My own HTTP client (in place of browser)

Discussion in 'Pre-Sales Questions' started by Alex&er, Jun 17, 2004.

  1. Alex&er

    Alex&er Guest

    Subscriptions to use my software (a client)

    I have a new use for aMember. I don't believe any changes will be necessary to aMember but I would like to be sure. Here is the plan:

    At my website a user buys a subscription to use my software and downloads it. aMember handles the subscriptions like normal.

    My software acts like a client. When it is run, my software connects to my website and verifies the user's subscription to use it. My software just submits an HTTP form or post to an aMember login as if it is a web browser. My program would then interpret the result and store the aMember cookies if the subscription was active. (If not it will open their real web browser to my subsciptions page.)

    Later my program uses HTTP to get files and information from protected areas of my website. My program would include the aMember cookies in the requests, just like a web browser would. Some of the requests would be handled by my own php scripts on my website, within the protected areas.

    Do you see any problems with this plan? Thank you greatly for your help. :)
  2. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    Yes, it will work just well and I see no troubles here at all.

    It will be better to use not cookies, but htpasswd protection. In you case, it will be easier to implement, and anyway invisible for user.
  3. Alex&er

    Alex&er Guest

    Yes, for what I described, htpasswd would probably work well. However I do need features offered by php_include with mod_rewrite. I will have an Invision board and member areas for real web browsing, so no popup login is good. I also need to reduce password sharing. I went ahead and added cookie handling to my application.

    One problem may occur when my program launches a web browser for the user to go to a protected page on my site. My program has the cookie but the web browser doesn't. I think the solution is to send the user first to a redirect script that accepts the cookie and destination URL from it's URL. It then generates a page that sets the cookie and redirects the user to the destination URL. I can set that up.

    Thanks for the quick reply. I've been getting my site ready to place my order!

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