aMembers On IIS - How To Get URL Rewriting To Work

Discussion in 'Installation' started by jwbats, Sep 11, 2012.

  1. jwbats

    jwbats New Member

    Sep 10, 2012
    I'm building a service in ASP.NET, with which I need to integrate aMember.

    I'd like to run my aMember on IIS, because that makes it easy for me to run it on a subdomain but still on the same port (default 80).

    This way, I could make use of aMember's signup and login pages.

    I've tried using Microsoft's URL Rewrite module, but I still got an error from aMember saying that URL rewriting is not supported.

    Does anybody know how to get this working?
  2. jwbats

    jwbats New Member

    Sep 10, 2012
    So far, I'm a little disappointed in the support I'm receiving. But I keep trying to get my aMember installation to work. Because of this thread, I managed to come a long way. But I am still having issues.

    I've attached a number of screenshots to make my current issue clear.

    The problem lies in getting aMember to work on IIS, which requires a correct set of URL Rewrite rules.

    I've managed to set aMember up by disabling the rewrite rules during setup, otherwise the 'setup' directory doesn't work.

    Then I enabled the rewrite rules and started using the admin section. This looks like it is working completely.

    With the imported rewrite rules enabled, I am coming across the following issues:

    Screenshot 1

    These are my enabled rewrite rules in IIS.

    Screenshot 2

    This is what the setup page looks like (not that I need it anymore after setup, but I dislike the idea of some urls not loading correctly... I want everything to work the way it's supposed to)

    Screenshot 3

    This is what the setup page looks like when going to the index.php file explicitly.

    Screenshot 4

    This is what the thank you page looks like after a member signup. This is a serious problem, because members will be signing up fairly frequently and I can't have them looking at an ugly page like that.

    Screenshot 5

    This shows the network analysis of Chrome during the 'thanks' page load. I've hovered over one of the red urls and we see it's looking for the resource on https instead of http.

    No wonder it can't find the resource. But why does it do this?

    Screenshot 6

    This shows the admin area working just fine. The member area also works well, save for the 'thanks' page ofcourse.


    I'm not sure how to solve this problem myself.

    How can I best debug aMember running on my localhost?

    How can I figure out how the 'thanks' command redirects to the right page?

    Attached Files:

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  3. jwbats

    jwbats New Member

    Sep 10, 2012
    I also need to know how to redirect to protected content (my ASP.NET application) and send along some sort of parameter to it.

    My ASP.NET app needs to know who is logged in and what his/her membership level is.

    Is this even possible? Because I don't see how to do it from the admin area.
  4. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    Regarding the https:// usage. Look at aMember CP -> Setup -> License and Root URLs
    Looks like you have entered URLs with https:// while it is actually not set. Change both URLs back to http://

    About redirect to ASP application. It is easy enough to do, but what could prepend your users to pass another parameters? It is too easy to trick. There must be some kind of signing parameters. Did you program the ASP service? Can you make changes to it.

    We do not provide official support via forum. Submit a ticket if you have any urgent questions.
  5. jwbats

    jwbats New Member

    Sep 10, 2012
    Yeah I programmed it. And I need some way of logging a user into my ASP.NET application with his/her login, via aMember.

    I did not change the root urls and they are http, not https.

    I'll create support tickets from now on, since this is what you prefer.

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