Special menu for payment page

Discussion in 'Customization & add-ons' started by pablo_raissiguier, Jan 25, 2015.

  1. pablo_raissiguier

    pablo_raissiguier New Member

    Jan 21, 2015

    I'm working on a site that uses amember and my client wants to have a different menu from the member menu for the Payment page and a special layout only for that page.

    I made a quick fix for this. First of all, I made a script in site.php to check the URI and if it equals to "/payment/" remove some items from the navigation. But my client don't want this fix, and wants a special menu for that page. Then I made a new layout with a "hardcoded" menu.

    I was wondering how can I do it the "right" way (using backend features).

    I found some documentation here, but it applies to the member menu and the whole site. I need a new menu "generator" only for the Payment page (generate the menu in the layout-payments.phtml I made).

    The new menu only has to have Dashboard and Edit Profile links. How can I accomplish that?

    Sorry for my bad English! :/
  2. thehpmc

    thehpmc Member

    Aug 24, 2006
    Not sure what you are trying to achieve but remember, if you alter any aMember core file, that file is always liable to be overwritten during any new version release so you might need to redo any modifications you make after any upgrade.

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