Incorporate Custom Signup Form on a Login Page - HOW?

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by miso, Dec 7, 2011.

  1. miso

    miso aMember Pro Customer

    Aug 22, 2006
    Anybody got some examples, code samples how to do this?

    I am trying to figure out the easiest way to do incorporate a custom signup form into a login page/template...
  2. scottlott

    scottlott Member

    Jun 17, 2010
    I tried doing the same thing. I ended up just stripping aMember of most styling, set the background color to the color on my webpage, and called the amember signup form itself inside an iframe on my webpage:

    <center><iframe id="the_iframe" onLoad="calcHeight();" src="/amember/signup" frameborder="0" width="750px" height="600px"></iframe></center>
  3. gswaim

    gswaim CGI-Central Partner

    Jul 2, 2003
    I am not exactly what level of customization you had in mind, but a lot can be done with the Form Editor (found in the Configuration section). You can create an unlimited number of signup/sales pages each with a unique URL.

    You can include any or all of the following components:

    • Product(s) - You can specify exactly which products or categories to include on the form
    • Payment System(s) - You can specify which payment system to provide
    • Name - Will hide if logged in
    • Email - Will hide if logged in - Can configure to send email verification
    • Username - Will hide if logged in
    • Password - Will hide if logged in
    • Address Info
    • Phone
    • Coupon
    • User Agreement
    • Newsletter Signup
    • Custom Fields
  4. davidm1

    davidm1 aMember User & Partner

    May 16, 2006
    I think Miso is looking for a way to allow more flexibility in the overall design of the signup page- I was thinking of this too. Eg If i want a video squeeze page template:
    Headline Area
    |video| signup area
    Bullet Point area
    Signup area again

    Ability to use the existing form editor in this. Maybe add the WYSIWYG interface to the form editor?
    Or add more bricks (that you can put HMTL in)?

    Or use wordpress to create the signup page, lots of templates for this already, and have shortcodes insert amember signup fields, or have amember buttons on the wordpress WYSIWYG editor.

  5. miso

    miso aMember Pro Customer

    Aug 22, 2006

    I know how to create the custom forms dummy style... but as far as coding goes, how do I take that custom form and slap other stuff around it?

    Or how do I take that custom form and embed it into an existing template somewhere, around other content, say on login page for example?

    Looking way past what the admin menu can offer... and into heavy duty customization/coding.
  6. getknown

    getknown aMember Pro Customer

    May 30, 2012
    Hi David,

    Is this possible? I have a page in wordpress which I have a countdown timer and auto play video selling them. they get 10 minutes to sign up or its gone forever and the timer blocks the page when reaching zero. The video and timer is easy but the SIGN UP form?? I thought this would be easy where you just paste the code in, similar to a mailchimp piece of code. I could make squeeze pages, landing pages galore and increase conversions by keeping them on the page and as they fill out the form they hear me speak in the video. Otherwise if they get sent to another page, they will be gone. Anyone got a solution?
  7. chatters

    chatters New Member

    Mar 1, 2014

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