How to Migrate from S2Member to Amember?

Discussion in 'Pre-Sales Questions' started by vpbay, Dec 21, 2017.

  1. vpbay

    vpbay New Member

    Sep 9, 2016
    Is there any auto way to migrate all of the user levels, data and in-post hiding shortcodes from S2member to Amember?
  2. halmaclean

    halmaclean aMember Pro Customer

    Aug 30, 2013
    I don't know s2member very well - I know about it, and how it is used in wordpress. If I've got the right idea, your wordpress users are assigned levels and the shortcodes in wordpress are used to control who sees what. So if a post shortcode does not meet your membership level, you are invited to upgrade. If it does, then you can go on through and read it.

    So, yes - you can do this in aMember too. Whether there is a direct migration is doubtful, but you may not need it. It'll depend on how complex your system is, but basically, you could export the user list from wordpress, complete with shortcodes, and use these as user groups in aMember. You may want to do this one at a time per wordpress user type... import into aMember, assign usergroups to match your wordpress system, and repeat for each user type.

    When done you should have aMember filled with users allocated to different user groups. You can now use that information to control what people see - and you can do this in different ways. For example, you could assign a specific product to a specific usergroup (say.. wordpress guest as a usergroup gets assigned product 1). The product can then have rules to define what the user can and cannot see.

    It'll take a bit of thinking, I don't believe there is a simple like-for-like migration, but in essence it could be done, IMO.

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