Subscription Ends And Affiliate Programs

Discussion in 'Pre-Sales Questions' started by Nick, Oct 10, 2003.

  1. Nick

    Nick Guest

    Hi, I'm another frustrated Dreamaccount 'user' (I have never actually gone live with it due to the problems!! :angry: ) looking for something that actually works. I know I'm not going to get exactly what I need straight out of the box, but it looks like aMember customisation is well supported.

    I am trying to set up an automated system to handle a course that comes in 10 parts. I want the customer to choose the subscription option to suit them - weekly, bi-weekly, monthly - as well as an option to purchase access to the complete course in one go.

    When the customer takes the subscription option I want them to receive a new part of the course each time a confirmed payment is made (I plan on using both PayPal and 2CheckOut recurring billing for these options). Can this be done from within aMemberPro or am I going to have to write a script that sits in my protected directory, gets a pass through of the member id through sessions or url, and checks the number of completed payments for that member to decide which parts of the course they can see?

    Once the 10 subscription payments have been made the customer should continue to have unlimited access to the course they have purchased. As I understand aMember, the member will be set to inactive after the final payment period has expired. Is it possible to transfer a subscription to 'lifetime' at the end of the payment period?

    I really want to be able to market this through an affiliate program, but I need to be sure that:

    1. I can fully integrate an affiliate management solution with aMember. (any suggestions for packages that have already been successfully integrated would be appreciated - preferably 2 tier capable.)

    2. aMember needs to be able to update the affiliate system with the completed automatic subscription payments so that the referer gets paid for all 10 subscription payments, not just the first.

    I am really hoping aMember will live up to the praise it receives. :D


    Nick Summers
  2. alex-adm

    alex-adm Guest


    Yes, it will be necessary to write small PHP code to count number of user's subscriptions and output corresponding info,
    all necessary info will be already in PHP session - so it is easy to do. I will help if needed.

    It is easy to make subscription lifetime - you just set subscription period to 20 years (for example).

    Affiliate program integration is another hard question - customization is necessary to handle subscription payments. However, I believe it won't be hard to do it. I have no recommendations for this issue, but I know Ultimate Affiliate works fine with aMember.

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