Passing Name Over in Payment Modules...

Discussion in 'Customization & add-ons' started by gswaim, Feb 9, 2004.

  1. gswaim

    gswaim CGI-Central Partner

    Jul 2, 2003
    Alex & Gang

    I am testing a new installation of aMember Pro and all is going well, Thanks for your great support. There is one feature about the payment module that I would like to see possibly changed.

    I use the 2checkout payment module. When aMember passes the transaction over to 2checkout it automatically enters the name on the credit card information page. There is no way to change the name from this page.

    The problem is in many cases a person may be paying for product with a credit card that does not have the exact same name that was passed over from aMember. He could be using his business card, a friend's card, a family member's card, etc.

    The problem is that when you enter the billing address of the card you are using and a name that does not match the card's real user owner's name the card is often rejected because it looks fraudulent.

    The only work around to this now is to go back to aMember and change the name to match the name on the credit card and redo the transaction.

    Simply put, it would be better to NOT pass over to the payment processor the name from aMember. This gives the user the flexibility to use any card he/she chooses.

    Maybe others that read this post will comment as to this being a problem or not.

    Anyway, could you tell me how to modify the code to not pass the name over during checkout?

    Thanks again for a great product and great service!


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