How would I accomplish this in Wordpress?

Discussion in 'Free Talk for Website Owners and Webmasters' started by jackgordon, Sep 3, 2009.

  1. jackgordon

    jackgordon Member

    Mar 23, 2009

    I have a new Wordpress site I am trying to get going, and am having a little trouble trying to get it just right.

    I need a forum, a calendar and a directory. Ideally, they would all integrate to the point that there is a single registration driving member ability to update all three sections.

    I currently have WP Forum from VastHTML installed, which works well.

    I also have Business Directory for Wordpress installed, which does not let people post, edit or delete listings by themselves (without admin intervention)

    I also have Events Calendar which is the same - the admin must do all posting.

    Are there any plugins that would give me the directory and calendar functionality under the same registration my users set up for the forum? Up to this point, I had not considered using aMember to accomplish this, but I am interested in feedback either way (pro aMember or aMember not necessary)

    The reason I had not considered aMember was that I was interested in the extreme level of integration provided by using WP plugins rather than third party applications. But I am starting to get the feeling that this is not doable without a lot of coding.

    Hopefully, this makes sense...

    Thanks for any suggestions!

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