Member Directory - Search by State

Discussion in 'Customization & add-ons' started by tokazama2, Aug 8, 2013.

  1. tokazama2

    tokazama2 aMember Pro Customer

    Feb 7, 2013
    I would like to allow visitors to my site to filter my Member Directory list by state.

    How do I go about doing this? I have set up my directory to be searchable. It still doesn't work exactly as I want. Fore Example: I want to search for members in Utah, so I enter "ut" in the search field, it pulls up people from Utah, but also anyone with a name or company that contains the letters "ut".

    Additionally, Is there a way to filter by more than one criteria?

    Eventually, I would like to put together a map like discussed here:
    detective likes this.
  2. hpca

    hpca New Member

    Oct 19, 2012
    Are the filter item fields listed predefined, or can any data fields collected by the system (presuming from the member/user profile) be filtered on shown here in the table. amember_memberdir_filterbyitem1.png

    Similarly, can the table be a subset of full members? Our "members" are both business advisors and their clients. Each use different information product subscriptions and site resources. We'd like the site directory any site visitor to see be the advisor directory listing. Perhaps later a subset of the same global member lists for those clients who have reached a preferred vendor status (i.e. for exposure to the other members) where only fellow members can see preferred members.

  3. tokazama2

    tokazama2 aMember Pro Customer

    Feb 7, 2013
    Hi Gary,

    The directory can be for your business advisors only, their clients only or both. You can have more than one directory. When setting up the directory you can select the different filter items available to the end user.

    Our premium membership is a membership for companies. Each company location can add subusers. We also have teach CPE courses. So on our site I have several types of directories.
    Does that answer your question?

  4. hpca

    hpca New Member

    Oct 19, 2012
    Yes, thanks! You did answer my questions.

    I remember your site from back when I asked if anyone had a public installation / viewable example to take a look at. At the time, perhaps around your Feb 7th post above, it was as you said, you could search for UT and get UTah listings, Butte, MT, a contact name John Rutgers, anything with "ut" in it.

    I noticed that appeared to have been addressed before I posted above, but I wanted to make sure you could build any captured field, including custom fields that we want people to be able to filter down to . . . such as advisor specialties (like CPA specialties on your site), but also geographical areas / markets that are smaller than a state (e.g. Chicago area, Northern IL, South-Central WI, etc.).

    I've seen enough from your site relative to this plugin's functionality and believe it will best serve our needs as compared to other WordPress plugins we were considering for better search - the problem with those would have been that you don't want to force a user to enter same/similar information about themselves or their business multiple time if you can avoid it. With the aM Member Directory plugin, it feeds right off Customer entered / maintained data.

    Thanks again,

    PS: I also like the map launching page you referred to here:
  5. detective

    detective New Member

    Nov 8, 2013

    First up - fantastic site you have.​

    I am new to amember and considering the Directory plugin. Can you clear something up regarding the Directory plugin?​

    Can it not can it not, display custom member profile fields?​

    Cheers and thanks.​
  6. tokazama2

    tokazama2 aMember Pro Customer

    Feb 7, 2013
  7. detective

    detective New Member

    Nov 8, 2013
    Hi There.

    I know that standard fields can be used for sorting members in Directory listing. Is there a way that you know of for sorting custom fields?

    Cheers again
  8. detective

    detective New Member

    Nov 8, 2013
    Don't worry I figured it out.

    I needed to make the fields SQL, not Data, then use VARCHAR (255). After that the fields were soratble in Directory.

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