Members Products Disappeared!! HELP!!!

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by chrisgeo, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. chrisgeo

    chrisgeo New Member

    Apr 5, 2012
    I moved my website to a new server and now all of the member status changed to "future" and none of the members are showing any products! I saved two DB backups before I did this. I'm not sure what to do other than to go in there manually and assign products to each member with expiration dates based on their transaction logs. Some members have been added manually so that would mean I would have to go through the manual payment records in order to fix this. Please tell me there is another solution.

    And yes, I've gone through all of the basic trouble shooting steps like rebuilding the core and invoice DB

    And yes, the products are all still there. But it's missing in the actual users profiles. It's ALL of them.

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