Admin Protection Setup

Discussion in 'Customization & add-ons' started by ccraigc, Feb 24, 2005.

  1. ccraigc

    ccraigc Guest

    My website has a moderately large administrative back-end. I'd like to protect access to these pages and be able to access amember admin pages fluidly. I've tried messing with includes in the admin/index.php file but nothing seems to work properly. Some smarty error comes up usually.

    Question: How do I incorporate amember admin protection into my own admin pages?
  2. ccraigc

    ccraigc Guest

    Even if you don't have the answer, I'd like to know whether or not this seems reasonable. It just uses PHP_Include right?... Kinda on a tight deadline and need some input. Thanks... Anyone.
  3. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    Unfortunately, there are no easy ways to do that. It is better to setup htpasswd protection for these pages, for example using our free htEdit script.
  4. ccraigc

    ccraigc Guest

    thanks for the response. i'll do that.

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