How to display content to both guest and members without access to product?

Discussion in 'Setting-up protection' started by powerkeys, Jan 4, 2019.

  1. powerkeys

    powerkeys Member

    Aug 29, 2006
    First, let me say that I've been using aMember for many years, but am just starting to integrate it with WordPress.

    Here's what I would like to accomplish:

    I want to create a set of pages, one per product, and have the page display the sales copy for both guests and members who have not yet purchased this specific product, and display the download materials IN PLACE OF the sales copy for those who HAVE purchased this product.

    So far, my testing shows that the shortcodes will allow me to display the sales copy to EITHER guest OR non-qualified members, but not to both. At least without resorting to duplicating the content for each shortcode, which would be a headache to manage when editing the content.

    Using a shortcode with the condition that content be shown if someone DOES NOT have access to the product results in the content being hidden from guest, who would not have access to the product. (Personally, I think this is a bug.)

    The only way I've found that COULD work would be to insert the sales copy into an error message. But then I lose the ability to edit this with WYSIWYG.

    Have I missed something, or is this a bug?
  2. powerkeys

    powerkeys Member

    Aug 29, 2006
    On a related topic, I'd also like to find out how to display content to members who have ONE OF a list of products, and not just ALL OF THEM. Again, this is within a single WordPress page.

    For this, my specific use case is within the downloads. On a particular download page, I'll have files that are part of both a "basic" and "advanced" version of the product, and other files that are only available to those who have purchased the "advanced" version.

    Again, I know I can duplicate the content for both member levels (or 3 or 5, depending on the specific files), but I'd rather not duplicate content.

    Thanks for any assistance you can offer.
  3. powerkeys

    powerkeys Member

    Aug 29, 2006
    Please disregard my last question -- upon testing the shortcodes, I found that they do work as an EITHER/OR rather than the AND which was indicated in the help text.

    Still would like a way to display content to both non-qualified members and guest without duplicating that content.

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