.htaccess + cookie problem?

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by imathtutor, Nov 1, 2015.

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  1. imathtutor

    imathtutor New Member

    Nov 10, 2013
    I am using aMember Pro 4.3.6.
    I offer a free subscription to calculus practice tests and premium subscriptions to the corresponding solutions sets.

    There are twelve test-solution set pairs divided evenly among three groups corresponding to two midterms and a final. All of the practice tests reside in a protected folder that all subscribers are granted access to. Each of the solution sets resides in its own protected folder and depending on the subscription, a user may have access to none, one, two,...etc of these folders.

    The problem is with access to the practice tests in the second midterm group. A subscriber attempting to access a particular practice test can only access it if they have a subscription which grants them access to the corresponding solution set. For example, a user with a subscription which grants access to Exam II Solution Set B, but not the other solutions sets in that group, can access Practice Test B, but not Practice Tests A, C or D. If this user attempted to access Practice Test A, C or D they are redirected to a page with the message that they don't have access to the folder with contains Solution Set A, C or D, respectively.

    This problem does not occur with the Midterm Exam I or Final Exam groups. All users can access all of the practice tests in these two groups, as they should.

    I double checked all of my permissions and all of the links and found no errors.

    I've been using aMember for a couple of years. This problem has only developed within the past few months.
    The only changes I have made prior to this onset of the problem is a responsive redesign of my site.

    My guess is that aMember is incorrectly writing the cookie which is read by the .htaccess file. Does this sound right? And if so how can I fix it?
  2. imathtutor

    imathtutor New Member

    Nov 10, 2013
    Okay, I've solved the problem. I found that in addition to an .htaccess file in the parent folder, the sub-folders containing each of the practice tests for exam II had .htaccess files in them. Once these were deleted the problem went away. I am not sure how these got in those sub-folders, although it may be a remnant of a previous product grouping.
    caesar likes this.
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