An internal error happened in the script, please contact webmaster for details

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by uroemer, May 14, 2013.

  1. uroemer

    uroemer New Member

    Apr 19, 2013

    i have a very strange problem.

    I have amember up and runing, on a database. If i change in (config.php) the database server
    (because i will change to the operational system) I got the internal error.

    the difference in the mysql-queries is:

    (first - running one):
    1917 Query SET NAMES utf8
    1917 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
    1917 Query SELECT config FROM am_config WHERE name='default'
    1917 Query SELECT * FROM am_session WHERE id='9d9de7fe81cd652770b0533fa4254783'
    1917 Query SELECT translations FROM am_translation WHERE language = 'en'
    1917 Query SELECT IS_FREE_LOCK('am-lock-4f6f877f47e57d9b8b94cc5d5c674fae')
    1917 Query SELECT `value` FROM am_store WHERE name='cron-last-run'
    1917 Query SELECT * FROM am_admin WHERE `admin_id`='1'
    1917 Query SELECT COUNT(*) FROM am_store
    WHERE name LIKE 'signup_record-%' AND CHAR_LENGTH(blob_value)>10
    1917 Query SHOW FIELDS FROM am_user
    ORDER BY 0+sort_order, title
    1917 Query SELECT user_group_id AS ARRAY_KEY,
    parent_id, title
    FROM am_user_group
    ORDER BY parent_id, 0+sort_order
    1917 Query SELECT user_group_id AS ARRAY_KEY,
    parent_id, title
    FROM am_user_group
    ORDER BY parent_id, 0+sort_order

    1917 Query SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS u.*,concat(name_f, ' ', name_l) AS `name`,(SELECT count(p.invoice_payment_id) FROM am_invoice_payment p WHERE p.user_id = u.user_id) AS `payments_count`,IFNULL((SELECT sum(p.amount) FROM am_invoice_payment p WHERE p.user_id = u.user_id),0)-IFNULL((SELECT sum(r.amount) FROM am_invoice_refund r WHERE u.user_id=r.user_id),0) AS `payments_sum` FROM am_user u ORDER BY `login` LIMIT 0,25.......

    (second not running):

    247 Query SET NAMES utf8
    247 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
    247 Query SELECT config FROM am_config WHERE name='default'
    247 Query SELECT * FROM am_session WHERE id='9d9de7fe81cd652770b0533fa4254783'
    247 Query SELECT translations FROM am_translation WHERE language = 'en'
    247 Query SELECT IS_FREE_LOCK('am-lock-4f6f877f47e57d9b8b94cc5d5c674fae')
    247 Query SELECT `value` FROM am_store WHERE name='cron-last-run'
    247 Query SELECT * FROM am_admin WHERE `admin_id`='1'
    247 Query SELECT COUNT(*) FROM am_store
    WHERE name LIKE 'signup_record-%' AND CHAR_LENGTH(blob_value)>10
    247 Query SHOW FIELDS FROM am_user
    ORDER BY 0+sort_order, title
    247 Query SELECT user_group_id AS ARRAY_KEY,
    parent_id, title
    FROM am_user_group
    ORDER BY parent_id, 0+sort_order
    247 Query SELECT user_group_id AS ARRAY_KEY,
    parent_id, title
    FROM am_user_group
    ORDER BY parent_id, 0+sort_order

    247 Query INSERT INTO am_error_log SET `.....

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