Coppermine Plugin won't accept two subscriptions

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by microlinx, Oct 2, 2016.

  1. microlinx

    microlinx aMember Pro Customer

    Oct 26, 2004
    For years I have been using Coppermine Gallery plugin for one single subscription product, no problems.

    Recently I switched membership to two years for the initial period at one price, then when that subscription expires, the member can rejoin for a discounted amount for another two years using a renewal product.

    I am using two different products: 1. the initial full priced two years, followed by: 2. the two year extension that requires an expired main subscription (1) to purchase.

    So, regarding the Coppermine plugin functionality:

    It works fine with the initial membership, but if I add a second active subscription for the renewal product, the plugin stops working and the member is still set to "guest" status in coppermine admin.

    I can even modify the initial subscription to active and the renewal to active and yet the user is still "guest" level in Coppermine.

    However, if I simply remove the renewal it works again. So why do two active memberships not enable the member to "registered" status in coppermine?

    And Yes, I did add the renewal product to the CMG integration.
  2. microlinx

    microlinx aMember Pro Customer

    Oct 26, 2004
    Ok, need to update some facts....
    I guess it does not matter if you remove the renewal product. The original product access still does not work even if you modify the expiration date to the distant future.

    So, the problem appears to be that new product sales are fine. But when the product expires, Coppermine gets set from "registered" to "guest" - a state from which there is no return via the plugin. I have to manually set the user back to registered in coppemine admin.

    Maybe I have an outdated CPG plugin version...probably from 2012 or so.
  3. caesar

    caesar aMember Pro Developer Staff Member

    Oct 16, 2009
    Coppermine Integration Plugin support multiple groups. Do you mind to contact us in helpdesk?
    We will check your configuration.

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