2 important issues

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by hizzacked, May 14, 2014.

  1. hizzacked

    hizzacked New Member

    Apr 9, 2014
    I've created a support ticket with these issues, but I wanted to post one here in case another aMember user has experienced something similar and had any light to shed on the subjects.

    With the almost ready installation of aMember, I've been doing some last minute testing. I'll start with the first issue I'm having a hard time accepting.

    aMember will not create an active user if the user is created directly through the verotel sign up page. The user only gets put into the aMember database as "pending" and does not get charged, and soon gets refunded their payment.

    Unless the user signs up directly through the aMember signup page and gets transferred over to Verotel, their account will not be activated and confirmed.

    Is there a way to fix this error? As I do not want to use the aMember sign up page, and I want to go directly through Verotel.

    Which leads me to my second (and very important) issue.

    When a member signs up through aMember signup page and chooses his subscription option (Let's say 49.95) he is then transferred to Verotel payment page. At this point he is allowed to choose his subscription payment again, let's say he chooses 9.99 for 30 days on the Verotel payment page.

    This user is then charged for 9.99 subscription, but when they are added to aMember database, he has full access for the 49.95 membership. This is something that is VERY important to fix!

    Please tell me what I should do. I want to use Verotel sign up page, and not aMember. But it will not work properly.


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