Need some help figuring out what is viable or not

Discussion in 'Pre-Sales Questions' started by bongpig, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. bongpig

    bongpig New Member

    Jan 4, 2013
    Hello all

    Before I ask the questions, ill outline how our site ( ) currently works:-

    We have a wordpress membership site where there are currently 2 tiers. "Subscriber" and "paid subscriber". This is achieved using a plugin called s2member. Subscribers can sign up for free and gain access to a demo of our game and can post on the forum. ( bbpress )
    We dont have any Paid Subscribers yet. When we do, it'll be a one off payment that turns their membership level to "paid subscriber". We will have an email form in the game demo. When a player inputs an email we check it against the Wordpress user database and confirm their membership level. If they are confirmed as a paid member then we unlock the demo turning it into the full game. It not, the game remains locked as a demo only.

    Also, we want paid members to gain access to a private "alpha" forum which is invisible to anybody else. Further down the line we want to introduce different levels of paid subscriber which will unlock different features in the game as well as other goodies.

    Now... the problem so far is that I have to use several plugins in wordpress to achieve all the above. And still there is no way to protect one of the BBpress forums which is totally essential for us. On the surface, aMember looks like it can take care of many of the functions we need in a single environment.

    So, my questions:-

    - We currently have around 10k subscribers but no paid subscribers. If we move over to amember we would do that before we start selling the memberships. It is simple to move all our existing members from the Wordpress database to amember?

    - Our game code needs to check the user databases to check the membership level of a player when they input their registration email. This is relatively simple in wordpress by looking at the user and metauser tables. Would this work the same way in amember? As in, does amember also store its user info in a SQL database on our server that we can access?

    - Currently amember does not interface with bbpress so we would probably switch to pbpBB or vBulletin. Can somebody confirm that it is relatively simple to set up a forum with several sub forums, where we can make one of the sub-forums and all the posts inside protected? ( from anybody but paid members ). Also, does anybody recommend a particular forum that works well with amember?

    I would really appreciate some help with the above. I apologetics for the long winded post. To anybody still reading, thank you! :)

  2. gswaim

    gswaim CGI-Central Partner

    Jul 2, 2003

    In your case I think it would be best to do an import, but based on the size of this project, I would rather Alexander (or David) input on this too.

    Based on my testing (see this screencast) it looks like aMember does protect access to a bbPress forum.
  3. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Regular import will not work because there is no way to import encrypted passwords yet (this is planned for future versions).
    But you can copy users to am_user table directly and this will work because aMember use the same password format as wordpress.
  4. sheila_r

    sheila_r aMember Pro Customer

    Aug 29, 2006
    Hi Alexander,

    What is the time frame for having an option of importing encrypted passwords? We are in a similar situation (except we are planning to import several thousand users from our Invision forum).

    Thank you.
  5. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    I believe it will be available in 4.1.16 (in three - four weeks )

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