Compatibility Question

Discussion in 'Pre-Sales Questions' started by Melina, Nov 2, 2003.

  1. Melina

    Melina Guest


    I am thinking of purchasing aMember. I am currently using Groundbreak's Membership Manager and
    Ultimate Affiliate and using PaySystems TPP- Sale recurring billing system.

    Before I purchase aMember, I would like to know a few things.

    1. Can I easily import my current membership base from Membership Manager into to aMember?

    2. I notice from postings on this forum that aMember can be integrated with UA. How much will this cost?
    I currenntly have the postback URL point to the UA script. If I change this to point to aMember, will I
    still be able to use UA?

    3. Is recurring membership and membership cancellation automated with aMember and PaySystems'
    TPP-Sale account?

    4. I current use one database for both my members and affiliates data. Would this be okay with aMember
    or do I need to set up a new database?

    5. I'm planning to add PayPal and possibly Worldpay as alternative payment options. Will the UA
    intergration continue to work with all payment method?

    6. Is recurring membership and membership cancellation automated with PayPal and Worldpay?

    Thank you in advance,
  2. alex-adm

    alex-adm Guest

    Hi Melina,
    1. We can do this import for you for $35 fee. aMember Pro installation is free.
    2. Yes, we will do necessary changes to aMember if needed.
    3. Yes, everything is automated. however, there is 1-2 hours delay with first payment processing. This delay is related with, not with aMember Pro - I believe you are aware of.
    4. aMember Pro always can be installed to existing database - no new database required.
    5. It would be better to ask UA support if you plan to pay comissions from recurring payments. If you don't plan it, it will work 100%.
    6. Yes, 100%.

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