amember to a new domain, paypal ipn problems, losing lot of money, please help ASAP

Discussion in 'Payments processing' started by rajprince, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. rajprince

    rajprince New Member

    Aug 11, 2011

    I have shifted my amember to a new domain , for old recurring paypal payments, i used the following code for old amember ipn as told by support team.

    $url = ""; //adjust an URL here
    $vars = ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') ? $_POST : $_GET;
    $vars1 = array();
    foreach ($vars as $kk=>$vv){
    $v = urlencode($vv);
    $k = urlencode($kk);
    $vars1[] = "$k=$v";
    $vars1 = join('&', $vars1);
    $response = implode('', file($url . "?" . $vars1));

    Now this is not working , in the access logs , it says:

    paypal_r ERROR: IPN validation error: Paypal claims it is not-valid IPN transaction: [INVALID]

    I really need your help here ASAP..
    I am losing a lot money already due to this.


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