Multiple Wordpress Integrations

Discussion in 'Integration' started by doyo, Apr 5, 2015.

  1. doyo

    doyo aMember Pro Customer

    Aug 16, 2012
    In following the steps, all 4 steps, on this doc page:
    I was able to integrate a second wordpress blog at my website.

    For your reference while reading the rest of this post- I copied the /wordpress/ integration folder and renamed the copy /wordpress1/

    However, when a person attempted to purchase a subscription to my website, she received a fatal error. The error was related to the second wordpress integration. To be more specific, to the bricks.php in the /wordpress1/ folder.

    I apologise for not posting the exact error, but I fixed it rather quickly and I do not want to go back and recreate it for this post.

    To fix the error, I renamed every instance of "wordpress" to "wordpress1" in the bricks.php. That fixed the error. I didn't stop at the bricks.php file, I replaced every instance of "wordpress" to "wordpress1" in the files
    • api.php
    • network.php
    • wordpress1.php
    • default/layout.phtml -- changed get('wordpress') to get('wordpress1')
      and, even though I am not actually using the themes listed, in the various /theme-name/layout.phtml, I changed get('wordpress') to get('wordpress1').

    All of the files mentioned above are located in the renamed /wordpress1/ folder. The original folder /wordpress/ is in the file path of: /amember/application/default/plugins/protect/wordpress​

    Heads-up- What I posted above might or might not have been the correct thing to do. I have not found any problems with it so far, but let it be known that I am no expert on this matter.
  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Thanks for the information.
    What aMember version do you have installed?
    I just tested this on my local install, that instruction is correct, no additional steps are required.
    So I believe this was fixed since your version already
  3. doyo

    doyo aMember Pro Customer

    Aug 16, 2012
    I'll check and see ...
    I have aMember Pro™ 4.5.3

    I'll see if wordpress plugins are versioned ...
    According the wordpress.php in the folder
    it is const PLUGIN_REVISION = '4.5.1';

    Perhaps my plugin is not the latest version? I'll be sure to update it soon.

    Thank You!
  4. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Yes you should upgrade your plugins to latest version.
    Current version is 4.5.3

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