Expired Members able to view registered joomla content

Discussion in 'Setting-up protection' started by contino1, Sep 23, 2011.

  1. contino1

    contino1 New Member

    Sep 23, 2011
    I hope someone can shed some light on this challenge:

    When an expired member logs in, instead of being redirected to the update/renewal page, they are given complete access to the registered content (menu and its items are all designated as "registered" in Joomla 1.5).

    The user is correctly being changed to "Public Front-end."

    To my understanding:
    1. I thought the redirect to the renewal was built in to amember. Am I wrong? If I'm right, any ideas on why this is not happening? Is there a way to make this happen?
    2. A public front end person should NOT be the same as "registered" so the content marked as "registered" should be blocked, right?

    I've looked all over the net and cannot find a solution.


  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Plugin do not modify Joomla's default behavior.
    It only change groups for user in Joomla database.
    If Joomla allow to access registered content for "Public Frontend" users, try to unset amember CP -> Setup -> Joomla -> Default Group setting.
    Plugin will block user on expiration then.
  3. honweb

    honweb New Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    Was this problem resolved,
    I run a joomla 1.5 site with amember 3.23 pro and joomla plugin . Our memberships run for one year. we implemented this a little over one year ago.
    I'm having the same problem. Even though the expired user's user group is changed from registered to public Front-end. The expired users are still able to access content set to registered.
    In joomla you can't set the user group to Public Front-end. if you try to you get this response "Please select another Group. Public Front-end is not a selectable option."
    Amember is able to set them to Public Front-end but, which it seems is it's intended method to block joomla content.
    In joomla it looks like Public Front-end is the public user level as in (not registered - not logged in - Public Access only). once a user has a profile in joomla and is logged in it appears that it allows them the minimum access level of "registered". It is not a good Idea to set amember users to a level higher than registered. That would give them privliges to make changes to the site. plus the only access levels available for content in joomla 1.5 are public, registered and Special.
    I'm not an expert so this is mostly observation and conjecture.
    Can you show me a way to restrict expired users from content and allow users with current subscriptions by using Amember with Joomla 1.5?
    Thank you
  4. honweb

    honweb New Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    Oh also,
    When I have the plugin amember CP -> Setup -> Joomla -> Default Group setting set to ***No Integration*** and they log in to amember they are not logged into Joomla and I can not make use of the session data.
  5. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Please try suggestion above (unset Default level setting in plugin configuration) and test on new expirations.
    Also, are you able to setup content to be available for Special users only? This way default level can be set to registered and in aMembger CP -> Manage Products -> Edit Product -> Joomla access you can select Special group, so aMember will add paid users to special group in Joomla.

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