Add Fields | Suggestions

Discussion in 'Customization & add-ons' started by ryanb_wku, Jan 28, 2005.

  1. ryanb_wku

    ryanb_wku Guest


    I would like to add randomization to a couple of fields that I have added using the Add Fields tools in the new release. This is not an option as of yet. Do you plan on adding something like this soon seeing how it is already in use with the Login Name field (optional) on the Signup page.

    Also, do you forsee adding a Select File field option, allowing files/attachments/signatures to be added into a members profile? As of right now, I have them select the file they want to add, save it onto the website/file system in a secure directory and then add the URL of where the file is to the DB and then reference the file using the URL when displaying it on a members page. Very tedious.

    "Satisfied member since v.0.1"
  2. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    I don't undersatnd first question, sorry!

    We considered adding this option (file upload), but we cannot promise it soon.
  3. ryanb_wku

    ryanb_wku Guest

    First question...

    Well, I have a field that I would like a random number generated for. And I also have another field that I wuld like a random string generated for. I think this is a simple addition, but I would rather have it added controlled in the Admin Control Panel for selected products rather than add it in manually.
  4. hudge

    hudge Guest

    I would like to buy your software, but if I am unable to have a "file upload" field then your product is not right for me. So far it looks great. :D

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