1shoppingcart and PayPal Payments Pro

Discussion in 'Payments processing' started by vmiller, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. vmiller

    vmiller New Member

    Mar 12, 2009

    We have aMember integrated with 1shoppingcart, and we are using PayPal Payments Pro as the gateway for 1shoppingcart. The first time a user submits an order, aMember payment and member records are created, but the payment doesn't get processed. Strangely, after the user logs in through aMember and tries to pay again, it eventually works after the second or third attempt. It seems like the communication from 1shoppingcart back to aMember only works sometimes, but almost never on the first attempt.

    All settings in aMember and 1shopping cart appear to be correct ... post back password matches, product id's match, proper thank you url is being used, etc. One potential problem is that price rarely matches because of coupon codes and taxes/shipping applied through 1shoppingcart.

    Can anyone provide some insight as to what might be the problem here?

  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Try to signup as regular user and then if payment is not added again check aMember CP -> Invoice Log.
    There should be a record about IPN message received from 1SC for this payment.
    If there is no record, login into your 1SC account and try to repost it, if this time payment will be activated the problem is in 1SC notification system.
    If record exists but have an exception generated, the problem is in aMember (I need to see exception and exact message in order to tell you what is wrong)

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