The price is now way to high!!

Discussion in 'Pre-Sales Questions' started by Unregistered, Feb 1, 2004.

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  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I haven't been around for a long time, but when I came back to buy the script for $99.95 you have raised the price to alllmost $140..!! No thanks!

    I will NOT buy for $140 but if you lower the price back to $99 you might get a new customer here...
  2. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    We will not make price lower, but we will offer different discounts sometimes.

    If $140 is too high, you may start with free version, make some money, then switch to pro. aMember is a script to make money, so I don't understand why $140 is a problem.
  3. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Well, if you offer that discount right now I will buy... $99.95 :)
  4. pilot

    pilot New Member

    May 24, 2003
    Price too High ? I do'nt think so. Trouble is it's been TOO CHEAP for too long.
    Amemberpro is rock solid and a damned good program with bundles of versatility and supurb suport. There is an open forum that users and NON users can converse with any problems they have, and Alex even supports that from time to time.

    There is a competitor that sells its product ( I wont say similar ) at $149.95 and Amemberpro is only $139.95 Amemberpro is cheaper and twice as good.

    You want to sleep at night knowing that Amemberpro is quitely running your subscriptions perfectly, and collecting your money in perfect security..... with no holes in the software you can drive a bus through !!!

    If you are making money on your site, you do not want nasty problems, that will cost you a darn site more than the reasonable price of this Gem program.
    If you do hit problems... you need support. Do you get it ? well take a peek at the testimonials.

    Remember ! Password sharing prevention built-in ($80 value!)
    * Free installation included ($74.95 value!) Is true value by experts in the field.

    I wish you good luck if you will only part with $99 odd dollars, and there was plenty of notice that the price was going up. but Amemberpro is still excellent value, Scripts of this quality sell for a lot more $$$

    Amemberpro User
  5. abbeyvet

    abbeyvet New Member

    Feb 2, 2003
    I agree with Pilot - it's a bargain at its current price and was underpriced for too long.

    A 39.95 script that is poorly written and poorly supported is expensive. A 139.95 script that is well written, minimises the time involved in setting something up and is superbly supported is a bargain. It is not the price that determines value - it is the quality of what you get for it.
  6. chris

    chris Guest

    I agree also it's a great script and support is always there when ya need it no matter when. I didnt pay $139 for the script but it was the best script I have bought and I have got a few rotten ones.

    spend the $139 for it you will be glad ya did.
  7. vbskinz

    vbskinz New Member

    Feb 12, 2003
    You get what you pay for.
    The support alone is worth the money...
  8. Ivan

    Ivan Guest

    The price is to high!!

    Alex, please boost price to $240 if you don't understand why $140 is a problem.
    I agree with topic starter and I will NOT buy for $140 (enlargement = 40%).

    Ivan Solins
  9. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    Ivan, thank you for suggestion, I will think about.
  10. pilot

    pilot New Member

    May 24, 2003
    Iven.. there is a saying..... You pay your money and make your choice. Tread carefully when you do buy your membership script and check out the support, and see who has purchsed the script before you to see if any problems occur. $99 or less is a heck of a lot of money to waste.
  11. Regs

    Regs New Member

    May 5, 2003
    I agree... if you didn't pay for the PRO version when it was $99 (a steal), who are you to be in a position to criticize a price increase?

    Alex has a very good thing going here and it's a testiment to him that he even has a featured FREE version that allows you to make money. I know I couldn't do it :D

    Cheers to Alex,

  12. Brian

    Brian Guest

    If the price of $139 is too high for you, then I would guess you do not have a good reason to buy it. I bought the pro version, because I knew it would help me sell $65 and $29 server software all day long. How long do you think it took me to recoupe my investment? Not long, about 1.5 days.

    Take your broke ass and buy a $14 PHP book and build your own system. Then you can have a free membership system. (if you have $14)
  13. partang2

    partang2 Guest

    I was going to buy today after not beeing around here for a long time. But when I saw that you had raised the price: No thanks! To bad because I am sure that you don't have to many users...? The script looks ok but there are a matter of price here as everywhere else.
  14. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Yupp the price is way to high. And what happends when a script costs to much? The warez guys get's it, decrypts it and gives it away for free!

    I know where they are giving your last version away for free. Did you think that you where safe because you encrypted the files? There are pro's out there who decrypts it fast as hell..! To bad, maybe you should have lowered your price before after all....
  15. Brian

    Brian Guest


    I would suggest that you turn on "Registration Required to View/Post" for the forum. Also also send emails to confirm email addresses given.

  16. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Shut up Brian! Did anyone talk to you??
  17. Brian

    Brian Guest

    Alex, please feel free to delete these messages from unregistered users, who are wasting disk space.
  18. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    Dear "Unregistered"!

    Why so much emotions? You don't seem like a happy warez customer. :D :D
    If you've got aMember Pro for free, why worry about price, buddy?

    You say price is too high. It is market, baby! If price is too high, go to and order another script with price which you like. Why do you loose time here with us? May be the price is really not so high?

    2Brian: thank you for support, registration is now enabled in the forum. 5-6 more such idiots and registration will be available for aMember Pro customers only.
  19. Ivan

    Ivan Guest

    Alex, I would suggest that you turn of Forum Registration for all idiots who didn't bought aMember Pro.
  20. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    I'm not going to do so and I don't consider those who did not order aMember Pro as idiots.

    However I will consider as idiots those who is not going to order it and have insolence to REQUIRE something from us. If someone just ASKS, I'm always ready to help somehow.
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