Set Fixed Rebill Date For CIM - Confused with language in dashboard.

Discussion in 'Payments processing' started by underwear, May 23, 2012.

  1. underwear

    underwear Member

    Feb 6, 2012
    Hello there,

    We need to set all of our re-bills in CIM to a set date prior to the 15th of each month due to way we are using the plugin. We're sending out packages of underwear and socks each month to our members and need to be sure that we aren't sending it to anyone who decides to cancel in the gap of time when we're pulling our inventory/orders together.

    I went to 'Products', scrolled down to the start date area and saw that we can set a 'fixed' date. Right now I have the following settings:

    • Last existing subscription date for the product
    • Payment date

    We need to process their payment immediately in order to send them a confirmation that their subscription has been accepted. And then set a date for re-bill. But the description/help text next to the 'Start Date Calculation' field says,

    "rules for subscription start date calculation. MAX date from alternatives will be chosen. This settings has no effect for recurring subscriptions.."

    What does that mean? And can I set first payment to 'immediately process' then the rebill date to a fixed date, say the 10th of every month?

    Thank you for the clarification/help. I might just be reading it wrong and making an issue out of nothing.

  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    This setting is for access start date calculation only.
    It is usefull when user can purchase multiple instances of the same product, so aMember can add access with start date set to today or start date set to the end of current subscription.
    Unfortunately you can't configure rebills to run on exact date.

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