Help with changing from Google Checkout to Infusionsoft

Discussion in 'Payments processing' started by susanusa, Jun 12, 2012.

  1. susanusa

    susanusa New Member

    Mar 16, 2011
    Can someone point me to where I can find the step-by-step instructions for changing my payment processor from Google Checkout to Infusionsoft?

    I purchased the Infusionsoft plugin and I've loaded it into my aMember folder. But I don't know how to change the setup on the Admin page of aMember.

    Is there a video showing the steps for setting up the payment processor? I don't want to mess things up and I'm good at following instructions.

  2. distressedpro

    distressedpro New Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    If you haven't already discovered then what you're probably going to find out is that you'll run your payments through infusionsoft and through a cron job the member gets logged in aMember. Its a wee bit clunky. People will no longer buy through aMember at all and the communication does not go both ways the member is input to aMember but data doesn't go from aMember to infusionsoft except when you do a 'rebuild'. I'm guessing you've already discovered this.

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