMember Control panel. Paysystem will be removed from all forms but won't be disabled, so all recurring payments will continue to work.

  • Bug Fixed: email validation in case of email located inside Fieldset

  • Bug Fixed: avoid double include of user.js on payment history page

  • Add Update Credit Card Link to Payment History page

  • Fixed Bug: Stripe plugin: cc expiration was recorded incorrectly in some situations.

  • REST API: separate admin permission to manage API keys

  • SelfService: %selfservice_balance% placeholder for Widgets

  • Helpdesk: ability to use Markdown style for headers and lists within messages (#Head1, ##Head2, ###Head3, ####Head4, * list item)

  • Fixed bug: VAT was not removed from product price if "Catalog prices include VAT" option was enabled and user specified VAT ID

  • Affiliate should be able to use registration form even if Signup type was set to "only admin can approve"

  • Bug Fixed: Address brick within Fieldset with default country in config

  • Invoice grid: fix total in case of filter 'hide invoices without active access'

  • Bug Fixed: some of plugins rely on AdminSetupController::getForm eg.: paypal-pro, beanstream-remote etc.

  • Ability to disable Invoice Log from admin interface

  • eu vat - update user country and ip before payment

  • Simple Templates: ability to use literals %'yesterday'|date% %'now'|date% %'500'|currency%

  • include Pay Per Lead commissions to affiliate stats

  • ability to change general affiliate link

  • properly re-calculate commission for free invoices

  • Braintree plugin: implemented 3DSecure 2 support.

  • Implemented SCA support for checkout-com plugin

  • Implemented SCA support for epay plugin (not tested since epay doesn't implement this yet according to their documentation)

  • Stripe SCA support and ability to insert Stripe CC info brick to Signup/Profile pages.

  • Fixed bug: Segpay dynamic prices didn't work right.

  • 1tpe payment plugin added

  • Splitit - fixed handling of ChargeFailed

  • Properly handle wrong response from PayPal IPN validation server

  • Vanilla - 3.1 support

  • Fixed bug: Xenforo plugin: change user state to valid when user update email from amember.

  • Fixed bug: Moodle plugin: Fixed single login issues on some servers with reverse proxy.

  • DimeSale: ability to use current terms in Next Price Level brick

  • Campaignmonitor - custom fields fixed

  • Aweber php SDK was updated to latest available version to fix issue with utf-8 characters in Contact names.

  • Constant Contact v2: option to disable double opt in

  • Constant Contact: option to disable Double Opt-in

  • Disabled Phar usage, because there is still a lot of bugs in PHP 7.2 PHAR module


  • Credit card and newsletter plugins activation improved


  • Helpdesk: ability to to inline image attachments to message content

  • thrive-cart improved

  • Bug Fixed: label from fieldset moved to checkbox (case when agreement brick palced inside Fieldset)

  • Bug fixed - mailjet emailing method

  • Bug Fixed: Invoice Summary, Agreement, HTML bricks within Fieldset

  • WP: disable usage of WP theme for XmlHttpRequests

  • Log number of automatically removed pending/expired users

  • Fixed bug: Mailjet SMTP transport didn't work right.

  • Bug Fixed: redirect after login to referer

  • Bug Fixed: REST API phar support

  • Removed warnings about "cc" and "newsletter" plugins

  • Fixed a problem with enabling "cc" plugins from phar files

  • Fixed a problem with adding free plugins from website


  • amember-core.phar have got special copy of plugins to include, so these instructions continue to work: still works

  • Improved compatibility with PHP 5.6

  • Heldpesk: improve hyperlinks auto-dection in helpdesk messages

  • Ability to use files from S3 for video posters

  • Email templates: label modifier - useful to include label instead of key for custom fields with options %user.fieldname|label%

  • Periodic Am_Mail::BACKGROUND - ability to force pass mail to queue

  • Fixed user mail queue list

  • Bug Fixed: Newsletter Lists restriction in Email Messages did not work in some circumstances (multiple return is prone to error)

  • API: added GENERATE_PASSWORD event hook

  • force-i-agree: handle case of amember_redirect_url

  • Yahoo Sign In - allow to sign in/sign up with Yahoo account

  • Subusers: fixed soft detach

  • New Payment Plugin: (Malasyan online payments)

  • Fastspring: Fixed bug - Attempt to cancel already cancelled subscription lead to internal error.

  • Beanstrem-remote - cancel fixed

  • Epoch: use username/password from epoch for auto-creation


  • when a plugin fails to load, warning will be display in admin dashboard only

  • admin-plugins: added ablity to disable plugin that does not exists in fs

  • display CAD instead of $ for canadian dollars

  • - added workaround for opcache.validate_permission option (disable opcache in this case)

  • fixed php 7.3 warning

  • Fixed bug: User was sent to 404 page when try to access protected folders located on different subdomains.

  • add confirmation to re-send email action

  • shopping cart: maintain transparency on image resize

  • block-pending-invoice: sort order for widget

  • Paypal experess checkout: 5 year periods are not supported.

  • New payment plugin: OpenNode

  • Product Auto Hide - plugin remove product from signup form if user already has active subscription to it

  • EU VAT: catalog price include vat, ceil price to avoid rounding issue

  • Bug fixed: wp lost auth session when password changed

  • solid-color theme forms: get label from container

  • Implements #2032: Users Report (graph) options


  • aMember core and plugins files are now packed in .phar files to make upload and maintenance easier

  • "Add-ons" page added to admin control panel for easy control of plugins and online search of available plugins

  • Automatic plugin installer implemented that allows to quickly order/download/install plugins from admin control panel

  • "Solid Color" theme is now default for new installations

  • True Fieldset support implemented in forms editior (allows to put bricks inside)

  • "Form Themes" implemented that allows themes to change look&feel of forms

  • "aMember" plugin for Wordpress is now moved to separate repository WP themes support moved to application/default/views/wp-themes Details are available in the documentation

  • Files aff.css, helpdesk-user.css, softsale.css are deleted and its content merged into single amember.css file

  • Requirements for the aMember v6 is now - PHP 5.6+, 'pdo', 'pdo_mysql', 'openssl', 'mbstring', 'phar', 'xml' extensions

  • Removed support for admin-themes

  • Do not include wordpress config from amember admin pages - increases speed and stability

  • Add filter by Date to rebills section

  • Fixed banner links for deleted affiliates

  • PDF Invoice: word wrap text in columns

  • ability to add partial refund record even if payment system does not allow automatic partial refund

  • Date Reports: propagate data up to the end of inteval (end date can not exists in query result)

  • Convertion rate report fixed

  • Pending Invoice Block: ability to choose position of block

  • Fix Menu: get ride of race condition

  • Bundle Discount Adv

  • Display Number of active user within Products grid in admin interface

  • Pages Grid: display if page has some special meaning

  • Improve filter within country/states section

  • Ability to set custom default sort order for grid with users

  • Display Separate Invoice for Refunds for frontend

  • Ability to do quick search user by ID

  • Income report: pad data until end of period

  • Added link to edit theme settings to left admin menu

  • Forms: Conditional Display for Fieldsets

  • Forms: Conditional Field/Html display based on multiple conditions

  • Aff: ability to export clicks

  • Aff: New Comission Rule Condition - Affiliate Already Has Commission With User

  • Helpdesk: Nested FAQ Categories implemented

Bugs Fixed:
  • Commissions were not added in Last Click Wins model, if user has expired user <-> affiliate relations.

  • double signup_email_sent if user approved from edit user screen

  • properly handle max login length in generate login

  • shopping cart ability to change product in invoice after payment (access was not granted)

  • pending Invoice Configuration

  • aff commission rule First Time Purchase

  • process am-row-required after all includes

  • gift voucher plugin didn't work with payflow-single-page-checkout plugin.

Solid Color Theme
  • ability to choose what to display within identity block (Username | Full Name | E-Mail)

  • login Form - with labels | without labels

  • option to choose postion of identity block (left|right)

  • ability to switch text color from theme configuration

  • notification plugin: bug fixed - filter products was not saved

  • Linkedin Signin: update to V2 API

  • Serials Plugin: Display serials tab only if user has active product that add serials, or if he has serials assigned.

  • Direct: plugin is now available to adds Google map into aMember's directory

  • New Plugin: Ability to add user to telegram channel on purchase.

  • xcart5 integration plugin added

  • paddle: ability to cancel subscription from aNember (Backend/Frontend)

  • epoch: added support for test IP postback list URL

  • Stripe plugin: Added "Accept Direct Payments" support.

  • Stripe Additional Sources plugin: Added recurring support for sepa-debit

  • Pay.Nl payment plugin

  • Splitit payment plugin

  • renamed Gate2shop -> safecharge

  • cc-demo plugin: ability to show it only for specified list of IPs

  • Paypro now uses openssl instead of deprecated mcrypt library

  • Paypal-pro - new setting "Number of maximum failed payments" added

  • Implemented upgrades support in paddle plugin.

  • Commonpay payment plugin added

  • Important Bug Fixed (introduced in 5.6.1): shopping cart - ability to change products in invoice after payment (access is not granted)

  • Filter for custom user fields

  • Add aMember Upgrade Link to system info section in admin interface

  • Users Merge - cc and consent

  • Show user and referer in error log (it is useful info for debug)

  • 404 error if agreement not found

  • New Option: Require Strong Password for Admins

  • Bug Fixed: double signup_email_sent if user approved from edit user screen

  • Bug Fixed: completed invoice can have access records eg.: manual approve

  • Bug Fixed: Reattempt on failure wasn't executed correctly in some situations (on summer/winter time changes)

  • Bug Fixed: refund email notification has not receipient

  • Admin-upgrade-db html rework, added auto-redirect to admin dashboard

  • New Email Delivery Method: MailGun (

  • Ability to add subitems to affiliate menu from admin interface

  • Add meta data for manually_approve* affiliate email templates

  • Helpdesk: helpdeskTicketAfterUpdate event

  • Directory module: Ability to display User groups

  • CSS selector change .element -> .am-element

  • price_precise in case of product price include tax

  • SimpleTemplate: ability to pass additional parameters to modifiers

  • OAuth API: /user/confirm-email endpoints. Ability to send confirmation email through API, and confirm user's email address

New Report
  • - Average Payments by User Group

  • - Payments by User Group

  • - Users by User Groups

Shopping Cart
  • - do not show "Paysystem" at checkout if it is free invoice

  • - fixed calculators hook when price can be changed from $0

Solid Color Theme
  • - Ability to choose color for login form background

  • - Ability to hide header on login page and upload logo for login form

Widget Plugin
  • - more positions for widgets

  • - ability to pass dynamic placeholders to widget

Payment Systems
  • Commonpay payment plugin added

  • Epay - json_encode fixed

  • CIM - fixed rebills if hosted mode is disabled during usage of the plugin

  • fastspring-contextual: fix free trial

  • Stripe Google pay implementation as separate plugin

  • Paddle - refunds fixed

  • JVZoo - thanks page fixed

  • Paypal-pro - Failed Notification Email added

  • Campaingmonitor - fixed custom fields

  • New plugin: Magoware - OpenSource solution for IPTV

  • Invision4 - fixed locked groups

  • Invision4 - avatar support

  • Single Login Session: advanced user search condition - login status

  • Upsell plugin: add default content to offer template

  • added am- prefix to CSS classes: row-wide,row-highlight,row-login-login,row-login-pass,row-login-recaptcha,row-buttons,row-sendpass-email,row-head,row-required,no-label,el-wide. NO COMPAT CSS added

  • New Option: Dashboard Page - ability to change default dashbord with any page from Protect Content -> Pages

  • BuyNow Buttons: Support for product Options

  • Closes #1958 - Define meta tags for agreement documents

  • invoice_html: remove column with number if there is only one item in invoice

  • Resume Subscription - correctly handle discount in case of tax with absorb price

  • Resume Subscription - do not validate new invoice for the products requirements

  • Strip tags from product option before output in pdf and email

  • Apply Tax To Shipping Price option fixed

  • Invoice xml log - show refunds as well

  • Fixed bug: Optimized upload element query speed.

  • Product Brick: Ability to customize error message (if there is not purchase option) within brick configuration

  • Product Brick: option to Skip this block if there is not any purchase options (even if block marked as required)

  • Bug Fixed: Report Week grouping on year boundary

  • Hide upgrade link for alredy upgarde invoice

  • Add Total Balance (Paid-Refund) to grid with payments

  • HTML brick: ability to display conditionally

  • Implements #2005 - ability to send validation email when all pages in signup form is completed (regardless of email brick position)

  • Option 'Do not pre select first option' for Product and Payment System blocks on signup form

  • Bug Fixed: conditional display for checkboxes fields

  • Bug Fixed: Total for payment grid in case of filter by product applied

  • Brick Editor: ability to search brick by field name

  • oauth api ability to manage user's newsletter subscriptions.

  • Oauth2 API: issue new access token with password grant type after user registration.

  • Improve mobile menu (case with many sub-items)

  • Optimize pagination fro narrow screens

  • Remember state of 'show expired acecss' toggle

  • Add index by email into am_user table to seed up queries.

  • Return 500 intrernal error status code for fatal errors.

  • Admin Invoice Grid: ability to export both Added and Started dates

  • Limit max length of password confirmation field the as way as for password field in signup form.

  • Fixed Bug: Error with personal data delete for Smart Debit recurring active invocies

  • Blank template for signup form

  • Shoopng Cart Paysystems - allow to use only public ones

  • Refund email notifications added

  • Email Templates Export/Import

WP plugin
  • Show Recaptcha at WP login widget if it is enabled at Amember

  • Ability to protect tags

  • Set cookie for / (it is necessary so use Wp theme option can detect that user is logged in)

Payment Systems
  • Gocoin payment plugin added

  • DPM - updated to use Signature key + sha512 instead of deprecated md5 key

  • CheckoutCom plugin: apple pay and google pay support

  • Implemented Hosted mode for epay payment plugin.

  • Payflow - loadCreditCard fixed

  • Braintree - Paypal Credit fixed

  • Braintree - fixed update of credit card

  • Fixed bug: Fastspring-contextual recurring payments were not added

  • CcBill: fix AUD currency code

  • Paypal-plus - partial refunds added

  • Stripe additional sources: Sepa Debit support

  • Closes #1994: correct transaction time for clickbank notifications (Thanks to Rob Woodgate)

  • PayPro - supports recurring

  • Epoch: proper amount for refund

  • Fastspring-contextual: fallback to first name if last name is empty (last is required on fastspring side)

New Advanced Search Conditions
  • Has Same First and Last Name

  • Agree to Terms

  • Not Agree to Terms

New Reports
  • Payments Distribution by Customer Country

  • Refunds Distribution by Customer Country

  • User Distribution by Custom Field by Date

  • New Commission Rule: By Not Used Payment System

  • Send aff registration email if user was enabled by admin as affiliate

  • Ability to show/hide customer name to affilite

  • CampaignMonitor - bug fixed

  • Activecampaign - fix change of email address

  • Madmimifull

Gift Voucher
  • ability to send gift voucher from admin interface and mark it as used manually

  • do not add access to grantor

  • hide payment systems if user enter valid gift voucher

  • Two Factor HOTP (can be used with Google Authenticator mobile app)

  • Upsell plugin

  • Subusers: update suuser's status after detach

  • Field Revision: track IP who made changes

  • Directory: ability to include user_id to directory fields

  • Personal Content: Ability to add page with personal content to user menu

  • Donation Plugin: option to not add any access for donation

  • Drop-Me: check if user is logged-in before checking password (may happen on page refresh after deletion)

  • Drupal sequences fixed

  • Adultvideoscript: fixed checking for unique e-mail

  • Invision4 - autoCreate and checkUnniqueLogin fixed

  • Better Compatability with 7.2

  • Lock UI after signup/cc form submit (prevent multiple form submit)

  • Enable ability to search user by full name in quick search (Admin Interface)

  • Highlight theme and tax config tabs after activation (Admin Interface)

  • Improve Sales Widget (Admin Interface)

  • LV Billing terms transaltion

  • Show update cc info link only if user has active recurring invoices

  • IS EMPTY condition for advanced filter (cover IS NULL or 0 or '')

  • Mass Action to Resed Email from mail log

  • Mass Action to Detach Affiliate

  • Fault Tolerant Behavioure: Ability to change database credentials for enabled and configured Wordpress plugin

  • New Report: Count of product purchase by payment system breakdown

  • Add User Placeholders to configuration of HTML form brick

  • Affiliate: Add number of unique clicks to keywords statistics

  • Ability to set multi-line default value for textarea Additional User Field

  • Amazon S3: Add New Regions

  • Option: Automatically Login Customer After Password Reset

Solid Color Theme
  • Login page layout with sidebar (customizable content for sidebar)

  • Ability to define separate background for header

  • Ability to choose Color for User Account Menu

  • Ability to switch type of Dashboard Menu Item (Text or Icon)

  • Ability to add Tracking/Widget JS Code to each aMember page

BuyNow Buttons
  • Ability to choose hash/slug for button explicitly

  • Ability to use variable coupons and choose payment system

  • Handle case when user log in on signup form

  • Gift Voucher: make it compatible with invoice summary

  • Subusers: ability to import DATA fields (import from CSV)

  • Thanks-page: ability to add content on all thank you pages globally

  • ExpressionEngine: support for version 5

  • Invision 4.3 passwords fixed

  • New Integration Plugin: Tubescript (

  • SoftSale: description of available placholders to new license email template

  • PaymentLink: ability to generate payment link that is not binded to any user

  • Wordpress: show blog title for integration records

  • SendGrid: auto remove duplicates emails (to, cc, bcc) before sending the email

Payment Systems
  • Epoch - allows to use any currency

  • Paypal: ability to send email for subscr_failed notification

  • PayPal: Correct way to handle paypal echeck payments: 1. If pending echeck received and accept pending echecks is enabled in config->add access period. 2. When echeck was cleared, if access was add before for this transacion -> only add payment record. 3. If echeck wasn't cleared -> stop access.

  • Fortumo Hosted DCB plugin

  • Fixed bug (PayPal): Rebills were not added to paypal autocreated invoices for old paypal subscirpitons (S-)

  • New Payment Plugin: Paystack (

  • Stripe Apple Pay plugin added

  • Paddle plugin: payment wasn't activated properly

Fixed Bug
  • copy product action (Admin Interafce)

  • Zend_Session is currently marked as read-only errors

  • Softsale module return correct response if license is associated with deleted user.

  • Access is not added for rebills in some situations(when default product plugin is being used and invoice has default product as one of the items)

  • Facebook plugin didn't send registration email when account was created by facebook

  • Notes were not merged on users merge

  • "Has subscription between dates" filter has been fixed

  • User record in third-party databases were not properly updated when groups were changed in aMember and User Groups based protection is set

WP Plugin
  • Option to Remove admin bar for non admin users

  • Allow editor to edit page/post protection settings

  • Separate Admin Permission to Edit Email Templates

  • New Admin Widget: Last Emails

  • New Email Sending Method: Postmark (

  • Store debug information in separate "Debug/Information" log. Leave Error Log just for real error messages.

  • Ability to disable Admin account

  • Helpdesk: ability to configure 'can edit message' timeout

  • SMTP TLS client: use TLS 1.2 by default

  • REST API: ability to bind API key to IPs

  • Pass SavedForm instance to ValidateSavedForm event

  • Update ckeditor to 4.10.0

  • Replace 'slave' terminology 'nested' in code

  • Ability to hide upgrade link if user already has access to 'TO' product

  • Payment Emails: Ability to set condition by payment system

  • Estonian translation for billing terms

  • Record Consent when user subscribe/unsubscribe from Dashboard

  • Ability to translate title for saved forms

  • Bug Fixed: Report Payments by Used Coupon

  • Bug Fixed: Allow to have only one Upgrade Db process running at the same time.

  • Bug Fixed: Ajax login form was never initialized

  • Expandle ajax field, prevent multiple clicks issue

  • PAP - refunds fixed

  • New model: hybrid - get affiliate from cookie, if there is no cookie set, use affiliate from user's profile

  • New conditions for commisison rules (Affiliate has not access to Product or Product Category)

  • New payout: Direct Deposit

  • New Newsletter Plugin:

  • New Newsletter Plugin: Mautic (

  • Mailerlite - changeEmail fixed

Payment Systems
  • Braintree Drop-in UI - update card info fixed

  • Beanstream remote: Send Card CVV it is required now

  • Moneris: bug fixed with recurring subscription

  • Ppay inc payment plugin

  • Paymill: remove address from payment form, it is not used in any case

  • Additional-stripe-sources - Sofort added

  • Braintree: Paypal Credit option added

  • Breintree: Refunds fixed

  • plugin added 3DSecure and Google pay support in Hosted mode

  • Amazon-pay: fixed to work with PHP 5.4

Notification plugin:
  • added ability to add custom placeholders to notification message.

  • added four different types of notifications: info, warning, success, danger

Delete Personal Data
  • remove avatar when user's account is anonymized

  • added separate setting to show/hide delete link for users

  • plugins should decide should record be removed or not depends on configuration

  • disable access records once user's Personal Data is anonymized

  • Improve UX within pending invoice notification configuration

  • Bug Fixed: translation within form brick labels

  • Avoid exceptions in Am_View_Helper_Icon (trigger notice)

  • Add recaptcha to admin popup login form (if enabled)

  • Shopping Cart button: ability to use specific billing plan and quantity

  • Better compatibility with default WP themes

  • Implements #1952: option to improve security of Password reset page

  • Closes #1988: remove all previoslly stored partial signups on user registration

  • Cancel page: we need to look up both GET and POST

  • Improve tooltips

  • Display maintenance notice for admin on frontened pages too

  • EU VAT: correct default rates according 2018

  • EU VAT: ability to define custom rate for subdevision (France overseas departments)

  • Bug Fixed: Multiple UserConsent Bricks on different pages in multi pages signup form

  • Bulk delete action for coupons in admin interface

  • Ability to search coupons by product

  • API: ability to insert product and assign it to categories in single call

  • Ability to use Invocie Summary brick with BuyNow buttons

  • Independed pathes for upload and public dir. ability to switch defult settings in config

  • Ability to make Newsletter brick required

  • Grid/DataSource/Array sort number properly

  • Signup Form: display error from invoice validation on signup form intead of throw exception

  • Import from CSV: ability to import is_locked field

  • Upload: get advantage from accept attribute

  • Helpdesk: ability to include Ticket Fields to Email notifications to admin

  • Skip validation for empty input (url and ip) in case of fields is not required

  • PDf Invoice Bug Fixed: show tax instead of total

  • Ability to show comment for user on upgarde subscription screen

  • Added Anonymize Personal data bulk action

  • S3 bug fixed

  • Count of Signups by Country

  • Refunds by Customer Country

  • Payments by Customer Country

  • Ability to set target to _blank for affiliate banners

  • Aff clicks widget fixed

  • Ability to specify different payout delay for user groups

  • Separate admin permission to manage affiliate banners/links

  • Mailerlite: changeEmail

  • New Plugin: Sendlane (

Payment Systems
  • Stripe: extended metadata

  • Additional-stripe-sources: add wechat

  • Paydotcom: handle free trial

  • Worldpay: Handle cancellation IPNs

  • Authorize.aim: remove pipe from product name before submit transaction

  • (we get response as pipe separted data and additiona pipe cause issue)

  • BitPay: subscirptions create fixed

  • New Plugin: DusPay Singapoure CC processing company

  • New Plugin: VoguePay Nigerian paysystem support

  • New Plugin: PayGol (

  • PaymentExpress: added refunds support

  • Fixed bug: Fastspring-contextual recurring payments were not added

  • Remember me functionality for authy plugin

  • Google, Linkedin, Facebook: ability to choose postion of login button (above form|below form)

  • thanks-redirect: ability to change thank you page url globally

  • Subusers: ability to add name_f and name_l filds to subusers form separately instead of only option to put both together

  • Fixed Bug: eFront Plugin: Courses were not activated properly in some situations

  • Phpbb: update newset user colour if group changed

  • conversion-track: ability to use %item.price%, etc.

  • field-revision: separate page with list of field revison for all users

  • Admin Email Users: ability to send test email before broadcast

  • Advanced User Search Condition: Having active or future subscription to

  • Mass Action: Assign Mutual Category Hierarchy to Products

  • Ability to filter by product category in admin payments sections

  • Import from CSV: Correctly fill First & Last name if import file has only one field for name

  • PDF Invocie: move VAT ID to righ (client) column

  • PDF Invoice: ability to choose logo position (left|right)

  • Invoice Tax: show separate row for each different rate (case if invoice has products with differnt tax rate)

  • Admin should be able to change qty for any product (Add Invoice From Admin interface)

  • Ability to set exact access dates for products when create invoice from admin interface

  • Display description of newsletter subscription within widget

  • Product grid: do not show all categories for product in case of it have huge number of categories

  • Use https for video embed code

  • Heldpesk: prevent double click on Save button

  • REST API: Ability to record user consent

  • Portuguese translation for billing terms

  • Add US Military State

  • GDPR: Ability to keep access log while user's data is anonymized

  • GDPR: Added ability to record consent withdrawals

  • User Consent brick: Allow to include more then one agreement document in User Consent Brick. Correctly handle external document url.

  • Open external agreement document in new window (target=_blank)

  • Log access to all aMember pages

  • mysql: switch utf8 to utf8mb4 (utf8 does not cover all utf8)

  • Cart.js: more reliable way to detect root url

  • Workaround for FireFox Bug (Bug 551943)

  • Closes #1963 - Test Settings button in protection plugin configuratuion does not work for saved DB password (SecretText)

  • S3 - fixed browsing of "subfolders"

  • Wp plugin: fix shortcodes for php 7.1

  • Infusion Soft plugin: Update SDK, map username/password fields to custom fields in infusion Contact. Prevuious Username/Password fields won;t be supported in near future.

  • Fixed bug: Email messages on rebilling even were reset on aMember CP -> Plugins page save

  • Cancel Feedback: Ability to search user by cancelation reason

  • Force I agree plugin: Document select implemented in bulk require consent action

  • Upload: bug fixed for element with ID with dot

  • Payoneer Payout Method

  • Add user group condition to filters

  • Admin should be able to add subusers from admin interface

  • Ability to manage order of fields on add subuser form

Solid Color Theme
  • Ability to upload background image in theme configuration

  • Ability to use placeholder %year% within theme footer

Downloads Module
  • Ability to filter list by directory and file name

  • Allow to display files and folders keeping hierarchy

  • Allow to re-download from history page

  • Allow to downlaod files from S3 when S3 plugin is enabled

Payment Plugins
  • Bambora Security settings update implemented

  • 2checkout: ability to use lifetime as second period

  • AmazonPay - fixed

  • Merchantanywhere payment plugin added (stores cc info)

  • Fixed Bug: Authorize.NET CIM plugin: Incorrect Payment Porfile ID error when "Hosted Profile Page" enabled in some situations

  • Paypal-plus - fixed handling of not integer amounts

  • Fastspring: Auto-create: properly hanlde quantities for multi-item orders

  • Refunds for AmazonPay

  • paypal: remove country prefix from state code before submit data to paypal

  • Fixed bug: Braintree plugin: Customer wasn't stored in vault for free trial.

  • Btcpay server plugin

  • Fixed bug: Fastspring plugin autocreate didn't work in some situations

  • Updated unsubscribe page to be more obvious for customer

  • Added Finish locale to payment terms

  • Payments/Invoices/Refunds - added user data fields to the export

  • Wordpress plugin: added require_all attribute to am4show shortcode - require all specified products to show block

  • Added ability to keep payout details when user is being anonymized if enabled in config

  • Added ability to delete Agreement Documents

  • Added ability to include Agreement Documents outside of amember

  • Added ability for admin to anonymize user's account

Bugs fixed
  • Helpdesk - custom field translation fixed

  • GDPR: Fixed several bugs in Delete/Anonymize user action.

  • Force I Agree plugin: link to external agreement document wasn't displayed

  • TwofactorDuoSecurity: unable to link two accouints with the same email(ADMIN and USER)

  • Several improvements made to comply with GDRP requirements

  • Improved compatiblity with PHP 7.2

  • Implements #1904: Ability to use Billing Plan Title instead of Product Title on signup form

  • New Report: Conversion rate by payment system breakdown

  • Security: hide password fields in payment plugins configuration

  • HTML brick now uses HTML editor in configuration.

  • Shopping Cart: ability to use static page on front page, add cart menu to User Menu interface

  • New feature: Force password change for particular user regardless any other settings

  • Ability to change parent node for tree items (user groups/product categories/resource categories), insert node to proper place (according sort order)

  • Google-analytics plugin modified to support google tag manager

  • SMTP Sending Method: Ability to use Plain Auth (some smtp does not support login)

  • New option 'Unsubscribe customer from selected newsletter threads' in all newsletter plugins

  • Implemented Ability to change rebill date for offline invoices from amember Control panel.

  • Implemented Live Search in Active Resources widget

  • Implemented 3DS Support in Stripe plugin

  • Implemented ability to add manual commission in Affiliate module

  • Implements #1939: HTML view for reports send by email

  • Password reset message - added IP address to the email body

  • Subusers: Implemented ability to invite exiting customers to join parent account

  • Self-Service plugin: Allow to "order" more then one product copy using credits

  • Support for multiple agreements with changelog history and with tracking for each user

  • Added an option to download Personal Data for customers

  • Ability for user to delete personal data from system. (required for GDPR compliance)

  • Ability to keep some fields that could be required by legal reasosn(for VAT purpose for example)

  • Do not pass plain email via url

  • Force-i-agree plugin is included by default.

  • Newsletter lists brick, do not pre-select lists by default

  • Ability to attach aMember CP -> Protected Content -> Email messages to a newsletter list. If you have several marketing autoresponders you will be able to get user consent.

  • Ability to add more then one consent brick to signup page.

  • New functionality to manage site Terms & Policy documents and their revisions

  • Show user consent history

  • Record Newsletter Lists Consent and show it in User Consent Tab

  • Force-i-agree plugin reworked to support new functionality.

  • Added information about personal data that is being connected by default

  • Agreement brick: support url to external agreement

Integration Plugins
  • Freeradius

  • Birthday Email - allow to send email to user on his birthday (you can use autocoupon plugin to include personal discount code to email message),

  • User Mass Delete plugin

  • Twitch integration

  • Wordpress plugin supports Learndash

  • MailJet Plugin: change email implemented

  • XenForo: Implemented xenforo2 redirect addon, and fixed PHP 7.2 support

Payment Plugins
  • Coinbase-commerce

  • Recurly

  • Securionpay

  • Braintree plugin: Pass order description to braintree

  • BitPay library updated in plugin

Bugs Fixed
  • Re-implement Add Invoice product block. Block UI fixed to make it more obvious.

  • Downloads: fix sort order for PHP 7 and higher

  • Paypal-Express: The totals of the cart item amounts do not match order amounts in some situations.

  • Subusers: fix login generation (random string was generated always)

  • Stripe: properly handle zero-decimal currencies e.g. JPY

  • Rework vat validation, allow_url_fopen can be disabled in most configurations

  • Date filter in logs sections was broken

  • Payflow plugin: no CC info errors on rebill

  • Shopping cart: do not allow to add disabled products to shopping cart

  • Authorize.NET CIM plugin: fixed incorrect display reuse behavior.

  • Mail: properly deal with header body in multibyte enconding (utf-8)

  • GA Plugin: Error on checkout through shopping cart in some configuration

  • Problem in unsubscribe link without newsletter module

  • Affiliate Module: use default redirect link if banner is disabled

  • Shopping Cart: auto choose payment options if there is only one available options

  • Products select has wrong width at aMember CP -> Browse Users -> Advanced Search in some situations.

  • Admin UI: display correct currency in product options (instead of $),

  • Storage of PDF files fixed

  • Subusers invite: do not send invitation to self email address.

  • Fixed bug: Product options can be erased in some circumstance

  • Avoid warnings in PHP 7.2

  • Speed up AdminDashboard page load

  • HTML Brick: ability to use %user.*% placeholders within brick content

  • Display user's status in user_info line in admin interface

  • Shopping Cart: product images - ability to configure resizing method, fill color and set default images

  • Improved cc-demo plugin: ability to configure test cc#

  • Fixed bug: Wrong number of "Count of products purchase report"

Import Users from CSV
  • Ability to skip expire date (calculate based on begin date and product settings)

  • Ability to specify same comment for all users imported from CSV

  • fault tolerant behaviour

  • send zero autoresponder on access adding

  • fixed bug: access wasn't added properly on rebuild

  • Aff-leads plugin: Fixed bug: Wrong fields select type in plugin settings. Unable to select more then one field.

  • Default product plugin: disable for subusers

  • JVShare - mcrypt to openssl

  • Xenforo - updated to support 2.0

  • Ability to customize billing plan during add invoice from admin interface (easy ability to set any price without changes in product settings)

  • HTML From Brick: Sidebar Postion - ability to add sidebar to signup form from admin interface with any html (useful to add testimonials/benifits etc)

  • User Groups Brick: ability for user to manage subset of user groups on his own

  • Agreement Brick: ability toi attach agreement state to invoice instead of user

  • Easy ability to add hyperlink to Product Title in Active Subscriptions widget

  • Enable MagicSelect for Frontend

  • Hightlight configs tabs for just enabled plugins/modules

  • Display PHP Info only to superadmin, it can have sensetive data in environment variables

  • Handle required checkboxes product options with single option

  • Helpdesk: ability to use seprate email from address for notificaton from helpdesk

  • JV: use total before tax to calculate partner share

Bug Fixed
  • Sort of Product Billing Plan

  • Numeric validation did not work

  • Invoice log - search by incremental id fixed

  • Show only public payment systems on shopping cart by default

  • Fatal error in php 7.2 on upgrade

  • Cast DATETIME columns as DATE for conditions with dates

  • OTO plugin bug fixed

Payment Plugins
  • New Plugin: Cardinity payment plugin

  • New Plugin: FirstAtlanticCommerce payment plugin

  • Clickbank: replace mcrypt with openssl (mcrypt is removed from PHP 7.2)

  • fixed bug: payment record was created on CC update

  • CCBill: do no pass formName in URL for flexforms - caused errors

  • Yandex: fixed bug - column 'receipt_id' cannot be null

New Plugin
  • Schedule Billing Terms Change - Ability to schedule modification of billing plan terms at given date time

  • Google Sign In Plugin

  • Invoice Summary: do not touch DOM if nothing changed (get rid of unnecessary blink effect)

  • Coupon Brick: Do not add default coupon if it is not valid (start/end dates, usage limit etc.)

  • Separate refunds and chargeback in PaymentsVSRefunds report

  • Ability to download saved reports as CSV

  • Ability to generate batch of coupons with specific prefix

  • Do not use characters [QIO01] in coupon code generation to avoid any possible confusion

  • mail: add -f paramater for sendmail

  • Show qty for items (if more then one) on user side

  • Add member directories to menu editor

  • Shoping Cart: option 'If product is not available because of require/disallow settings'


  • pending-invoice-clear: option Only trigger Paid Products

  • REST API: check-access/send-pass

  • Bug Fixed: bind of anonymous file upload

  • Bug Fixed: grids - getFoundRows can return incorrect results in some circumstances

  • Bug Fixed: invisible underscore in input (Firefox)

  • Bug Fixed: error if access record is 'special'

  • Bug Fixed: absorb tax mode with qty more then 1

  • Bug Fixed: country wasn't saved in invoice when location validation was disabled

  • Bug Fixed: facebook plugin had duplicated ID's if signup for different accounts from the same device

  • Bug Fixed: product-required-fields - case of multiple product bricks on same form

  • Bug Fixed: resend action from mail queue send incorrect email in some circumenstens

  • Bug Fixed: Unsubscribe - fixed handle of "Do not Show Unsubscribe Block on Member Page"

  • Bug Fixed: mass approval issue

  • Bug Fixed: interaction issue between ui modal and select2 search

  • &Cross; -> &#10005; (compatibility with mobile devices)

  • PayPal: we can get such txn_type (recurring_payment_profile_cancel) for initial attempt to create profile (case of PROFILESTATUS=PendingProfile), in this case on next attempt we can get correct recurring profile in PayPal and cancelled invoice in aMember

  • Stripe: compatibility with moblile device - remove auto click becouse on mobile overlay is ugly and stripe try to open new window (this action require user click event)

  • Ecorepay payment plugin fixed

  • Wirecard plugin: changing endpoints.

  • G2A fixed to work with address fields (required for selling physical goods)

  • ccBill plugin: set address info from ccBill if empty in amember

  • PayDotCom payment plugin added

  • Invision4: additional groups

  • Interspire: config option - Fields Mapping

  • Joomla plugin: Update last visit date on login

BuyNow Buttons
  • perform invoice validation

  • utilize order-data to pass info to signup form

  • ability to add coupon within button configuration

  • Bug Fixed: buyNow button configuration, array_merge does not preserve numeric keys

  • simplify credits expiration configuration

Resume Subscriptiption
  • properly handle case of tax in absorb mode

  • maintain original discount

  • ability to export Leads

  • optional feature to display customer emails to affiliate

Self Service:
  • ability to edit credits type title from module config

  • split types of products, ability to sort

  • New-rewrite cookie should expire at the end of the session

  • Unsubscribe - fixed bug if newsletter module is enabled and block is removed from custom php

  • Do not allow to use sendpass form for locked users

  • Bug Fixed: Am_Lite session id can have comma (session.hash_bits_per_character/session.hash_bits_per_character = 6)

  • Enable vatid brick for subclass of Am_Invoice_Tax_Vat2015

  • Bug fixed - password confirmation did not work at signup form in some circumstance

  • Do not use Start Date Calculation for upgrade invoice

  • Grids: do not init filter before run (ability to change filter from plugins)

  • Closes #1778 - Non-Editable Backend Data for Invoice/Refund PDF's

  • Correct discount field for case of Product Price include VAT

  • Add Germany date format (with dots) as available format option

  • Properly handle case of signup without products with manual approve option enabled

  • Invoice Summary Brick: option to display subscription terms

  • Name Brick: ability to switch order of First and Last name

  • Bug Fixed: access condition Any Product works incorrectly in some circumstances

  • Bug Fixed: default option did not work for radio buttons

  • Ability to limit usage of coupon by specific billing plans

Admin Interface
  • User Menu Editor (Drag & Drop interface to manage user menu)

  • BuyNow buttons Implementation

  • Ability to resend Email Confirmation Link

  • New User search creteria - Refund Amount

  • Visual feedback on report save action

  • Respect sort order for newletter lists within admin interface

  • Display progress for table repairing

  • CKeditor: fix placeholder plugin

  • Log payout actions: PAID, NOT PAID, DELETED

Shopping Cart:
  • Ability to bulk resize images for all products if admin change preview sizes

  • Take into account product scope when retrieve category list

  • Ability to configure no widgets in shopping cart and hide cart sidebar in this case

Payment Plugins
  • New Plugin: Jvshare payment

  • New Plugin:

  • New Plugin: additional-stripe-sources - Ability to use Stripe Source api to accept Alipay, Bancontact, Giropay, iDEAL and P24 payments through your stripe account.

  • New PLugin: Yandex Payment

  • New Plugin: FHTPay

  • New Plugin: Doku

  • New Plugin: Amazon Pay

  • Authorize-Cim: change Hosted CIM forms (End of Life - March 30, 2018) to Accept Customer forms

  • Thrive-cart: handle refunds notifications

  • Epoch: properly handle denied payments

  • Stripe, Authorize-cim: do not display update CC info link if user has not active recurring subscription

  • Stripe: optional ability to accept Bitcoin on Hosted Form

  • ClickBank: support for Encrypt Transaction URLs option

  • ClickBank: handle new format of thank you page

  • ClickBank: update clickbank statement on thanks page

  • Eway-rapid3: fix for case of multiple items in same invoice

  • Worldpay: use absolute url for redirect

  • Flexpay: Fixed bug: plugin unable to handle IPN message: "Column 'receipt_id' cannot be null"

  • Epay: fix refund feature

  • Avangate: Fixed bug: plugin didn't use purchase quantity with auto create enabled

Soft Sale
  • Fix filter for binds

  • Ability to filter licenses by expiration date

  • Ability to export list of licenses to CSV file

  • Improve license preview in admin interface

  • Infusion Soft Plugin: Rebuild DB fixed

  • Self-Service: use grid if products are more then for one page

  • Linkedin Login plugin

  • Login Reminder plugin: added ability to insert %product_title% placeholder to login reminder templates

  • Login reminder plugin: Ability to configure more then one reminder depends on purchased product

  • Invite Plugin: More integration with aff module

  • Invite Plugin: New option added 'Make invited user Affiliate'

  • Zendesk: name field is required (sunmit login if name is empty)

  • Invision 4: single login fixed for 4.2

  • Facebook: improve readme

  • New Plugin: Insightly CRM

  • Send expiration email to admin event if user usubscribed

  • Coupon Brick: add option Default Coupon

  • New-rewrite: portable protection code

  • ID, NL, DA payment terms translation added

  • Treat invalid date format as empty input (get rid of exception)

  • Am_Mail_Template: ability to add CC address

  • Add Pagination to Resource Category Pages

  • Include ckeditor with full destribution

  • Mass Subscribe Action: add validation to form to prevent Database Error (required fields is not populated)

  • Get admin confirmation to archive / restore products

  • Ability to use email as username for admins

  • Ability to search by entity ID at Protect Content section

  • Moved files from cc module to core

  • Include email to user log even if message has multiple recipients

  • New setting 'Apply Tax To Shipping Price' for regional tax

  • Rearrange helpdesk admin grid fields

  • Am_Lite query() rewritten

  • Bug Fixed: clear all "having" to run totals sql

  • Bug Fixed: DB error when search by Product within invoice list (Backend)

  • Bug Fixed: category element - visual glitch once new entity added

  • Bug Fixed: call 'cancelInvoice' for upgrades for cc plugins (invoices were marked as canceled at Amember only)

  • Bug Fixed: access check by user groups

  • Bug Fixed: unsubscribing by email links

  • Bug Fixed: Am_Lite is unable to authenticate user from remember me cookies

  • Bug Fixed: htpasswd passwords didn't work

  • Bug Fixed: unsubscribe block

Shopping Cart
  • properly handle required product options

  • return links to user's resources in check-acess calls

  • method normalization

  • add urls of endpoints to API key configuration

  • New Commission Conditions: Product Billing Plan/Not Product Billing Plan

Payment Plugins
  • ccBill: Ability to use the same flexform for all products

  • PayPal: added support for PDT. Useful in situations when paypal used in front of amember

  • PayPal Express: fix first rebilling datetime

  • PayPal Express: JSv4 Checkout implemented

  • Bluesnap: Updated IP of IPN servers used for verification

  • Gocardless PRO: Several fixes to plugin

  • New Payment Plugin for

  • Fastspring: support for popup storefronts added

  • Bitpay: library updated

  • JVZoo: fix thanks action

  • Payfast: fixed check source

  • CIM: fixed showing of error for acceptjs

  • Paddle plugin

  • Payeezy: bug fixed - plugin incorrect parameters passed to js create token api

Integration Plugins
  • Wordpress: handle meta_title

  • MyBB plugin: set correct default options for new users created in myBB

  • Infusion CRM plugin reworked

  • Invision4: plugin was updated to work with Invision 4.2

  • Invision4: Single login fixed to Invision 4.2

  • Invision4: allow to select display name

Newsletter Plugins
  • ConstantContact2 newsletter plugin added - uses API v2

  • New Newsletter Plugin: Mailpoet

Misc Plugins
  • Pdf-stamping: add ability to rotate stamp

  • File-upload: properly handle upload in single mode

  • SoftSale: show link to downloads page if no license is assigned

  • rewrite workoutExpires to avoid full table lock, it is important on huge database

  • IMPORTANT: fixed potential security problem in Am_Lite

  • REST API fixes

  • CkEditor updated

  • JvZoo fixed

  • Bug Fixed: DB error when search by Product within invoice list

  • Implemented automatic translation of billing terms: en, fr, it, de and ru

  • Ability to translate paysystems title/description at the plugin setup

  • Added ability to set product categories from manage products grid

  • Product Brick: ability to remove product Even if require/disallow Condition can meet in Current Purchase

  • Fixed bug: Logout didn't work if user was authenticated through remember login cookies.

  • Fixed bug: Redirect After logout URL setting was ignored sometimes.

  • Fixed bug: Exception logged by Invoice Summary brick with enabled Maxmind location validation.

  • More reliable way to validate EU VAT ID

  • Bug Fixed: ajax validation of coupon within upgrade/downgrade form

  • show history even if user doesn't have enough credits.

  • improve layout of product card, utilize product image from shopping cart module if exists

  • add Widget with Subusers Package

  • ability to attach multiple subusers products to parent product

Shopping Cart:
  • Sort categories in dropdown by title too.

  • Allow html in category description.

  • Directory - ability to opt out from directory

  • BlockPendingInvoice: ability to choose Disregard Behavior {hide,delete}

  • Sendgrid-Webhooks: unsubscribe only hard bounce

  • Google-analytics: added option to do not track sale if it contains some products

  • PDF invoice: fix line height calculation

  • File Upload: New setting in form brick configuration: Allow to upload single file only

Payment Plugins
  • Improved configuration page for paypal plugin

  • New plugin: Mobiuspay

  • New Payment plugin: Fastspring Contextual. Support for new Fastspring Contextual Commerce platform.

  • Fixed bug: Paypal Express Checkout plugin didn't handle second_period = lifetime expiration date for recurring subscription properly

  • Bluesnap: Added BuyNow Hosted Payment Page support

  • Stripe - update cc info link fixed

  • Added current date and time to list of available placeholders

  • User Agreement: option to show agreement in popup

  • Use 500 status for response in event of Am_Exception_InternalError

  • Login Page: ability to set meta data (Title/Keywords/Description) from admin interface

  • Store remote_addr to invoice record

  • Ability to set start date of acecss to 1st of current Month or Last of current Month

  • Ability to disable signup form (handy in case you want to leave form but do not allow its usage)

  • Include JS library from CDN (speed up page loads)

  • Update ckeditor to latets version

  • Log access to content

  • i18n: decouple Front End and Back End locales, inherit region language variation from mian language ie.: root -> fr -> fr_CA, improve translation UX

  • Flowplayer: add controlsList=nodownload in event of html5 video

  • Name Brick: change config option 'Read Only' -> 'Disallow Name Change'

  • Add country and state modifiers to simple template (resolve id to title)

  • Add block position member/upgrade: easy ability to add some text to upgrade popup window

  • throw error in case of attempt to delete user with active recurring subscriptions - it is necessary to cancel all subscriptionbefore delete user

  • Password strength indicator

  • Active Subscriptions Block - add divider between cancel and upgrade link

  • Infusion-soft - add access with correct expire date, remove access only if it was added by plugin

  • Bug Fixed: upgrade in case of tax with absorb mode

  • Bug Fixed: htpasswd plugin add user to htgroup file incorrectly (incorrect order of needle and hystack in strpos)

Admin UI
  • Ability to see the body of previously sent emails in the email history

  • Handy ability to change order of resources across multiple pages

  • Ability to filter resources by category

  • Widgets: do not touch HTML DOM if not necessary

  • Add user tooltips to dashboard widgets

  • Add content categories to menu

  • Folder Protection: does not allow to protect folder with aMember

  • Ability to Repair Database Tables from Admin Interface

  • Use tabs for billing plan edit

  • Ability to export invoice comment alongside with other fields

  • Improve Customize Dashboard UX

  • Ability to enable all permissions for admin record with one click

  • Protection agains lock himself from admin interface - force admin to solve reCaptcha before enable it (case with incoprrect either public or secret key for reCAPTCHA)

  • New Report: Affiliate Commission Amount by User

  • Product Conversion Report: display result in percents

Solid Color Theme
  • Ability to choose links color from admin interface

  • Make Solid Color theme compatible with Wpengine (handle .css by nginx)

Self Service Module
  • Ability to sort products within admin UI

  • Ability to filter products by categgory (?c=ID)

  • Check product requirements for storefront

  • Bug fixed for free trial

  • Take into account all products from cart when check product requirements (not only current scope)

  • More reliable way to detect root url

  • Increase quality of resized product images

  • Preview of images attachments

  • Option to allow users to re open closed tickets

  • Fix rebuild - we can not rely on subusers to rebuild parent user (parent can have not subusers yet)

  • Set actual expiration date from parent account instead of lifetime, in case of parent multiple packages with same product then set maximum from available

  • Optionally Hide Active Subscriptions Widget for Subuser

  • Improve error message for subusers who can not pay by himself according module configuration

  • Option to soft delete (detach subuser account instead of completely delete it)

  • Ability to detach subusers from paretnt account (admin interface)

  • Does not allow admin to set SubUsers Product to Porduct itself (avoid recursion)

  • Add option 'Show ajax version of widget' to text widget

  • Decouple Am_Text widget from WP_Text (it is important to fix issue with WP 4.8)

  • Take into account qty in case of absolute commisssion

  • Fix commission test (take into account setting Calculate Affiliate Commissions from Totals Including Tax)

  • Fixed commission amount for keywords report

  • Fixed tracking of keywords in some cases

  • Unsubscribe user on event UserBeforeDelete (some plugins ie. mailchimp can try to load recods duiring unsubscribe)

  • Klaviyo Newsletter Plugin (

  • Hubspot newsletter plugin added

  • Ability to use placeholders within URL

Payment Plugins
  • New Plugin: Touchnet ePay

  • New Plugin: Internet Mathematics Assessment System (

  • New Plugin: G2A Pay

  • New Plugin:

  • Braintree plugin: Added Drop-In UI support

  • Tinypass fixed - removed code to delete invoice

  • Fixed bug: Authorize.NET CIM sometimes user have to submit CC info twice.

  • authorize-cim: fix for items without ids (not products)

  • Bug Fixed: Fastspring plugin duplicate quantity on Auto Invoice create.

  • FastSpring - use more info from IPN to create user

  • PayPro: correctly handle IPN for partial refunds

  • GoCardless PRO plugin updated to work with latest API. Contributed by Rob Woodgate, Cogmentis Ltd

  • Stripe plugin: NZD currency support was added.

Other Plugins
  • OTO Plugin: option to Skip Offer in case of user already have access to this product

  • Default Product Plugin: add scope option

  • Avatar Plugin: ability to retrieve avatar by user login

  • Pending Invoice Clear Plugin: ability to choose trigger {New Invoice Completed,New Pending Invoice Added}

  • Sales Notification Plugin: add postion config option

  • Sales Notification Plugin: ability to choose animation type - slide/fade

  • Shipping Flat Plugin: optionally add flat cost for each tangible item within invoice

  • File Upload Plugin: ability to make some categories public

  • New Plugin: Email Snippet - speed up everyday mail routine

  • New Plugin: Clickfunnels integration

  • findBy bugs fixed

  • ability to pass operator to findBy explicitly

  • compatibility with PHP 5

  • selfservice: bug fixed for free trial

  • cart - new way to redirect from signupcontroller

  • Bugfix release for 5.2.x branch

  • Solid Color Theme: add color presets to theme configuration page, ability to choose font size and family within theme configuration

  • New plugin: Sales Notification. Allow to display pop-up notifications about new sales on the site

  • Payments history page - allows upgrade link for canceled invoices

  • Fixed bug: AuthorizeCIM plugin: Error while updating CC info in accept.js mode

  • Eliminate usage of __autoload function, it is deprecated

  • Add CSS for Facebook buttons on login and signup pages

  • Load VAT ID brick only if EU VAT Tax enabled, otherwise we can get unexpected error on signup form

  • Bug Fixed: form bricks - fields in readonly mode should not have any validation rules, othewise it will be impossible to save form

  • Shipping Flat: Bug Fixed - ignore case in zip/postal code

  • Bug Fixed: No Access page did not use Layout

  • Aff: ability to choose multiple dates for payout

  • Add Pulau Pinang and Putra Jaya subdivisions to territories list

  • Update select2 to latest version

  • Bug Fixed: Redirect to proper profile form after log in (not always to default one)

  • REST API: add info about user groups to check-access response

  • Ability to use MEDIUMTEXT and MEDIUMBLOB field types for custom user fields

  • Bug Fixed: affiliate link should redirect to home page by default

  • New Integration Plugin: FB Inboxer (

  • Self-Service Module: Added ability to define credits expiration and rollover.

  • Rewrite Admin Translation interface to be compatible with suchosin (finish struggle with windmills)

  • Bug Fixed: Customize dashbord did not work if admin has many saved reports (not enough color in color queue) so we use it as circular array instead

  • Bug Fixed: Payment Link should be absolute within email template

  • Verotel - dynamic pricing for recurring

  • Fixed bug: "Free Access without log-in" protection method didn't work for pages. Access denied error was displayed

  • Fixed bug: Gift voucher receiver brick generate an error on signup page in 5.2.3

  • Fixed bug: Unable to switch between saved searches at amember CP -> Browse Users -> Advanced Search

  • First Stable release in the 5.2.x branch

  • Fix problem with cart redirect after signup (appeared in 5.2.0)

  • Remove restriction for maximum length of admin password (it does not make any sense)

  • Fixed bug: Cart should be destroyed before user sent to payment system, and after user logout.

  • Blockchain plugin: added support of v2 API

  • Fixed Bug: Do not display archived products in SelfService setup

  • Exclude Shipping Fee from Affiliate Commission Calculation

  • Add info about used signup form to user profile (Signup Info)

  • PDF Stamp: ability to style stamp text (font/size/color/postion/align)

  • New Plugin: GoToTraining

  • New affiliate program model Last Click Wins:

  • Translate country title in pdf invoice.

  • Jvzoo: fix for multiple secret keys withion single plugin

  • Moodle - update groups as well

  • CCbill: do not handle EXPIRE notification from CCbill, aMember handle expiration on its own

  • New Plugin: Square Checkout.

  • Fixed bug: Incorrect data in Last Month dashboard widget at the end of some months.

  • Aff: give plugin ability to introduce new payout methods

  • New Plugin: Block disposable email domains.

  • schedule-emails module

  • Xenforo - re-POST data instead of redirect

  • Batch Unsubsribe Plugin

  • amazon SNS: we need to extract email address from FROM header before process it

  • Security: fix possible XSS on Login Page

  • Highlight active menu item for protected pages

  • Fixed responsiveness for audio player

  • Closes #1870 - bug in content editing controller

  • Bug Fixed: E-Mail User mass action

  • shipping-flat: different rate based on customer delivery address

  • display email address on unsubscribe page

  • Agreement Brick: option to check checkbox by default

  • Added ability to change used configuration set from config.php This is useful when you need to use the same database for more than one amember copy.

Admin Reports
  • Admin widget: replace Scheduled Recurring Revenue with Monthly Recurring Revenue (that has more sense)

  • Refund Rate

  • Refunds by product or product category breakdown

  • Count of Cancellations by date period

  • Refunds by payment system breakdown

Newsletter Plugins
  • Fixed bug: Mailchimp plugin didn't properly unsubscribe user if he specify email with capital letters. Also removed direct curl usage from plugin code.

  • New newsletter plugin: MailJet

  • New Mail Sending Method: MailJet

  • Mail Sending Method: SendGrid Web API v3

Integration Plugins
  • Fixed Bug: Test database settings button didn't work.

  • WP: take into account WP_SITEURL if possible (will work if option to use wp theme is enabled/otherwise can define it in config.php)

Payment Plugins
  • Hide CC module in UI: enable/disable it automatically in background based on choosen payment plugins

  • Fixed bug: Do not validate cardholders name when using Authorize.NET CIM accept.js Pass it to as is to validate it there

  • Itransact plugin development version

  • Clickbank Plugin: Cart support added(ability to select more then one product on signup page)

  • ccbill: handle lifetime period for dynamic pricing

  • Fixed stripe refund webhooks

  • Fixed bug: Worldpay plugin: php error in ipn script.

  • Fix compatibility with PHP 5.3

  • Add positions for html blocks to payment history page

  • Ability to use multiple video on same page in async mode

  • Ability to enable persist DB connection from config

  • Allow to resume failed subscriptions

  • API: add Am_Event::PAGE_BEFORE_RENDER - Called before render protected page

  • Aff: ability to download transaction details to CSV if config option allow it

  • Bug Fixed: respect sort order in i18n interface when filter applied

  • Bug Fixed: properly check isLoaded for the tables with literal keys

  • Bug Fixed: ajax action for setup forms

  • Bug Fixed: option-editor does not respect sort order in some circumestance

  • Implements #1865 - Import User, log skipped lines

  • Two Level of Admin Notification: Error and Notice

  • Properly handle case when two license keys in config (one expired and another one valid)

  • Show Mail Queue Status in Admin UI

  • Set maximum priority for test email message from admin interface to get it send when queue is full

  • Improve Filter in Mail Queue - add bility to filter by status

  • New Report: Count of Pending Invoices

  • Add Filter to section Blocking IP/E-Mail (Backend)

  • Newsletter: unsubscribe user from subscription on deletion

  • Softsale Module: Fixed bug: aMember CP -> Licenses list is too slow.

  • Affiliate: Ability to export affiliate stat to file for affiliates

Payment Plugins
  • Molllie Payment Plugin

  • PayPal - handle recurring_payment_suspended_due_to_max_failed_payment, properly add chargebacks

  • Authorize CIM - properly handle duplicate payment profile

  • Verotel Flexpay - recurring payments were not added properly

Integration Plugins
  • Stockboxphoto integration plugin

  • Drupal - resolve class name conflict with WP (if option to use WP theme is enabled)

  • Phpbb - resolve class name conflict with WP

  • SMF - fixed bug with additional groups

  • Vanilla - fix permissions, relay on vanilla to calculate proper permission

  • Joomla - set cookie with wildcard to support single login between subdomains

  • decouple index_fields and seacrh_fields

  • ability to search by country in foreign language

  • properly handle group condition

Misc Plugins
  • User Notification - allow to leave alerts for user profile

  • Stopforumspam (

  • Intercom - replace APi Key with Personal Access Token

  • Widget Plugin - Add Not Condition (Ability to hide Widget based on user active/expired subscriptions)

  • Improve compatibility with PHP 7.1

  • Replace mcrypt-based encryption to openssl-based

  • Decouple URL build

  • Ability to add Captcha to Login Page (configuration option)

  • Move Currency from Product to Billing Plan

  • New custom field type - Single checkbox

  • Ability to upload files to upload custom user fields in Admin UI

  • Brick Referred By - Add option to display either username or name or email

  • Video - Ability to upload Closed Captions alognside with video file

  • Video - Ability to add watermark with logo (setup option)

  • PDF Invoice - more granular control (ability to download from account|attach to email recipt to user|attach to email receipt to admin)

  • Amazon S3 - Add new region (US East 2)

  • Amazon S3 - Force file download (Content-Disposition: attachment)

  • Ability to translate custom labels for Form Editor within UI

  • Invoice auto create - Ability to specify product quantity

  • Bug Fixed: Item compatibility work incorrectly in some circumstance

  • Bug Fixed: Some directory is missed in dir browser - directory name can cast to bool false so we need to do strong type comparation

  • Bug Fixed: Authenticate user by import third-party password functionality didn't work when passowrd hashing method doesn't require salt

Admin UI
  • Revenue Goal Widget - green when the goal is on target and red if its falling behind target

  • Ability to sort billing plans within product form

  • Coupon batch grid - show coupon code in grid if there is only one coupon in batch

  • Easy ability to generate 1 coupon with explicit code

  • DateTime form element - allow to specify time of manually payment explicitly

  • File Browser - add preview for image files

  • Add warning before Invoice Rebuild

New Reports
  • Affiliate Payout Amount by User - useful to prepare 1099

  • Payments by Used Coupon

  • Refunds by Used Coupon

Shopping Cart
  • Improve quantity select box in shopping cart

  • Ability to quickly choose quantity if product allow it

  • Ability to use product options

  • Ability to choose sort order for products in admin interface

  • Respect Assign Paysystem to Product option in Shopping Cart

  • Ability to rearrange widgets from admin interface

  • Add two types of layout for basket (Detailed and Short)

  • Ability to use custom CTA image for generated add to cart button

  • Highlight payment system on checkout

Payment Plugins
  • New Payment plugin - Razorpay (India)

  • Clickbank - fixed free trials

  • MIGS - change hash from md5 to sha256

  • Paypal-express - recognize error for cancel request if profile already canceled

  • Authorize SIM - shows cancel page if payment was not successful

  • Psigate Account Manager - ability to refund payments

  • SmartDebit (and other e-check plugins) - fixed rebilling errors (empty echeckRecord causes PHP errors)

  • Uniteller - bug fixed (follow specification to parse CSV)

  • Uniteller - cancel link fixed

New Newsletter Plugin
  • MailerLite

Misc Plugins
  • Gift Card - allows to buy gift cards and send it to either existing user or new one by email

  • Billing Plan Country - allow to offer different billing plans to diffrent coutries

  • Dime Sale - add brick with next price level and remaining sales/time.

Integration Plugins
  • Phpbb3 - added support of 3.1.6 (password_hash)

  • Security fix: avoid possible XSS on login page

  • Combine periods: take first period from most expensive item instead of last one - it make more sense

  • New Valildation Methods for Custom Fields: List of E-Mail Address, URL, IP Address

  • Newsletters - fixed additional fields for content records

  • Mass Action: Unsubscribe from All Emails

  • Form Editor: Conditional logic for additional fields

  • Invoice Summary Brick: properly handle case of donation

  • Bug Fixed: report NewVsExisting

  • Helpdesk: config option to allow admin edit his own messages (within 5 minutes after post)

  • Product Required Fields Plugin - allow you to require some fields on signup form based on choosen product in case of user did not fill in it yet

  • Am_Lite: add shortcut for getInstance ie.: Am_Lite::i()->isLoggedtIn()

  • Additional User Fields - ability to define validation settings on per form base

  • Implemented correct way to handle "no access url" for protected folders.

  • Add Download event to timeline

  • Recent Activity Admin Widget

  • Implements #1847 - Dropdown menu search option in reports area

  • Folder Protection: ability to enbale Directory Listings for folder from admin interface

  • Bug Fixed: ability to set Form as default even if it is listed on second or subsequent page in grid (case of huge number of signup forms)

  • Increase period of validity for links to reset password and email confirmation

  • login reminder: ability to send notification only to users with active subscriptipn to specified products

  • Invoice Summary Brick: take into account new country from signup form for logged in user to calcualte TAX

  • send Admin Free Subscription Notifications for free trial as well

  • Implements #1844 - add idn modifier for Am_SimpleTemplate

  • Ability to add links and pages to user menu

  • REST API: check-access - always execute checkUser

  • Webhooks: include passhash to user related events

  • Closes #1843 - auto add wildcard for NOT LIKE in advanced search

  • Webhooks: ability to remove particular events from queue/log

  • InvoiceSummary Brick: take into account TAX ID

  • Bug Fixed: configuration of schedule tax changes

  • Alternative theme added - "Solid Color", works best for integration into existing design

  • REST API: add list of active categories with expiration dates to response of check-access controller

  • Implements #1839 - New Advanced Filter: Not Subscribed to Newsletter Lists

  • Bug Fixed: Shopping Cart embed code does not work in case of jQuery is not loaded on page yet

  • Enable fallback paysystems for all plugins that supports cancel page.

Misc Plugins
  • shipping-flat plugin - ability to add fixed shiping fee to invoice in case of it has at least one tangible item

  • New Plugin: Product Password - this plugin allow you to hide some products on signup page unless user provided valid product code during sign up

  • Conversion-track - fixed to respect multylines code between %foreach_product% and %endforeach_product%

  • EU VAT: New setting: "Add VAT to all B2B payments" - add VAT to transaction even if customer has business in another EU country.

  • Bug Fixed: WP - update links in session in case of user changed language (respect i18n)

  • Gift Voucher: bug fixed - donee can choose any billing plan for product if product has multiple billing plans

  • New Plugin - Widget: allow to add custom html widgets to user dashboard based on his active subscriptions

Integration Plugins
  • Wordpress Plugin: Added UltimateMember groups support

  • css: improve compatibility with WP themes

  • New Newsletter Plugin: SharpSpring

  • Activecampaign plugin fixed

Payment Plugins
  • Braintree PHP SDK updated to latest version

  • Payment Plugin: FlexPay (Verotel)

  • New payment plugin: Alipay

  • Payza plugin: added support of refunds and cancellations.

  • New Payment Plugin: SnappyCheckout

  • CCNow plugin: recurring billing support.

  • New Plugin: PSiGate Account Manager(recurring billing support through Account Manager)

  • SecurepayAU payment plugin updated

  • Bug Fixed: subusers module - titles for group option was empty

  • Fixed bug: Error in Bitpay IPN script

  • Fixed Bug: Ewayrapid3 payments were not activated in some situations.

  • Brantree plugin: Added ability to use hosted fields API. (PCI SAQ A compliant solution)

  • Braintree lib was updated to latest version.

  • Removed old VAT tax plugin, if you did not switch to new one (VAT2015) yet then it is good time to do it now

  • Add Filter to "Sign Up Forms" grid

  • Group additional fields to collapseable fieldset in user profile in admin interface

  • Convert product specific VAT to VAT groups to simplify maintenance

  • EU VAT: ability to schedule tax rates

  • CSS: improve compatibility with wp themes

  • Wordpress plugin: Fixed bug: Protection didn't work right if start date was set in post/page protection settings

  • Rest API module: Added ability to query product <-> category relations

  • Rest API module: Added ability to access product categories through rest.

  • Improve filter in logs: add ability to search by date range (Backend)

  • Closes #1835 - does not require to change password if logged in as admin

  • EPDQ - supported currencies added

  • Bug Fixed: live edit did not update field value

  • Closes #1836 - sort log entity by primary key instead of date/time to avoid reverse order in case of event occur exactly in same time (up to seconds)

  • Subusers Plugin: Translate product options in selects.

  • Bug Fixed: product options lead to exponential explosion of DOM elements

  • Amazon S3: respect folder hierarchy in storage browser

  • Directory Browser: add quick filter

  • New plugin for Drupal8

  • Storage Grid: Add Filter

  • Helpdesk: Ability to limit access to issue categories by active user subscriptions


  • bundle-discount plugin bug fixed

  • Bug Fixed #1834: Softsale $scheme not available in email template

  • Facebook plugin: Fixed bug: "Add free access to a product" new access was added more then once. Now it will be added only when user is associated with facebook profile for first time.

  • New Payment Plugin: GoUrl ( | Accept Bitcoins

  • Video protection - use _amember_redirect_url for login link

  • Bug fixed - mass actions (lock, approve) did not work if select ALL records on users list

  • New User Filter: Has invoice started between dates

  • Display searchable select for products in amember CP -> Edit User -> Payments -> Add invoice.

  • Italian Translation updated, thanks to Tiziano Valentinuzzi

  • Implements #1831: Export Presets

  • ReCaptcha: ability to choose size of widget in configuration, I18N Support

  • Ability to capture both First and Last name in single input

  • Bug Fixed: saved search select should trigger submit event on form, we especially need it for Email Users page, otherwise we lost current data (subject, messages etc.)

  • Implement #1822 - show number of tickets that require attention in admin menu

  • New Plugin: Upgrade Brick

  • Thanks-redirect: add %product.*% placholder

  • Ability to filter by tablename in admin log

  • Bug Fixed: We need to check ban table while username generation (eg. -> admin)

  • New Plugin: Reseller Signup Form

  • Bug Fixed: Product Options - correctly culculate surcharge for multi-select (checkboxes)

  • Payflow - backend refunds fixed

  • Directory: use option titles for search alongside with option keys

  • Properly display negative options in payment history.

  • Bug Fixed: set %invoice_text% placholder for invoice_pay_link template

Shopping Cart
  • Simplified design of basket (to make it mobile friendly). Simplified checkout process.

  • Fixed bug: User wasn't redirected back to checkout page after registration.

Misc Plugins
  • Notification: ability to edit notification with WYSIWYG editor (UI)

  • Dime Sale: ability to increment price by hour

  • Dime Sale: ability to increment second price as well (recurring products)

  • File-upload: ability to set up different email notificatioin based on file category

  • File Upload: ability to upload file on user behalf from admin interface

  • File-upload: ability to change/set categery for already uploaded files

  • SubUsers: handle case of access with future start date

  • Bug Fixed: login-via-ip plugin

  • JV: take into account item quantity for absolute partner share

  • OTO: add CSS class and Id attributes to %yes% and %no% buttons

Affiliate Program
  • Allows to recalculate missed commissions for each payment

  • Added CSRF token for change payout method form

  • Softsale - "Allow customers to disable activations" option added

  • Softsale - hide expired licenses and disabled activations options added

  • SoftSale - admin permissions fixed

  • SoftSale: ability to use nested arrays in payload for curl transport

Integration Plugins
  • Invision4 - fixed bug with passwords '*0' + allows to upgrade from invision3 without loosing of SSO

  • ShareASale plugin: added recurring commissions support through API.

  • Fixed bug - wrong calculation of groups for protect plugins

  • Amazon SES - bcc fixed

  • ConstantContact - fixed to add users into more then one list

  • SMF - sso fixed for v1

  • Rocketresponder newsletter plugin added

  • ClickSuit integration

  • Integration with CouchingCloud

  • getResponse360 support

  • ActiveCampaign integration basing on product configuration. The subscription/unsubscription rules are defined in product itself (moved from activecampaign-addon)

Payment Plugins
  • Rocketgate plugin reworked. Added recurring support.

  • ccBill - FlexForms support added

  • PayFlow PRO plugin: refunds were not properly assigned to payments.

  • New Plugin: Mollie (with recurring support)

  • Authorize.Net CIM accept.js - ability to capture billing zip

  • ThriveCart payment plugin added

  • Enabled fallback paysystems support in Authorize.NET CIM Hosted version

  • 1SC plugin: added support of AUD invoices.

  • NMI Hosted -> Beta

  • NMI Hosted using Direct POST API for recurring. Update CC info included in the plugin.

  • TinyPass plugin becomes beta.

  • PaypalPlus plugin becomes beta.

  • Configuration of BitPay simplified

  • New Payment Plugin: SlimPay (

  • RealexPayments fixed

  • Admin interface: switch 'mailto' with 'Users -> E-Mail Users link' in users list

  • Signup form Name Brick can be configured as not-required

  • EmailUsers - better preview for html message

  • Fallback payment system: allow to define list of paysystems depends on paysystem from failed invoice

  • Aff: ability to disallow redirect to 3rd party urls for affiliate links with custom redirect

  • Bug Fixed: show input for qty in case of only one product on form

  • Product options: properly show negative surcharge

  • Added "Skip First Line" setting to subusers import form.

  • Admin Log: log Update Configuration action

  • Add info about product options to %invoice_text% and %invoice_html% email variables

  • Am_Lite: fix restore auth session from cookie

  • Fixed bug: Scheduled Recurring Revenue widget displayed wrong amount.

  • Added password confirmation of profile email change

  • Bruteforce protection for current password on profile form

  • Browse Users -> Advanced Search: Allow to search for zero "Spent Amount"

  • Sort by user extra data columns

  • Bug fixed - manual invoice + payment - respect date of payment for rebill date calculation

  • Add ability to export password hash, it can be useful to export/import users between different aMember installations

  • aMember CP -> Protect Content -> All allow to filter by product.

  • Implements #1764 - New Import Option: Update User if Exist User with Same Login (Do Not Overwrite Existing Password)

  • Implements #1763 - abilitry to submit VatID with spaces, remove it silently

  • Show customer info in CC Rebill details report.

  • Newsletters - do not try to use disabled plugins

  • Fixed bug: Webhook cron didn't work when wrong url was specified in webhook configuration

  • Fixed bug: "Force SSL" option wasn't available if aMember CP -> Setup -> Login Page -> Index page was set to Login page.

  • Fixed bug: Internal server error on login if aMember CP -> Setup -> Login Page -> Allow to Use Password Hash from 3rd party scripts to authenticate User in aMember and third-party plugin was disabled in the past

  • Fixed login redirect

  • Added ability to remove items from basket preview

  • Do not list archived products

  • Added Course Press support.

  • Welcome translation

  • Dashboard link was added to login widget.

  • Ability to set start access delay by number of payments

  • Respect remember_auto for Wp auth cookies

Directory plugin
  • Members Directory: add default sort

  • Members Directory: add 2nd street address field

  • Ability to add upload additional fields to directory

  • In event of not logged in user access directory show login page instead of no access error

  • Check external login when user access directory.

  • Search by Country/State title

Misc Plugins
  • Login Monitor plugin: Limit notifications for specified user groups only.

  • Campaign monitor: Ignore 400 errors on unsubscribes. Errors generated when user account is suspended.

  • File upload: add brick with list of uploaded files

  • New Plugin: SendgridWebhooks - unsubscribe users in aMember upon bounce notification

  • New Plugin: Automatic Currency Exchange Rates Update (

  • Textlocal sms service

  • Plugin for

  • Mailchimp - disable double optin option added, fixed usage of PUT method

  • Mailchimp - fixed for case if customer is already in list

  • Payment-link: ability to set expiration date for payment link

  • drop-me: move widget for this plugin to bottom of page

  • AdobeConnect plugin: password wasn't properly updated in AdobeConnect.

  • Downloads module: Added confirmation screen before file download.

  • SoftSale: ability to look up licenses by bindings

Integration Plugins
  • New Plugin: PayPal Identity - allow to login/signup via PayPal account

  • SMF 1 - fixed single login

  • Joomla 3 - fixed single login

  • Freshdesk integration plugin

  • Integration with Pancake invoices system

Payment Plugins
  • New plugin: Paypal plus

  • Coinsnap payment plugin added

  • Implements #1761: Stripe - option to enable Zip validation and logo url (Hosted Version)

  • 2checkout: do not record last payment within recurring plan twice

  • Offline payment plugin - fixed to work with recurring products

  • Authorize.NET CIM plugin: AcceptJS support implemented. With Accept JS library, CC info will be submitted to Authorize.NET server directly(even with disabled hosted setting)

  • Paddle.js payment plugin

  • Bitpay ported to new API, recurring payments support added

  • PayzeeJS plugin added

  • jvzoo: ability to set multiple JVZoo product number for same product in aMember (comma separated)

  • Plugins: aff-points/nmi-hosted/pancake/user-report/send-mail-on-invoice

  • networmerchants-hosted moved to addons

  • Braintree: void payment instead of refund in case it is not setteled yet

  • NMI - enable hosted version (three step commit)

  • Myshortcart redisign for support different types of paysystems

  • epay, rocketgate, cmsbuilder, mailwizz plugins

  • New payment plugin gumroad

  • Mailchimp resubscribe plugin

  • Fixed bug: Duplicate billing with paypal-pro plugin in some situations.

  • Implements #1615 - PayPal repeat on failure causes duplicate subscriptions

  • TinyPass payment plugin

  • Display product options on payment history page

  • Advanced User Search: Used Coupon

  • Helpdesk: ability to Disclosure Admin real name in user interface (otherwise only word Administrator is shown)

  • Bug Fixed (appeared in v 5.1.2): online VAT validation

  • Bug Fixed (appeared in v 5.1.2): fatal error in invoice summary brick in case of not logged in user use coupon

  • Bug Fixed: only admin account can upload files in section Protect Content -> (Files|Video)

  • Fixed fatal error at payments-history page if billing plan is deleted

  • Fixed bug: Twocheckout invoice wasn't marked as cancelled if subscription was cancelled from 2Checkount itself.


  • Bug Fixed: Copy product options together with product

  • Notification plugin: Added ability to filter notifications by User group and Product Category

  • Bug Fixed - invoice-summary in case of product with qty and another with options

  • Bug fixed - do not set failed pending invoices

  • Invoice Summary: ability to put output to brick position

  • Bug Fixed: decrease font size and margins for bar labels so all labels shown (Users Report)

  • Notification plugin: Implemented new rule: Show notification only if user doesn't have active access to a product

  • Added new payment plugin: DOKU MyShortCart (

  • Fixed bug: Stripe plugin didn't work with some wordpress themes

  • Fixed Bug: Internal server error with Invoice Rebuild in some situations

  • Fixed bug: PDF invoices were always set in "Default Language" that was selected in amember CP -> Languages, and not in language selected by user

  • Fixed bug: Eway plugin didn't work with free trials

  • Vanilla forum - fixed fatal error in some cases

  • Auhtorize.Net SIM - Authorize new API URLs and Auth.Net will not support GET since 30 June 2016

  • Bug fixed with sending e-mail messages

  • Fixed bug: unable to edit the coupon ID in v5.1.1

  • Mark failed subscription as Recurring failed. Invoice will be considered as failed if it has recurring_active status and rebill_date is more then 30 days in the past.

  • Users Import: Added an ability to create only access records (without invoices) on import.

  • Pdf Invoice: ability to show tax record even it is 0

  • Fixed bug: Access was not added for invoices with deleted coupon when custom commission rules related on coupon code were set.

  • Bug Fixed: VAT ID validation - we can not rely on english text here - it can be any language based on server IP address actually

  • Bug Fixed: Import from CSV - correctly handle date and multi_select fields for both DATA and SQL fields

  • Bug Fixed: product options were not shown in case of only one product on signup form

  • Fixed Notices in Am_Lite when session cookie is not set

  • REST API: If expire_date wasn't submited in crteate access record request, calculate it depends on default billing plan.

Affiliate Program
  • Ability to filter commisons by creteria - Not Included to Payout (backend)

  • Referred By form brick - dispaly referred by username on sign up form

  • New Commission Rule Conditions - Not Product and Product is Not included to Category

  • Add-ons

  • Invite Plugin: Ability to limit access to this feature by user active subscription

  • Bug Fixed with UI for PDF invoice configuration (generated|custom settings switch)

  • Invoice-summary plugin - handle change of country as well to calculate tax properly

  • Invoice-summary - show tax if possible

  • Subusers: ability to disable registration email for subusers

Integration Plugins
  • New Plugin: MaxMind - check user Risk Score on user sign up, require manual approval for user with high Risk Score

  • Mailchimp - sends Content-Type header as well to make sure request will be accepted

  • VBulletin - updated to support 5.2

  • JVZoo plugin: Support multiple keys(more then one account)

  • WP: seamless integration with Nexus theme

  • Moodle Plugin: Fixed Bug: Single login didn't work. Password was stored in wrong format.

Payment Plugins
  • Braintree - fixed "Error: Array"

  • Payflow - store PNREF from last transaction for rebills

  • Authorize.Net CIM - handle known error codes for update cc

Authroize.Net CIM - fixed rebills for invoices moved from AIM if hosted mode is enabled
  • Xfers payment plugin: added support of API v.3

  • Implements #1739 - add Taxable subtotal to PDF invoice

  • Country/States Management: add filter by status (Enabled|Disabled)

  • Advanced Search: add search facility to elements with product lists (handy in case of huge list of products)

  • Fixed bug with numerical renewal groups

  • Correct handling for recurring date in PDF invoice (access periods)

  • Fixed bug: Could not read from when aMember is configured with external SMTP server

  • Bug fixed - BCC did not work right

  • New Email Placeholder: %invoice_html%

Shopping Cart
  • Implements 1466 - Ability to display the categories first rather than the entire list of products

  • Bug Fixed: Cart layout in case of language switch enabled

Affiliate program
  • Banners are responsive now

  • Conversion-Track: fixed bug, added new placeholder for %affkeyword%

  • JV: Bug Fixed - incorrect date of commission

  • file-upload: ability to delete uploaded files

  • AutoLoginPlaceholder plugin: disable old auto login links whenever user changes his password.

  • Rest API - select/unselect all permissions

  • Mailchimp - updated to support API 3.0

  • Fixed Bug: eFront Plugin: some course lessons were not active when user was added to course.

  • Fixed bug: Test database connection didn't work for vBulletin plugin

  • Wordpress plugin: Fixed notice: Notice: get_currentuserinfo is deprecated since version 4.5! Use wp_get_current_user() instead

Payment Plugins
  • Stripe Plugin: Fixed Refunds webhook. Column 'receipt_id' cannot be null is generated in some situations.

  • 2Checkout: fix api endpoint

  • First 5.x STABLE release

  • New Report: Distribution by Custom User Field (radio and select)

  • New Admin Dashboard Widget: Revenue Goal

  • Implements #1723: Previewing Off Line payment HTML

  • Fixed bug with content links when lot of content categories exists

  • Default Theme: ability to specify footer content in theme configuration in admin interface (fallback to site_title by default)

  • Helpdesk: do not add search bar in case of user has less then 10 tickets (frontend)

  • Affiliate Program

Top Affiliates Admin Dashboard Widget
  • New Payout Method - Chexx (

  • Affpayout - sends CSV instead of TXT

Payment Plugins
  • checkout-com: webhooks support

  • wepay - updated to support API 2016-03-30

  • helpdesk: live conversation made optional because may eat server resources

  • Ability to configure Date/Time format explicitly, default still set to format from locale

  • gift-voucher: dedicate admin permission for plugin stuff

  • hide Apply Tax in product settings if tax is not enabled

  • bug fixed: purchase with product options did not work

  • Ability to set protection in batch mode for Files, Pages, Video and Links

  • New Advanced Users Filter: Has pending invoice with products

  • Bug Fixed: Force SSL in case of SSL terminated on reverse proxy before reach application

  • Admin widgets: separate layout for Table representation of report widgets

  • User-friendly urls for content categories

  • Default Theme: ability to use user gravatar in identity block

  • Improve layout for narrow screen (mobile devices)

  • Single-login-session: ability to disable this protection on per user basis

  • Delete Old Records: 'Incomplete Users and Affiliates' and 'Expired Users and Affiliates'

  • API: json_encode modifier ro Am_SimpleTemplate - useful for templates with JS code

  • Fixed bug: Ajax admin login popup didn't work .

  • New setting to enable usage of coupons for upgrades added

  • More responsive user menu

  • New User Filter Condition: Has subscription between dates

  • Implements #1433 - search criteria - never subscribed

  • Separate access rights for each resourse type for admins

  • Do not use '.' in URL (Uploads). Such request can be blocked on server level

  • Display refund amount in payment history for user

  • Admin Widget: Scheduled Recurring Revenue

  • Ability to add new coupon to existing batch

  • Invalidate all authentication sessions in case of user changed his username

  • Pass invoice to Expiration notification template. This is possible to use %invoice.% placeholder now

  • Closes #1726 - mass check/uncheck bug fixed

  • Improve Advanced User Search layout

  • New option: Allow cancel recurring subscription from user account (enabled by default)

  • Fixed bug: Internal server error in Dashboard widget "Payments" on some installations.

  • Implements #1718 - Restore Subscription facility should be optional, it is not intended behaviour in most cases

  • Make brief mode more useful

  • Seamless integration between avatar plugin and helpdesk module

  • Ability to display suggested FAQ based on keyword/question that user type in ticket subject

  • Ability to use additional fields without categories

  • Auto grow response textarea

  • Live conversion update (long polling)

  • Ability to close ticket along with response from admin interface

Affiliate Program
  • Display affiliate link for each banner

  • Ability to filter commission records by type (commission|void)

Integration Plugins
  • WP: Use wp theme folder if enabled to scan for signup templates

  • Aweber API do not accept IPv6 address

  • New plugin: Integration with youtubify (

  • Autopilot newsletter plugin added

  • New Plugin: Access By Publish date (Pages and Files)

  • PAP - refunds tracking fixed

  • conversion-track: ability to track first payment separatly

  • avatar: ability to show avatar on user profile/dashboard in identity block

  • GetResponse Bug Fixed: name is required, submit login instead of name if name is empty

  • ProductIpLimit misc plugin added

  • New plugin: Intercom (

  • Chamilo - added support of 1.10

  • Adutlvideoscript - update premium flag

  • Get-response - filter IP

  • Login-via-ip - opt-out

  • jv: improve admin ui to add multiple jv partners to same product

  • jv: ability to assign any number of partners to same product

Payment Plugins
  • Transactium payment plugin added

  • Fastspring - remove currency symbol from the OrderTotal

  • 2Checkout: fix cancellation for recurring subscriptions that have multiple payments already done

  • 2Checkout: fix refund for subsequent payments with recurring subscriptions

  • New Plugin: Paypal Website Payments Pro Hosted. (not-recurring, not-supported in US)

  • Epoch - get list of IP's from

  • gocardless plugin improved (contributed by Rob Woodgate - )

  • Fixed bug: Paypal Website Payments Standard instant cancellations didn't work for old profiles (starts with S-). Redirect customer to paypal in this situation.

  • New Payment Plugin: (

  • PAP - refunds tracking fixed

  • Verotel - handle "cancel" ipn

  • Epoch - cancel + refund

  • verotel: add list of supported curency

  • Senangpay - redirect thanks to cancel page

  • epoch - refunds fixed

  • PayPro bug fixed: compatibility with checkout on mobile devices

  • Added new payment plugin Payssion (

  • Added new payment plugin PayUMoney (

  • Added new payment plugin Skipjack (

  • Added new payment plugin - eWay iFrame

  • Concrete plugin - added support 5.7 version

  • Added new payment plugin - Recurly (

  • Added new payment plugin NMI ACH

  • A few more beta fixes

  • Extends DB column length for login up to 64 char

  • Admin authentication: protect against endless redirect loop

  • Bug Fixed: Force SSL in case of SSL terminated on reverse proxy before reach application

  • Bug Fixed (UI): resourceaccess element work incorrectly with select2 (select2 map element by value but we had dublicate value for some items)

  • Fixed a SERIOUS problem introduced in 5.0.3. Please upgrade ASAP if you have 5.0.3 installed

  • Wordpress: fixed a bug (appeared in 5.0.2) - did not allow to open Amember settings in Wordpress

  • Braintree: fixed free trials

  • Admin user grid: do not add link to edit user form on user login in case admin has not such permission

  • subusers: ability to for reseller to manage additional fields of any type (based on configuration)

  • Aff: rename Moneybookers payout method to Skrill

  • Helpdesk: do not send several notification for same action (In case of watcher/owner has same email address as admin_email)

  • Aff: add export action to grid with commissions

  • Improved compatibility with PHP 7.1

  • Added an option to force secure connection for all aMember pages

  • Bug Fixed: in case of cancel url is local then it is relative and there is not host -> Am_License::getMinDomain(Null) emit not recoverable error

  • Wordpress Plugin: Allow to load aMember Login widget through ajax request. Could be useful if there is any cache plugin enabled.

  • Hide affiliate section from user profile (backend) if admin has not sufficient permission

  • Bug fixed - send card expire notifications only for active recurring invoices

  • Joomla Plugin has been tested with Joomla 3.4.8. Single login was fixed for Joomla 3.x

  • Magento Plugin: Fixed Bug: Unable to edit user in Magento if user was created from aMember.

  • Paypal - fixed redirect by click on cancel link from the backend

  • Sagepay: fixed to cancel and retry payment

  • Payflow-link - url fixed

  • Bug Fixed: category filter in shoping cart did not work (from version 5.0.0+)

  • Invalidate all authentication sessions if password changed

  • Invalidate remember me key after logout

  • Invalidate old restore password links if user changes either password or email address

  • vBulletin Plugin: Fixed Bug: Single login didn't work for vBulletin 5.x

  • Bug Fixed: Internal error if there is more then one product option

  • Bug Fixed: error once edit user profile in admin interface

  • .htaccess apache 2.4.18 bugfix

  • Bug Fixed: incorrect initialization of product options on product insert crash all JS code

  • - set_magic_quotes_runtime() is not available under php 7

  • Fixed bug: User's session wasn't restored if auto-logged-in user tried to open video directly

  • CCBill: - cascade ID disabled since CCBill does not process it right - customization of other plugins is required

  • mark email field as required in user form in admin interface

  • Refactoring: removed most direct references to application/default/views/public

  • BUg Fixed: Am_Mvc_Controller::delCookie -> Am_Cookie::delete

  • PayPro: add readme to plugin

  • closes #1701 - Epoch fixed to cancel subscription

  • SimpleTemplate: add urlencode modifier

  • Notification plugin: ability to use %user.*% placeholders within url

  • Ability to sort saved forms (useful to manage postion of form in menu in user area)

  • Paypal - 500 response code if php could not connect to

  • Fixed JS problem in defining product option options

  • Nuevomailer plugin: Added ability to fetch newsletters lists from nuevomailer.

  • Email Users - allows to see selected email layout at the preview action

  • Closed #1695 - REST API - sends all records for nested arrays

  • Aff: new commission condition: Upgrade Invoice

  • gift-vaucher: ability to enable gift option by default

  • Fixed bug: Voids where counted as commissions in Affiliate Sales report within member's area.

  • Mailget plugin: Added ability to unsubscribe user from list.



  • aMember now supports two-factor authentication for both admin and user area. It allows to increase security by requiring some other info during login, for example verify if user received an SMS, or entered some code generated by a mobile application. Currently 2 plugins are available for purchase: for DuoSecurity ( ) and for Authy ( )

  • Product Options implemented - allows to change price depending on selected during purchase options, and also allows to keep order-specific information for each purchase - for example domain name, or as common example: t-shirt size

  • WebHooks module implemented - allows to POST to configured URL on events

  • InvoiceSummary brick - allows to display invoice totals instantly on order page (ajax driven update of invoice summary to any element on the page - chosen by CSS selector)

  • Export: ability to export either Value or Labels for multi_select and checkbox fields

  • Closes #1381 - Protection plugins don't lock user in third-party database when user is locked in aMember. Added new group type: "Locked group", aMember adds user to that group if user is locked

  • Improved compatibility with most recent PHP version 7

  • Redirect After Login -> Page Where Log In Link was Clicked

  • Notification: Send Registration E-Mail to Admin

  • User Import: add unsubscribed field

  • PDF invoice: better handle wide logo

  • Ability to download PDF invoices for refunds in batch (backend)

  • Fixed compatiblity with HHVM: Unable to setup amember under HHVM(HipHop Virtual Machine). @ operator is not supported under HHVM

  • OneTimeOffer: do not allow to open same oto saveral times

  • Bug fixed: option Send Copy of All Admin Notifications did not work properly

  • Minimum coupon length changed from 5 to 4

  • Personal Content: added dedicated admin permission to manage personal content

  • Fixed bug: Internal server error in member's area if braintree plugin is unable to show update CC info link.

  • Admin Dashboard: live widget update

  • Expire Emails - ability to not send emails for active recurring subscriptions

  • Closes #1683 - Unable to change access begin/expiration date on iPad

  • Add filter by status to Invoice Grid

  • Hide not recurring payment system if user choose recurring product

  • New plugin: Integration with ownCloud (

  • Fix "duplicate key" errors related to daily cron on big databases.

  • Fixed bug: Email verification didn't work on profile form.

  • Fixed bug: Free trial wasn't recorder correctly by segpay plugin.

  • Default locale should be always in avaliable list

  • Improved new-password brick

  • Closes #1653 - Payment notification by product (in advance of rebill date, immidiately after payment, several days after payment)

  • Mail Log: properly format text/plain message

  • Bug Fixed: email templates to multiple admins had not effect, it always send only to default one

  • Dime Sale Plugin: Automatically increase price of product based on either number of sales or days left

  • Pending Notification: ability to send pending notifications by hours

  • Added %product_title% to payment emails

  • Closes #1468 - fix Last/This week intervals on border value

  • Improve file-upload plugin: ability to serach user who uploaded at least one file and ability to add last upload datetime column to grid with users

  • Ability to use Login Page as Index Page

  • Closes #1333 - When specify IP address in Standard search, show all users who has access from that IP.

  • File-upload Plugin: ability to add multiple bricks to same form

  • Implements #1665 - Ability to use keywords with tracking code ?ref=username

  • Implements #1279 - Include user group condition to Access Permissions

  • Implements #1657: subusers - Ability to set Parent user in ACP

  • Subscription Limit: Out of Stock / Low Stock Notifications

  • Donation Plugin: add amother layout fior donation brick - Emotional

  • Signup Form: ability to set robots meta (noindex,nofollow), it is important for hidden signup forms

  • Ability to alter titles for custom field bricks

  • Fixed bug: Automatic upgrades didn't work for php > 5.5.0

  • Am_Mail: added support for List-Unsubscribe mail header

  • Directory Module: ability to display column with active subscriptions

  • Added new filter to amember CP -> Payments -> Invoices: "Show only invoices with active access"

  • Bug Fixed: form-editor - it is not possible to add brick to form if you removed all bricks before

  • File Upload Plugin: Ability to define upload category for files

  • Bug Fixed: Expiration email can be sent incorrectly in some situation

  • Added %product_title% shortcode to invoice_pay_link template.

  • Bug Fixed: Mass Subcribe action in case of free invoice throw exception

  • Random Text Spinning for Email templates, example: Hello {{my friend|there|, good morning}} %user.name_f% %user.name_l%

  • Allow to export Sequential Receipt Number from amember CP -> Payments report

  • Reports: hint for predefined intervals with exact dates for report period

  • Bug Fixed: report 'Count of product purchase' incorectly handle qty

  • reports: add info about how much exact value in percent from total (table output)

  • Report: Avarage Lifetime Value (Cohort Analysis)

  • Retention Rate Report: ability to build report based on subscription start period, change lines to bars

Newsletter Plugins
  • Sendy newsletter plugin added

  • New newsletter plugin: mailget

  • New newsletter plugin: sendgrid3 - Support of SendGrid web api v3

  • Added new newsletter plugin: convertkit (

  • Added new newsletter plugin: getdrip (

  • Fixed bug: Interspire Newsletter plugin didn't query for all available lists.

  • InterSpire: increase number of list to retreive up to 100 (it is just 10 by default)

  • Added current API support to mailchimp plugin.

  • Mailgun integration ( advanced email validation on signup form

  • Fixed bug: Duplicate quotes around sender name when use SendGrid as email delivery method.

  • Closes #1667 - Tax percentages in 3 digits

  • EU VAT plugin: Allow to use current year in invoice numbers

  • EU VAT: Romanian VAT was changed from 24% to 20 %

  • EU VAT Report: include paysystem receipt id in report details.

  • Fixed show of activations

  • Fixed bug: license expiration date wasn't changed when admin changes expiration date of user's access record.

  • Bug fixed: chunked response was handled incorrectly in case of size of chunk has symbol F

  • Bug fixed for LicenseChecker in case of some Network error is empty and actually setError is already excuted in makeRequest

  • Highlight disabled licenses in row

  • License tab to user profile in admin interface, add filter for license, fix visualization for license activataion, i18n

Shopping Cart
  • Cart: Fix category widget

  • Cart: option to disable/enable coupons on checkout

  • Cart: ability to Allow use Cart only to Registered Users

  • Shopping Cart: Tags implemented

  • Cart: Make images in product descriptions responsive too.

  • Changed cart layout to be responsive

  • Implements #1659: interactive play button for Flowplayer when cover image is used

  • Flowplayer autoPlay didn't work for audio content

  • Video Player: ability to define poster image in preset

  • Closes #1685 - Add product subscription to helpdesk tickets

  • Helpdesk: do not allow to submit empty ticket message

  • Helpdesk: new feature - watchers

Affiliate Program
  • Wordpress integration: new shortcode - am4affiliate: Show Affiliate Info of currently logged in user

  • Aff - fixed keywords report

  • Aff: new commission condition - First Time Purchase

  • Affiliate: Payout Method - BACS

  • APi: new event Bootstrap_Aff::AFF_COMMISSION_CALCULATE

  • Aff keywords reworked to work with big database

  • Added option to enable/disable keywords support in affiliate module.

  • Bug Fixed: Sales widget should take into account voids for affiliate commissions

  • aff-leads plugin: ability to add column with active subscriptions

  • Wordpress plugin: Page wasn't displayed if "exclude page from menu" option was enabled

  • Fixed bug: Wordpress plugin:Fixed problems with browse dialog.

  • Fixed bug: Wordpress plugin: Unable to login into Wordpress dashboard if amember4 plugin is enabled in wordpress.

  • closes #1661 - Wordpress plugin: Fixed bug: Widgets protection settings not initialized once new widget added

Integration Plugins
  • Drupal - fixed cookie name if script is on https

  • Facebook: improve plugin configuration form

  • Facebook plugin: add ability to choose size, layout and action for buttons

  • Facebook plugin: respect current locale

  • Updated MyBB plugin to support version 1.8.6

  • Receiptful Integration Plugin ( - Send well formated receipt Email Messages optimized for upsells

  • Drupal plugin: Set secure session when Drupal is installed under SSL

  • Amazon S3: ability to use SSL for Authenticated URLs, it is necessary for https sites

  • New Integration Plugin: Architect

  • OSTicket integration.

  • Aff - admin notification for new affiliate signup

  • Fixed bug: Invision 4 plugin: password was stored in incorrect format.

  • Added new protect plugin: socialninja

  • Added new protect plugin: skadate (

  • Zendesk - check access for sign in

  • Fixed bug: Single-login didn't work with ExpressionEngine 2

  • Quaderno Integration ( - Send info about payments in aMember to quaderno

Payment Plugins
  • Stripe: listen refund webhook, update to latest APi (cards was replaced with source)

  • jvzoo: auto login after purchase

  • CC Plugins: Display message about successful CC info update for user

  • WePay: implement changes in recent wepay API

  • ccbill: fix dynamic pricing

  • 2pay4you - new payment plugin

  • Moneris: add USD as available currency

  • 2checkout: Inline Checkout

  • New payment Plugin: Quaderno Checkout (

  • CCBill - cascade_id option added

  • InfusionSoft: bug fixed - expired ALL access records wrongly if there was a product with 'isoft_tags' = 'null'

  • PayPal Pro: Fixed bug: "Column 'receipt_id' cannot be null " error generated by paypal-pro plugin when paypal was unable to create recurring profile.

  • LimeLight plugin fixed.

  • Beanstream-remote - added currencies

  • Paypal-express: partial refund

  • 2checkout: ability to switch between production and sandbox account

  • Added support for Amazon Instant Access

  • Paypal-express: handle 10486 errror properly

  • New Payment Plugin: Digital Goods Store (

  • aysafecard plugin fixed. Paysafecard's integration test will work now.

  • New payment Plugin: Maksekeskus

  • Added RON currency support to paysafecard plugin.

  • Jvzoo - fixed invoice external_id for recurring

  • New payment plugin: Nochex

  • New payment plugin added: WarriorPayments (

  • New payment plugin added: Paygarden (

  • SegPay - fix for rebills IPN's

  • Stripe - hosted version added

  • Segpay - fixed refunds

  • 2co inline: form must also pass in the buyer’s name, email, and full billing address (So Name and Address brcik is required on signup form)

  • PayPal Express Checkout plugin: remove confirmation screen, it is not required.

  • Stripe - 402 is allowed status code, so show correct error message

  • Dwolla fixed (checkout -> Checkout)

  • New Payment Plugin: Helcim (

  • New Payment Plugin: iPaymu (

  • Epay: support partial refunds

  • authorize-cim: in case user close popup window redirect him to fall back payment page

  • jv: handle recurring payments

  • BlueSnap: additional IP for IPN servers

  • Following the recent commercial changes from Gate2Shop to GTS Payments HK

  • IMPORTANT: Fixed compatibility with new Wordpress 4.4 as they broke compatibility with older aMember WP plugin

  • Fixed confirmation of changed e-mail address in user profile

  • ... new big update is coming soon with new cool features, that is just a quick bugfix release

  • Bug Fixed: we should track empty submit for checkboxes in product brick on the signup form

  • Bug Fixed: Expiration email can be sent incorrectly in some situation: resolve collission when MAX_EXPIRE_DATE for one product can match EXPIRE date for access record for other products, see corresponding tests for collision explanation

  • Fixed bug: Automatic upgrades didn't work for php > 5.5.0

  • Aff keywords reworked to work with big database

  • Aff - fixed keywords report

  • Closes #1661 - Wordpress plugin: Fixed bug: Widgets protection settings not initialized once new widget added

  • Bug Fixed: email templates to multiple admins had not effect, it always send only to default one

  • Fixed bug: Email verification didn't work on profile form

  • Fixed bug: PHP Fatal error: Class 'Am_Grid_DataSource_CustomFields' in import3 controller

  • Fixed a problem with VAT invoice validation

  • reCAPTCHA updated to v.2

  • Churn rate report (users who became inactive in given period)

  • HTML brick: ability to put HTML above or below form (can be used to add progress bar to multi page form)

  • New option: Disable New Signups

  • Added ability to hide/show signup forms in member area menu

  • Reports: ability to compary reports with previouse period. Compare with same period in previouse year.

  • New Report: Rolling Conversion

  • New Report: Product Conversion - Number of Users who Purchase product B after Product A

  • Added "Active Users by period" report

  • Implements #523 - Ability to delete user from his profile (backend)

  • Implements #1439 - ability to sort users by expire date

  • Implements #1604 - upload and multi_upload user custom field types

  • Implements #1171 - ability to Assign Paysystem to Product

  • Implements #1491 - Layouts of Email Templates

  • Implements #1518 - New option for Name brick: Make the first letters of first and last name Uppercase

  • Implements #1631: Search Option - Search user based on payment method

  • Ability to define specific admin as Reply-To address for autoresponder

  • Display notification for admin in user profile if a user exceeded Account Sharing Prevention limits (backend)

  • Admin: keep a record who and when added access manually to user

  • Fixed bug: New rewrite cookies were not set for installations on localhost with port name (for example: localhost:8000)

  • Fixed bug: Cookies were not set right if aMember installed on IP address.

  • Ability to temporary disable auto-locking for user

  • API: new event MAIL_SIMPLE_INIT_FORM, pass Am_Mail to MAIL_SIMPLE_TEMPLATE_BEFORE_PARSE - it is necessary for common customizations

  • 'Hide from Menu' option for profile forms

  • Allow for reseller to set all fields allowed in Subusers plugin configuration.

  • File-upload: ability to notify admin by email about new uploads

  • Ability to skip check of product requirements for invoices created from admin interface

  • Implements #1334 - Custom price when adding invoice/access manually from admin backend

  • HTML brick: ability to put HTML above or below form (can be used to add progress bar to multi page form)

  • Fixed bug: facebook plugin didn't get user information from facebook properly.

  • Display notification for admin in user profile if he exceeded Account Sharing Prevention limits (backend)

  • Fixed preview action for product welcome emails

  • Closes #1571 - Unsubscribe should not be just a checkbox, give customer feedback that his subscription status is changed

  • Implements #431 - choose first available cache backend (apc, xcache, memcache, file), display info about used cache backernd on system info page

  • Implements #1507 - chose default selected product (Product Brick setting)

  • Implements #1343 - multiple products could be simultaneously moved from one part of the list to another (group action)

  • Closes #1405 - Fix Shopping Cart Product Count Based on Categories (incorrectly count disabled and archived products)

  • Implements #1597 - Ability to Reveal Password on Signup Form

  • Implements #1332 - Deleting secured files in batch from admin panel

  • Ability to create any number of profile forms (handy in case of set up has many user fields and admin want to split fields by categories eg. Account info/Personal Info/Address Info etc.)

  • Implements #1099: Add product categories to filters in Advanced Search

  • Implements #1399: Add products categories to Require Approval Only if Invoice has these Products (Invoice) menu

  • Implements #1639: Cancel Feedback Plugin: add page with overview of cancel notes

  • New Email Sending method: CampaignMonitor (Transactional API)

  • Subusers plugin: Allow to import subusers with custom fields.

  • Ability to inspect invoice data in admin interface, handy for debug

  • Softsale - fix for license renewal

  • SoftSale - allow to renew existing license instead of generation of new one

  • Implements #1630 - Make "Available Locales" sortable

  • Helpdesk: Add CSRF protection to new ticket form

  • EmailAutoresponders: ability to check future subscriptions too

  • EmailUsers - fix redirect loop for "continue" sending in cases when count of target users made different after first send

  • User Notes: dashboard widget with last notes

  • Fixed bug: Mail queue wasn't clean up if "Log outgoing email messages for ... days" setting is set to zero.

  • Implements #1629 - Make HTML brick translateable

  • Remove access record on refund (instead of expire it)

  • self-service: bug fixed - it was not possible to move product back to Available Products list in configuration


  • EU VAT: do not validate free invoices.

  • Display notification about processing upgrade for user in order to avoid double clicks on upgrade button.

  • Newsletter: fixed unsubscribe_after_signup

  • Ability to redirect to sendpass form added

  • Ccnow payment plugin added

  • Invite: Ability to display list of invited customer in user account

  • Currency: correct symbol for PHP (Philippine Peso)

  • Added - for user email templates - BCC; for admin templates - select admin recipients

  • Fixed bug: facebook plugin didn't get user information from facebook properly.

  • Ability to export User Groups added

  • REMOTE API: Bug Fixed: FastCGI - aborted: error parsing headers: duplicate header 'Content-Type'

  • Closes #1165: multiple selects values does not populated in custom signup forms

  • Grid: Ajax driven Expandable field: usefull in case of render of cell can require many resource eg. render Mail body in log

  • Worldpay plugin, redirect user to cancel url instead of displaying it inside worldpay frame.

Affiliate Program
  • Aff: new conditions for commission rules: By Affiliate Active Product, By Affiliate Active Product Category

  • Closes #1476 - aff: if affiliate should be aproved after signup display some message instead of redirect to login screen (wher he can not login becouse of he is not approved yet)

  • New commission rule condition - First Time Purchase of Product

  • Show number of sales for affiliate in stats

  • Affiliate Keywords statistics

  • Do not allow to specify big period for affiliate cookie lifetime. It just may not work.

  • Advanced User Search Filter: Has Affiliate Commission (Any|Paid|Not-Paid)

  • New payout method - bitcoin

  • Use affiliate signup form for existing users as well

  • Separate email templates for affiliate approval

  • Ability to automatically generate payout bi-weekly

  • Ability to send protect content -> emails to affiliate

  • afflevels: add Super Groups configuration option and remove group priority (it does not make any sense in this context)

  • Aff Leads Plugin: Added lead status to the list of available fields

  • Redmine v3 support.

  • Fixed bug: facebook login button wasn't displayed in some wordpress themes.

  • Fixed bug: Email wasn't changed in getresponse when user change email in aMember.

  • Fixed bug: Joomla plugin didn't set information about user's groups in session.

  • Shareasale-pixel - show tracking code only once

  • Google-analytics: bug fixed: when someone bought a product with multiple quantities in analytics shows a wrong total price because analytics multiplies price with quantity

  • Project-box integration added

  • Donation plugin will respect products VAT settings now.

  • Wordpress: Fixed Bug: No aMember's shortcode icon in post editor.

  • Wordpress: Integration with thesis theme framework

  • Wordpress - new option to exclude page/post from protection(useful to leave some landing page(s) unprotected having whole blog protected)

  • Added new protect plugin: modx2 (ModX Revolution)

  • Integration with CRM Zoho (

  • Xenforo plugin. Create always remember cookie the same way as session cookie.

  • Notification plugin: added ability to configure notification using relative days(for for example you can display notification when user has subscription to a product for day 2 to day three). Added ability to display notifications outside of amember.

  • Fixed bug: GetResponse plugin didn't assign newsletter to user if user already was in that campaign.

  • Xenforo: respect personal user permissions

  • Fixed bug: Sendgrid plugin: Internal server error was generated in amember CP -> Protect Content -> Newsletters if there is no lists in sendgrid.

  • Fixed Bug: Wordpress plugin: Fixed notice when 4.3. is in debug mode.

  • Fixed Bug: Drupal Plugin: Single login didn;t was when Drupal was installed under https.

  • New Plugin: Chamelion Social

  • phpFox plugin was tested with 4.0.4

  • Invision4 plugin.

Payment plugins
  • PayPal PayFlow iframe integration finished

  • CIM: proper way to update user's CC info.

  • ccbill: add referer (aff_id) to payment request, it is necessary for additional fraud protection

  • New Payment Plugin: Zaxaa (

  • Fixed bug: Payflow Link transactions were not activated properly.

  • Closes #1175 - paypal: ability to handle billing terms as initial payment followed by second payment for lifetime access

  • Sagepay - protocol change to 3.0 + added basket parameter

  • Fixed bug: Coinbase didn't activate USD payments.

  • New Payment Plugin: ePDQ (

  • Fixed bug: "Paypal instant commission" plugin didn't work in live mode.

  • Enabled partial refunds for payflow plugin

  • Closes #1608: ClickBank refunds result in double entry

  • PaymentWall - hide errors and show 'OK' for each notification

  • Fixed bug: Safecart plugin was unable to create user if Last name is not available in incoming IPN message.

  • Gocardless PRO payment plugin.

  • Added ability to cancel Paypal Standard recurring payments automatically

  • Authorize.NET CIM added "use new card" link in reuse form

  • Charge2000 IPN didn't work. Paysystem send POST to ipn script but parameters were included in GET string

  • Added new payment plugin: paymento (

  • Added new payment plugin: junglepay (

  • New Payment Plugin: Centili (

  • Authorize.NET CIM: Handle situations when user profile already exists.

  • Fixed bug: Reversed and Cancelled_Reversal IPN messages weren't handled correctly by paypal plugin.

  • Fixed bug: Verotel plugin didn't remove access on subscription expiration.

  • Authorize.Net AIM - fixed refunds

  • Fixed bug: Duplicate invoice in 4CS payment plugin for recurring payments.

  • Added new payment plugin - selz (

  • Fixed bug: Free trials didn't work with ccBill plugin.

  • Bugfix release

  • Currency: correct symbol for PHP (Philippine Peso)

  • di:__sleep API calls fixed - fix problems appeared in 4.6.x with Wordpress+Facebook+WP theme enabled

  • IDR: correct position for currency symbol

  • Added description of BCC field

  • Fixed bug: Free trials didn't work with ccBill plugin.

  • BCC option added for user email templates

  • Ability to select admins for admin e-mail templates

  • Stripe: fixed a problem appeared in 4.6.0

  • Implemented ability to add manual refunds even if payment system supports auto refunds. Useful when refund is processed through payment system already.

  • personal-content: ability to send email message to customer when new file is uploaded to his profile

  • FACEBOOK: plugin has been updated to work with latest Facebook API. Facebook API v 1.0 will not work after April 30

  • Reports intervals added: "This Quarter" and "Last Quarter"

  • Helpdesk: short url for tickets

  • Donation plugin: ability to specify minimum donation amount

  • Fixed bug: Javascript errors when wordpress theme + Google pagespeed enabled.

  • Helpdesk: support for placeholders (%user.*%) in snippets

  • Add rel="nofollow" for links in affiliate banners

  • "Approve user" should trigger all necessary events eg. Am_Event::USER_AFTER_UPDATE etc.

  • Ability to search protected content by product (backend)

  • PDF invoice wasn't displayed when refund wasn't linked to payment.

  • Ability to not check access permisson for custom fields on specific forms (it is useful to put such fileds on signup form)

  • Set iconv.internal_encoding to utf-8: it is necessary so iconv_mime_decode_headers return result in UTF-8

  • Ability to specify refund date in case of manual refund

  • German translation fixed

  • Ability to create own tax plugins implemented, also removed all references to exact tax plugins (vat or vat2015) from aMember core files

  • Default theme: improve login screen (do not show both forms (login/forgot password) together)

  • Fix UTF-8 chars in pdf invoice contacts

  • Fixed bug: Sequential invoice numbers had gaps in some situations

  • Closes #1593 - ability to archive products added (hide instead of delete)

  • Set robots meta for some pages

  • Improve Mass Subscribe Action: ability to calculate access period based on current configuration (define only period) - eg. extend subscription for existing customers for 2 days

  • Hide interface elements that admin has not access to (Invoice Screen)

  • Bug Fixed: send affiliate registration email only if it is enabled in configuration

  • Bug Fixed: magicselect was incorrectly initialized (select only first value) if magicselect was applied to stadard element (not using addMagicSelect or addSortableMagicSelect)

  • Improved protection against simultaneous cron processes.

  • API: Am_Event::EMAIL_TEMPLATE_TAG_OPTIONS - Called to retrive tag options for specific template

  • Add Billing Terms to export fields (invoice)

  • Respect Newsletter sort order on signup form. Ability to redefine sort order in brick settings

  • Redirect customer to default signup form in case of user used incorrect signup url

  • Added "Isle of Man" to EU Vat countries. Vat rate is the same as for UK

Shopping Cart
  • Fix for cart button on different domain then aMeber installation domain

  • Fault tolerance: if we did not find any enabled payment plugin that was configured in module than just fall back to default behaviour instead of throw fatal error

  • Redirect_to_cart should redirect to catalogue (not to registration page)

EU Tax
  • Display different invoices for refunds. (This is required according to new EU VAT rules)

  • Added payment receipt and payment date to VAT report details

  • Fixed wrong admin permissions for EU VAT report.

  • Validate Location even if Invoice has no VAT

  • Added ability to show details for all countries for given period.

  • Subusers - separate admin permissions added

  • file-upload: ability to download all files uploaded by user at once (.zip)

  • file-upload: display time of file upload

  • New Plugin: Cancel Feedback: allow to ask customer reson of cancel before process cancelation

  • Autocoupon: do not assign placeholders if it already exits in template itself

  • A/B Signup Module: added ability theme testing

  • Added new method Universal Analitcis to google-analytics plugin

  • Avatar: ability to add avatar column to user grid (backend)

  • force-i-agree: add exception for logout; ability to reset i-agree status based on cutomer active access

  • New plugin: Paypal instant commission. Ability to pay commissions instantly(through paypal Adaptive API).

Payment Plugins
  • Stripe: fixed cvc requirement

  • Fixed bug: IPN about goCardless recurring payments were not processed.

  • Fixed Bug: iyzico plugin recurring payments didn't work.

  • Fixed bug: Epoch plugin: Refund amount were added in USD even if initial transaction was not in USD

  • Clickbank: add clickbank legal text on thank you page

  • Authorize.Net: Partial Refunds

  • New Payment Plugin: Comen Pay (

  • New Payment Plugin: Omise (

  • Clicksure payment plugin added

  • Added new cc plugin: firstdata-e4

  • New Payment Plugin: SmartDebit - REST (Adhoc) (

  • Fixed bug: Refund was added twice for paypal in case of disputes.

  • Fixed bug: v3 URL didn't work for paypal_pro plugin.

Integration Plugins
  • Closes #1601 New setting for protect plugins: "Super Groups" these groups will not be removed by aMember.

  • New Integration Plugin: phpSFP

  • New Integration Plugin: Mailwizz (

  • phpBB plugin tested with phpBB version 3.1.3

  • Wordpress: better IntegrationSettingDescription

  • phpSound plugin

  • Fixed Bug: MySQL error in case of custom table prefix (prefix was used literally)

  • Fixed Bug: access was not added after payment

  • Implements #1570 - Separate permission for user "access" management in admin area

  • Autocomplete for coupon field in create pending invoice action (backend)

  • Implements #1382 - seamless integration between directory module and avatar plugin

  • Closes #1204 - removed ability to delete imported lists

  • Closes #1391 - CSRF error on resend of mass emails

  • Implements #1550 - option to Hide Quantities in Shopping Cart

  • Respect sort order for list of Newsletter Subscriptions

  • Closes #1578 - Payment Refund link pushed off screen

  • Closes #1553 - Ajax email address error message login link on order forms should redirect back to order form

  • Display Tax information in invoice details for admin: customer IP/country and tax rate

  • Do not show user menu on CC payment page, remove dead code from template

  • Do not require paysystem when create pending invoice, customer can choose anyone form public when pay in this case

  • Fix billing terms for restored subscription (should not decrease rebill_times for IProduct::RECURRING_REBILLS)

  • Mail: add <html> tags if it does not present in text/html, add text/plain part if mail is html (improve delivery)

  • Fixed bug: Greek characters were converted to HTML entities in Email editor.

  • Fixed bug: Now affiliate link allows a dot in username

  • Added support for AWS Signature version4. Fixed bug: Amazon S3 didn't work for new regions (Frankfurt for example).

  • Bug Fixed: CC plugin (cancel) did not mark action as success, some 3ty part code rely on it eg. upgrades

  • Closes #1574 - Credit Card Rebills Number misleading (this report should included only rebills handled by CC driven payment plugins)

  • Allow to change First and Last name on signup form

  • Respect port in Location Redirect

  • Show payment link for pending invoice only if link is active

  • Credits Plugin: add credits if access added without invoice (from admin interface)

  • Report Quant Week: fix last/first year week

  • Ability to use custom language files (do not overwrite with upgrade)

  • Card rebills - fixed date on manual rebill

  • Assign category to products fixed

  • Ability to fill in name field later if necessary

  • Allow to pay pending invoice without due_date by link if it is not older than 30 days

  • Fix Catalog Prices Include Tax for qty more than "1"

  • Fixed bug: New-rewrite plugin didn't work on .dev and .local domains

  • Add ability to import user afiliate status (Import from CSV)

  • EU VAT Report implemented

  • 2015 EU TAX module: added new option: Validate Location Outside of EU. This will validate all new invoices even if user specify country outside of EU.

  • Fixed bug: Online VAT ID validation didn't work.

  • NEW EU VAT Rules -> Added new setting: Self Validation. If aMember was unable to validate user's location, user will be able to confirm it manually

  • Fixed bug: VAT ID validation didn't work

  • Fixed bug: VAT was applied even if user specified valid VAT ID

  • Fixed bug: VAT ID wasn't displayed in user profile when new VAT plugin was enabled

  • Added ability to define custom EU VAT rates for products

Extension Plugins
  • New Plugin: Invite a friend

  • New Conversion-track plugin allows to insert custom JS codes for tracking (ex. Adwords)

  • New Plugin: Payment Link - allow to generate quick payment link for specific user account (product or flat amount)

  • Product-chain: additional option - Expire the following product(s) on Expiration

  • OTO: ability to choose specific billing plan for OTO

  • Improved AffLeads plugin: added ability to display custom fields, filter and export results.

  • Product Chain Plugin: new option - Add the following product(s) on Signup

Integration Plugins
  • Wordpress Plugin: New option in protection settings "require all products to allow access"

  • Fixed bug: Session get lost in wordpress when user navigates to Shopping Cart in aMember

  • Mediawiki plugin fixed

  • Closes #1351 - WP-Plugin: Category redirect to url broken

  • Wordpress: fixed plugin, no need to update wpcourseware or buddypress groups for not amember users

  • New Plugin: FileRun (

  • New Plugin: adobe-connect

  • New Plugin: jamroom

  • New Plugin: activecollab

  • New Plugin: 4images

  • New Plugin: phplist

  • Sendgrid api: pass reply-to param if specified

  • Sendgrid api: correctly handle bcc

  • Implements #771 - multiple user groups for XenForo plugin

  • Invision - clean password field before hashing

Payment Plugins
  • Fixed bug: NMI plugin unable to void or refund sales

  • Stripe: fixed bug: charging wrong price (0.01 less than price)

  • Fixed Bug: Payflow Link plugin didn;t activate payments.

  • PayPal: handle Reversed and Canceled_Reversal payment status

  • Iyzico payment plugin added

  • Segpay payment plugin added

  • Twocheckout: bug fixed with multiple refund records

  • Closes #1563 - Stripe refunds handling

  • Implemented refund support for plugnpay

  • Added AUD support in Stripe plugin.

  • New Payment Plugin: DalPay - Checkout (

  • New Payment Plugin: SmartDebit - Direct Link (

  • Infusion-soft - sort tags for product's option

  • Authorize SIM: change status to Beta

  • Fixed bug: recurring sales with DealGuardialn were not activated.

  • Orbitalpay-form - fixed thanks redirect

  • Auth.Net CIM - allow partial rebills

  • Eway fixed - charge correct amount for second period

  • e-check: mark invoice as Failed even if 'Retry On Failure' is not configured

  • CC: mark invoice as Failed even if 'Retry On Failure' is not configured

  • Added new cc payment plugin: whitepayments

  • Minor bug fixes

  • Product "welcome" email template added

  • Implemented sequential invoice numbering(for EU VAT 2015)

  • New EU VAT rules with two Pieces of location evidence implemented

  • Tax: Ability to use prices incl. tax instead of add tax above product price

  • New Report: Tax Report

  • Implements #1529 - hide tabs in user profile for admin if he has not access to it (backend)

  • Google Analytics: better sales tracking - will track sales even if sale is not handled instantly

  • Ability to use zero discount coupon (Invite code or Afilite tracking)

  • Disable validation of product requirements for Product Upgrades

  • Fix jv plugin for case of purchase multiple products at once

  • Implements #1557 - separate cancel notification for upgraded invoices

  • Show information about refund in pdf invoice

  • Display correct invoice number on thanks page.

  • Ability to hide fieldset/title for Address brick


  • New Report Quant - Quarter

  • Technical Email Address - used on error pages to prevent disclosure of Admin Email Address

  • User Notes: format notes properly, ability to edit/delete existing notes (configuration option)

  • Bug fixed: form is not submited in Chrome if submit button is disabled

  • Log UserAgent for customer on signup and last signin

  • Ability to add links with custom attributes (target, class, id etc.)

  • Bug Fixed: add enclosed quote for attribute values in attrs helper

  • Personal Content Plugin: Ability to upload personal files in batch to all users with specific access

  • Closes #1549 - Bug Fixed: Admin login popup dialog didn't work

  • Ability to choose "Reply To" Address in "Email Users"

  • Fixed bug: In some situations user receive expiration email which he shouldn't receive normally. (for example if he didn't have expired product configured in notification)

  • Display payment link for pending invoices, so admin can send it in personal email.

  • Closed #1548 - missed loading icon

  • Add ability to download CSV-file for standard reports

  • Vietnamese locale fixed

  • Fixed bug: Incorrect value of aMember CP -> Setup -> Login Page -> Session Length can break whole system.

  • Import script from Your Members wordpress plugin.

  • Add cancel/upgrade links to Active Subscriptions block on user dashboard,

  • Add ability to upgrade from free subscription (use first acceptable public payment system)

  • display database name used by aMember on System Info page

  • Fixed bug: UserEcho plugin: do not require to verify email twice.

  • closes #1455 - idevaffiliate: pass the coupon code to idevaff

  • Closes #1394 - clear shopping cart in offline plugin

  • Closes #1512 - js code soft errors

  • Closes #1531 - Help button is not highlighted when ticket is visited and returned back to tickets

  • New Plugin: pending-invoice-clear - remove old user's pending invoices when new invoice completed

  • New User Filter: Last Signin

  • Closes #1541: Group action fixed

  • New Plugin: Product Chain: allow add another product on expiration or expire another product on signup

  • Subusers plugin: Added ability to restore parent user session after login as subuser action.

  • Allied: Partial Refunds

  • New Payment Plugin: Allied

  • New Report: Tax by Customer Country

  • Subusers plugin: Added ability to login as subuser for resellers.

  • Closes #1372 - ability to process partial refunds from aMember CP

  • Closes #1435 - added ADMIN_USERS_FILTER_INIT event method

  • Closes #1434 - Add a ADMIN_USERS_AUTOCOMPLETE event in AdminUsersController.php, autocompleteAction

  • Closes #1427 - Complete Invoice PDF customization made possible with an event

  • Closed #1467 Ability to continue canceled recurring subscription for user.

  • Fixed bug:Wordpress plugin: Expired users didn't have an access to content protected by shortcode even if shortcode allows this.

  • %paylink% placeholder for pending email notification

Payment Plugins
  • New Payment Plugin: iPayDNA (

  • Fixed bug: Safecart plugin: unable to activate recurring payments.

  • Moneris (Canada): add info about line items to purchase link

  • PayPal: check billing terms before redirect. PayPal can not handle subscription terms with number of rebills more than 52

  • Paypal - fixed refunds for autocreated invoices

  • paypal: do not send a1,p1,t1 if price and duration for first and second period are the same(avoid trial notice in paypal payment page)

  • PayPal Express: add additional configuration options (BRANDNAME and LANDINGPAGE)

  • CIM: respect validation mode settings in case of hosted version

  • Add new payment plugin: monelib

  • Add new cc payment plugin: beanstream-remote

  • Paymill (Direct Debit)

  • Implemented new way to validate safecart IPN message. Not using IP check now

  • Implemented ability to autocreate invoices for safecart plugin.

  • CCBill - do not add payment for free trial

  • CCBill - use username/password from IPN for autocreated invoices

  • abnamro payment plugin added

  • Fixed bug: Paysafecart plugin generated an error in live mode.

  • Fixed bug: eWay recurring transactions didn't work.

  • Verotel - dynamic pricing added

  • New Payment Plugin: AmericanExpress - Hosted Payment Page (

  • eWay Shared Payments (

  • Charge2000 plugin: Allow to specify web_id in product configuration.

  • OrbitalPay-Form payment plugin added

  • New Payment Plugin: eGHL (

  • Partial refunds for Stripe

  • New Payment Plugin: Redsys (

  • allied: 3d secure support

  • Implements #1532 - Clickbank IPN 6.0 support

Integration Plugins
  • XOOPS integration plugin added

  • Fixed but: Sendgrid plugin: Newsletter lists were not properly updated

  • Wordpress Plugin: Added two new bricks: "Nickname" and "Display name publicly as" these bricks are available for profile forms and these bricks are linked to Wordpress profile.

  • New Email Sending method: SendGrid (API) - useful for hostings which block outgoing connections to SMTP (eg. godaddy)

  • Shopping Cart: assign category code to template

  • Verotel: dynamic pricing added

  • Coinbase: updated to use new API authentication method

  • Cancel-on-upgrade: try to send cancelInvoice action if it is allowed by payment system

  • Increase default value for memory limit in batch processor. 64M is not enough

  • ClickBank: Closes #1524 - ClickBank required message on thank you page (clickbank plugin)

  • Aff: API: new event introduced AFF_BIND_AFFILIATE

  • Fixed bug: Unable to logout when "Always remember" is enabled in config.

  • Joint Venture Plugin (works based on aff module, partner get his share as commision in affliate programm)

  • Add Validate Event to Profile form as well as signup form

  • Bug fixed: file downloads log was not shown becouse of error

  • Fixed totals in payout report

  • Name Brick: always hide it on signup form in case of user is already logged in

  • Added custom fields to the export of Payments,Refunds,Invoices

  • Unsubscribed brick (can be used on profile form)

  • Fixed bug: In some situations user receive expiration email which he shouldn't receive normally. (for example if he didn't have expired product configured in notification)

  • Add Additional Dynamic Periods for Reports: Last 90 days, Last 6 months, Last year and This year

  • New Payment System: I-Payout (

  • OSS6 data import script implemented

  • Listmail plugin fixed

  • Hotmart payment plugin added

    Core Changes
    • A/B Signup Module - Allows to test signup/renew forms in A/B mode

    • Set "remember login" cookies for all sub-domains within current domain name.

    • Mass email: check limit for each mail to be sent, fix 500 error code on servers with slow emailing

    • Lite API - use base64encode to redirect to login url for better compatibility

    • Ability to automaticaly delete pending users

    • Add expires (Expiration Date) placeholder to preview action for expire notification

    • Fixed bug: User's subscription status wasn't updated instantly sometimes

    • Fixed bug: subscription-limit plugin: Subscription limitations didn't work in shopping cart.

    • external-coupon plugin: this plugin allow to import coupons from external system and then insert it to emails to customers

    • Fix sort order for tabs for content categories

    • Ability to Export Access Log to CSV file

    • More accurate calculation of discount in case % discount and qty more than one for same product.

    • New plugin: AutoLoginPlaceholder - ability to include special placeholder in email message, which will be replaced to auto-login link

    • change url /login/logout to /logout

    • Reports: user-frendly format numbers in reports

    • Implements #1495 - Ability to download zip archive with pdf invoices for payments in batch (admin interface)

    • improved subscription-limit plugin. Now this is possible to limit number of subscriptions per user too.

    • Fixed notice in shopping cart index when basket is empty.

    • Display next rebill date instead of expiration date for recurring subscriptions on 'Active Subscriptions' block

    • Batch disable/enable in country/state management

    • Include tax rate to invoice

    • Implements #1492 - New User Search Criteria: By IMPORT id

    • Fixed bug: When user resets his password, delete all user's sessions instead of current one

    • API: Store user_id in session table. This is used by some misc plugins.

    • Fixed bug: New setting for Product Upgrades: Price Calculation Type with two options: default(unused amount from previous subscription will be applied as discount to new one) and flat (user will be charged flat rate defined by surcharge)

    • login-via-ip plugin: ability to disable profile form for users who logged in via IP

    • personal-folder: display url to personal folder in admin edit user screen

    • cart: check uniquiness of product path and display user frendly error message in product form instead of database error

    • ability to use CORS for shopping cart buttons

    • Fixed bug: Internal server error in Payment History, if user has an invoice which contains deleted billing plan.

    • closes #1486 - wrong link "Block This IP Address" for "Last Signin Info"

    • closes #1454 - allows to use custom invoice public Ids with '-' for paypal

    • bug fixed: personal_content: plugin could store array with empty item

    • Fixed bug: Product upgrades didn't work after first recurring payment on some systems.

    • Fixed bug: File-upload plugin didn't store files from profile page.

    • New plugin: SendGrid newsletter plugin. (support of SendGrid Marketing Emails)

    Affiliate Program
    • Bug fixed: incorrect commission calculation for tier affiliate in case of multi-currency environment (we need to do exchange only for first level affiliate)

    • Minimum payout should be inclusive

    • Fix filters in Clicks/Sales Statistics

    • API: introduced REST API controllers - aff-payouts and aff-payout-details

    • Display list of affiliate payouts in user account (front end)

    • New payout method - Pagseguro

    • New commission condition rule: by used payment system

    • Ability to recalculate commission for existing payments

    • Aff-Leads Plugin: Allow affiliate to see their leads in member area

    • Do not allow to use affiliate coupon code for own purchases.

    • Affiliate program: Click details will be available for each affiliate in member's area.

    • aff-manager plugin: Generate affiliate coupon for new affiliate (login used as coupon code) and set defined affiliate manager (user) as a 2-tier affiliate for all new affiliates

    Payment Plugins
    • New Payment Plugin: Przelewy24 (

    • New Payment Plugin: Authorize.NET DPM (

    • ccBill: added cancellations support

    • Multicards plugin fixed.

    • Fixed Bug: Tax was applied twice for paypalExpress recurring payments

    • New Plugin: Multicards

    • 2CO plugin: do not show error on thanks page if transaction was processed already.

    • 2CO plugin: add currency support

    • 2CO plugin: fix for case of purchase product with qty more then one

    • ccBill upgrade fixes

    • Verotel payment plugin: do not output errors

    • New Payment Plugin: JamboPay (

    • Fortumo plugin: display local billing terms provided by local mobile operator

    • New Payment Plugin: PAYEER (

    • Charge2000 plugin. New API implemented.

    • New Payment Plugin: Paytrail (

    • New Payment Plugin: Paymentwall

    • FastSpring: multipurchase added

    • deprecate plimus plugin, introduce bluesnap instead

    • Braintree: usage of all currencies added(requires set up merchant account id for each product)

    • New Payment Plugin: OKPAY (provided by okpay team)

    • Payment Plugin: Pagseguro V2 API implementation

    • paypal-express - fixed automatic cancel of upgraded invoice

    • Add new echeck payment plugin: Payments Gateway

    • New Payment Plugin: Netbanx

    Integration Plugins
    • Wordpress plugin: added support for Wordpress 4 default template and single-login

    • one-file-invoices: allow admin to download multiple invoices in one file (It can be usefull in order to print invoices for some period of time)

    • Joomla protect plugin: check password using 2 formats for better compatibility

    • New Integration Plugin: MachForm (

    • Invision plugin: Bulk notifications were not enabled for users created from amember

    • Fixed bug: Xenforo plugin: User's password wasn't properly set in xenforo after aMember upgrade.

    • Icecast plugin ported from v3

    • Self Service Module: New Report: Credits spent by products breakdown

    • Fixed bug: Rebill times wasn't re-calculated properly. and this has been reason for script errors in rare situations

    • API: Am_Event::AUTH_GET_OK_REDIRECT introduced, Called on choose redirect url after login

    • Fixed bug: aMember CP wasn't properly displayed on mobile devices

    • Schedule-access: correctly handle situation when invoice or access record is removed

    • Fixed bug: am-combobox element wasn't displayed properly if initial select was hidden.

    • Fixed bug: import3 script didn't import taxes for paypal payments

    • Ability to add column with user groups to grid with users in admin interface

    • Helpdesk: store original template in user space in order to strings was fetched to user.po

    • Implements #1449 - liveedit - display errors (eg. unique coupon check)

    • New Report: User Demographics - number of users per region

    • New Report: Active Users by Products (number of active users per product)

    • Add placeholder

    • Fixed bug: Date fields were set incorrectly

    • Fixed bug: Expiration notifications where sent to not-approved users

    • Load admin widgets by ajax. This will help where there are a lot of report widgets and dashboard load is slow

    • Display link to cancel subscription in admin interface only in case payment plugin support it

    • Newsletter: on plugin configuration screen added notice how to continue integration (where to add integration records)


    • Fixed bug: Paysystems brick wasn't hidden when there is only free products in some situations

    Affiliate program
    • Ability to clear old affiliate clicks from admin interface

    • Do not change affiliate betwen start registration and email confirmation

    SoftSale module
    • Fixed Bug: do not issue license for disabled license schemes

    • Display 'lifetime' instead of actual date for license

    • Fixed bug: lifetime expiration date wasn't applied to license.

    • Xero Plugin improvement: pass calculated tax to xero.

    • phpMyDirectory protection plugin added

    • Fixed bug: buddypress groups were not updated on expiration.

    • Fixed bug: Refunds were not handled by Authorize.NET AIM plugin.

    • Fixed bug: PAP plugin: fixed single login between aMember and PAP.

    • vBulletin plugin: Added support for vBulletin 5.1

    • phpBB - update counter after user is deleted

    • Moodle - fixed notices

    Payment Plugins
    • Realexpayments payment plugin added

    • Avangate payment plugin added: IPN's only

    • New payment plugin: Fortumo (SMS payments)

    • Stripe plugin: pre-fill address form on CC info page.

    • Zombaio - fixed handling of imported invoices

    • CCBill - dynamic pricing added

    • Stripe - fixed reuse form

    • RealExpayments plugin fixed

    • Fixed bug: Authorize.CIM plugin unable to start payment when payment profile was deleted on Authorize.NET site

    • Zendesk plugin: Fixed exception on logout

    • JustClick payment plugin: only IPN

    • Fixed a problem with helpdesk handling (introduced in 4.4.0 BETA)

    • Fixed bug: Amazon SES didn't work for some regions.

    • Fixed Bug: Xenforo plugin wasn't compatible with latest xenforo version.

    • Fixed bug: Unable to edit profile when pap plugin enabled.

    • Fixed bug: Taxes were not properly imported from amember v3

    • Pap plugin: Fixed bug: duplicate user was created in pap on profile update.

    • Personal Folder: ability to include link on personal folder to email templates

    • If admin has access to see list of users, he should see list of unconfirmed users as well

    • Shopping Cart: free payment system should be always in list of available paymentsystem to be able to handle free signup

    • XenForo: make use of use PHPPASS, and XenForo 1.3 support added

      Core Changes
      • JQuery updated to 2.1.0

      • ZF1 updated to 1.12.5

      • Ability to restrict access by number of payments

      • VAT ID validation: requester parameter is not mandatory but it can be VAT ID for foreign companies which begine with EU, such requester parametr will rise error and VAT will not be validated. It always return invailed VAT error

      • Implements #1450 - ability to use dashes in custom invoice numbering

      • Implemented (optional) JWPlayer support.

      • Bug Fixed: error if user use payment link without defined payment system and only one available public payment system

      • Added paysystem name to invoice list on user invoices page (backend)

      • Signup form: display login form in popup if user click on link in error message regarding email address is already used

      • Bug Fixed: require correct privilege for group delete action

      • Fixed bug: Fix amount and currency in email payment receipt for user template.

      • Fix payments and refunds widgets: display correct currency

      • Bug fixed: currectly calculate commission in multi-currency environment

      • Fix sales admin widget for multi-currency environment

      • Rebuild core db fixed to work when more then 10000 records needs to be rebuilt

      • Fixed bug: User should not be able to install into existing database if it already holds aMember installation.

      • Fixed bug: Avatar Plugin: Unable to delete avatar from profile.

      • Closes #1438 - reseller_product does not depend on active products

      • Bug Fixed: support for non latin symbols in name for saved_search

      • Fixed bug: Incorrect discount was displayed in View Basket even if coupon can't be applied to current invoice.

      • Implements #1347 - clickable email addresses in user grid (backend)

      • Implements #1402 - Active resources: do not display block if empty

      • Closes #1398 - allow to interect with ckeditor elements that located outside of modal popup window (jQuery UI block such interaction by default)

      • Backward compatibility: php_include method from v3 will work after upgrade

      • Do not set HttpOnly flag for amember_nr cookie in order to video from protected folders works on mobile devices (android espesially)

      • Extended field length for fields which holds IP addresses, in order to support IPv6

      • Update am_invoice.product_ids when product is replaced in invoice_item

      • New Payment Plugin: interkassa

      • Closes #1420 - allow activation/deactivation of products using the selection boxes and associated menu

      • Fixed "continue" link for mass emails

      • Form options: sorted alphabetically from now on

      • Fixed bug: Inet-cache cancellation requests were handled as regular payments.

      • Dates like 03/05/90 should be treated as date in the past and not in the future. Now if year is more then 37, scritp will assume that this is date in the past and not in the future as if was before.

      • Ability to display Name brick on forms for logged in users

      • Add rebill date to invoice grid (backend)

      • Implements #1404 - Helpdesk: Notification to admin when ticket is assigned to him

      • Thanks Page Plugin: allows to add some custom html content on thank you page based on purchased product

      • Added new language file: Polish

      • Fixed bug: Do not display decimals for JPY prices

      • Fixed bug: User real Name was deleted in third-party scripts on user update in aMember

      • Admin Notification on Bruteforce Attack Detection

      • Bug fixed: rebuildDB did not update full name correctly

      • Fixed bug: "First only" option didn't work for iDevAffiliate plugin.

      • Notification wasn't displayed in profile when user changed email address with "email verification enabled"

      • Implements #1260 - make automatic sending of Signup E-Mail after manually assigning product optional

      • Implemented combobox (searchable selects) support.

      • Helpdesk: display comment regarding user in ticket context for admin

      • Ability to set up poster for video

      • Always enable autoPlay for video with poster so user do not need to click twice to play video

      • Fixed bug: incorrect javascript was included in custom signup form when renderEasyArray was used.

      • Bug Fixed: internal error on payment fallback controller in case of there is only one available payment method, addRule return rule but not element itself

      • Signup form: Product Brick: if the brick is not required and there are no appropriate products for this brick just do not insert it to form instead of display fatal error

      • Fixed bug: Product "Disallow" requirements wasn't applied to shopping cart.

      • Lifetime Plugin: plugin didn't work right if product had more then one billing plan with different periods.

      • Added div wrapper around payment history and active subscriptuon block so it can be hidden via CSS

      • Notification: ability to sort notification

      • Fixed bug: Unable to login using email address which contains "+" symbol

      • Fixed bug: Logged in user didn't have an access to protected folder immediately if access was added by admin from amember CP. Re-login was required.

      • New Report: Payments vs Refunds by date

      Affiliate Program
      • Show totals on affiliate stats page.

      • Use base currency to display commission value instead of currency of item

      • New feature in affiliate program: Click Tracking code. Ability to insert click tracking code to any page on the site, so affiliates can use URLS like:

      • aff-bonus plugin: allow to grant access to products to affiliate based on number of referrals

      • Added replacing of additional SQL fields to %affiliate.*% email tagset

      • Closes #1393 - fixed issue with incorrect aff set if username of affiliate begin with numbers

      • Fixed "aff clicks" report

      PDF Invoice
      • Add %invoice.% tags sets to pdf invoice footer

      • Fixed bug: %user.name_l% shortcode didn't work

      • Implements #1442 - Allow all user/invoice/payment sql fields to be used in Invoice PDF filename

      • UI to insert user placeholders to Pages (Protect Content)

      • API: references to DbSimple_Mypdo replaced to DbSimple_Interface to make configuration flexible

      • Am_Event::PRODUCT_AFTER_DELETE hook introduced - ability to do some cleanup for plugins/modules

      • use base64 to encode headers for email, quoted_printable is too verbose (Transaction failed: Address length is more than 320 bytes long)

      • ability to define admin menu icon from modules

      • Fixed bug: Am_Lite didn't work when MySQL prefix started from number(for example '2amember_')

      • new hook: INVOICE_PAYMENT_REFUND. Executed when new refund record is added.

      • API: new event affGetPayoutOptions: called to retrieve available affiliate payout methods

      • helpdesk: emphase current ticket in ticket history

      • helpdesk: display number of tickets for current user on Tickets tab (backend)

      • subusers: introduce %reseller.*% email tagset;

      • gift-voucher: load brick stuff on demand

      • Login Remider Plugin: allow to set up notification email which will be send to user if he has not logged in to site for a long time

      • force-i-agree plugin: allow for admin to reset i_agree flag for all users and force them to agree again (with new terms and cond) after login

      • file-upload add-on: ability to make "upload" required in signup form editor

      • new plugin: Helpdesk Autoclose. Provides an ability to autoclose tickets due to inactivity.

      • user-note: require correct permission for grid with notes

      • Implements #1358 - Helpdesk: snippet contet and FAQ quick links paste where the cursor is placed

      • Fixed bug: subusers module did not allow to remove groups from subuser if more then 1 group were added

      • Refs #1382 - Avatar: ability to set up default image

      SoftSale module
      • Added ability to protect files uploaded via ftp

      • Disable licenses for upgraded invoice

      • New setting for "predefined" license scheme: Number of available licenses when "low keys notification " will be sent.

      • Display "licenses" tab only if user has at least one license

      Self-Service Module
      • Send "zero" autoresponders for products purchased for credits

      • Add readme, register credits as available payout method

      Integration Plugins
      • ArpReach: uses different list ID for unsubcribing

      • MailChimp: e-commerce360 support, new option added (Send Goodbye email)

      • Xenforo plugin: Fixed Bug: Unable to login after session timeout in xenforo.

      • Wordpress plugin: Fixed bug: widgets didn;t work when wordpress admin was loaded through https.

      • Wordpress plugin: warning fixed: Illigal string offset...

      • Infusion-soft: optimization

      • Xeroapi plugin fixed

      • E107 integration plugin added

      • Zencart plugin fixed

      • Drupal plugin: Fixed bug: Unable to update users in Drupal in aMember 4.3.6

      • xCart Plugin: fixed single login issues.

      • Moodle Plugin: Implemented Moodle 2.6 support

      • PAP plugin: Refund commissions automatically when new refund is registered by aMember.

      • Chamilo integration plugin added

      • Added new newsletter plugin: MaroPost ( )

      • PAP plugin: Fixed bug: new user was created in pap when user changes email in amember. Plugin will not assign duplicate refid and userid anymore.

      • Blockchain plugin changed to production status

      • Epoch: fixed handling of recurring payments

      • Joomla: set up jacluser session parameter after login

      • UserECHO SSO plugin.

      • phpBB: fixed error with duplicate records in some cases

      • Joomla plugin: added support of jomsocial and jacl groups

      Payment Plugins
      • MaxMind Minfraud and Phone verification added

      • Braintree: update cc info link added

      • Moneris-cc payment plugin added(store cc info), import correct paysys_id for moneris, moneris_r.

      • Added new payment plugin: fasapay (

      • Added new payment plugin: dragonpay (

      • Added new payment plugin: algocharge (

      • Securetrading payment plugin added

      • Added new cc payment plugin: open-gateway (

      • ClickBetter payment plugin added(receives IPN only)

      • Vmerchant payment plugin added

      • Usaepay payment plugin added

      • Jvzoo refund processing fixed: sends the same transaction ID for payment and refund

      • Twocheckout plugin: Unable to cancel subscription in some situations.

      • Braintree plugin: Show Select for state and country options instead of text boxes.

      • idevaffiliate: configuration option to pass to idevaffiliate only initial payments for recurring subscriptions

      • Braintree: refunds fixed

      • 2000Charge plugin testing

      • Cashenvoy: show error message on thanks page

      • Stripe: default paysytem title and description

      • Payflow: readme added

      • DirectOne payment plugin

      • Cashenvoy payment plugin added

      • Added new payment plugin: eCheck

      • EwayRapid 3 updated to work with API 3.1 and phone field added, refunds implemented

      • ClickAndBuy: old integration method does not work anymore, now it will be cc plugin

      • Gate2shop: recurring added

      • 2000Charge plugin becomes beta.

      • OCPortal integration plugin added

      • Blockchain payment plugin added: accepts bitcoins

      • paypal-express: more logging for express-checkout action

      • zombaio: dynamic pricing added

      • ccbill: autocreate added

      • New Payment plugin: Robokassa

      • Offline Plugin: ability to include receipt html to payment instruction

      • Targetpay-wap payment plugin added

      • New payment plugin: EasyPayDirect

      • Stripe plugin: do not generate exception when user's profile is missing. Instead aMember should ask to provide CC info again.

      • Stripe: show correct last 4 digits of cc in reuse form

      • Stripe: Added state and country selects to CC form

      • Added new payment plugin: graypay

      • Gate2Shop: auto-creation of user/invoice implemented

      • ClickBank: implemented ability to configure SkinID

      • DotPay payment plugin added

      • Added payment plugin for Xfers: Singapore payment system

        Core Changes
        • New Module: Self-Service allows to sell "credits" then allow users to spent these credits in your store

        • New Module: SoftSale to generate software keys and handle online activations (optional "call-home")

        • Improved admin dashboard widgets

        • Ability to use Signup Form without Product Brick (just user record without any subscription will be added)

        • Closes #1344: duplicated plugins were listed wrongly in integration protection section

        • Return correct http response code in mantintance mode

        • Fixed bug: Unable to save agreement if agreement text includes encoded entities.

        • Fixed bug: Recurring IPN messages were not handled properly for invoices which were imported into aMember from different systems

        • aMember will save generated password for new users for 6 hours and password will be displayed on "thanks" page

        • PDF Invoice: additional placeholder which can be used in file name of invoice (, %user.name_f%, %user.name_l%)

        • New User Filter Condition: Spent Amount

        • Bug Fixed: detail link for refunds in Sales Admin Widget did not work

        • Make "products" column in content grids expandable so admin can check access permission without click edit icon (backend)

        • Payments Grid: ability to export first and last name in seprate columns, ability to export date without time (backend)

        • Ability to display active user subscriptions in user grid (backend)

        • CSRF protection for user profile form (frontend)

        • Cart: Added "Display All" option to category menu in shopping cart (there was no way to return back to default products view after one category was selected)

        • Fixed bug: When user press enter in Helpdesk Faq Search textbox, he was redirected tp ugly search result page.

        • Fixed bug: User's session was not cleared if user was deleted from aMember CP.

        • Bug fixed: redirect to first url did not work

        • Closes #1321 - Custom Access Denied redirect for folders, files, pages

        • Added ability to filter by more than one product in aMember CP -> Payments report

        • Added coupon field to shopping cart checkout

        • Added "Remove Label" option for Product Brick

        • Forms Editor: ability to reset labels for bricks to default, live indication of custom labels

        • Payments admin widget: visual distinguish for payments from existing users and payments from new users

        • Fixed report "Payments by product" categories breakdown

        • Implements #1221 - Discrepancies between Display fields options and Export fields options in Browse User Grid

        • Closes #1289 - 'No, cancel' button does not work if try to delete invoice from user's payments page

        • Single Login Session: Bug Fixed: in case right after login user was redirected to not aMember page it is possible to login from other machine before first user open some aMember driven page

        • Improve visualization of rebuild db (backend)

        • Closes #1310 - does not show action related stuff in grid in case of this action is not available for currently logged in user according his permissions

        • Include Payments widget to admin dashboard by default, change default periods for Sales widget to 'today' and 'this week'

        • Improve admin widgets, made it more userfrendly on narrow screen

        • Made admin dashboard more responsive

        • Fixed warning in admin user invoices view (near the _Refund_ link)

        • Fixed bug: In some situations users could be double-billed if there was an error in mail template.

        • Refs #1095 - Display Next Rebill Date for Recurring Subscription on user side

        • Do not display link to download pdf invoice for refunded payments on user side

        • Bug Fixed: in active subscription section expired subscription was also shown. (we need to move active access condition from JOIN to WHERE to correctly limit records)

        • Improve invoice layout in member area, list invoices in reverse chronological order so most recent one was at beginning

        • Include Additional User Fields (type sql) to standard placeholders set for email templates

        • Bug Fixed: in case of multiple product brick added in one time in form editor all magicaselect was defined without respect to orig configuration (form is cloned and new instance lost data so we need to use dom attribute to transfer orig configuration to new instance)

        • Display progress bar during bulk email send

        • PDF Invoice: Ability to use user specific placeholders in footer text

        • PDF invoice: add column with number of item

        • %user.unsubscribe_link% email placeholder added

        • Display 'Product Categories' column in product listing only in case at least one product assigned to some category (backend)

        • Improve style of Brick Editor

        • Bug Fixed: ability to customize labels for Next and Back on signup form works now, also it is possible to customize title for each signup form step

        • Implement #899 - ability to switch Visual HTMl editor off completly

        • Ability to assign/remove group to users in bulk

        • Implements #1318 - ability to remove email from queue (super admin permission required)

        • Closes #1341 - ckeditor preserve all html tags and attributes, ability to set up code of all page with <html></html>

        • Implements #995 - Multi-line rows for pdf table to handle situation with too long product title

        • New Report: Count of Product Purchase by date

        • Text invoice representation (included to email) correctly handle long product names

        • i18n: Respect Locale Settings during label display in report for quant Month

        • Fixed Bug: Problem in encypriton/decription method. Some data in CC info wasn't properly encrypted/decrypted.

        • Fixed bug: not sorted output for saved reports as widgets on dashboard

        • Fixed bug: coupon validation did not work right for assigned coupons

        • Fixed bug: newsletters plugin config was saved without prefix in some cases.

        • Video: ability to use custom template and use meta tags (title/keywords/description)

        • Closes #1322 - filter added between dates should be inclusive

        • Fixed Bug: Multy-line fields were imported incorrectly in grids

        • Refs #1311: Newsletter: ability to hide some newslatter threads in member area

        • Helpdesk: respect user language preference for email notifications

        Shopping Cart
        • Ability to limit cart catalog by some subtree of product categories, only categories from this subtree will be shown, only products from this categories is show. By default use root

        • Hide column tax and discount for cart if there is not text and discount

        • Visual highlight cart block, visual feedback for user when item added to cart. Display item status (Already in cart|You have 4 items in your cart)

        • Ability to reuse exiting images for other products

        • Allow to select paysystems for cart page

        Affiliate Program
        • Aff stats display display hyperlinks to details only in case details exists

        • improve visualiazation of aff stat (commisson/clicks/leads) in admin interface (backend)

        • ability to void commission from edit user page

        • improve tier visualisation in grid with commissions (backend)

        • track used commission rules and display it for admin reference (backend)

        • notice for admin if affiliate<->user relation is expired in edit user page in affiliate section (backend)

        • redirect referrers to custom url

        • ability to test aff commission rules for any billing plan, ablity to define qty in test invoice

        • Fixed bug: Logged in affiliate wasn't properly redirected to affiliate's area from signup form in some situations.

        • add invoice column to commission listing (backend)

        • improve aff stat visualization in user profile (backend)

        • Bug Fixed: void was not included to payout in case of it was issued after commision was already paid

        • Ability to void commission added

        • add hyperlinks to affiliate profile in payout details grid (backend)

        • Visual distinguish paid and not paid payout details in admin interface

        • Fixed bug: aff link did not work for affiliates with space in login

        • Bug Fixed: affiliate banners without category was not listed on affiliate page

        • Implements #1314 - automatic email notification for affiliate when their commission is paid out

        • Allow use of html editor to edit Intro Text on Affiliate Info Page

        • Use dropdown menu item to show helpdesk and FAQ

        • Do not show column 'owner' on tickets grid (backend)

        • Display link to faq item in admin interface

        • Allow use of html editor to edit Intro Text on Helpdesk Page

        • Implements #1330 - Remove Attachments (actual files) from support tickets if ticket is removed

        Payment Plugins
        • New payment plugin: eNETs through

        • 4csonline payment plugin added

        • NAB Transact payment plugin

        • CoinBase plugin added

        • 1SC: first recurring payment was not added properly

        • Changed clickbank plugin thanks url. Clickbank doesn't allow to use word "clickbank" in url anymore. Old urls will work as well though

        • Sliiing payment plugin added

        • Paypal: new option added - "Recognize pending echeck payments as completed"

        • Sagepay: recurring fixed

        • Refs #1311: Add new cc plugin payment - cybersource

        • Add new payment plugin: checkout (

        • Eway Rapid: recurring fixed

        • JVZoo payment plugin added

        • CCAvenue payment plugin added

        • Implemented ability to refund paypal-pro payments.

        • Implemented ability to refund paypal-express payments.

        • Fixed bug: Payflow PRO plugin was unable to rebill users imported from amember v3.

        • Added additional currency for PayPal (TRY, RUB)

        Wordpress Integration
        • Added WP Courseware support

        • Fixed bug: incorrect 404 errors when wordpress network enabled in Wordpress plugin configuration

        • Improved compatibility between aMember layout and wordpress themes

        Integration Plugins
        • Appointmind integration plugin added

        • Fixed bug: Invision plugin didn't update stats correctly on user insert

        • Zendesk integration plugin added

        • Add new protect plugin: prestashop

        • Add new protect plugin: zencart

        • AdultVideoScript integration plugin added

        • Bug Fixed: smf plugin produce unexpected output on user update (debug code)

        • Infusion-soft plugin, enable cache by default

        Extension Plugins
        • Add new misc plugin: shipwire (

        • Notification: force utf-8 encoding for MySQL columns

        • Notification plugin: separate style for notifications

        • Refs #1366 - notification plugin: ability to setup notification for user group

        • Login via IP plugin: added support of IP ranges

        • User Note Plugin: adds additional tab to user profile where admin can leave some comments regarding this user (backend)

        • gift-vouchers: fix labels for email placeholder titles

        • AffLevels: display fully qualified group name

        • Add new misc plugin: AffCoupons

        • Subscription limit: show limit in the products grid

        • Added new newsletter plugin: SuperWebMailer (

        • block-pending-invoice plugin - display list of user pending invoice with link to pay it or disregard

        • Fixed bug: Incorrect Aweber plugin settings broke amember CP -> Setup completly.

        • Mailchimp: fixed to resubscribe user after email address is changed

        • New storage plugin:

        • Notification Plugin: Ability to track clicks on link in notification

        • Bug Fixed: avatar/donation plugins bricks fixed

        • Fixed Bug: Infusion soft plugin problem on daily cron

        API Changes
        • Bug Fixed: data table was not cleared when incomplete invoice removed

        • API: new event affPayout - called after payouts is calculated

        • API: move Am_Blocks::addDefaultBlocks call to Di so give chance to remove standard blocks for plugins

        • API: new event INVOICE_SIGNUP - may be used to attach some data from vars to invoice

        • Cron: provide info about time of execution for cron event handlers

        • Am_Grid_Field_Expandable: respect UTF-8 encoding

        • Minor bugfixes: rebuild database routines optimized

        • Bug Fixed: user_status table was sync incorrectly for expired products in some cases (delete access/delete user)

        • Activecampaign plugin fixed

        • Fixed bug: Unable to import user and invoice external_id at the same time. Field names were the same.

        • Fixed bug: Unable to import recurring invoices. All invoices were created as not recurring.

        • Added user's external ID for import

        • Added ability to import invoice_external_id, useful for import of existing paypal subscribers

        • Respect Product Category Hierarchy (move from develop branch)

        • Fixed bug: wordpress plugin set default value for before/after select

        • Paysafecard payment plugin (move from develop branch)

        • Closes #1262 - removed "free_without_login" access permission option for folders

        • Implements #1294 - javascript file for custom js code which is not overwritten during upgrades

        • New Brick: ManualAccess (allow to add access to some products in background for new user signup - before payment!)

        • Fixed bug: unable to save product when clickbank plugin is enabled. (Unnecessary space before <?php tag)

        • Fixed inet-cash plugin

        • Fixed notice in amember CP when aweber plugin is enabled.

        • Affiliate: display user payouts on user edit page, ability to check commissions included in choosen payout (backend)

        • Wordpress plugin: fixed bug, incorrect protection of whole blog in some situations.

        • Affiliate: track datetime of affiliate assign, take it into account when use 'User-Affiliate Relation Lifetime'

        • OfficeAutoPilot ( SendPepper ) newsletter plugin added

        • Bug Fixed: need to use placeholder instead of literal value for db prefix (upgrade has been broken in 4.3.0+ if database prefix other than "am_" has been used for aMember)

        • Payflow plugin fixed to use new API

        • Korean locale fixed

        • API: move brick specific processing to Brick class, use Events to job

        • Implements #1288 - upgrade CKEDITOR to latest version

        • Bug Fixed: (affects 4.3.0+) avoid infinite loop if database had deleted users

        • Bug Fixed: Import does not go further from second step

        • Display cancel date for invoice in admin interface

        • Removed fieldset for coupon brick (coupon converted to a normal single field)

        • Drupal: single login for subdomains fixed

        • New Feature: ability to display products list in popup in case of checkbox input type is used (can be enabled in the brick configuration)

        • Single-login-session: Added notification to admin on simultaneous login

        • Added filter by payment system to amember CP -> Payments report.

        • Fixed several problems with payout when using wordpress theme integration.

        • Improved Demo Data Generation: 20% probability of cancel on each payment for recurring invoices

        • Closes #1297 - Account sharing Notification should send Email only once (per 20 minutes) for multiple login attempts

        • Added Link to details from affiliate commission amount in sales widget on dashboard

        • Fixed 4.3.0 bug: unable to submit signup form in php < 5.3.0

        • Fixed 4.3.0 bug: Error in wordpress theme integration. Several Warnings on redirects when use wordpress theme is enabled.

        • Fixed 4.3.0 bug: Incorrect shopping cart layout when use wordpress theme.

        • Improve "Rebills by Date" page

        • Added filter to commissions grid on user page (backend)

        • Group Affiliate related tabs to one section in edit user screen in admin interface, add tab with commissions related to this user

        • Display related affiliate commissions in Invoice details on user page in admin interface

        • Ability to send email with payment link for any pending invoice in admin interface

        • Implements #384 - responsive design for default theme, works fine on mobile devices

        • Implements #470 - option to play a non-member video if not logged in, and a not-proper level video if logged in but of wrong level

        • Implements #1180 - Redirect after login -- If only one protected URL, go directly to the URL. Otherwise go to membership page

        • Implements #864 - Report of retention rates

        • Ajax validation of username/email/coupon

        • Implements #1014 - New setting for redirect after logout: redirect user to the page where logout link was clicked

        • Fixed bug: Cancel links didn't work for paypal-express plugin.

        • Implements #1030 - Ability to remove e-mails from history on the "e-mail users" page (for Super Admin Only)

        • Display info about users with same registration IP on edit user page in admin interface

        • Refs #1120 - Last User Logins Widget

        • Display next rebill date for invoice event we can not change it (it is important information for admins)

        • Subusers: send zero-day autoresponders to subusers

        • Added ability to exclude refunded payments from payment list at Report -> Payments

        • Utilize invoice_public_id field instead of JOIN with invoice table

        • Fixed bug: Base URL on thanks page were wrong in some situations.

        • Calculate totals for refunds grid

        • Calculate Totals in Payment Grid in case of Filter is applied

        • Translations from database will be searched by Locale first and then by language code. (in order to support zh_Hans and zh_Hant locales)

        • Added support of zh_Hans and zh_hant locales to Zend_Locale

        • Added ability to resend postback for paypal pro plugin.

        • Fixed bug: Rebuild DB sometimes generate "Incorrect response received" error.

        • Notification Plugin: ability to preview notification from admin interface

        • Notification Plugin: ability to use custom html to build messasge , ability to limit number of display per user

        • Implements #608 - Metadata for saved forms

        • New Feature: metatags support for Pages

        • Subusers module: add resseler's placeholder to subuser email template

        • Implements #1287 - Ability to Import Coupon codes from CSV list

        • Implements #1220 - Enhancement of security permisions in Admin Settings

        • Closes #1282 - respect product sort order in report display

        • Underlying ZendFramework updated to 1.11.14

        • Implements #1245 - List of future rebillings, Improve Invoice filter (ability to search by tm_added, tm_started, tm_cancelled, rebill_date)

        • Implements #954 - Support for Range- HTTP headers in downloads (download will not start again if interrupted and started again)

        • Refs #1220 - added separate admin permission for message translations

        • Improve Options Editor: ability to import options from CSV list

        • Implements #1176 - Allow to completely customize 404/Not Found error page (use built-in amember pages) * Default - Make this Brick Required Only in Case There is not any Required Brick on Page Above It * Always - Force User to Choose Some Product from this Brick * Never - Products in this Brick is Optional (Not Required) * Alternate - User can Choose Product in any Brick of Such Type on Page but he Should Choose at least One Product

        • Implements #959 - in forms - fields only displayed if membership is active

        • Implements #1042 - Ability to select certain BILLING PLANS to appear on a signup form

        • Interface to assign affiliate to coupon batch or to exact coupon

        • Abillity to preview content pages from admin interface

        • New Feature: ability to preview expire and autoresponder from admin interface

        • API: ability to use custom transport instead of Default for send emails

        • New Feature: ability to completely customize index page from admin interface (use one of pages for it)

        • Subusers: Added ablility to import subusers from a CSV file

        • Implements #1265 - added product title placeholder to expire emails

        • Easy Ability to Set Lifetime Date from admin Interface - just button Lifetime in Datepicker

        • OTO: avoid to add additional html tags in case of offer is already conplete html page

        • Bug fixed: datepicker was not initialized in case of element added to DOM later (as result of ajax request)

        • Add integration with LimeLight CRM as payment plugin

        • Added ability to send autoresponder and expiration email to admin, other emails, bcc

        • Gift-vouchers misc plugin: fix generate random code

        • Subusers: ability to use different profile form for subusers

        • Helpdesk: user can not reply in closed ticket

        • Phpfox plugin updated to work with 3.6.0

        • InfusionSoft plugin: catch errors in init

        • Added ability to sort helpdesk categories

        • Bug fixed: notification about cancelled invoice has been sent to user instead of admin

        • New feature: short urls for signup pages

        • Ability to change header logo for default theme from admin interface

        • Directory: use installation specific obfuscate method to hide real user id to do not disclosure real user id

        • Helpdesk: new configuration option - ability to make FAQ section public

        • Ability to add gravatar images to user grid in admin interface

        • Implements #1271 - Show Gravatar Images on HelpDesk Tickets

        • Implements #1269 - GST tax should be calculated after total and without price changing

        • Implements #1255 - Improve FAQ in Helpdesk

        • Refs #1255 - helpdesk: ability to set up FAQ items without categories, ability to edit existing categories

        • Implements #1163 - IP Blocking convenience link

        • Implements #1093 - when using coupon which is not applicable to current purchase - post an error

        • Implements #974 - Invoicing (compose invoice from admin interface and send payment link to user email)

        • Implements #800 - Ability to make any custom field hidden on signup form and set default value

        • Agreement Brick: configuration option to not display agreement text on form, display only tick box instead

        • Bug fixed: browse link did not work for resend email action if entered body is too long

        • API: new event Am_Event::SAVED_FORM_GET_BRICKS - ability to change list of bricks depends on current environment, may be useful for many customizations

        • Implements #1110 - coupon usage - only if active/expired for product X

        • Implements #1266 - Add refund status to admin payments page/export

        • Implements #789 - Email History Per User

        • Added Japanese language

        • Fixed bug: reCaptcha was not loaded correctly on non-Apache servers when use https.

        • Bug fixed: coupon was applied to any product in case if coupon configuration has chosen empty category as Product Restriction option

        • Fixed bug: Send copy of all admin notifications did not allow to use list of emails

        • Misc Plugin: Login Monitor - send email message to admin every time user login to aMember

        • Coupons usage statistic fixed to show transactions(payments + 100% discounted invoices)

        • New option for newsletters plugins added: Unsubscribe customer from selected newsletter threads after signup or payment

        • Added lost password form protection by IP address. If there are too many requests from the same IP, form will be blocked for 3 hours.

        • Activecampaign plugin reworked

        • New option added: recaptcha theme for login page

        • Implements #885 - affiliate ID - use username/do not reveal id of user in database

        • Fixed bug: Unable to configure sales widget on Dashboard.

        • API: GET_LOGIN_REGEX and GET_STRONG_PASSWORD_REGEX events introduced, ability to alter hardcoded regexp from plugin or site.php

        • Fixed bug: Zero commissions should not be added.

        • Fixed bug: Save button in member's area -> Affiliate Info -> Payout info wasn't translated properly.

        • Implements #1227 - Change BLOB value in am_store to MEDIUMBLOB, there is no any issue with performance

        • Implements #968 - does not allow to paste to confirmation email/password field

        • Implements #1233 - Reflect refunds in last X payments widget + separate widget With refunds

        • Helpdesk: Ability to change category of existing ticket in admin interface

        • API: ability to customize profile page from hooks (member/profile/top and member/profile/bottom blocks)

        Single-login-session plugin implemented:
        • Implements #231 - Single Login Session: Several users will not be able to login simultaneously from different computers with same credentials.

        • ability to allow simultaneous login, use plugin only to track online status

        • Implements #1120 - customer login indicator (Online/Never/Last Login DateTime) (single-login-session plugin)

        • API: new event introduced Am_Event::AUTH_CHECK_USER can be used to prevent user login from plugin eg. it can be used to not allow concurent sign in for same user from different hosts

        • Subusers module: fix placeholders

        Affiliate Program
        • Track affiliate source and display it for admin reference enum('cookie', 'ip', 'admin-ID', 'coupon-CODE')

        • Ability to filter affiliate stats by date range

        • Calculate totals in affiliate commission stats

        • API: New hook GET_AFF_REDIRECT_LINK added to change affiliate redirect link

        • Added Webmoney as affiliate payout method

        • Ability to set up email notification for user who got commission but did not choose payout method yet (sent only once for user)

        • Render notice regarding empty affiliate payout methods on all affiliate pages as well

        • Added ability to remove generated payout in case it was not paid yet

        • Implements #956 - Ability to assign coupon code to specific affiliate

        • Implements #1209 - ability to add affiliate links into outgoing e-mails

        • Affiliate: ability to change affiliate for user or complete unassign it from admin interface

        • Implements #1077 - ability to organize banners by category, ability to add HTML block to the top of the page where admin can provide instructions for affiliates

        Shopping Cart
        • ability to manage layout from admin interface

        • separate image size for preview, cart and full description image

        • image of product in cart

        • display either short description or full description, not both together

        • User Friendly URLs for products - /product/product+alias

        Integration Plugins
        • InfusionSoft: Fixed bug: plugin's cron process failed if contact was removed from InfusionCRM.

        • InfusionSoft: Bug fixed: paypal ipn did not work with enabled infusion-soft

        • Added new protect plugin: typo3

        • Bug fixed: drupal plugin could not parse config for version 6

        Wordpress Integration
        • Closes #1259 Wordpress plugin: Implemented Bulk protection for custom post types

        • Closes #1285 Wordpress plugin: Fixed bug: category protection didn't work

        • Fixed bug: Wordpress protected content wasn't available for administrators

        • Fixed bug: Wordpress plugin. Incompatibility with NextGen plugin fixed

        • Fixed bug: Infusion plugin didn't use cache in some situations

        • Wordpress plugin: remove get_called_class definition. Function is incorrect and can lead to infinity loop

        • Wordpress plugin: fixed errors on edit tag screen

        Payment Plugins
        • Implemented "Accept Direct Payments" for epoch payment plugin.

        • Moneybookers: cancellations support added, status changed to beta

        • PayPalPro: Fixed bug: SuccessWithWarning response wasn't properly handled

        • Plimus: can handle direct payments now

        • PayOne payment plugin: some bugs fixed

        • Wepay: new option - fee payer

        • TargetPay-iDeal cc payment plugin: new cbank format; fixed directdebit check URL

        • Added validation mode to Zombaio plugin. Zombaio doesn't allow to install zscript without validation now.

        • Fixed paypal cancellation links.

        • Madmimi plugin fixed

        • Implemented update CC info for paypal pro plugin.

        • Xcart plugin fixed

        • Payforit cc plugin: add option for use iframe at aMember site

        • Payflow-link plugin fixed: handle browser redirect to IPN URL and redirect to default thanks page

        • Payment Express (DPS) payment plugin: typo fixed

        • DPS Payment Express cc payment plugin: add possiblity to change plugin button name at admin area

        • 1SC multipurchase fixed(in front of Amember)

        • Fixed bug: payFlow Link plugin didn't activate completed payment.

        • Bitpay payment plugin: added default option of speed/risk and http-protocol for returl-url at plugin settings

        • Bitpay payment plugin: add speed/risk options of transaction

        • A6iT cc payment plugin: fix validate at rebilling

        • 1shoppingcart: correctly handle start recurring in case of free trial

        • Bug fixed: 2CO - did not count first period for recurring products if product is not lifetime

        • Fixed bug: Free trials were not handled correctly to 1SC plugin.

        • Fixed bug: Unable to purchase multiple products via fastspring, when it used before amember.

        • IMPORATANT: Improved checks for payment amount for not-recurring PayPal payments

        • Implements #1213 - ability to select all fields in export and customize table action

        • Added new cc payment plugin: DPS Payment Express (cc is not stored)

        • Payforit cc payment plugin: chenges at PFI service

        • Added ability to customize profile_changed template in admin interface

        • Implements #693 - If no first and last name saved for affiliate then the login value should be used

        • Intuit payment plugin

        • BitPay payment plugin included into release for beta-testing

        • Implements #563 - Change error that is displayed when you try to protect the same folder twice

        • WePay: refund, cancel processing fixed

        • Added ability to play video files without Flash installation on Android devices

        • One Time Offer plugin: Implements #867 - Downsells

        • Refs #1233 - Reflect refunds in quick stat

        • Closes #1200 - Filter checkboxes, use <label> tag

        • Bug fixed: tax and shippng amount was set incorrectly to payment in case of free trial also amount was set incorrectly in case of free trial and transaction does not return amount

        • Bug Fixed: affilate statistic details did not work for any quantity except day, also start was calculated incorrectly for week quantity

        • "Require strong password" option implemented

        • Fixed bug in Random Questions brick (first line question have been ignored)

        • Cosmetic: Implements #1225 - Remove hardcoded line breaks from signup page

        • Closes #1224 - Password change email sent to user when admin adds user manually

        • Bug fixed: import of paysystem did not work

        • Custom profile fields sorting implemented (works for backend)

        • AffPayout mass paid/not paid function fixed

        • Closes #1210 - Countries/States still showing in menu for admin accounts with super admin checked

        • Closes #1218 - imports, email address, needs space removal to avoid errors

        • Fixed bug: User had an access to protected folder after his login session timed out.

        • fixed bug: autoCreateGetProducts was not called

        • workaround in case if element has value which does not present in options list

        • fixed bug: create users by demand did not add access to selected product

        • Added new hook: 'affFindAffiliate' to change aff_id for commission calc

        • fixed bug: default thanks page did not work with "thanks-redirect" plugin

        • fixed bug: wrong tax for invoices with free trial

        • Fixed bug: Moneris plugin added access for not completed payments

        • Fixed bug: Host was ignored in new-rewrite redirects

        • Fixed bug: User was not properly redirected to dwolla for payment.

        • Fixed bug: payments with amount less then $1 were not added by 1SC plugin.

        • Implements #665: PlugNPay payment processor gateway Plug-In

        • Notification plugin now support one notification for multiple products and categories.

        • Am_Lite fixed to work with mysql socket

        • Fixed bug: Syntax errors in user-invoices.phtml template.

        • Ticket-roster plugin: flexible abilty to balance tickets between admins (2 ticket to one 1 ticket to another)

        • Closes #1195 - issue with php if config does not allow short open tag

        • Field Revision plugin: allow to track defined user fields

        • Fixed bug: Incorrect value was stored in aMember CP -> Setup -> Globals -> Records per page (for grids) on setup.

        • fixed bug: could not get usergroups while the plugin is not configured

        • Notification Plugin: allow to set up notifications for specific user, all users, user with active product and user with active product category

        • Implements #1126: Add product_title to Autoresponder notifications

        • Implements #1174 - Helpdesk Tickets Lock (to prevent 2 admins answering same ticket)

        • Configuration option to not auto quote message in reply

        • Implements #1201 - Ability to disable upload attahments for users

        Member Directory
        • Allow full flexibility for template modification

        • Allow to use different templates for different directories

        • Implemented Search

        • Display link to directory in member area according configuration

        • Allow usage of custom fields

        Integration Plugins
        • Gift-vouchers misc plugin: add product_title at email template (%gv_product_title% placeholder)

        • Get-response plugin fixed

        • Constant Contact Plugin implemented

        • Madmimi newsletter plugin added

        • VBulletin plugin is now ready for VB5

        • New plugin: PhotoShow (

        • Fix Joomla plugins for IE < 10

        • Wordpress plugin: fixed several notices when WP is in debug mode

        Payment Plugins
        • BitPay plugin added

        • Payforit cc payment plugin improved

        • PayOne payment plugin

        • New payment plugin: netbillng - for hosted payment form

        • Moneris: Set access period to RECURRING_SQL_DATE cause of Moneris doesn't post IPN on re-billings (Ticket #ZCB-59797-729)

        • Bankart payment plugin changed to beta

        • Wepay payment plugin added

        • Metacharge payment plugin added

        • Payflow Link payment plugin added

        • Clickbank: fixed bug with refunds

        • Cosmetic fixes in CSS and signup form

          Core Changes
          • Implemented ability to change product quantity on signup page (works with radio, checkboxes and one selected product)

          • Flowplayer updated to 3.2.16 - Fixed problems with audio files.

          • API module, OneTimeOffer and SubscriptionLimit plugins are included into default aMember distributive

          • Facebook Plugin: Added ability to create account right from login page.

          • Implements #604 - Allow to import encrypted passwords, line ends in templates changed to proper one

          • Implements #1145: Shopping Cart images load way too slow - improve loading times

          • Implements #1090 - Show future subscriptions in the Active subscriptions block

          • New widget for dashboard to show invoices, useful for offline payment plugin

          • Upgrade paths will work for not-recurring invoices as well

          • Fixed Sweden state codes

          • Closes #1168 - ability to edit access records begin/expire dates.

          • Closes #1177 - incorrect subscription terms text, when rebill times = charge once

          • Implements #1136 - Ability to add reference/comment in manual product add

          • Implements #1161 - Add a Search Filter mechanism to Protect Content section

          • Downloads module: fix defining of file mime type; fix exception when downloading if downloads tab is hide

          • Ability to display some content on all member pages under menu

          • Closes #1185 - There is no option to add paysystem field when doing bulk import into aMember from csv file

          • RandomQuestions bug fixed. Question should be excluded from a list of answers.

          • Implements #1187 - Put terms text into a <span> on the form

          • Db: Removed all references to Invoice::is_cancelled to avoid any confusion. This field was duplicate and had the same meaning as tm_cancelled

          • New REST API method added: check by login,pass,ip(to use account sharing prevention)

          • Import - allows to create recurring subscriptions

          • Bundle Discount Plugin implemented

          • Implemented #480 - display all billing plans in product grid

          • Added ability to calculate aff commission by items sold per period

          • Bug fixed: refund amount was calculated incorrectly for downgrade

          • Fixed bug: additional parameters were skipped from url when user was redirected to login page from bookmarked page inside protected area. For example when user tried to access this url: /protected/page.php?param1=1&param2=2, after login he was redirected to /protected/page.php?param1=1 now redirect will work as expected.

          • "Serials" plugin added - can assign serial numbers from predefined lists

          • Fixed subusers: import from csv for admin now works

          • Implements #1142 - import from 3 clickbank, 1sc etc. product IDs

          • Implements #1173 - display info about refunds in user area (payment history)

          • Fixed bug: Clickbank plugin should process transactions which are related to vendor only.

          • Added horizontal scrollbar to advanced search popup.

          • Added new filter for users advanced search - 'Has invoice canceled between dates', fixed search by invoice_id

          • Implements #1166 - Changed Password Email Notification

          • Do not send invoices and admin notification for payments with amount = 0

          • New Report: Payments by product categories breakdown

          • Added new module: Downloads

          • Import from amember3: added support downloads plugin (credits, history downloads)

          • Credits misc plugin: add settings; add credits history at member area and credit balance link; add credit balance at admin area

          • Fixed Import3 script: Set default currency for imported product if currecnty was empty in v3 product.

          • Fixed bug: Product upgrade price wasn't calculated right.

          • Fixed bug: DineroMail plugin didn't accept coupons.

          • Import3: fix for v3 wrong canceled payment records

          • Import3: change paysys for linkpoint -> firstdata

          • DirectoryExclude brick for Member Directory module

          • Implements #442 - ability to calculate start date as nearest monday, tuesday etc. or 1st day of month

          • Helpdesk: ability to use snippets on create ticket form

          • Added 2 new filters for users advanced search: 'Has payment made between dates' and 'Has subscription on date'

          • API: Added new hook: CALCULATE_START_DATE, allows to modify subscription start date or payment or renewal



          • Implements #1155 - Add coutry and state title to export field options

          • Implements #1068 - New Report: Downloads by files breakdown

          • Implements #1072 - Allow multiple "Sales Statistic" report windows on dashboard page

          • Worldpay: Fixed bug: Interval should not be set if there is only one payment.

          • Fixed bug: rebill times in generated terms should be increased by 1 if first and second price/period are equal

          • Fixed bug: Endless loop in Mass subscribe function fixed. If there were a lot of records selected, only first page of results were processed and access were added to these users multiple times.

          • Fixed bug: Wordpress plugin: shortcode editor didn't work for editor or author users.

          • Fixed bug: Rebill statistics email was send even if no rebills were processed.

          • Implements #1146 - ability to set up Products for Coupon Batches with categories

          • Implements #1143 - config option to remove the "Your Current Password" requirement from edit profile page

          • Implements #1139 - New plugin: Force users to change password every XX days.

          • Added ability to change reCaptcha theme from aMember CP.

          • Fixed bug: Unable to correctly activate pending Invoice from aMember CP if invoice have free trial period.

          • Bug Fixed: Unable to copy code for video from expandable column, ut always drag and drop it

          • Ability to translate generated terms for payments-history page, translation can be done the same way as explained at

          • Fixed bug: Items were not properly removed from shopping cart basket

          • Fixed bug: Incorrect terms were displayed in shopping cart -> view basked on add/remove items.

          • Refs #1061 - ability to set product bricks to different pages

          • Fixed bug: do not include access records into pdf invoice if there are no access records (for example if user is not approved but payment is received)

          • Dutch translation updated.

          • New feature: attachments in helpdesk module

          • Filter tickets by category

          • Implements #969 category/departments in helpdesk, ability to reroute tickets based on its category

          • API: Trigger event on ticket insert

          • Ability to assign admins to tickets

          • Added notification about unanswered tickets on user side

          • Implements #1025 - Helpdesk: public FAQ divided to 1-level sections. FAQ questions can be also easily inserted into the ticket with link to the item

          • New Report: Count of User Messages in Helpdesk

          • Display date and time of ticket creation

          Payment Systems
          • Pagseguro: added status 'COMPLETO' as allowed

          • Gate2Shop plugin development version.

          • Mikro-Odeme payment system expects 'OK' returned for all IPN notifications including 'failed'

          • Fixed bug: Google checkout plugin tried to rebill cancelled invoices.

          • Add new cc payment plugin: target-pay ideal

          • Uniteller cc plugin: delete certs warning, add debuglog options

          • ccBill: Added datalink debug to config

          • Add new payment plugin: iDEAL

          • Add new cc payment plugin: payforit

          • Clickbank plugin fixed to work with not-numeric product ids

          • 2CO fixes: cancel of invoices imported from v3, mark invoice canceled if it was canceled on 2CO side

          • Add new cc payment plugin: Uniteller

          • Stop - recurring link didn't work from amember CP for paypal subscriptions.

          • Added support for paypal PRO transactions into warrior-plus plugin.

          • API version updated in clickbank plugin to 1.3

          • Fixed bug:Authorize.Net CIm -> use Hosted Profile setting didn't work with "Use Wordpress theme" enabled.

          Integration Plugins
          • Wordpress plugin: Added PDO check and notification about missing PDO extension

          • Wordpress: Force to include jQuery. Some themes do not include it by default.

          • Wordpress plugin: Fixed unknown function status_header error when there is an error in wordpress plugin configuration.

          • Wordpress plugin: Protection wasn't applied to a page if page was used as "posts page" in wordpress.

          • Wordpress plugin: redirect loops when plugin configuration is wrong.

          • Option 'canAutoCreateFromGroups' added for protect plugins, allows to add access to different products based on user's groups in integrated script

          • Wordpress plugin: Fixed bug: All child posts should be protected if parent post is protected. (if bbPress forum is protected all topics in it will be protected as well)

          • Added Ladesk integration plugin

          • Fixed bug: MailChimp allows to get only 25 lists per request

          • Fixed bug: MediaWiki - could not find existing users to update

          • Coppermine integration plugin added

          • Mailchimp plugin: New settting - Send Welcome Email after opt-in

          • Added Joomla CB plugin

          • Fixed bug: vBulletin statistics wasn't properly updated when user is added from aMember.

          • Fixed Bug: PAP plugin's "sales tracking code" setting didn't work.

            Core Changes:
            • Display resource description in "Active Resources" block

            • Added new form brick: Random Text Questions (CAPTCHA)

            • Content resources sorting implemented

            • Fixes #880: Unable to play video files on iDevices.

            • Fixes #1070 - facebook signup page login link did not work when facebook was disabled on signup page

            • Fixes #1070 - finally problem with facebook logout resolved correctly

            • Account sharing prevention improved: added option to count only first X octets as different

            • Implements #1046 - pending e-mail notifications will not be sent if user finished any payments within 48 hours

            • Bug Fixed: unsubscribe from all email message should unsubscribe from 3ty part lists as well

            • Bug fixed: description field was not populated in edit user group (since it is textarea)

            • Fixed Bug: v3 import: Access was incorrectly added for refunded users on import from v3 to v4.

            • Bug fixed: correct extension of file according new mime type

            • Implements #1109 - clearer distinction for paid payouts in affiliates area

            • Added purchased Items to aMember CP -> Reports -> Payments -> Export

            • Helpdesk: translate plain links to hyperlinks in messages

            • Added import of v3 aff banners and links - to redirect referrers to correct url's

            • Fixed bug: import v3 - could not get correct terms for paypal payments in some cases

            • Closes #1107 Set default group to subscribed in aMember CP -> Protect Content -> Integration -> Wordpress -> Groups

            • Fixed untranslated strings in subusers plugin

            • Fixed format for Hungarian Forint currency.

            • Fixed bug: unable to delete custom font for pdf invoice

            • Fixed bug: do not send zero autoresponder second time by cron

            • Description changed "immediately after purchase" to "immediately after subscription is started" for autoresponders because it works this way

            • Description changed for expire notifications: 'Send E-Mail if customer has subscription' -> 'Send E-Mail when subscription expires'

            • Fixes #1038 - do not coupon usage if there was no discount applied to invoice

            • Fixes #1048 - removed NULL value for unsubscribed field, now search by unsubscribe must be working fine

            • Implements #1094 - Do not send pending emails if invoice has been added by admin, and do not send pending emails twice to the same user

            • Subusers: Implements #1075 - use qty when products purchased. It allows to sell variable qty of reseller products via shopping cart

            • Added debug mode to api module

            • Removed <br> from element code, also changed span.error style to display all errors on new line

            • Fixed bug: Unable to setup aMember into the site root. RewriteBase calculated wrongly

            • List "cc" payment plugins on aMember CP->Setup->Plugins even if "cc" module is not enabled

            • Implements #1039 - ability to import street2 field

            • Implements #1086 - Google Analytics, track free signups

            • Closes #1067 - Duplicate transaction errors when using Mass subscribe with "Add Invoice" enabled

            • implemented #1065 - added warning to admin users merge screen

            • Fixes #1029 - Apparent Reporting Error - Extra day in week (only in labels, numbers were correct)

            • Implemented #1026 - Add Totals to Reports

            • Language strings updated (de translation reworked)

            • Added import of aff clicks from v3

            • Fixes #1082 - translations in helpdesk not working

            • Fixed bug: aMember attempted to rebill failed invoices once a hour. Now each invoice will be processed only once a day

            • Protect Content in admin menu moved to separate menu

            • Am_Lite respects "Remember Me" cookie

            • Fixed bug: Rebill date was calculated incorrectly if invoice have failed rebill attempts and admin has changed rebill_date manually from aMember CP

            • Fixed bug in donation plugin: Donation product was added even if donation wasn't set

            • Fixed bug: formatting for emails sent from queue

            • Implements #1073 Ability to resend Emails from aMember CP -> Logs -> Mail Queue if status is 'Not Sent'

            • Dutch language files updated

            • Add new payment plugin: Wallet One

            • Fixed bug with import v3 of 1SC payments

            • Fixed conflict with wordpress paginator in cart page

            • Fixed bug: Aweber integration didn't work when user_id was selected as custom field which should be passed to aweber

            • Shopping Cart module: fix error when resave img & delete img product

            • Allow multiple donation bricks on signup form

            • Bug Fixed: ability to become affiliate by click on link if affiliate agrement is not configured

            • Added IP address field into Fields available for import

            • Gift Vouchers plugin: now there is possibility buy voucher for free product

            • Add new newsletter plugin: listmail

            • Fixed php error message in payment history table if Invoice item contain record with deleted product

            • Added default user language setting to Moodle plugin

            • Gift Vouchers misc plugin: fix brick label translate

            • Implements #1052 - add notice about how to enable email verification for according templates

            • Implements #1053 - ability to see logs for not super user, separate access to different log types

            • Gift Vouchers misc plugin: fix brick label translate

            • QuickFix for ShoppingCart setup forms

            • QuickFix for generated ShoppingCart buttons in IE 8

            Payment Plugins
            • new payment plugin micropayment

            • clickbank: return short error message with status 200 on exception in IPN handler

            • Add new payment plugin: BluePay (

            • Add new payment plugin: korta (

            • Fastspring plugin did not work correctly with custom fields SubscriptionURL and OrderReference2

            • Added sagepay-form payment plugin(not recurring)

            • Warrior Plus plugin will not validate received email address in order to handle payments from affiliates.

            • Fixed bug: Recurring billing fixes for Google Checkout plugin

            • Fixed bug: Google Checkout subscriptions were imported with incorrect name from Google Checkout

            • Add new payment plugin: Autorize.Net SIM

            • A potential problem fixed that may affect Authorize.Net CIM rebills

            Integration plugins
            • Wordpress: Fixed Bug: bulk protection action didn't work when posts/pages are filtered

            • Wordpress: Added Network support to Wordpress plugin

            • Wordpress: Closes #871: Two new options in protection block make post/page available for guests only, make post/page available for affiliates

            • Wordpress: Closes #879 Implemented new shortcode for affiliate links.

            • Wordpress: Added user_id to wordpress am4user shortcode

            • Joomla: add amember-plugin15 for Joomla ver.1.5, add instruction for install it

            • Joomla: fix bugs in amember-plugin for joomla 2.5

            • Joomla: fix redirect url in amember-plugin for joomla 2.5

            • Joomla: fix bugs in amember-plugin for joomla 2.5

            • Joomla: add amember-plugin for Joomla, add instruction for install it

            • Joomla: fixed single login for Joomla 1.7

            • Fixed bug: listmail missed db.prefix

            • LDAP integration plugin implemented

            • Added 'afflevels' misc plugin, allows to assign user group to purchased product, useful to configure different affiliate commission levels that can be purchased

            • Credits plugin: add credits for each purchased copy of product

            • phpBB plugin fixed: now respect groups priority

            • Add new misc plugin: Kunaki

              Core Changes:
              • Setup modified to automatically set RewriteBase in .htaccess

              • Implements #186 - product upgrades/downgrades handling

              • New way to calculate rebill_date for credit card plugins.

              • Closes #1011 - mass delete "all" did not delete all users

              • Implements #1036 - Address Info Brick: by default must show all fields

              • Closes #963 - second attempt of signup was adding payments to wrong user even after logout

              • Api: added special handling for exceptions in API module: output errors in JSON and XML formats

              • Closes #1002 Admin notifications of failed CC rebills ( and such) cc expiration email notifications implemented

              • Added Romanian language

              • Closes #1032 [amshow] shortcode error when it is used without parameters

              • Added restore_limit date. Period when rebills can be restored in amember CP -> Rebuild DB -> invoice. If rebill_date is 30 days in the past, it will be set to tomorrow's date

              • Newsletter: "subscribe-all" worked not correctly in some cases

              • Closes #1006 - state value not stored in aMember admin CP if country changed

              • Add additional checks to Credit Card Rebill in order to avoid any possibility of incorrect rebill attempts.

              • Added new hook INVOICE_AFTER_CANCEL

              • Helpdesk: Ability to set up signature for replies

              • Closes #874 Implemented ability to keep old product/user ID in import v3

              • Fixed bug: wrong century for future dates in datepicker

              • Shopping Cart & Cart HTML Code Generate

              • Added ability to use 'autocoupons' for mass emails

              • Implemented ability to clean up aMember database before import from v3.

              • Fixed bug: Donation did not work when brick places into multi-page signup form.

              • Gift Vouchers misc plugin: added grid for browse gift vouchers, fix js bugs

              • Gift Vouchers plugin: fix translate labels in GiftVoucher bricks

              • Closes ##1024 - Affiliate Payout Option Javascript issue

              • Added Am_Event::FORM_BEFORE_RENDER hook

              • Html: inputcheckable changed to include <input> inside <label> (html5 new fashion)

              • Implements #1003 - Choose Product dropdown to include product id too

              • Closes #1004 - disable phone as default option on cc form, enable it on demand

              • Implements #1004 - Full month names in Credit Card form

              • Closes #1018 Fixed bug: Reattempt on Failure didn't work sometimes. Added ability to change invoice rebill_date, may be usefull, to restore rebilling cycle for single invoice if it was not rebilled for some reason

              • Fixed bug: Paymate recurring payments didn't work.

              • Fixed bug: unable to set default value for checkbox fields.

              • Automatic upgrades script now supports non-default ftp & sftp ports

              • Added %product_title% placeholder into Pending notifications template

              • Implements #1012 - Visual notice after profile changed

              • Added qty field to "Add Invoice" form

              • Added new plugin: GiftVouchers

              • Added Slovenia to VAT options

              • Implements #996 - partial refunds must not expire customer accounts

              • Fixed error #1009 - Internal error when disable shopping cart module.

              • Fixed bug: Clean form data in session before user is redirected to payment system. In some situations because of old form data in session false positive "Can't use free payment system for non-free products" errors were generated.

              • v3 import: import of folders protected with incremental_content

              • v3 import: import with disabled 'keep old ID's' did not work

              • v3 import: first_total and second_total were not created right for invoice items imported from aMember v3 (for paypal payments)

              • -updated flowplayer to 3.2.7

              Integration Plugins
              • New plugins: Concrete5, SocialEngine, SummerCart, PhpProBid, Magento

              • 'Auto Create' option added to VBulletin plugin

              • joomla plugin: work with 1.5 fixed

              • Fixed bug: wordpress plugin: Show widget for guests options didn't work.

              • WordPress plugin: do not show empty (hidden) links in login widget.

              Payment Plugins
              • New plugins: Paymate, eWay Rapid, Charge2000, QuickPay, Innovative, Molpay, Inet-Cash, Dibs, Ezic

              • Authorize.Net CIM plugin should send invoice order number as well(it will be displayed in transactions history)

              • Fixed bug: Incorrect formatting of cancel page when user cancels Worldpay payment transaction

              • payflow: use random invoice id for rebills to avoid duplicate invoice errors

              • Google Checkout alpha: subscription period was passed to google-checkout as daily regardless of terms

              • authorize-cim plugin: fixed GetHostedProfilePageRequest with empty profileId

              • Removed HTML output from Mollie-iDeal plugin

              • Added billing address parameters into FirstData plugin

              • 2checkout failed with error if free products present in the basket

              • Added ability to change paypal language for paypal express checkout.

              • Payment plugin Netdebits has been modified

              • FastSpring plugin: added cancellation functionality

              • Fixed bug: dibs-recurring - wrong active payment when user has not been charged

              • Fixed bug: paypoint plugin, different hash calculation for first and further payments

              • MultiSafePay plugin: fixed validateStatus method. Now it returns TRUE cause of status check executing in processvalidated()

              • Fixed bug: Payment was added with incorrect amount when user signup for Free trial through FirstData payment plugin.

              • Fixed bug: attachments for pending emails as well

              • Fixed bug: attachments did not work in autoresponder or expire emails

              • Fixed bug: incorrect calculation of start and expire dates when product is selected

              • Restore amember exception handler after include of wordpress files

              • Closes #997 - separate view for Maintenance message mode

              • Fixed rebuild of integrated scripts on large databases

              • Closes #966 Restore "Is Approved" checkbox in Edit user form

              • Implements #994 - Get default date (for admin and user ui) from the server

              • Implements #698 email users - drop down to insert field data

              • Fixed bug: Unable to import large databases from aMember v3.

              • Implements #877 - member directory

              • Implements #747 - SFTP option for aMember upgrades

              • Implements #990 - group priority for protect plugins

              • Fixed bug: Unable to "purchase" free products in shopping cart.

              • implements #987 - Allow access to video/files/pages without log-in

              • API: hooks to pdf template render

              • Implemented Australian GST (Inclusive Tax)

              • Added ability to use custom font for pdf invoice, useful if some characters are not displayed correctly

              • Implemented #962 - ability to stop/disable OTO

              • Implements #912 - delete saved search

              • Added Denmark translation

              • Added Nederlands translation

              • shopping cart module: fixed tax for cart, fixed subtotal in small basket block, removed small basket block from basket view

              • Fixed bug: Invoice approval message wasn't sent.

              • Fixed bug: Newsletter subscriptions were not properly enabled in some situations.

              • Implements #985 - Automatic cleanup of pending invoices

              • Fixed bug: Cancel notifications were not sent to user sometimes

              • New option for affiliate commission: do not include tax to calculated commission

              • Fixed bug: Affiliate commissions report wasn't sorted correctly.

              • Changed payment history table: added information about purchased products

              • Refresh auth session if user open login page (handle situation when 3rd party script clears auth session but aMember auth session is still valid)

              • Fixed bug: Invoices were created with incorrect amount in mass subscribe.

              • Implemented "donation" plugin

              • Implemented "autocoupon" plugin

              • Added new field to users export: expiration date of last payment

              • Closes #981 Fixed bug: Email footer does not appear in auto-responder sent e-mails.

              • Closes #975 - income report - payments and refunds has been merged incorrectly

              • Fixed bug: AweberEmail plugin readme wasn't displayed.

              • Added new setting to payonline system plugin: send user directly to cc info form.

              • Fixed bug: User address was not passed to 2Checkout when user was redirected from signup page.

              • Added ability to create own placeholders in email templates from plugins.

              • Fixed bug: Wordpress Plugin: Use full redirect urls(incl. domain name) in amember_redirect_url variable when user is redirected to login page.

              • Fixed bug: Several bugs fixed in Manually Approve New Invoice: 1. Require approval emails were sent when setting is disabled(but when manually approve users was enabled). 2. User "Is approved" checkbox didn't work right

              • New Advanced User Filter: Has subscription that expire between dates

              • Added new Newsletter plugin: iContact Email Marketer

              • Added new Newsletter plugin: Interspire Email Marketer

              • Respect unsubscribed option for helpdesk notifications to user, correct templates for notifications, add additional placeholder to templates for helpdesk notifications

              Subusers module
              • Implements #977 - search by subuser parent implemented

              • Implements #946 - import subusers from CSV

              • fixed: main user was able to add subusers to any product with configured count of subusers even if product was not purchased

              Wordpress integration
              • Added SimplePress support to wordpress plugin. Also code was formatted.

              • closes #948 Wordpress plugin: Implemented BuddyPress groups support.

              • closes #980 Wordpress plugin: Implemented notactive tag in am4show for easier change from amprotect tags

              • Fixed bug: Wordpress plugin: warning in amember widget when user is not active.

              • Fixed bug: Wordpress plugin: users were not removed from SimplePress when deleted from aMember.

              • Wordpress plugin new setting: Redirect user's profile link to aMember.

              Integration plugins
              • Add new Protect plugin: PhotoPost

              • Add new Protect plugin: Serendipity

              • Fixed bug: Problem with config variables when multiple wordpress plugins were enabled.

              • Modified plugin Xeroapi, Netdebits, Dibs-payment-window, new plugin Moip

              • Add new Protect plugin: gallery2

              • Add new Protect plugin: dolphin

              • Fixed bug: PAP plugin: Parrent Affiliate ID was not assigned properly.

              • Wordpress plugin: Added [am4user var='expires'] shorcode. It displays user's expiration date.

              Payment plugins
              • Authorize CIM hosted credit card popup implemented !

              • Added plugins: two payment plugins dibs-payment-window and netdebit

              • Added Certopay payment plugin

              • Add new payment plugin: Network Merchants Inc

              • Moneybookers and Verotel payment plugins - beta

              • Fixed bug: PayFlow PRO payments were added twice if user had paypal plugin enabled

              • Payment Systems Worldwide Plugin: recode on new API

              • Added new plugin: eWAY AU

              • PayPal plugin: added TXN_CART notifications handling (BuyNow buttons)

              • Add new cc payment plugin: Payment Systems Worldwide

              • Fixed bug: 1SC plugin has created duplicate invoices if both API and IPN notifications where enabled.

              • Bug fixed: aMember could send auto-responders to unsubscribed users

              • Bug fixed: aMember could send expiration e-mails to unsubscribed users

              • Thanks page wait time set to 10 seconds

              • Italian translation has been updated.

              • New Payment plugins: Netdebits, PayOnlineSystem, Paymate

              • New Integration plugins: Trellis, Moodle

              • Render invoice for correct payment (it was rendered for first payment always early)

              • Fixed bug: Disabled products were counted in Shopping Cart -> Category Select

              • If baseUrl detection failed, aMember will fallback to configured Root Urls (in response to recent 404-NotFound issues)

              • Implemented #876 - redirect from protected folder and http/https, now redirects right back to the folder

              • Implements #816 - Am_CustomField callback validation (user should add field via API in site.php and set valid callback that return whether error message or empty on success)

              • Backup has been improved to get 100% mysql compatible code and create structure for all tables

              • Decreased font size on PDF invoice to save space on page

              • Hebrew language support has been added

              • Closes #949 - video embed code size is fixed

              • Fixed bug: Disabled products were imported as active from aMember v3.

              • Implements #927 - fully customizable signup forms, described in manual

              • implements #799 - option to add existing members to new newsletter list

              • Build Demo: Ability to chose email domain name

              • Closes #908 - option 'Send Notification to admin when profile is changed' does not work for additional data fields

              • New Dashboard Widget: Last Payments

              • Bug fixed: IE8 does not allow to use name length for vars

              • closes #938 - IE8 Javascript error when generate password in aMember CP -> Edit User (IE8 doesn't allow to use variables with name "length")

              • Implements #831 - add complete ISO 3166-1 data to ?_country table

              • Added ability to send correct content-type for media files

              • Closes #951 - workaround for "All 10 records on this page are selected. Select all XXX records matching your search." appears twice

              • Closes #939 - Stray HMTL code being displayed on user delete confirmation

              • Implements #928 - require agreement to agree to affiliate terms and conditions on click to "Advertise my site"

              • Closes #917 - add filter by groups into user advanced search

              • Closes #922 - "Group actions (ALL) works incorrectly" Browse Users -> Mass Subscribe

              • Implements #890 - add second field for street address

              • Implements #851 - ability to embed audio with flowplayer

              • Flowplayer updated to 3.2.11

              • Closes #906 - Am_CustomField cannot be nulled (checkboxes/multi_select)

              • Implements #945 - Limit send forgotten password attempts

              • Implements #850 - display labels instead of internal value for custom fields in user grid

              • Implements #827 - Ability to include access periods to PDF invoice

              • Fixed bug: import of coupons from version 3 didn't work with big count of records

              • Implemented #926: separate permission to create/edit user invoices in admin cp

              • Allow adding user variables like %user.name_f% or %user.login% to pages defined at amember Cp -> Protect Content -> Pages

              • Added redirect handler for old (version 3) affiliate urls and links

              • Implements #940 - in Advanced Search with LIKE: surround query with % automatically

              • Bug fixed: expiration emails has been send in incorrect time

              • Bug Fixed: only immediate after invoice creation pending notification has been sent and all other ignored

              • Crypt key signature calculation changed to be platform independent (there was difference in crc32 results on 32-bit and 64-bit platforms)

              • "Cancel recurring" via aMember Admin CP reworked to use AJAX

              • Send PDF invoice to admin in case if option is enabled

              • Closes #936 - affiliate commisition details, handle situation for removed invoice

              • Closes #937 - fields on signup page used default value instead of actually submited

              • Implements #931 - Implements #931 - do not grant access for user which is not approved until approved

              • Fixed bug: mt_rand may generate duplicates on big databases and it causes a bunch of errors during import3

              • Fixed bugs: 1. False redirects to noAccess page when user is logged in. 2. New-rewrite files were not deleted from /amember/data/new-rewrite folder after logout.

              • Bug Fixed: email templates were always sent in english since we store full locale with region in lang property of user record but in templates uses only country code

              • Correctly calculate coupon usage for 100% discount coupons

              • Implements #921 - ReCaptcha respect current scheme

              • Implemets #924 - AM_Lite should be able to check access based on product category

              • Facebook: Disabled redirect to to logout!

              • Added %expires% variable to expiration email template

              • Fixed bug: Paypal refunds were incorrectly counted as payments in Income report

              • Restored ability to send copy of admin notifications to different email addresses.

              • Wordpress plugin: changed widget protection logic. Widget will be available only if both "have" and "not have " requirements matches(if enabled of course).

              • Fixed bug: User was not properly logout from Invision in some situations.

              • aMember Upgrade - do not use fopen() and follows redirects manually, must work on most hosts

              • Respect current scheme (http/https) for video display

              • Allow admin access with report permission to his saved reports

              • Respect domain name in redirect_url

              • Changed text on thanks page after signup. Do not offer to login if user is logged in already.

              • Do not count cancelled subscriptions in next rebill stat

              • Fixed bug: affiliate signup form did not use selected template

              • Enabled buffered queries to avoid error "Cannot execute queries while other unbuffered queries are active. Consider using PDOStatement::fetchAll()." happend with php 5.3.13 mysql 5.0.95

              • Payment plugins api: generalized handling for "thanks" "cancel" and "cancel-admin" actions instead of repeating code in each of payment plugins. Now it is enough to implement "cancelAction" to get things working.

              Misc Plugins
              • thanks-redirect plugin: allows to redirect customer to configured url after purchase

              • cancel-on-upgrade plugin implemented: cancel subscription if new purchased

              • Mailchimp plugin: New setting Disable Double Opt-in

              • Aweber: implements #798 - pass custom fields

              • Subusers: Unable to set password for subusers manually. Password was always automatically generated for newly created subusers

              Integration Plugins
              • Wordpress: Display name was not updated on Rebuild.

              • Wordpress: Disable protection in shortcodes for admin user

              • Wordpress: Menu protection for posts didn't work.

              • Wordpress: p-1 and g-1 parameters didn't work in shortcodes.

              • Wordpress: closes #865: delete user in amember not deleting metadata in wordpress

              • ModX plugin implemented

              • Moodle plugin implemented

              • Oscommerce plugin implemented

              • Mediawiki plugin implemented

              • MiniBB integration plugin implemented

              • XCart integration plugin implemented

              • vBulletin: Added new setting to vBulletin plugin: Default user title;

              • Joomla: Fixed bug: Joomla plugin didn't update "block" flag in Joomla properly.

              Payment Plugins
              • eProcessing (AIM emulation mode) plugin ready for testing

              • Multisafepay plugin ready for testing

              • Evopay plugin ready for testing

              • Moneris payment plugin ready for testing

              • Google Checkout plugin is ready for testing

              • DineroMail plugin is ready for testing

              • Payflow plugin is ready for testing

              • DWOLLA plugin is ready for testing

              • Google-Checkout plugin is ready for testing

              • Authorize-CIM: Ability to define validation mode in config for customer profile in config (So user can avoide 0.01 transaction if he want) Changed Authorize.Net plugin status to PRODUCTION

              • Authorize-AIM: Gateway no longer support this integration method.

              • Altcharge: Bug Fixed: 500 error after completed payment in Altcharge plugin

              • Beanstream: pass state as -- for countries other than USA and CA

              • ClickBank: fixed redirect in clickbank plugin after cancel

              • 2CO: Added all supported currencies to 2CO plugin.

              • DIBS: Added test mode to DIBS plugin

              • DIBS: Fixed bug: Real amount for DIBS recurring sales were divided by 100

              • 1Shoppingcart: clear 1sc shopping cart on redirect

              • ccBill Plugin: datalink didn't send password, datalink requests must send SubAccount info several errors in ccBill datalink script fixed. Recurring payments were not handled correctly.

              • Fixed bug: Session issues with eFront plugin.

              • Zombaio: Fixed bug: Declined rebills were counted as successfull by Zombaio plugin.

              • PayPoint: Fixed bug: paypoint recurring IPN messages were not handled properly.

              • Plimus: Fixed bug: Incorrect plimus redirect link.

              • Fastspring: added aility to auto create invoices for fastspring plugin

              • Fixed serious bug: free trial + Authorize.Net CIM may result to multiple rebills

              • Fixed bug: VatId brick did not work in profile form

              • eWay CC plugin (Direct Payment) added

              • Mollie-iDEAL payment plugin (

              • Fixed bug: Duplicate emails were sent in some cases from mail queue if mail throttle limits were set to large values

              • Implemented ability to do not include subscription terms to pdf invoice

              • New payment plugin: Altcharge check processing.

              • Ability to disable confirm password field in brick config

              • Affiliate program: Display list of immediate sub affiliates for user

              • Bug fixed: incorrectly display UTF-8 symbols inside custom field options

                Core changes
                • Added new aMember CP menu option: Edit Messages

                • Use icons to display status for tickets in helpdesk instead of long text phrase

                • Visual highlight for active tickets for admin and user

                • Redirect to other domains through amember_redirect_url parameter disabled by default

                • Make width of report adaptive for better integration with custom themes

                • Display details about coupon's usage

                • Fixed bug: The same data was displayed for all "payments by products" reports on dashboard.

                • Improved compatibility with jQuery.noConflict()

                • Fixed bug: Incorrect formatting for empty product option in Product brick.

                • Improved stability for import from amember v3.

                • Fixed bug: Incorrect default value could be set for select custom fields.

                Payment plugins
                • Fixed bug: AuthorizeCIM plugin trial problems

                • Authorize-AIM plugin fixes

                • Added Warrior + WSO PRO integration plugin.

                • Paypal: access was disabled incorrectly if user have paypal

                • recurring subscription with limited installments. Last period of access was not added.

                • Internet Secure payment system plugin implemented

                • Fixed bug: Clickbank recurring payments wasn't registered sometimes.

                • Fixed bug: Unable to cancel 2CO recurring payment if invoice have more then one payment.

                Integration plugins
                • Fixed bug: Single login with wordpress didn't work if wordpress was installed on subdomain

                • REST API: renamed nested controller ids

                • REST API: modify name of all controllers so all of them has "s" at the end, related commit #4bb1b93

                • Credits Plugin: add admin interface (view/debit/credit)

                  Core changes
                  • Send headers about default charset from PHP (utf-8)

                  • Fixed bug: EU Tax was charged for not EU countries.

                  • Fixed warnings: 1. Notice in amember CP -> Add admin screen, 2. RECOVERABLE ERROR:</b> Argument 1 passed to Admin::setPermissions() must be an array, null given

                  • refs #894 - added qty to PDF invoice

                  • Added new field to users export -> Amount of all payments made by user

                  • closes #892 - REST API: check-access by email parameter changed from "login" to "email"

                  • added user's fields to invoice export

                  • bug fixed - set up default value for custom fields

                  • Bug Fixed: incorrect grid methods in permission configuration for REST API

                  • bug fixed with IE - wrong position for popup login form

                  • fixed bug with IE (comments <!-- --> is not allowed inside <script></script>, login link in signup form did not work.

                  • bug fixed - did not assign product and payment arrays for cancellation notifications

                  • Fixed bug: Unable to add second payment manualy from aMember CP if invoice have free trial

                  • Fixed bug: Errors were not displayed in Cart -> Basket

                  • Changed default user <-> affiliate relations lifetime to 0 (forever)

                  • OTO plugin: unable to add large html template in OTO plugin

                  • Fixed bug: Unable to add active free invoice from amember CP.

                  • Added ja_JP locale support.

                  • API: ability to prepend hook

                  • Added ability to populate affilate links page with custom content

                  • Bug fixed - redirect to no-access worked only for active users, for all other users it was redirect loop

                  • Am_Lite does not work when usage of php session is enabled in config

                  • bug fixed with video player in IE9

                  • added more user's fields to the export of payments

                  • added cancelations handling

                  • added supported currencies for fastspring plugin

                  • added more user's fields to the export of payments

                  • New way to unserialize session in Am_Lite

                  • New Payment Plugin: Paypoint hosted gateway(supports recurring and multi currency payments)

                  • set up 'threadedmode' as it configured in default registration settings

                  • bug fixed - Am_Lite does not work when usage of php session is enabled in config

                  • Closes #873 - limited Admins can delete users

                  • bug fixed with recurring payments

                  • Fixed bug: Access to aMember pages was not logged properly. Added new ability to log access from any non-amember page.

                  • implements #872 - Import3: migrate old Facebook id and comments

                  • bug fixed: coupon conditions break chain and return its match result but should return false only in case of it does not match

                  • added commission handler for free signups

                  • Implements #859 - add page_style to paypal plugin

                  • next rebills changed from 'next month' to 'next 30 days'

                  • added redirect to facebook for logout

                  • bug fixed - not working waiting block on thanks page

                  • bug fixed - could not purchase paid product after free

                  • bug fixed - could not delete temp file after import in Windows because of not closed file handlers

                  • bug fixed - not working waiting block on thanks page

                  • bug fixed - could not purchase paid product after free

                  • bug fixed - could not delete temp file after import in Windows because of not closed file handlers

                  • coupon can't be NULL in Invoice_setCoupon

                  • added config option for Cart module "Do not show 'Default billing plan' on form"

                  • Fixed Bug: CC expiration date was not imported from amember v3.

                  • Fixed bug: Rebill date was not updated on rebuild-db

                  • - oto plugin: allows to configure paysystem, preview implemented. closes #855

                  • added config option for Cart module "Do not show 'Default billing plan' on form"

                  • cosmetic bugs fixed on import: back button after upload a file, sort of previous imports, target for paginator links

                  • next rebills changed from 'next month' to 'next 30 days'

                  • added redirect to facebook for logout

                  • bug fixed with video player in IE9

                  Integration plugins
                  • Implements #839 - DropMe plugin, Ability for member to delete his account by yourself

                  • Fixed bug: Zombaio plugin didn't record rebills in some situations.

                  • Wordpress: WP always set timezone to UTC+0 but it is not expected behaviour in aMember

                  • Closes #881 - renderable query did not return expected result in case of datetime and timestamp fields and operator (=)

                  • vbulletin: get default registration options and 'threadedmode' from vbulletin database

                  • vbulletin: get default registration options from vbulletin database

                  • newsletter mailchimp plugin: allows to customize mailchimp MERGE fields

                  Payment plugins
                  • Payza (formerly AlertPay) payment plugin

                  • xenforo: remove users when removed from aMember

                  • Fixed several bugs related to import 1SC payments from v3

                  • Paypoint plugin becomes BETA

                  • paysafecard payment plugin

                  • new payment plugin securepaycomau

                  • bug fixed - validation of amount for plimus plugin in case of using other currency for the payment then USD

                  • new payment plugin securepaycomau

                  • cosmetic bugs fixed on import: back button after upload a file, sort of previous imports, target for paginator links

                  • bug fixed - validation of amount for plimus plugin in case of using other currency for the payment then USD

                  • Fixed bug: Invoices were not automatically approved on upgrade from 4.2.3

                  • Language strings updated + complete Romanian translation.

                  • Increased performance in helpdesk module

                  • New Feature: Unlimited levels of affiliate programm

                  • API: event that triggered after DB upgrade, plugins can use it to perform data migration

                  • Bug Fix: Second Level Commission was calculated incorrectly

                  • Fixed bug: Invoice incorrectly was amrked as not approved when recurring payment was received.

                  • Bugs fixed: Missed last page for list of products on cart page

                  • Bugs fixed: Rebill stats were empty in aMember CP dashboard

                  • Bugs fixed: Headers already sent errors when try to download protected files

                  • Bugs fixed: Added ability to execute cron hooks from payplugins (necessary for ccBill)

                  • HTML Editor: allow to embed videos from Youtube/Vimeo/others into aMember pages

                  • Implements #705 - General Affiliate link

                  • API module added (remote access / REST implementation)

                  • Ability to manually approve new invoices

                  • OTO (one-time-offer) plugin implemented

                  • Shedule-Access plugin: to add subscription to other products based on "main" product subscription on configured schedule

                  • Fixed: Could not select uploaded files in subfolder under windows

                  • Made necessary API changes to support 3D-Secure implementation in CC plugins

                  • Security: amember authentication cookies configured to be httponly

                  • Affiliate Program: ability to bind affilate banner/link to specific user group

                  • Implements #805 - option to disable "Unsubscribe from All Email Messages" link

                  • New Feature: Abity to add invoices from admin interface

                  • Implements #813 - ability to search payments by coupon code

                  • Signup Form "Name" brick: allows to display first and last name in separate rows

                  • VAT online validation fixed

                  • Fixed: htaccess removal after remove of protection

                  • Affiliate program: Fixed bug: Second tier affiliate commission calculation fixed

                  • Folder Protection: Fixed bug: False folder access denied errors. The problem happened when user leaves his browser open and return to protected folder on next day. He was incorrectly redirected to access denied page.

                  • CSS fix for ie7

                  • Bug fixed (verification email used default locale)

                  • Helpdesk: Closes #796 - workaround in case of admin which has been removed is involved in discussion

                  • Fixed "Active (free)" users report on admin dashboard

                  • Fixed bug: Unable to login into aMember CP or member's area when aMember root URL use IP address instead of valid domain name.

                  • closes #784 - Require adding a Password in the creation of a new user (in admin)

                  • Added ability to enable sending admin notification when user has changed profile

                  • Closes #788 - notification about sending message with new password is not easy to see

                  • Added ability to configure email templates for Account Sharing Violation

                  • Closes #778 - Payments tab - filter by invoice results in database error

                  • Implements #774 - readonly custom fields brick

                  • Implemented "credits" plugin - sell credits and debit it via API

                  • Implements #769 - Import from v3, transfer custom fields

                  • Added new brick to forms - FieldSet with configurable title

                  • Fixed bug: Import3 script generate error when old v3 installation use different mysql prefix then default.

                  • Fixed bug: html tags were stripped in product description when product is being displayed in cart.

                  • Bug Fixed: User Tickets History Grid in admin interface processed ajax request incorrectly

                  Payment plugins
                  • Fixed bug: Use v3 compatible urls setting didn't work for 1SC ipn script.

                  • Fixed bug: CC rebill page was not added into admin menu

                  • Fixed bug: 2CO plugin didn't handle recurring payments notifications.

                  • Fixed bug: Cancel link wasn't available for 2checkout payments.

                  • Psigate: fixed: tax was applied twice for Psigate payments

                  • New plugin: integration with

                  • New payment plugin: epayment

                  • SafeCart plugin updated

                  • Paypal PRO plugin: send shipping address to paypal(user's address info will be used as shipping info)

                  • New plugin: atmail

                  • New plugin: phpFox

                  • Fixed bug: blank page after payment for some payment plugins.

                  • Migs payment plugin

                  • Authorize.Net CIM refunds implemented

                  • Link to 1SC in front of aMember documentation added

                  • 1SC plugin: Resend API notifications function implemented.

                  • 1SC plugin: Implemented "Accept Direct Payments"

                  • 1SC plugin: Country and State fields where empty when user was created from 1SC

                  • Psigate payment plugin added(not recurring)

                  • Paypal: fixed refunds handling (payment_status Refunded is without txn_type at all)

                  Integration plugins
                  • Fixed bug: Plugin Admin/Banned usergroups were not available in aMember CP -> Protect Content -> Integrations

                  • Fixed bug: "Create users on demand" didn't work for some plugins

                  • Facebook logout fixed

                  • Added ability to configure protection plugins if MySQL server is specified with port. (

                  • phpFox plugin: Added "Create users on demand" support to phpFox plugin.

                  • Kayako: Fixed Bug: Internal error on kayako database rebuild.

                  • Joomla plugin: added Jregistry into the joomla's session

                  • Xenforo plugin updated

                  • EE2 support

                  • Drupal plugin: Fixed minor bug with single login.

                  • Vanilla Plugin: fixed bug: Sticky groups option didn't work.

                  Wordpress Plugin
                  • Settings menu was not available sometimes.

                  • RSS feed protection settings added to post protection menu.

                  • Fixed: When "Create users on demand" was enabled in wordpress plugin,

                  • aMember users were created with empty values for first and last name.

                  • Added ability to control Display Name for newly created users.

                  • secure cookies were not set properly.

                  • Fixed bug: Incompatibility with wordpress robots-meta plugin.

                  • Added redirect URL to loginurl shortcode.

                  • Fixed bug: Buddypress pages were not protected sometimes.


                  • "Pesapal" payment plugin added

                  • Added ability to send notifications to admin and user when recurring subscription is canceled.

                  • GetResponse newsletter plugin

                  • Fixed "Active (free)" users report on admin dashboard

                  • I18n Language strings updated

                  • Ability to sort address fields on form

                  • Authorize.Net CIM refunds implemented.

                  • Fixed bug: Unable to login into aMember CP or member's area when aMember root URL use IP address instead of valid domain name.

                  • Link to 1SC in front of aMember documentation;

                  • Drupal plugin: Fixed minor bug with single login.

                  • "Change e-mail" address handling added to newsletter plugins - support for custom e-mail field and custom fields added to ARP plugin

                  • Ability to hide disabled products in grid

                  • Two mods in order to simplify wordpress plugin copying

                  • Closes #784 - Require adding a Password in the creation of a new user (in admin)

                  • Added ability to enable sending admin notification when user has changed profile

                  • Closes #788 - notification about sending message with new password is not easy to see

                  • Update optionsEditor, allow sort items with jquery ui

                  • Allows to configure filename for invoice

                  • Closes #706 - all items was highlighted in submenu

                  • Fixed bug: Plugin Admin/Banned usergroups were not available in aMember CP -> Protect Content -> Integrations

                  • 1S plugin: Resend API notifications function implemented.

                  • Zend Framework updated to 1.11.11

                  • Implemets #780 - personal-content addon

                  • Added ability to configure email templates for Account Sharing Violation (for user and admin), sending of such emails added as well

                  • Added sagepay payment plugin (dev mode)

                  • Amazon SES email method added

                  • API: INVOICE_STATUS_CHANGE event hook added

                  • Implements #742 - snippets in helpdesk

                  • typo fixed in field description

                  • - use <a> instead of <button> for norecord actions so it can be ajaxify along with other grid's links

                  • Fixed bug: 1SC plugin: Country and State fields where empty when user was created from 1SC

                  • Closes #778 - Payments tab - filter by invoice results in database error

                  • Implements #674 - copy of products

                  • implements #774 - readonly custom fields brick

                  • Saved Reports / Ability to add Saved Reports to Dashboard

                  • Schedule-access plugin developed

                  • Implemented "credits" plugin - sell credits and debit it via API

                  • Implements #769 - Import from v3, transfer custom fields

                  • Fixed bug: Import3 script generate error when old v3 installation use different mysql prefix then default

                  • Language files updated.

                  • Removed incorrect file from git.

                  • Fixed bug: html tags were stripped in product description when product is being displayed in cart.

                  • Fixed refunds handling (payment_status Refunded is without txn_type at all).

                  • Implements #599 - Customizable Dashboard

                  • Bug Fixed: class can not find available plugins in case of %1 used in plugin path template

                  • Implements #765 - Auto Fill Dates on Manually Added Subscriptions

                  • Implements #767 - Return to Helpdesk Page Link from Ticket

                  • Bug Fixed: User Tickets History Grid in admin interface process ajax request incorrectly

                  • Implements #756 - Helpdesk Ticket Delete / New Event to add items for clear action

                  • Vanilla Plugin: fixed bug: Sticky groups option didn't work.

                  • 1SC plugin: Implemented "Accept Direct Payments"

                  • Implements #495 - ability to hide the product name/description in the signup form in case of there is only one option available

                  • Implements #587 - add a getBegin() function to Am_Lite


                  • Implemented Amazon S3 and FTP uploads protection and handling

                  • Implemented newsletters integration for MailChimp, AWeber and ARP

                  • Implemented "Pending Payment" e-mail notifications to admin and user

                  • "Subusers" plugin - allows to sell subscription packages and purchaser may then add number of "subusers" to access site content

                  • EU VAT handling implemented (needs careful testing)

                  • Adding product conditional if a user has active subscription to a category

                  • Limit file downloads (former "onetime_download" plugin in v3)

                  • Users mass-deletion (requires password confirmation)

                  • Implemented admin notification for user registrations

                  • Implemented "mass pay" affiliates option

                  • Added conditions to autoresponders and expiration e-mails

                  • API: new GRID events to customize users and products operations

                  • Fixed a problem with displaying payment systems on signup page

                  • Fixed ePay plugin: instant capture was not set for initial payments

                  • Fixed handling of "free access" records

                  • Fixed several bugs in autoresponders for free signups

                  • Fixed problem with rebuilding .htpasswd and e-mail sending

                  • Fixed order of paysystems on signup page

                  • Added product's category description to cart index.

                  • Fixed serious problem in htpasswd protection module

                  • Bug fixed: "prevent if other" options was populated incorrectly in case of there is not any product category

                  • Bug fixed: Autoresponder templates were sent incorrectly, if there were free resources defined.

                  • Language files updated

                  • Sticky groups option added to Vanilla plugin. aMember will not remove these groups from user's account.

                  • Allow user upload attachmets in case of he has permission to send emails

                  • Drupal plugin: added support for Drupal v6 and also enabled auto_create for Drupal plugin.

                  • Fixed bug: auto_create didn't work in integration plugins.

                  • Implemented new setting: Send Registration E-Mail when user is created from aMember CP

                  • Fixed bug: Wordpress logout links didn't logout user from aMember.

                  • API: fixed Am_Blocks->remove($id) method

                  • Rebuild Db optimized

                  • Fixed bug: Notices were generated by cron process.

                  • Fixed bug: Plimus plugin: Incorrect url was used to redirect user to Plimus

                  • Wordpress plugin: Added ability to disable protection for users of specified roles.(like it worked for admin users already)

                  • Presets implemented for flowplayer configuration

                  • Added "Paypal MassPay/Export CSV" functionality for affilaite payouts

                  • Removed iKobo and SafePay affiliate payout methods

                  • Respect site domain for relative urls on page in case of load amember pages via proxy (e.g. WorldPay)

                  • Fixed bug: CURL was used as HTTP_Request2 adapter even if it was disabled for security reasons

                  • Fixed several bugs in fastspring plugin.

                  • Added ability to require coupon on signup form (in brick configuration)

                  • Greek language loading fixed

                  • Kayako plugin -> BETA

                  • SMF plugin beta added - tested with SMF 2.0.2

                  • Implements #676 - show username on delete user confirm screen

                  • Fixed bug: "Argument 3 passed to Am_Paysystem_CreditCard::doBill() must be an instance of CcRecord, null given" errors generated by cron when paypal-pro plugin enabled.

                  • Implemented import script to import users from DAP (paypal payments only)

                  • Fixed bug: get_current_screen() errors fixed for older wordpress versions

                  • New way to handle Dokeos single login.

                  • Fixed bug: problems with pagelines framework styles on WP dashboard

                  • Fixed bug: Exception on Clickbank Payment refund from aMember CP.

                  • Fixed bug: Fatal error in vanilla plugin: Call to a member function isLoaded() on a non-object

                  • Increase memory_limit (sometimes a problem with aMember + wordpress + many plugins + pdf invoice)

                  • Closes #722 - javascript code which hide paysestems for free products works incorrectly in case of two bricks with products

                  • Closes #685 - If you apply filters after creating email to users, all email content is deleted

                  • Closes #679 - product setup - second payment lifetime duration

                  • Implements #724 - translations for additional fields (title/description)

                  • Implements #667 - remember used hidden category codes and allow to operate on products from these categories without passing category code to url again

                  • Closes #716 - Translation of Custom Fields does not work

                  • Bug fixed - didn't save category description

                  • Display "Lifetime" instead of "expires 12/31/37" in member area

                  • Access records without invoice were not deleted when customer was deleted

                  • Bug fixed - unable to add previously deleted default commissions.

                  • PremiumWebCart plugin development version

                  • Added manual_approve_admin email template

                  • Import ZIP Code field from v3

                  • New setting aMember CP -> Setup -> Login Page -> Skip Index Page. When logged-in user try to access /amember/index, he will be redirected to member's area.

                  • "Delete Invoice" action implemented. Invoice can be deleted from aMember CP -> Payments -> Invoices or from Edit User -> Payments

                  • Fixed bug: aMember CP -> Protect Content -> New -> Hide setting was ignored on redirect after login.

                  • Removed notice about recurring payments from ClickBank plugin

                  • Fixes #714 - respect billing plan during invoice auto-creation

                  • Bug fixed: hidden categories were shown on product page

                  • Bug fixed: url to detailed product page for product from hidden category generate error

                  • Fixes #667 - delete item from cart in case of qty = 0

                  • Improved error handling in Am_lite (add useExceptions) mode

                  • Closes #713 - Magicselect - special handling for empty values in admin-setup

                  • Implements #308 - adding product conditional if a user has active subscription to a category

                  • Closes #655 - invoice filter fixed to handle correctly invoice_id started with number

                  • Closes #699 - coupon recurring or not display improved

                  • Fixed bug: Sometimes user was not redirected to payment page after signup form submit in IE9

                  • Closes #694 - renewal group was corrupted on product update

                  • Closes #672 - Preselect paysystem in 'Add Payment' form in aMember Cp -> Browse Users -> Payments

                  • Fixed bug: errors when suhosin is enabled

                  • Dokeos plugin beta.

                  • Closes #692 - paypal plugin does not validate payment amounts

                  • Implements #429 - Coupon Count Visual Notification

                  • Fixed bug: Paypal Express plugin didn't handle SuccessWithWarning response correctly.

                  • Fixed bug: Paypal PRO plugin didn't handle SuccessWithWarning response correctly.

                  • Closes #291 - Order error: confusing message

                  • Fixed bug: Several Recoverable errors fixed.

                  • bug fixed - unable to edit email templates with attachments

                  • Fixed bug: Commission detains popup wasn't working .

                  • Improvement: New setting in 2Checkout plugin: "Use Multi Page Checkout"

                  • -bug fixed with long strings with /r/n

                  • single login for subdomain fixed

                  • Fixed bug: Unable to edit product in invoice if Admin user doesn't have superuser permissions.

                  • Fixed spelling error: adddress -> address

                  • flowplayer configuration

                  • -partially working, has not been tested with response from webmoney

                  • bug fixed with validation of new login when edit profile by user

                  • -replaced checkboxes with select field with 2 options YES/NO - helpful for advanced search by field like email_confirmed=NO

                  • Fixed bug: Third-party script's cookies were not checked on Signup page.

                  • - respect qty of items of same product

                  • Invoice(After|Before)Insert and Invoice(After|Before)Delete hooks

                  • PAP plugin -> beta

                  • Added links to invoice and user from Invoice log grid.

                  • WP plugin: redirect all login links to aMember's login page.

                  • added invision 3 plugin BETA

                  • fixed link to aMember CP -> Protect Content -> Integrations

                  • -invision plugin dev

                  • added ability to send refund requests fro clickbank recurring subscriptions from admin area

                  • closes #678 Added new custom field type: date.

                  • PAP plugin dev.

                  • Fixed bug: javascript issues in integration with karma wordpress theme.

                  • Fixed bug: Paypal PRO rebilling issues mentioned in this thread:

                  • Removed user.pass variable from email templates. Plain text password in not available anymore.

                  • Fixed bug: Unable to uncheck "Affiliate can view Sales Details" checkbox in Affiliate setup tab.

                  • -fixed conflict if use facebook from wordpress

                  • highcharts updated to 2.1.9

                  • Added ability to cancel recurring clickbank subscriptions for user and admin from amember

                  • Bug fixed with cancellation, invoice could be marked as canceled even if cancellation process thrown an exception

                  • Closes #585 - UTF8 chars from aMember to third-party script

                  • Fixed bug: Upgrade script was unable to find aMember's installation path on some servers.

                  • Paypal pro fix: do not setup TRIAL* vars, it is already handled by STARTDATE

                  • Added supported currencies

                  • iDevAffiliate plugin

                  • added handler for cancel and refund IPN's fixed findtime(), now it is using difference with Clickbank server

                  • Revert "better compatability of css rules"

                  • Add space between rows of tabs in user menu in case of there is two or more rows

                  • Fire NeedSessionRefresh even when user change password.

                  • Fixed bug: Payment notifications (both user's and admin's)were sent only for first payment within invoice.

                  • added admin notification for free signups

                  • added translation for signup form title

                  • added Turkish lira as supported currency

                  • JS bug fixed with Safari

                  • Implements #666 - Am_Pdf_Page_Decorator Improvement: Centered text

                  • ePay payment plugin

                  • Implements #644 - Plugin to limit subscriptions count for specific product

                  • Product quantity can be configured in billing plan settings to be fixed or flexible (flexible qty works in shopping cart interface only)

                  • Fixed bug: access period calculation - if user's latest access record for given product have expiration date in the past, aMember will take current date as new access record start date. This was done to handle situations when next payment within invoice was added with delay (for example if there is a problem with connection between amember and payment system and admin have to add payment to user's invoice record manually).

                  • Fixed bug: Several Javascript issues on aMember pages when "Use Wordpress Theme" is enabled.

                  • Bug fixed: wrong signup day in aff commission calculation

                  • Wordpress plugin: karma theme integration.

                  • Fixed bug: vBulletin plguin groups calculation issue. If user have more then one product with different primary groups, only one group was used. No second group will be added as additional group.

                  • Fixed bug: 404 errors on aMember pages when worpress theme used.

                  • Fixed bug: PayPal PRO subscriptions were not cancelled when cancel link was used from aMember CP.

                  • Fixed bug: logging not UTF-8 IPN messages

                  • Improvement: Accept Direct Payments support added to paypal plugin

                  • Fixed bug: sort of preselected products on signup page

                  • Fixed bug: Wordpress plugin: javascript error in widgets area when mootools library used by theme.

                  • -renewal didn't work with public_id like 12345-XYZ imported from version 3

                  • Fixed bug: Unable to get logged in user info from Am_Lite when suhosin.session.encrypt is enabled(wordpress plugin was affected as well). When suhosin.session.encrypt is enabled, amember will use default php sessions

                  • Fixed bug: cancellation url for paypal-express subscriptions.

                  • Fixed bug: Unable to cancel Paypal pro recurring subscription.

                  • Fixed bug: FirstData plugin generate SQL error on payment activation.

                  • Display qty in admin invoices view

                  • Added new Brick: HTML text

                  • Fixed bug: paypal pro ipn script generate error. Added support of API certificates

                  • Improvement: Setup process will check for necessary extensions installed in php.

                  • Closes #637 Fixed bug: Am_Lite didn't work when aMember use different session name.

                  • added autologin for autocreated payments

                  • Closes #637 Added ability to specify only First or Last name in signup form. Added such setting to name "brick"

                  • Closes #638 Added hint to dirbrowser in wordpress plugin.

                  • Closes #629 Fixed bug: User is not logged in to third party script after purchase

                  • Fixed bug: Cancellation url was not available in user's payment history for paypal payment plugin.

                  • Fixed bug: User requested email messages (such as lost passwords or signup message ) were not sent and incorrectly added to email queue if limit of period email messages were reached.

                  • Filter for admin logs added

                  • Coupons export added

                  • Closes #639 - minor HTML fix

                  • Closes #634 - fixed FR states

                  • Closes #614 - for fields, require name to start with a letter

                  • Closes #609 - Incorrect redirect after login in aff module

                  • Added new block to member's area -> main screen. Block will include list of active products that user have + these products expiration dates.

                  • CSRF protection added to all admin forms

                  • Refs #636 - paypal-express IPN does not work

                  • Added default country option to Address Info brick.

                  • Added Separate display/require options for each field in address info brick.

                  • closes #597 - error during exception handling in custom app

                  • Gratefully handle situation when IPN is handled earlier than Thanks transaction

                  • Revert "better handling for thanksaction added"

                  • Added manually approve new affiliates possibility. When affiliate signup type will be set to "Only admin can add user as affiliate" and user will signup through affiliate signup form, his account will be set as not approved.

                  • Closes #508 Implemented Manually approve new users functionality.

                  • Better compatibility of css rules

                  • Skip validation for additional fields in aMember CP -> Add user form

                  • Fixed bug: After login into aMember CP admin were redirected to dashboard instead of link he clicked. (For example when admin receive email from helpdesk and click a link to open ticket, he was redirected to Dashboard instead of ticket content)

                  • Placeholder for user info in Admin user's related pages.

                  • Fixed bug: Redirects didn't happen in IE9 (wrong charset in ajax responses)

                  • Fixed bug: Affilite info tab was displayed incorrectly in IE9

                  • Added suhosin.session.encrypt check. Integration will not work when that setting enabled.

                  • Strange bug: get_magic_quotes_gpc() return false but quotes in _POST array are still being escaped. Issue happens if magic_quotes_gpc is enabled in master php.ini. Tested on system: aMember 4.1.10 PHP 5.3.8 (cgi-fcgi) with the ionCube PHP Loader v4.0.9, Copyright (c) 2002-2011, by ionCube Ltd., and with Zend Guard Loader v3.3, Copyright (c) 1998-2010, by Zend Technologies Disabled php_flag in htaccess because arrays will be escaped later in Am_Mvc_Request. ticket:

                  • Fixed bug with import of miltiple payments

                  • Currency code added

                  • Fixed paysys_id for autocreated payments and added messages for better debugging

                  • Closes #627 Fixed bug: vBulletin plguin Users were added as COPPA users into vBulletin

                  • Fixed bug: single login does not work when vBulletin installed on subdomain.

                  • Disable error if ini_set is disabled.

                  • Turkish language added

                  • Fixed bug: Unable to view user's invoices/access when user signup with coupon and that coupon was deleted.

                  • Fixed Bug: Payout info form didn;t work in IE9

                  • Fixed bug:

                  • Shopping cart: incorrect link.

                  • Fix in Invoice Log table

                  • Delete all headers sent by wordpress. It send Last-Modified header automatically and this sometime lead to "Too many redirects" problem in Firefox when try to access protected content after login.

                  • API: Added Am_Event::INVOICE_*CALCULATE hooks

                  • Implements #590 - resend IPN

                  • Closes #584 Fixed bug: WP plugin cannot detect windows aMember path

                  • Closes #571 - After import from version3, when Rebuild Db clicked, all customers are receiving e-mails

                  • Closes #581 - Product Category filter problems

                  • Implements #591 - Delete file if it is not used somewhere else

                  • Wordpress plugin: added POT file

                  • Propertly handle tax with digits after dot

                  • Propertly handle IP address instead of domain name when setting cookies

                  • Do not send notification to user for admin comments in helpdesk

                  • Wordpress plugin: New shortcode am4aff - content will be displayed only for affiliates.

                  • Closes #596 - indicate if user is locked or do not approved in user grid

                  • Wordpress plugin: am4view notactive fixed.

                  • Fixed bug: IE8 IE9 and latest version of chrome does not accept cookies if domain is set to localhost.

                  • Fixed bug: Single login didn't work when efront installed on different server.

                  • Added link to edit user profile from ticket page.

                  • Changed invoice address rendering

                  • Implements #582 - Display product category in admin-products list

                  • Fixed bug: Payments were not activated if pdf invoice template is not correct.

                  • Bug fixed: local translations with newline in string works incorrectly

                  • API: Fixed bug: "Failed loading key" errors on single login for some protection plugins.

                  • Import identify existing users by login or email (instead of just login)

                  • Sometimes Free paysystem was used even if product is not free

                  • Javascript error on signup page fixed

                  • Ability to "live" edit sort order for products in grid

                  • Bug fixed: autoloader can not load Am_Report_AffStats

                  • Signup forms now use alternative templates as choosed in form editor

                  • Norwegian language added

                  • Firstdata (linkpoint) plugin alpha

                  • cart.js: makes possible to create cart buttons and links outside of aMember

                  • DIBS payment plugin added

                  • Wordpress plugin: Added new attribute to am4guest shortcode (notactive) to disable shortcode text for not active users as well.

                  • Added prefix to aMember menu items

                  • Orion theme integration

                  • Closes #573 - in WordPress 3.3 when configuring the amember plugin, the title shows up as getTitle());?>

                  • Fixed bug: Remove unnecessary commas from invoice if user do not have address info specified.

                  • Implements #562 - Saved search can't be used in aMember CP -> Email users

                  • Fixes #543 - Cannot send headers; headers already sent in appeared in logs for file downloads

                  • Fixed a bug in "aff" module - it was never calculating "Signup" commissions

                  • Closes #564 - wrong alignment in message (helpdesk)

                  • Fixed bug: CSS styles were not displayed for urls like /~test/amember/

                  • Fixed bug: Affiliate tab was broken in Edit user screen

                  • Added invoices list to "aMember CP -> Payments" page'

                  • Implemented ability to add readme for admin setup Forms. Added readme for reCaptcha.

                  • Refs #560 - added * mark to "Name" field in signup form

                  • ClickBank: IPN timezone fixed (resulted to incorrect date for ClickBank transactions)

                  • Fixed bug: Disable autolock setting didn't work.

                  • Closes #335 - allow to choose language+locale instead of just language. Choice also affects date and numbers format

                  • Joomla plugin: Joomla 1.5 support

                  • Display plugin status warning in setup forms

                  • Added aff_id to export fields list

                  • Integration plugins: created separate fields for Primary and additional groups in Integration setup screen.

                  • Epoch payment plugin (aplpha)

                  • Fixed bug: Use of wordpress theme in aMember and whole blog protection at the same time leads to redirect loop.

                  • Implemented #519 - l18n for payment terms

                  • Implemented #549 - highlight Add/Renew button in case of it is active

                  • Implemented #540 - preselect first product&paysys in signup form

                  • Added new reports: payments from New vs Existing members, and count of user signups during period

                  • Reports UI improved. Added new reports: payment breakdown by payment system and by product

                  • Update incorrectly imported invoice_item.**_total fields

                  • Affiliate reports moved into [aff] module

                  • Problem with wrong xml from efront api partially fixed

                  • Cashu plugin (alpha)

                  • Better invoice log display

                  • Closes #544 - paypal pro double charge (dosale + createsubscription)

                  • Fixed php error in Lite.php

                  • Added Portuguese and Croatian languages

                  • Fixed bug: Redirect loop when user doesn't have access to folder.

                  • Added report by paysystems

                  • Ability to link affiliate to user manually

                  • Closes #537 - Limit affiliate commissions lifetime

                  • Closes #524 - ability to reupload removed file

                  • Do not display cron warnings in maintenance mode

                  • Closes #531 - replace products in invoice

                  • Refs #524 - show error in grid with file in case of actual file was removed from disk

                  • Closes #515 - assign %site_title%, %root_url%, and %root_surl% to any e-mail

                  • Closes #511 - Protected "Page" must redirect to login if not logged-in

                  • Closes #520 - specify mysql port on setup, and gracefully handle connection errors

                  • Closes #527 - Some "provincia" items are missing for italian costumers

                  • Closes #528 - Admin username with spaces is allowed, but login does not work

                  • Closes #528 - allow user login with space in username

                  • api: (User) $user->getExpire($productIds) function added

                  • Parse dates without named regex segments (was causing problems on some hostings)

                  • Add autocomplete to new ticket form in admin area

                  • Bug fixed: there was not ability to uncheck all checkboxes, checkbox get value from request but it is null in case of all checkboxes is unchecked

                  • Closes #529 - Check Box Field not displaying checkmark on Profile Form

                  • Fixed bug: Problem with products import from v3 if product info contains UTF-8 chars

                  • Authorize.NET CIM beta implementation

                  • Closes #532 - english typo

                  • Payanyway plugin

                  • Fixed bug: user was not redirected to target URL when click on affiliate link.

                  • Newsletter module: eliminate MySQL error in error log while subscribe/unsubscribe action

                  • Use own flag for each language instead of use US for all

                  • Implements #516 Export of custom fields

                  • Eliminated warning in _lang-choice.phtml

                  • Closes #513 - remove button from "awaiting email confirmation page"

                  • Closes #513 - warning when new-rewrite delete files

                  • Ability to add/edit description of uploaded files in popup 'Uploaded Files' dialog

                  • Closes #507 - uploaded file was not populated

                  • SWREG: correct response for refund notification

                  • xenforo integration: Increase session expire time

                  • Setting up correct multi-domain cookies for new-rewrite

                  • Added displaying of changelog content in admin dashboard

                  • Fixed problem in new-rewrite folders protection

                  • Fixed bug in PayPal plugin added by 4.1.6 update

                  • Upgrade - disable notice after upgrade is done, and update database version

                  • Fixed bug: tax was applied twice for paypal not recurring payments.

                  • Removed duplicate jquery.js load from member/layout (it will be loaded in header script)

                  • Fixed bug: Problem importing UTF-* files on some servers.

                  • Closes #494 - Change Error displayed when there is no products in signup page to something more user friendly.

                  • Changed shopping cart index page default behavior. By default all products from not hidden groups will be displayed.

                  • Bug fixed: Export action incorrectly deal with variableList if there is array in this list

                  • User Filter by Newsletter: exclude users with "unsubscribed" flag

                  • Implements #486 - hide products in signup/renewal forms that don't match "Require product/Dissallow"

                  • Fixed bug: Cart signup form generated an error when user was logged in.

                  • Fixed bug: Am_Paysystem_Action_Form didn't work correctly in cart.

                  • Closes #487 - xenForo 1.1 Integration Problem

                  • Closes #466 - new-rewrite does not work on windows under apache

                  • Mass Subscribe (simple) implemented as "Browse Users" action

                  • Closes #456 - remove <li> bullets on members page

                  • Closes #484 - removed code input from signup e-mail verification step

                  • Disable facebook widget if signup form is posted or is awaiting for e-mail confirmation

                  • Returned phone# to user fields, and added a brick for it

                  • UTF-8 import fixed

                  • Fuxed bug: Paypal plugin generate error when business email came with different characters case

                  • New modifier for variables in template: intval

                  • Closes #479 - Requiring Address on Address Brick Does Not Work

                  • Fixed bug: Even when the super-admin flag is turned off the admins all show up as super-admins in the list of admins.

                  • Implements #476 - display readable state and country name instead of ISO codes

                  • Closes #474 - PDF Invoice - Image reversed

                  • Italian translation added

                  • Closes #477 - added contribution links

                  • Closes #467 - errors in german translation

                  • Fixed bug: redirect back to /member after login and also checked other locations

                  • Closes #464 - autoresponders: saving "send immediately", goes back to 1 day

                  • Closes #475 - default sorting for products in the signup form

                  • Closes #454 - facebook: do not display on signup page if logged-in

                  • Closes #452 - display facebook graphical button

                  • Closes #448 - and do not save md5 passwords at all

                  • Do not require user first/last name in admin area

                  • Fixed bug: Unable to delete generated Demo users.

                  • Bug fixed: user_status was not updated if difference between status only in expired subscription

                  • Fixed bug: Emails were set in english even if default language was not english.

                  • Refs #465 - better error handling during file upload

                  • jquery.noConflict() support on user side for better compatibilty with WP themes

                  • Commercial FlowPlayer added to distribution

                  • Bug fixed: wordpress - post protection wasn't working in some themes.

                  • Closes #453 - disable flowplayer autoplay

                  • Closes #458 User Profile address: display always expanded, admin profile address: remember status in cookie

                  • Ability to import custom fields and address fields

                  • eFront plugin fixes

                  • SafeCart plugin

                  • Removed aMember version from public pages

                  • Ability to configure admin records-on-page in Setup/Configuration

                  • Am_Lite, Wordpress: Fixed bug: Session data was not unserialized properly if it contains UTF symbols.

                  • Fixed warnings in admincontent, adminupload controller, video files prefix changed to "video"

                  • More icons for help menu item

                  • Fix for error in helpdesk block

                  • closes #449 - issue was caused by changes of 4.1.4

                  • handle email exceptions in license controller

                  • return error code in case of errors

                  • Video uploads implemented

                  • ResourceAccess::USER_VISIBLE_PAGES - where we can redirect to (does not include VIDEO or FILE)

                  • provide NULL cache backend if none available

                  • Closes #444 - type hint error handling: log and continue.

                  • closes #447 - unsubscribe option is not working

                  • fix redirect url

                  • plugin for xenForo (redirect login/logout etc)

                  • sendpassword - 16-chars secret code is quite enough (27*2+10)^16

                  • Reworked admin reset password function. It now emails new password

                  • More secure random string generation

                  • Fixed live-editing (coupon codes, product titles, etc)

                  • CheckUniqLogin fix.

                  • Changed label for option dont_save_pass_md5

                  • Closes #438

                  • Access level Am_Lite::ONLY_LOGIN introduced

                  • Ability to protect external php files

                  • eFront testing.

                  • wordpress: Do not restrict menu items access for admin users

                  • Affiliate info import added to admin-import3

                  • Added date to affcommissioncontroller

                  • Fixed wrong class hints (caused errors with PHP 5.2.9)

                  • Fixed bug: unable to update user's provide from aMember CP when plugins were enabled.

                  • Fixed bug: don't verify can't be unchecked. Fixed bug: business email was validated even if was empty.

                  • Redesigned admin-import3, implemented newsletters import

                  • eFron plugin continue.

                  • Email Users: prevent from changing filters on preview screen and use Outgoing E-Mail address and name if configured

                  • JS error fixed

                  • Validation of login/email uniqueness in admin cp

                  • Disable cache for aMember pages + tptheme integration.

                  • Added Am_Event::ACCESS_AFTER_INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE hooks

                  • GetClicky plugin

                  • EE plugin

                  • Wordpress plugin: more compatibility with wp themes, catalyst theme integration

                  • Zombaio - add supported currencies

                  • Fixed bug: unable to save email template in html format

                  • Fixed bug: Affiliate form returned error.

                  • Avoid Am_Currency empty exception

                  • Refs #423 - outline important menu items in admin cp

                  • First v4 public release