Get expiring and not renewed users

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by cpaprotna, Mar 23, 2017.

  1. cpaprotna

    cpaprotna Member

    Dec 23, 2013
    How do I filter for users that have a product that expires on a specific date, but did not purchase a renewal. The way all of our renewals work, the end date is always April 1st and the new product starts on April 1st and goes for a year. If we filter for people who have a product expiring on April 1st, 2017, it still shows the people that already purchased their renewal and have a future product for April 1st, 2017-April 1st 2018. I need to know how to remove everyone who expires on April 1st 2017, but doesn't have a product that expires after that. Basically, I'd like to filter on the final Expire date that shows in the browse user window.
  2. caesar

    caesar aMember Pro Developer Staff Member

    Oct 16, 2009

    I believe it is possible to implement custom search criteria for advanced user search.
    Do you mind to contact us in helpdesk?

    Best Regards.

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